PAoe POUR m B s m p p P First and Foremost must come War Effort Raw materials, used in tie manufacturing of good Underwear, such as wool, cotton, etc., are becoming increasingly scarce; and don t forget, our Canadian men who are in uniform must be provided for. STANFIELD'S are trying to provide all the Underwear they can for civilian needs, but we ask Canadians to remember that ever since the War began, STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR is a War necessity and first consideration is given to War requirements. If you are really out of Underwear, buy as little as you can, and that the quality is there. If you have a supply of Underwear, look after it so that it will give you longer service. Wrff for faUtr "Haw To Mai. lour UrxUrwtar lad lexgv." tti STANFIEID'S UMJTEO TRURO, U.S. Buy Victory Bonds ?3 V 41" -A I a. spk m urn y'J A 1 IVU i IE ill I i lata mm GC1DES FOR SKIERS A smuli commercial shipment of Ma .Jeer r ;., 2hway .j.s ji ha., been produced in Callfor- guide .-.k u, I-...3W trails a. ra s-r a ".e war tut off Malayan the Ca..: . .- supplier. mm, s Brighten Your Outlook with FLOWERING SHRUBS At planting time, the season of new hope, flowering trees and shrubs add much to our happiness. But did you know a wids variety of shrubs may be chosen to give a succession of bloom beginning with tha earliest days of Spring, followed by bright cheerful berries which last well into the Winter? Brighten your outlook the year 'round with a wide choice of flowering and berry bearing shrubs. Plant this fall for the best results next spring. Free darden Book . A Complete Line of Nursery Stock EDDIE'S NURSERIES SAUDIS, B.C. Member American Association of Nurserymen A stamp's a bullet, a bond's a gun, Buy them both till the war is won. H. S. WALLACE LTD. it'isii:BfBtBiiiriiitiii,i n KWONO 8ANO IIINO HOP KEK Chop Suey House Next to King Tal 012 7th AVE. WEST a m i u ai 5 Open 5 p.m. t 2 a.m. Outside i fi Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. All your patronage welcome Phone lied 217 y B'mtBXBlBXBSBfWKBIBiCBUfllBxJ '.V SAVE BRITISH ONIONS IPSWICH. Eng., Oct 28 W A Canadian seaman, hearing about thieves, wrote to the mayor of this Suffolk town offering to get some bear and wolf traps from Canada! whlrh wniilrt ".mnh n tVilpf'o 1r! or ankle to pulp should he venture In the onion patch." H.S.C. FOR I'ADHi: LONDON. Oct. 23 rj,John Palmer, who volunteered as a naval parson after his church, St. Kath arine's Rotherhltlie, was bombed, has been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for bravery aboard British warships. He's known as "The Tough Ouy Parson." LOCAL NEWS NOTES James Stuart left yesterday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. A WW Pay Cash For Furniture, Stores, Tools, Musical Instrument, Vrlte or Phone Elk) Furniture Store, Prince Rupert. (tf) Passengers leaving for Vancouver included L. IL Chapmen, J. Meson, It Totgworl, It. fclayne. .flrs. R. F. Morris, A. King, Mrs. M. O. Price. J. Citibanks. T. Wat-kins. 0. N. Olson. Brady At. Boren, 3. it. itenley, E. Shore. George Bolt, a. 0. Rollndsoil, N. L. HunUy. IL Oarrett, A. Lukas and Mr. and Mrs. W. Weeks. A The Clly Hall will be fapen evenings of next week, between the hoUrs of 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Oct 31st, from 3 to 4 pjn., for the j purpose bf tiling declaration for ill. n luKta tub hjic a i. you are oh the voters' list today. Ratepayers and Poll Tax payers resident since Jan. 1, 1942 are eligible to vote. Prince Rupert Trades tt Labor Council. (290) Members of the Prince Rupert . uyro uiuo ana guests enjoyed a I meal of luscious moose meat at the regular weekly luncheon of the I club today and Dr. R. O. Large told how the meat was obtained on a recent big game hunting trip to (the Ootsa Lake country. Dr. Large also showing interesting and colorful pictures of the expedition. President George L. Rorie was In 'the chair. Most Rev. W. R. Adams, D2.. Archbishop of Kooteney; Rev. Sel-wyn Willis 6f Fort St John, and Rev. Norman Green of Klncolith were recent visitors in the city, t They had come here enroute to Synod of Caledonia Diocese sessions at Smlthers but were unable to reach there on account of a tie-up on the railway. Archbishop Adams and Mr. Willis , were guests while here of Bishop i and Mrs. Rlx at Bishop's Lodge while Mr. Green was the guest of Canon W. F. Rushbrook. ! FOR SALE room hotel and store doing good business. Own electric lights most of the year, water powpr,! gas wash machine, like new; man-1 ele: 50-ft lots facing water.1 Tatlow ance mommy payments, ippiy Office, 307 3rd Avenue. (251) FOR SALE Bedroom suite, box springs, Beautyrest mattress; 9x 10A Axmlnster carpot. cocktail table, end table, card table, smoking stand, bed and mattress, oc casional chairs. 3 pjn. until 9 pjn. ROTARY hmi-heon, Commodore Cafe tomorrow. 1 Jm Speaker Capt. A. Am. UB. Army chaplain. Sea Cadets are canvassing house to houae this week on behalf of the Young Men's Christian Association auxiliary war service to obtain anything readable for men of the services. Qeorse Wesley Wright, provincial fownment clerk at Bdmon-ton and aun or Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weight of Prince Rupert ha enlisted as an alrcraftstnan No. 2 for air crew in the Royal Canadian Air Force. He already has a brother serving overseas in the Royal Canadian Air Force. ' A Any person in Prince Rupert with relatives in forces overseas please turn in names, numbers and units to secretary so they can be sent cigarettes at Christmas. Name must be in this week-Canadian Legton. (360) 'British si:i.f-sf.kvf.s ROMFORD. Eng.. Oct. 26 9 "Help yourself" grocery stores, equivalent to Canadian groceterias, have been introduced In this Essex town to relieve com gestion. TIRE EASILY? Tale Gin r;!-he "re icl bt mony back" kidney remedy to blp remove tbeexctuar: U'!at nuylt thtov of that lazy, lef fee" lag. Money back if not latisfic " RuUr tin, is eini loth. Buite 1, Leeds Apartment. i252 ' WANTED FOR SALE Household furnishings Suite I Leeds Apartment. 250) FOR SALE Two dressers, kitchen table and chair, buffet. Phone Green 491. FOR SALE Small 'dining rooml OCT "JET" HOT STOVE POLISH Cleans, polishes, "cooking-hot" steel stoves. Won't blackeh. Stores sell "Jet." THE World's Greatest Show Am erican five fingered ttlcks, tap dan:lng and orchestra after the performance ' to play for dance I require two tap dancers for my company. Anyone interested In quire Unemployment Insuranc i Commission AM 11. (252) K00M AND HOARD ROOM and Board for marl shaN Ing. 718 Fraser Slreet. , (195) ,. - . . ' ROOM AND BOARD for 2 sharing. Phone Green 034. boys (252) L'I tin, m em tk I x "Uao IW) Ma Classified Ads. WANTED FOR SALE, to settle Estate 15- WANTED TO RENT 3 to 6 room house between now and January 1. permanent established resident, lease for year or more. $10 Reward. Box 380 Dally News. 365 Indefeasible title. Cottage rent- ed to steady tenants. Particulars KOOM or suite desired by respect-E. McKenzie, Queen Cluulotte.' 'eet and wife, no chll- Bc (250) i dren: references. Apply Box 32 Daily News M1 FOR SALE One complete set or Book of Knowledge, good condi tion, $20; one early English dining room suite, one bedstead. rnone ureen Jaa evenings. 19111 FOR SALE House. 625 WANTED - House or apartment, furnished, for Christmas season. Generous rent offered. Phone American Signal 27, King 1. day-time. (2511 Street, $1,500; $000 down, Ml-1 WANTED 2 or 3 rooms for one mnnth. famUir eomtnr from Eost.l (252) WANTED Large room or tw small rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Apply Box 385 Dally News. 234 Chambermaid for hotel. Apply Unemployment In suranee Commission AF 16. 251) WANTED Brrtall apartment be furnished rbotti tor business couple. Apply Box 381 Dally News. 254t suite, six ciiairs, moiv unu UUJ i WANTED Por Atmy Day Room- fet; baby crib, kitchen cabinet Phone Black 454. 020 Sixth Ave. .E. (250) LOST LOST Lady's white gold wrist-watch. Finder please return to Dally News. (250 PERSONAL piano, combination radio fthc Vlctrola. Reasonable. Call American flignal 28, Ring 1. Ask for Corporal Rcttly. '254) WANTED Refined woman wno would exchange light household services for room and board in pleasant home. Apply Box 379 Dally New! )250) WANTED Light housekeeping room for two gentlemen. Occupy Nov. 1. Box 378 Dally News. (250) WANTED Experienced woman for general housework, small family, good wages, room and board. Phone Red 879 (25dJ WANTED to renUBultc, furnished or unfurnished by quiet tellable business couple. Apply or Phohe Nelson's Barber 8hop. (250) WANTED-Stcnographer for Commercial firm. Apply AF 14 Unemployment insurance Commission. .. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for small rooming house. Phone 741. rfhHcthcetneHiA All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a wont I.O.O.F. No. 03 every Tuesday, 8 1 pin Oddfellows 1U1L Sojourning! members Invited. Help Norway Invitation, Dance Oddfellows' Hall, October 30. I Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. S. Nurses Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall November 0. Presbyterian Dasaar Nor. 10. St. Teter's Fall Jlasaar, Nov. 12. Eastern Star Dance, Nov. 20. Lutheran Circles Baaaar Nov. 31, Oddfellows Hall. AUSTRALIA AN!) T.ll. ADELAIDE, Oct. 36 I' ftosHh Australia is pioneering X-ray tsts of school children to detect taber-culoafc. Thirty thousand ehttsVrtn will tike the tests. Liter a mobile treatment unit will tour the coan-try districts. A 1)0 IT TANK COUPS LONDON. Oct. 28 0 Patatt at a school in Surrey have adopted a Russian tank corps and sent it parcels of helmets, scarves, socks and gloves they knitted I rrtiov HUT. Tlmtwf lf XM4NI I Thr til bx oCTmd tor m Bt Pit-i.r Auction, at noon on ttto SSnd Dnr-IT. in tfc otrto of Ulr , Dianot IWtf. Marin Butkttnt;. I Vkncoufw. BjC. liw Lxtxm XSMS4. t . rut 9.1SS.OQO tbm at ruc. ovtSv mrin fwnlce on thiw mm aotrin (Mrt of !TmiT Ucenora 1IS01P ml 1 ltoap uut inirvfid Crown tmnA Muauvt tn v north tttd ot Bumaby btand. Qum L hwioeu. Ulinrti Lnd Dtetrtct T9a l3 ytmn IU b aiiovrd bx f-movat or UsoSmt Pimsawl anyon utaabl to aMMMl ' uotion la (mna magr aukroSi tail- mv to b rvnd a tn taax at auc-(ton and traaSad m on Md." I furUwr faaiKeUlara ma b, oHUloai jfrian ttt Chiaf ItoraaSar. Vtcor. 1C. or tor DUtnot Pbnartcn. Frinoa or VanDouvar. BC. Scalar Maatta frUl t i HfftfA Bf SW Minaatar of land ai Victoria. BC . mm attar than noon on tht Mi daf of Nov- IMt for Ua puruhaai of Ur- X1S4SS. d rut s mono rt or fapTMrw. CMar and (tanloek on an ar- lrng aat or tn ZymuMm Htrrr Brtdic on tha Uak Hturnrvr. Rarajr i. Ojaat Olatrtat ftrr 1 3 1 yean will hp alloaed for removal at umbar. rurthar paitimuara of the Chtaf Vnr-raaav. Vaotorta, BC. or Dtau-fct ftar-raUr. PrUvc Rufavn. BC. l.tMi (IT I Nalkr of Intrtttten tn ,ffif la ' rurrhav tMtut I In Rana S. Ooaat aUtct. lirltinti CktanfMa. tnd PMoordrnc Darv-t ..r Prtrt rlUrrt and attaaMc at Bant Ki-um. IHUUk OotumMa. adjouurat Du- trM t. mn. Ttr ntt Chat Ttw RKrrtm. Orient TUntxT Carnaanr. IJnMtexl nf Rat K -nltaa. BrlUah OUiMtbM. tmljaatum TkraVr Oonapanr. intta a ajir f'r l Iiiiam t. miMmm ' lu. 1iMiiWtu dVwrttjrii band: Onnmcnovtaic a t planted at ttir situation desoerate. Apply 383 ! 7. "IL????J'!2L Daily News. Rata s. oaai rwtrW th aotan ohjatn. taVre Went. SO ohkliui thMvr KMath. 40 clMltm; tltcT OMt 10 riiattM inrf or mm. th Krmhrrir BtAinnary of th Oanadlan NaAteaial IWallwaf rMSM-oT-wua;: Ukw fodowlne Vw aalrj Nor-laVrlr tVMMtarr of the Ctunvutn N-taonal Ralla-ay rajtrtt-of-wy a dwatw of 30 analrta, mor or Im. to the Wtit of mmmnnr.. ami runt nana; 100 rrt. mora? or laaa. HIE SKRB.1A OhiKfT TIMBER COMPANY. liMlTKtJ Onrr UMt. Aftft tXaW RiibT 7tii. Mi WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN U will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Qoods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE IILACK 324 Third Avenue E3 Thh war h yet to be won. We could loHfc Tha Urns hat come to light with evcryt! have . . . with our hearts and tnhjs , , . our Vforklng energy , . . with our DOLLARS. Wa MUST buy Victory Bonds. We must dipinb cur savings to buy them pledge our future ean-j to buy them paro down oer living staniirj to buy them. Wo are fighting for our L."x THE ROYAL BANK Or CANADA VICTORY BONDS Pioneer Canadian Dry Cleanei We whh to draw your attention to the fa t t':t it IMCK LM AM) DKLIVKR your wearing apparel for drycteanlng and prr AS HKKOItK We hate been fortunate In sddlnr more eiperlrntfJ tjemel t. ... ah . .La . AND ARK STILL MAINTAINING 3 DAY SERVICE O.N ALL MtYCLi: AMXfi Phone 118 or 8 XMAS CARDS In Boxed Assortments OUll SPFjCIAL 31-card sssortment 12 -card assortment Winter Scenes, box 12 cards "r Winter Wonderland, box 11 etfHt- The "Smart." box 10 cards The "Attractive" box 16 card The Etching Assortment, 10 isrlfc, Hand Colored Btelanc AssoUwrnt, 12 card Hie "Eds)ar Quest," box 12 cards The Snow Scenes, box 14 cards The Canadian Scenes, box 12 cards Amas Cards in Bulk Colorful Folder Type Cards wltli Envrl ment your own choice, 40 for $1.00 anor iiahly lit Ck Sk II. al tl oooooaoooaooooooooooooDOoaooooooooaoow ,,.ir Fot- Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAM PHONE 235 5 DAY AND NK1HT Suoooasoofiflooaoaanonoononnnnnnnnnnoooo""