i ty T, A CI m t: , s t, iff t . y Ct . rd t 1 J Weelu. Mr. and Mr. W Scrivener. J. Ma-M Rolston. OonM M. . d W. J. WardW, M;irihall McOlnltte. "'..'.ii and Richard Ober. . Ward and Capt. Ly- Major J. O. Ry-.i. Mra. J. Curren. H rriion, Capt. T. D. : Hanson, city; Mrs. Youden, Ocean Falls; lielta Bella; W B. i t idal. Aliord Bar: J'ot Id ward; J. C. :itio; O. M. Tycho, n e Steven. Kam-: iMiruvnore. Merritt; J. HayapoH; K. R Oar- 'ner of Vancouver, ' i appointed sub-re-of the Wartime ' acit Jieard bar, ar-nty on th Prince flay morning from ( rtafeUsfc his office TIMELY HELP FOR CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES A New mi Useful Booklet HOW TO SAVE SUGAR' Containing 63 excellent, tested Recipes and suggestions how you can conserve your sugar supply. "irti'1 nr. L.leT V, -,r- trn4 il f:r:,.,:::.::; ' M w mi K ... .... J. ' 1 I I .f- .-... I, U,. . ... i V'u" '"' "'B' ' IOTEL ARRIVALS Y.H.C.A. DaM I Prince Hupcii. It's easy to see why Prem'a the number one favourite across the country! i Draws Crowd of The weekly dance at the YJH.C. 1 A. for the mm of the forces drew a large crowd of some MO or 400 service men and their ladies last night and the affair wtas, as usual, highly enjoyed by ail. Fine music was furnlsad by the Ninth Heavy Battery Orchestra and Cliff Leslie was majter of ceremonies, assist-1 ed fcf Ai mto. Dancing was in PfOre item f nan. until 11:39 pjn. Mm. Oartwtt of the Y.ALOA. and senior and junior hostesses assisted Miss Usah Basso-Bert Is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert fog a trip to Vancouver. Captain Lndwlg, who has been stationed here as officer of the Royal Canadian Army Dental " i. manager of Port 0orD tonight on the Prince Mon plant, who has "UDW ,or Vancouver the pact three or Vancouver, return -on ttM Prince Rupert mlng on hit way :int. i r dUuict forester. :.!: t a trip ".. - .a', business. S troubling p$zyl MTrrvurTnirT j J ' 1 A I Made from choice cuts, sugar-cured the famous Swift Prtmium way, Ptem gives extra flavour in every slice . . . enough reason for the whole family to go for it! Give them a chance to enjoy a meal of Prem today! FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH OR DINNER OR FOR ANY OCCASION, PREM CANY BE TOPPED NO WONDER I SELL SO MUCH! XrS, .r Billllllt " -1 msm . nun, ;j H'JB"! TBCUO Ladies: CLEARANCE SALE lit Silver oxrs. Ph. v., i, o ., .1 , I' hi, r.... t . .. .. 1 Jur lock over. Big dls- GOLDBLOOM "The Ol, Reliable" AMALGAMATED RUILDING WORKKUS OF, CANADA Prince Rupert, it.C. RlinilOI'OLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday in the month at 2 p.m. Unit No. 1 : Shipwrights, Joiners, Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 3: Painters, Paper-hangers and Decorators. Secretary: l'hoife Mue 113, P.O. Box 1415 JhhcuhcetnehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday, Commer cial Hotel Oathedrsl Batter Sale, April 9. Untied April 16. Church Spring Sale. Bastem star Dance, April 17. s final Oddfellow Scot tish invitation danee. April 18. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April St. Peter's Spring Sslo, April 23 RebeWh Invitation Danoe, April J4. I.U.U.K. HSU. Daee, Sfil Oave HaU. May l. W. A. Can. Mav 6. Legion Spring Sale Red Cross Tea. June 3. TAKE IT FROM ME.' PREM'S THE FINEST FLAVOUR OF THEM ALL.' MY FAMILY'S CRAZY ABOUT IT Ym. rvcrv erocrr knows that rorfnl hnmewive need never be caueht unprepared when casy-to-serve Prem is kept on hand! Try Prem hot, fried with eggs . . - broiled . . . baked! And what a treat it is cold! Sandwiches, salads or cold-plates . . , Prem's the ticket! Keep plenty of Prem on hand all the ume. owiu Canadian Co., Limited. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Rome" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water 1'rlnce Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O, Roj? 190 Ynt; uaily Mgvo LOCAL NEWS NOTES Sergeant C B. MacFarland. who hus been army recruiting sergeant In Prine Rupert for tfto and' a! half year, u sailing1 tonight on the Prince Rupert (or Gordon Head near Victoria where he will take up officers' training. A TIIE CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT The role of co-operative enterprise and co-operative principles in tomorrow's social order will b ducuated thU wooing at a meeting sponsored by the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative As.vciatlan. Ouest speaker will be A. J. Wlrick. of the University Fx tension Department and motion pictures from the film libraries of the University and the National Film Board will also be shown at the meeting. These Dlctures in- 'dude a new and highly dramatic portrayal of the pxograss of cooperation In the United States, a study of. the "People of Canada" and othsrs of an entertaining na na . T-t ilure The Co-operative invites all VI PT1 111 Hnrra e ! fishermen and all those interested to attend the meeting tonight in jthe Oddfellows' Hall at 8 o'clock Have you paid your grocery bill 1 yet? Tomorrow U the final date! when all bills mut 1 pa'd In full. Do your Part. U PRINCE RUPERT GROCERS A Meeting will be held Monday, April 13 at 8 p.m. in the City Hall of the St. John Ambulance Association for the election of officers and the transaction of any other business that may come be fore the metlng. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dybhavn, who were married in the city a couple of months ago and have since been In Vancouver, returned home at the first of the week to resume residence here. They arc at present staying with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs An ton Dybhavn, Sixth Avenue Easi The bride was forme : y M s- Rachel Brothen. CUSSIflii FOR SALE FOR SALE Pleasure craft with dinghy, reasonable for oash. Phone Oreen 402. 87' FOR SALE Cabinet grand piano good condition. Phone Black 701 in evenings. 84 FOR SALE Large stock of doors. windows. Mirrors in all sizes. Kitchen Chairs, Ohasterftelds. Cabin Staves. Phone Block 331. WANTED WANTED Truck driver. Apply Edward Lipsett Ltd. 85 GOVERNMENT official desires su-: perlor accommodation with breakfast and dinner. Apply Box 247. Daily News. 84 WANTED One man for night work, immediately. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Fish Oil Plant. 83 WANTED Girl or Vad IfT ifcht housekeeping fooMthwe Apply Box 24S. Dally News. YOUNO Woman wants work; experienced In store and cafe. Apply Box 244, Daily News. WANTED Housekeeping rooms or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Blue 419. 83 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Phone Red 514 after 7 pan. tf WANTED Young man for day work, apply Chris Mill Bakery. (tf) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Man or woman. Apply Central Hotel. (88) HELP WANTED Labourers and mill workers wanted at Ocean Falls. Apply Room 21, Prince Rupert Hotel. (83 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT to single men. Apply Box 246. Dally News. (881 FOUND FOUND Pair of glasses In brown leather ease; also comb. Owner may have same by calling at iDally News and paitnp: for this advertisement. in Tin; sitkemi: rnruTor hkitkii roUMiuv in mon ATE In thi Malirr of tlie 'AdmlnKtratlon Art-Anil In the Malirr of ths Hstate of Mna (Mrk It.) (iurvlrh IKmsnl In-trtatr. TAKE NOTICE that by ordr of Ilia Honor W. E. Flahrr. mtSr on Vtve 31st day of Man. A. D. 1942. I was appointed Atbnlnlstiwbor of the ratat of Nina (Nick Jr.) Ourvloh, clcwsod. and all portlfa having cMma aoalnat the Kvld niMte are hernby required to fur-njah mitmn prctxcly verlMed: to tw on or bnforo Uu 30tti day of April. A. D. 1942. and all fwrtfc Indeed to the rat&t ar required to pay the amount ot their bKtortrcbK-M to me forthwith. DATED a Prince Rupert, B. C , thla lat day of AprU. A D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT OfnohU Acknlnlittntor PrtiK Rupert, n. C. IN TDK Sfl'HK.MK rotltT OF ItKITISII , roi.t'.MIIM IN ritOIIATF. in inr .i:uirr oi inr ".iiminiMraiion Art" And In the MJltrr of tlm'IMate of William ("lmrlr ll;i ner. liHCril. i TAKE NOTICE that toy'brder Of 1IU Honor JxuXste Fliher dated the 18th day of March 1942 I was appointed Administrator of the Estmte of the late William Charles Hayner. formerly of Prince Runort British ColumWa, who died on or about the 4 tin day of Nov,- rtttTjer A. D. 1941. All persons having claims agalnat the aald Estate are re-quired to forward them to me on or before April 30U 1942 properly verified and all prraona Indobted to the aald estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to nv tartHiwlth. DATED at Prince Rupert. B, C. tJi s lath day of March A D. 1942. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrate. Prince Rupert, ,.c, Thrift Cash and Carry rilO.NE 179 Butter First Grade : lbs. Eggs Fresh Grade "A" per doz Coffee MONEY SAVING" SPECIALS IN QUALITY $1.17 M B. Date Stamped fresh, delicious; per lb. Dill Pickles Polly Prim 28 oz. jar Ketchup M B. 12 oz. bottle Lima Beans Aylmer. 16 oz. tins; per tin 36c always 44c 25c 17c 15c Kidney Beans Famous Foods baked 15 oz.. 2 tins 19c SHHnnHnflHnmmnmmmH Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. "at our shop, with MiTCnarlle W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many 'years' experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. We also carry DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone C.lj) Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. 1 For Spring Cleaning I J Needs 1 J go to the J VARIETY STORE MEN'S SUITS Ladies' and Gents' SOOIK") Spring Suits "u and up M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 .. .... : THE SEAL QF . S QUALITY G SSz, 0 sm L ? d mM s E : A : L Sockcyc Salmon Fancy Red Hcrrinp; in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon, Bloater J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phono 610 Advert!" In the Dally News. GROCERIES GINGER SNApS Fresh and crisp; 2 lbs GRAHAM WAFERS Red Arrow, l's. pkg. GLAMOUR MIXED CANDY per lb. SCOTCH MINTS per lb. CORN FLAKES sugar crisp, 3 pkgs. PEAS Old English marrow fat, 2 tins 25c 22c 19c 29c 25c 19c ASPARAGUS TIPS flAn M.B.. fancy 10 oz. UC SHOE STRING POTATOES Watson's; per tin CORN STARCH Canada, pkg MI LADY TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls ... HAND-E-WRAP WAX PAPER 100 ft. Roll BLEACH Dynamite 2 bottles 12c 12c CUT GREEN BEANS M. B. Choice, 16 oz. per tin CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 tins lie 19c 22c 19c 15c Peaches Lynn Valley 16 oz., 2 tins Apricots Garden 16 oz., 2 tins THIRD AVENUE Red Plums Ensign, Choice 16 oz. tins, 2 tins Loganberry Juice Delicious 16 oz. tin; - tins Jam Lealand, all flavors 12 oz. Jar Dates Unpitted, Fresh stock, 2 lbs. Delivery for West Side Closes at 10 a.m. Delivery For East Side Closes at 3 p.m. MAKE LP YOUR ORDER AND GIVE US A RING l! ( i 29c 29c 21c 35c 25c 29c PUDDING POWDERS Harry Home's, delicious flavors, pkg 9 VARDEN SINGERS' SACRED CONCERT Speakers C0L.'FREP W. ADAMS, United States Army COMMANDER A. H. REED, Canadian Navy Pianist: Miss Frances Moore In the interest of Norwegian sailors in service of the Allies St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Thurs., April 9, 8 p. nx A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY SEE OUR FLOOR COVERING STOCK Linoleum with burlap back, Inlaid Linoleum with burlap back, Congoleum felt base, Linoleum Rugs and Congoleum Rugs, all sizes. Passage Linoleum. PHONE 77 5 327 THIRD AVE. OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND . . . GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve gasoline. We are also advLsed that we shall not be able to jepjace. tlrejjtor, our trucks. In order to maintain our policy of prompt service we ask you to place alrcbaf orders at least ONE DAY BEFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. By doing this you will enable us to route our deliveries in the most economical manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 f Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver: Thursday, 11:15 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday. 11:15 pfn., calling at Ocean Falls only. Prince Rupert to Ketchikan Wednesday, 11 p.m.; Friday, 3 p.m. To Stewart Friday, 3 pm Trains Leave Prince Rupert For the East: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIO, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Llnea