PAGE TWO "You always look slick as a whistle What can I do for my tough bristle?" "The Blue Gillette will end your trouble, With speed and ease it whisks off stubble!" Grinding, honing and stropping Sky GilUlIt SJodl on gioal prtcitwa mockinm oc(uilaJb( to 1; 10,000 of on inch. IMP? av i TV. It Tough beard comes off like fuzz, because Blue Gillette Blades have the keenest, smoothest-shaving edges that have ever been produced. MONEY CAN'T BUY AN EASIER-SHAVING RAZOR MADE Letter Box EVACUATION Editor Daily News: Would some one who really j date is set. knows publish through this paper Jf there Is any truth in the rumors going around to the effect that evacuation is going to be enforced, the date being even set for April 25. These persistent ru mors keep a lot of us women un settled. If it is so. I think we should be notified. "RESTLESS." We believe that "Restless" may -be assured that no evacuation Naturally, civilian evacuation is something that the authorities must consider against an emergency arising. Editor. TOILERS CHAMPS i Mixed Howling I. r a c i e Season ; Comes to Close With Playing ; of Final Fixtures Ust 1 I'venim. Toilers won two out of three garnets with Woanja In final play of the season in the MUed Bowling League last nleht leaving them in top place in the standing for the second half as they were in the first half. Ooaseqitently, the Toilers are season's chanvpjoru without any further play-off. I Qame scores last ntgtU were as I follows: Tollers. 2: Woanja. 1. Sav-Mor, 1; Peoples Store, 2. Pushovers. 1; Rtnty Dinks, 2. Alley Cats. 3; Stone's Clothiers. default. The individual scoring was as follows: Woanjas 1 H. Woodside 14 S. Woodside 124 J. Cymbal 196 B. Peterson 149 I P. James HI S. Davis I Handicap Totals Toilers L. Croxford T. Praser .... C. Fraser ... T. Hall A. Keilett ... C. Keilett ... Handicap ... Totals ATIN- ENAMEL VARNISH A "Bapco" Product 152 151 ir IT 149 196 215 56 56 3 141 21 173 199 156 1S7 56 1140 1679 1106 152 207 210 191 146 128 215 317 139 135 194 175 44 44 211 15 151 172 169 169 44 1100 1107 1069 nipky DinHs R. DeJong 154 149 137 P. DeJong 216 223 353 M. Ma4iH 121 300 139 O. Franklin ..... 156 145 183 V. Wrathall - 173 293 119 J. Comadlna lfO 196 161 Totals 1086 1241 1067 Pushovers ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS D- Wick 27 140 199 THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY D. Nelson 220 161 H. Tully - 197 20J O. Turgftdn Armstrong . McMeekJn . Totals Sav.Mor R. LaBelle .. J. Brernnw R stef avlg P. Stegavk OLO An exceptionally durable, high-gloss enamel in brilliant colors. Use it on furniture, interior woodwork, floors or linoleum. Use it on floors, linoleum, woodwork or furniture. Hard wearing under foot. Unsurpassed for table tops, restaurant counters, sink boards, etc., not affected by hot dishes or boiling D water. SATIN FINISH VICTORIA Soft pastel shades specially selected for wall decoration. A real economy because it can bo washed repeatedly without loss of color or beauty. -- . Ask Your Satin-Glo Dealer for Color Chart as a Holp in the Selection of Smart Color Combinations British America Paint Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER CALGARY EDMONTON 121 117 144 Dominate 112 US m 183 185 113 110 160 19 172 1002 1035 1040 178 102 216 300 Oddfellows' Scotch Dance Another I'jijuyable Affair Held l.ast Friday Nlht. 1 i . 1 r 200 124 Anomer enjoyaoie rvrmm ui 134 1G8 Scottish dancing was hew in tne D. Ballinger'. . 2U2 m Oddfellows' Hall ttfl Sa,Hftf with A. Alger ....... Handicap Totals Peoples Sto Campbell 2M 13 the usual large wewd In ttH- 34 34 dance. 1219 1034 Music was supplied by the Oddfellows' Scottish Orchestra 113 173 sisting of Archie McGhee, accor- 174 dion; Harry ayeMsen, plan, and Lou Felientlial ....... 234 lit 238 Lewis Milder, drum During the Robinson 231 355 233 evening. Piper McLennan and Pipe Stone 185 193 178 Major Purdln rendered selections L. Felsenthal 131 113 90 Handicap 1M 126 126 I Totals 1149 1029 1368 ' Alley Cats B. Blind 189 162 144 , Allen 196 10Q 127 N. Asemiasen 150 302 J 08 Ion lfll 306 m i M. An4ase .... 1G0 363 3tt Handicap 34 34 34 Tak .. 869 906 887 ; S4eue defaulted, j The final league standing: Won Lost Pi n. Toilers 36 1 30! Sv-Mor 36 16 36 j Peoples Store 24 18 34 J Pushovers 39 39 3t Rlnky Dmks 2 36 32 After Oats 16 36 16 Woanjas it 27 15 Stone 14 36 14! Mrs. B. Shearman af Kit tat la is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert . for a trip to Vawouver, J. J. Payne is salting tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver on business. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS URINO REStTjTS. PHONE 98 - Glowing Colors for Walls, Floors and Furniture REGINA It ws announced that the com would be the filial one for the season. RfrMhments were served bv Lhe GOOD COOKS Innw iLi .u t "w mar ciadine B OYRI much improves soups, sfews or provincial Constable Bdwurd O. Ktdd relumed to the city on the Prince Rupee yesterday morning from a trip te Vaneeuver. Mr. Ktdd is remaining In the south for a whiia longer. rived In the city on the Prince 't sr 1 Rupert yesterday morning from Victoria .o lelteve Uut. Com- X Z,T eimlttee ooasiasing of Mr- and man0r l'xn I C Lieut. Oommander Harrison ar night. yWWra A 100 U.C. Yoffucc QUALITY CANNED FOODS RflVAL ClTY mon; than a hrnml tM a gtuiruntro of Hatlsfui tion. IN T III: M'PHT Ht; c l.i mi:u 1 Ih Ibr Un , AbJ ln 11,, .,,' ttfmUrt fp (9MW W i. Vbrtriat at of W ssrvlce The latter is sailing for I tniwbtm ini.u i. ... m ... . '"ST IBM W mm frwh. DATtO . (4 A la., 9'0yy, l,rwl. I , 1 11. rasu'iinwl Mr VALENTIN DAB: rnoM 1 'V.V.V.V.'.V.V.VAW.Vt I. IH'I.KI.rY V U1JT r .lrruet itr ii I. l-: We b. : 1 and if. farmer r I- feel other ! quair.v . ! We ..- vsoktah; slblr j MUSSALU'--: Economy Stc I "Where t ( 10. JAPANESE FISHING VESSELS The Japanese Fishing Vessels Dtspou Committee was ronstltutad by Y. C. 3tt, January 13th. 1942. lor the purpose of unpiemenUnt m etfertiv far impounded Japanese fishing vessels to new owner, who must t clUsens. of other than Japanese origin Prospective purchasers should be experienced fishermen, who propose ustiu: the fishing industry of British ColumMg. Hy sfcoujd glgftltto dirn i. anese owner of the ship they wish to buy, or ith hit regrtieajUttT. Detcrtpuve details of vaatek are aemUaohi la Vhe 9Htm of the OD9Bittr fisy examined by these Interested. When an atrrtment for tale and purtlme Has been made by the Jap-inr " the buyer, drUllt of the transaction hould le lubmlllrd to the Commlltrc u approved, the transfer of the veMrl ean be prompll) rumplttrd. if an ajretment rannol be reached belHten ttie vendor and the purchaser the t mittec will arhitrate thf dlffcreneea.. II" Till: VIlNIIOIt IMH5S NOT Af.KlE AHIJITKATH , TIIK COIMITTi:i: WILL SH I A iMtK.T AT WHICH TIIK VI SSIl Ml-IJI1 S01.l. Only outright sales, enabling transfer of title of vessel, will be approved b. In the event of a purchase involving term payments to the teller, the b.i m,ust be secured by mortgage. ruuiiTS run inspection of vissi:u uis ko.v nr. ohtaini:d: AT THE COMMITTEE OTFICM. 1628 MARINB BUILDINQ. VANC ! . ' b) IN THE CASE OP RB8IDMMT8 OP NBW WBgTMINSTFti OR V! ' APPLYINO BY LETTER, TBLRPHOMB OK TBLtXlRAPM TO THE OFFI' ' COMMITTEE. WHO WILL ARRANOE THAT PRRMITS WILL nE ISSt F". NAVAL OFFICE. PAQIFIO COAST TRRMIMAL8. NIW U'BQTMINSTER. "N ! TION OP THE PROPER CREDENTIALS AND REOISTHATION CARDS. To prospective purchasers llvine at a distance from Vancouver, the follows, suggested: When a specifically desired vessel la known, as well ft the name and addre.v r direct negotiations should be carried out m accordance with the proo 'i ' above. Where the vmscJ is known, but not the owner or his whereabout, the C''i.n will asUt in supplying the lnfprm.ftUan. TIIK PROCEDURE WILL, THEN BK LINED IN ABOVE PARAGRAPHS. Ir the case of fUhermen not having any specific vessel In uuijjd, bt dMiii one ar noro of the impounded vessels for act (ye fightog, servtoe In British 1 he should write thfc office, giving the following InfonngUon: (a) Type and tlie of vefl required. (b) The class of fishing he primarily proposes, and the prnbabln jrnrral Hmt location. (r) Atnount of cakh payment he Is prepared lo make. (d) What terms aie required lor the balance nf total purchase, prlrf- WHh this, information on hand, this office w,ill endeavour to have Japans ' ACCREDITED REPRESENTATIVES, communicate with the prospective pun : ' A, . mJQWk$Z frm0T BE ESTABLISHED. THE PURCHASER SHALL BB lf ;vT HEj'SllSuiS THEN CALL ON THE COMMITT1M OR SEND HIS ACCIvEP . WITH AUTHORITY TO PURCHA8E; AND HITHER PARTY WILL THEN BFA'kl' ASSISTANCE, FROM THE, COMMITTEE. All communlcatjoni should be addressed to the Committee. JAPANESE FISHING VESSELS DISPOSAL COMMITTEE Vancouver, B.C. SIDNEY A. SMITH. C'1""" March 30, 1042. CIRCULAR NO. 2 All changes from Circular No. l are shown In bold typf-