t PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Wanted - Raw Furs FESTIVAL J i CONCERTS J April 17 and 21 i In -r PRESnVTERIAN CIILRCH J J Admission "Tit by ProSram Proceeds to War Charities Programs on sale beginning April 10, at Ormes. 1 I AMMMMMMMMaaia....u. Clias. Dodimcad Optometrist in charge Watch. Cluck. Jcurlrv , Repairing, Hand Eusraviiic VISIT OUK IIASE.MENT STOKE for line China, Dinnerware, ki" Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. 1.11 MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Spring Handbags BREAK OUT mm .And when we speak of Purses we include all those necessary "spring musts" in a complete matching ensemble: Gloves, Millinery, Jewellery, Flowers, Hosier y, Collar and Cuff Sets. Scarves . . .yes. even down to the Handkerchief for just the right finishing touch. In Brilliant New Fabrics RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Ileilbroner's I'hone BLUE 907 'I Special Price for LADIES' and CENTS' NEW SPRING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black 787 302 Third Ave. W. Spring Filled Mattresses Beds, Slumber King Springs, Folding CoU and Converto uS Aho we have received Lion brand Luggage-SuitcasS t2' G adstone Fortnight Cases. Overnight 8Jp Pack Sacks Packboards, Dunnage Bags, Blankets, Window sSdS' a'?0? ? nr CoverlnB3. Inlaid Linoleum Sotum Rugs, Axmlnster Carpets, Mats of all sizes for I ,. hl quircments . . . ChnMS SUS Enterprise Ranges for burning coal or wood v1: ' mV T VIS,T 01,11 USEI) FURNITURE I) FIT Bantams Dining Room Suite? table "and four r&oaUor wood: 8-Plc Drawers. Heaters for burnlSS oil HeSt?r PifT Chcst ' Elio's Furniture St , THJRD AVENUE ore PHONE OKKKN 919 , HIGHEST MARKET 'RICES PAID Representing HUDSON'S HAY thmpavv Ship to J. E. OKMHKIM. Cow Bay, Prince Kuncrt. B.C.. Phe 815 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hone 37 p.o, Bx 3U ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT kZZZZZZZ 1 " a-- "-"""OOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODnoOuO . . i(unn, ouiu anu umiiorlamc TAXI SERVICE 3 r HONE 235 BAY ANU MfiHT D)XJOOC DaaOOOOOOQOQOOivrvn,. L.O.B.A. Spring Sale Is Success Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon In Metropole Hall A. very succcsafpl spring sale was held yesterday afternoon in the Metropole Hall by the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association with many ladles calling during the afternoon to lend their patronage to the affair. Mrs. L. Wide, worthy ; mistress, received the guests and ; Mrs. W. J. Richards was general convenor. In charge of the home cooklnc table Was Mrs. Barber and Mrs Caldcr. the. sewing table. Mrs. G. Howe and Mrs. Richards, and thi fishpond, Mrs. Paulson. Mrs. Evans was In charge of tho kitchen with Mrs. M. Murray. Mrs. B. Ellison and Mrs. A. Baync. ser- vlteurs. Mrs. Henry Smith Sr. was cashier. ' In the evening a bridge drive was held with eight tables in play. Winners were: ladles' first. Mrs. Paulson; second, Mrs. Doane: men's first, Mrs. Krikevsky; second, Mrs. Stepko. Mrs. Dodds was general convenor in the evening, assisted by Mrs. Klllln, Mrs. M. Murray. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. O. Krause. The drawing for the raffles took place with winners as follows: Mrs. D. Ciccone. centrepiece, ticket No. 186; Mrs. M. D. McKenzic. chicken, ticket No. 3. Indian Department's cruiser Na-skeena is on a trip to Port Simpson today with Indian Agent Jame, OUlett and J. J. Little, chairma.; of the local Civilian Protection .Committee, on board. Their mission Is in connection with AJl.P organization at the village. Tonight's train, due from th east at ll o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be one hour and twenty minutes late. J. H. BULGER Optometrist (Onnosltc ii nrrieot Furnit ure RADIOS Reconditioned, in uA shape, selling at $15.95 "" HARDWOOD CHAIRS New. special on r each y&40 CHESTEKFIELDS QGE fin 2 2 pee. pee. brand brand new. special USED CARPETS QQ (r Good Good shape. shape. blr sizes, snee 8 day good shape S8.95 MANTLE CLOCK B. C. Furniture Co. RHONE KLACK VI 1 . Third Avenue TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall lor Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL Steamers leave Prime Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday T30 p.m. Due Vandouvcr Thursday i p.m. Curdena every; frlday 10:30 pm. uue t Vancouver Monday a.rn. Queen Charlotte Mandu Leaving April 7, 21 midnight midnight. Full Information. Tickets and Reservations PRANK J. SKINNLR - Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. rhone 5C8 THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY APntT, , Juniors of St. Peter's Spring Tea and Sale Junior organizations of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove, held their first tea and sale of home cooking yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. Croxford, 1078 Eighth Avenue East The affair attracted a large number of callers and proved delightful to all in attendance The rooms wcr? attractively dc; orated with HMler flowvra and pretty Raster tr aneiierea many Easter chicken. Miss Dorothy Smith, preaWent of the Juntor Women's Auxiliary received the goesti. Those in charge were: Candy stall Miss Joan Croxford and Miss Kay Toombs. Home cooking Miss Mary Ad-cock and Miss Myrtle Bather Mlu Betty Scott. Miss Ethel Hemmons and Miss Mary Bird were scmtcuis and Mrs. D Scott acted a cashier Mrs A J Cri.xfoid and Mrs W Smith u.--Use k ' . ass a. . XTja.1 I Ulilllj' folk i ft6 WHEajg riabiKti Shrrddrd Wheat playt iti part in rtionI Fitnett program berauae it n lOQft wheat, recogniied by all food authontie 1 on ol the protective" foodt. In Nabuco Shrcddad Whml the wheat term it retained in ita entirety with all the bran and mineral in the unrtulled ttheat Senr two Nabico ShrediM Wheat. i!h milk, at breakfait or any other nr a! Mak i k you get all the protective e!cmeri f ! ;f htl in tins taity appeti tinc f zm IHI CANADIAN SMII00I0 WHIAT COM ANT ltd. Nra Ci "HARTT" SHOES FOR MEN Hartt Shoes have the quality and .style that has made them the must outstanding line in Canada. Latest styles and fittings, from narrow to wide widths in hoots and oxfords, in brown and black. Ilartl's Army, Navy and Air Force Shoes carried in stock. Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" MOTH INSURANCE This time don't feed the moths! Destroy them with one of these preparations . . . .Moth Crystals (I'aradichlorbenine) : tin Site Moth Ralls 1 lb 2.x' Red Cedar Flakes I lb. pkg. !j;,c ,arvcx S')ra' V.' $1.00 OR Store Your Garments in MOTH BAGS Dust proof, moth proof, damp proof, air liKht 60c Ormes IM. Jit Pioneer Dru.qsfsts THE REXALE S I ORE PIIONi;s 81 AND Hi Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 m. Sunday, and Holiday, frm J2 . 2 p.m am, , . p (n ll 131 LOOK AT BEERY! HE'S IN THE ARmTn Ht'e In the Tank Corps! Rolling your way with action, laughs and thrills In the Service picture of the year! Cast of thousands 1 TODAY O.NEV Warner lUiter Incrid Itennun "ADA.M HAD I'Ot'R SONS" f '!! plrtr Show? T"iiiRlit s if) 7 15 0 20 ' : f: '4. i, ) CAPITOL a iinoui i4vit fHiatat ' Z7T- l''t, 7-t7fw h t.. ' 7S HOW GOOD IS... YOUR JUDGMENT?? The plr of Camda Judjr their radi i r - : AND IS PERCENT IIAVi; ( MOM N Vutir joitd Judmirnl In cotifirmrit i n . thcMe K( . Vittor for jour home: Now I?.- S ? (u buy! TAR1.E .MODELS l.illlc NlpKr standard wiive t tube . .Matter Nlpix-r Undrd wave I ttfet . 1 he .Maoeol etandard wae S tube .Mmirl .Ml all wave, overtcaa dial, take .Model All all ware. ovenM dial, f tab .Model Ali J1 ve, overseas dial, 1 tabe CONSOLE .MODELS lube HU.ur, tube S lu I.O.I 7 tube S io.oii 9 tobo sioi-.o 15 te X-H.-,.oo 7, VICTROEA (O.NSOUJ I Ulbr Ml'" tube in W 7 tube .. . tt'A" 9 lube .i;. K II lube a i SOLD, SERVICED AND (it ARAM I I II l McJD JD &r(F (add When You Want a Reliable. ComforUhlr )fpndiH 122. PHONE 13 w m KAII.WAY 21 llcuir Srrtlre at RrcuUr Kl Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans- Pacific TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN 1AEL ANU WAV l"ll B8 "PRINCESS AUELAIDET cVcfy-Flklay. lu l'"1 TO VAMffittwi.t lu,... n - April Cth. loth. 20th, Muy'WTC june 2nd TO KETCHIKAN. WHANOKEL. JUNIJAU AND f,KA.WAV April 2nd, 12tli. 23rd. May 3rd. 14th. uaih Direct connection at Vancouver with Cniittdl.ui T Ticket ami Itrsrrvatiims from l ill. U. It. COATES, (Jeneral Ajent, I'rlnce RP'' "C