raai two THX DAILY KEWfl ACTIVITIES SAVOY ON ! OF Y.M.C.A. TOP YET Hi;., v.. cn:rnt a not publlshea or displayed by the Liquor C- -i Board or by the Government of British Co'.un.bu THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion - -23 Classified Advertisement!, per word, per insertion - - .9 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ti!:ii'i:i::ii;i Wednesday, October 28, 1942 EDITORIAL We Asked Them To Do It . . . "Our boys offer to give their lives. We are only ask ed to loan our money. That is an except from a Victory Loan speech. It was uttered during the Second and the First Victory Loari campaigns. It will likely be repeated in the Loan period next year. How many of us understand that those boys offer their lives because we ask them to do that! Each one of us has had a share in the decision to fight the Germans, and to send our young men over to do the job. The men at Dieppe knew it They steeled themselves to jump out of boats into the bullet-swept beaches be cause thev felt we exnected them to do their best for Canada. ( Wall of us back here in Canada fully realized thafe fact, how we would hasten to increase our purchases of Victory Loan Bonds! If our armed forces lose the fight, we at home have lost it, too. Strengthen our armies on land, on sea, in air, with every dollar you can spare. This is the job of those at home. Dominion's Choke: fvtel Save... on clean shaves with ujy Minora Blades. Canada's fAr -favourite economy blade l JJy J. M. S. Loubser D.O. B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 641 A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 50 STRONG STURDY CARD TABLES, assorted models and colors. Cash price from $2.ur - Jjt:i.7." - Sj5l.tM 327 3rd Avenue. BUY THIItl) VICTORY LOAN BONDS Phone 775 THE PACIFIC CAFE Third Avenue and Slith Street Wishes to Announce that It will be OPEN FOR BUSINESS . . . . t i . . mm rmmnpnltr mwsnnwr H alter DCing Ciosea iur rcnuTanun, un luunouni, uviuiiui i, at 4 p.m. with a first class Chinese Cook. Specialty Chinese Dishes The Management Invites the Public to try their Special CHOP SUEY. ! AND Y.W.C.A. By nnnoTiiv oarbittt. Hte I think tonteht for want of Un T jrn inn starting out berla. ttlIMSIImMM IG 10 !L ID I 5 Mirjraiiaitwci riM ti r.BTi n rati riu ran rut i m i b b I m n D ft H . m Si u si s E A L P.O. THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spread" Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater NOTICE! The Wartime Prices and Trade Board has issued an order prohibiting the giving away of English Dinnerware as premiums. We regret to announce that after Nov. 1st this order will become effective. Please do not misinterpret the above order ... it applies only to dinnerware . . . no other items on the premium list are affected. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Box 575 Phones 18-19 Retain Leadership hi Five Pin Bowline Lea rue Savoy Swingers de.eated Dlj Sisters two games to one Ut tt' ladies' Bowling League last nljnl; and retained flrt place In the hotter topic I should tell you about standing. ' farl's room. Carl, as vou know, is Annettes and Amateu s took Carleton St. Claire Clay Ufa th tnree e"mf1 frn;n Knox H truth i and he is hut supervisor. wnne we meicy That means that he has to spend ainjera and Kn- so much time In the Hut that he J ONtoa, ni tera. has thought It worth while to fix himself ud a little nest as it were. The homing instinct is strongly developed In our Carl. Well, he cleared out a store room or rather he started to clear out a store room but his ambition waned and ana uiu-oiraj two to one. : 'id imtMmtmxuxummtmmtMimmxutMtmtMtBiMtm m a i i a t b i b a lb t a ri ra i a i a ra i a tm tu in m Annettes 6eJIg Erickson he Just cleared out enough to put n uen . i l i ova in. men. wiin inucn iiam-mering and mvsterkms banging' during which time none of us were allowed as much as a peek in. he made himself a modernistic dresser, perfectly elegant built-in bed ends and a honey of a cup- - T4al 64 811 tM Dickens I Handicap f Itnot Eyford ZelUko iBalaihl cf a cupboard once I have made ... the curtains fo- it. Carl likes the material sn well that he thinks a couch cover of the same would be natty. It's a refined beige with a suggestion of a brown stripe, neat but not gaudy sort of thing. And, bv the look in Carl's eye. the sort of you're the best seamstress I kno-rf and you have such big blue eyes, I just know he's going to ask me to make that cover. Hell ask me and 111 do it. I'm that way. That noise you heard yesterday waant the sound of airplanes as you might have thought. It was Just a contingent of poor weary storks trying to take off from the vicinity ot the Prince Rupert General Hospital. You remember the list ot newcomers I gave you a few days ago. Well here are two more to add: born to Private and Hotel life under a thriving name or Vll-'iL ValPv 1im Peter and tn L.Cnl. and MrS.I Handicap Brock a son, Allan. Both father's are of the Signal Corps and both babies were born on Sunday. Oc tober 28. Congratulations every body. LONG DISTANCE JITTERS Scientific Instruments have reg istered a dynamite explosion 2,06 miles away. Bud ee)l at Annettes had high Jingle game for the evening al 311. a high average of 332. Brasell .Handicap SqUIIUtlX CAMEL'S IIAIK Mclntjre McCrank Koester Moore Handicap TotaH Hangers . Peterson ' MacKeo-n Rldo --. Balllnger Variety Sto 1 313 129 203 180 162 12 Totals J9 1 101 95 151 68 165 179 I TotaU 159 Savoy Singer I Reaugh 249 Kellett 194 Weach HI Basao-Bert . 118 LaBelle . 182 Handicap . 7 Totals , .. 891 Bit Sister 1 B. Oomez 160 J. Dickens 113 E. Rothwell 151 M. Dickens 155 V. Alexander 140 Handicap 119 TotaU 831 Optimist 1 D. Eastment 80 J. Burgon 156 B. Borland ,.. 71 L. Mahood . 138 Totals Lticky Strikes Mrnzies Bmith Narren 99 89 633 1 248 114 180 tfelwh 142 Rushworth 124 Handicap 52 TotaU .i 860 Amateur ' 1 G9I I 69 124 103 163 142 683 1 254 111 177 235 Rolhelseh Low Score . 135 Handicap 73 Totals 983 Bluebird 1 i pierce 168 I Boulter 169 I Marks : ' ' ;250 McDonald 135 Keron 197 Handicap 54 Totals 1063 The leagueu standing: 2 170 150 223 161 174 12 894 2 116 142 100 158 133 179 847 2 223 141 163 163 154 7 853 2 103 126 154 44 106 119 632 2 181 128 181 185 178 89 942 2 136 143 134 130 179 52 774 2 164 165 176 798 2 60 94 87 130 142 624 2 181 142 159 213 126 73 891 2 158 142 186 127 177 54 841 3 312 138 164 164 143 12 923 3 115 124 132 164 138 179 83! 3 I 293 176 134 142 138, 7' 800 3 I 124 195 66, 201 148 1191 161 159! 176 8C8 3 90 107 152 123 142 758 3 144 113 161 173 146 73 817 3 164 146 149 127 122 54 7C2 W. LPts. Savoy Swinger 15 3 15 Bluebirds 13 5 13 Lucky 8trlkes 12 6 12 Optimists ... 11 7 11 Annettes . . 11 7 11 Rangers 9 7 9 Knox Hotel 6 12 6 Big Sisters 5 13 5 Amateurs 5 13 5 Nursing Sisters 3 15 3 'BtrKTBZBX"! si . ' I u p Of or count count i Shop at The it's so handy) THE Variety Store S Where BriBiH your dimes fata dollars are little 5 'iiaiBn;i,BUBUata How soon can Wattnn Pavtea an Navigator Itoyal Canadian Air Torre SMITHER8. Oct 28 Fred Wat-m of fnlthers has b-rn sucreas-In oaring hU examinations at Edmonton as a navigator in the Royal Canadian Air Voter Out of e'ass of tlO only fourteen ware successful as navigators who have to have much htaher marks than ilo s iL 2 87,' 'Conditions For "Camel's hair." used in makinjtA. McAteekln 133 127 brushes, comes from a specie ot i Wick 90 squirrel. M. McMeekln 148 l Handicap 176 luidii t.iiiA iiuus TotaU The beat hog bridles for paint Nurln Slter brushes come from China and SI-! rjattrarn Bulkley Valley Farming Great .MTTHFR8. Oct 28 Weather n the Bulkier Valley still remains -lid and my Indian summer like, Several days recently have been 'oat as warm as regular sum-rr weather and while there la some snow on the mountain tops. "'r has been none fall in the valley as yet and the farmers are letting along with their late sea-ton work. j AH other outside work a well (is being carried on under very favorable rlrmmMarrrs f-.r this 1 'ime nf the yrnr SKItVICKS TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North. Queen Charlotte Inlands. Full Information, Tickets and KeitrvalluiM FRANK J. SKINNKK Prince Rupert Aneiit Third Ave. Phone 368 WEDNESDAY, QCToftn, National t. M WE end this Wat This is the neopfe'a war ... it mmr war. Hath and everyone of us munt eontrtonteiRK utaaoat to help speed the iky of Victory I ' If we fail in our duty to bod to the limit, we baip make tM war last longer. Let us resolve to back the new Victory lmn to the utmwt of oar ability. We, on the home front, most strain every libra that our fifthting men may have overwhelming Mpkmyin anna ami equipment to crush our still powerful isoiiara we lend NOW will make this pwaaible suofmr. Bay Wory Bonds SPACE DONATED BY FRY-CADBURY LTD., MONTREAL ";Smithers Boy Is Successful 136 130 114 114 89 389 3 I 183 121 106 176 151 62 789 1 3 Fred In MESSENGER SERVICE Call it . . We Haul It . . Wc never cloe TKO.MIT SERVICE PHONE RED 392 . . I BARGAINS IN FURS Have large slock which must be moved before N w V: l. your chance to get a big bargain. tB DISCOUNT TOR CASH Yftur Credit it Good W. G0LDBL00M The 0!J Itfliill Vji!itir(if(iiintig?iiiittjgii;iii2iii:iii i "GiONELLI" SHOES Ry Gagnon Lnchapelle Juttk Arrived in Swedes, Crushed Kiii anil Ju !o Culfs. Outstanding StylM in High and Cuban Heels. Priced from' $5.85 to $6.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Boi 3 It FRASER STREET PKINCK UDPKItT 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROr-"A B' Home Aw.y Frm NJHooms Hot Cold P,lnce KPt , If you losn nnythlnR, ndvertise forjt I