PAGE SIX L I R Expert OPTICAL SERVICE HP I RAILWAY I UNTS Featuring . . . BUY . Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Chares Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enrravlnf VISIT OUR BASbMLNT STORE for Fine China, Dlnnerwarc, Classes, iUreage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 2 Introducing ,W.V.WAV.WiWAW ! ADAM HATS ARE PLEASED TO i ANNOUNCE THEIR NEWEST HAT ADAMROYAL 55.00 Hi" III'-,! SOLD IN riUXCE RUPERT ONLY AT the NEW VICTORY Yovm tor i"Or1 diltiflCtiM . . . left, luiunovt fH . . rw IX5I. ARISTOCRAT Of riN f UR FEUS K ADAMROyAlJ Rupert Men's & Boys' Store THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD 217 SIXTH ST Across From Helgrrvn Real Estate Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way ports; also to Ketchikan, Wran-gcll, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service Information, Tickets and Reservations from XV. L, COATLS, Genrral Ajcnt, Prince Rupert, B.C. DINETTE SUITS, CHINA CABINETS, LIVING ROOM TABLES, BABY HIGH CHAIRS, PRAMS AND BABY SWINGS, SIMMONS BEDS. See Our Windows Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage rt m I NCE RUPERT Lfj BRITISH COLUMBIA SMITHERS LADY DIES Tasslnr of Mrs. J. I'. Downey Is Widely Regretted SMITHERS. Oct. 28 Th people Bulkley Valley deeply regretted to learn of the passing of Mrs. J. P. Downey of Smithers In the Bolk-ley Valley Hospital here on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Downey had not been well for a long time but had been around as usual until about two days before her death. Mr. and Mrs. Downey hate been the proprietors of the Hudson Hotel at Smithers for the past eight years and are well known to the tra Telling public. Mrs. Downey was born at New-castle-on-Tyne fifty-five years bro and came to Canada when a young girl. With her husband she arrived at Smithers and they settled on a farm near here In the early days, having remained here ever since. Besidqf plr husband Mrs. Dow-; ney leaves two daughters Mrs. Peter Eby Yif Smithers and Mrs. Douglas Kerr of Regina and two sons Pfcck Downey. Provincial PoMve Constable at Massett. and Pat Downey, a lieutenant in the Canadian Army now overseas. The funeral was held from St Joseph's Church in Smithers on Tuesday afternoon and burial took .place in the Smithers MANY IX CANADA I I The late Andrew Carnegie en-vr 2000 libraries. AAAAAAAAAAA More and more .mil MiinE listeners are mnktit it a daily habit to tune in on CLAIRE WALLACE i and TODD RUSSELL in ml I every weekde 1 CFPR 10:45 a.m. A .. . Wmw THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY ly Basketball Buzz BasketbaUrrs &wtng into action again tonight at the Armories in the regular Wednesday evening league play. Spectators of late have been more or less reluctant about speculating as to which team they will string along with to win the league and, as a result, there is the usual early season doku-ums as far as excitement la concerned. One notes the Booth Memorial High learn hasn't raised the cheer gang or school spirit out their way yet and something should be done about the matter. What's a tudents' team without Its suppor-crs? Nothing mote than another x)uad trying to get somewhere. Yet Inject that Alma Mater ballyhoo Into them and you've got omethhig. What do you say Mr. TNeill or Mr. Stevens? Is there lothiag to be done about this? The .Dry Duck has grabbed one Mr. Shorty) gasper bane from the ansa of the inactive and by doing o has sUeoarthened the team's scoring power a great deal. Alex Hetbeftngton have had a word TM11. Wick Pavlikis and Gordie 'rom His Majesty saying he would 'ike to them sosaeUme soon Vytl b? missed, but then who hasn't been? This writer still picks the United State Army Headquarters to nose -at Dry Dock for league honors Ten though He 1c a ttute hasty in his prediction. Co-op will lose Bobbie Vockovieh id Steve Mentenko shortly also, raft trouble, they elafen. and we ."f inclined to botleve their story. Jood luck boys) While we're cm the subject vhere are all the army boys that ind the city so boring? There's a '-am from saokt every outfit but f-w followers. Sports of fleers please uke notice. OHIfllNAL IIUMBERSIIOOT The CcnWal America umbrella bud Is named for a crest of black u others which can be lowered to cover He face. lamufEl mm EPIC FILM IS SHOWING "Wake Island" to be Presented for Rest of Week at Capitol Theatre The dramatisation of one of the most spectacular battles In the Pacific theatre will be presented on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Thursday. Friday and Saturday with the show ing of "Wake Island." a re-enactment of the epic stand of a handful of courageous marines who staved off Japanese Invasion for fourteen days. A fine cast Is head ed by Brian Don levy, Robert Pres ton and Maedonald Carey and also includes Albert Dekker, Walter Abel. Barbara Britcon and William Bendix John Farrow, a lieutenant commander In the Canadian Navy until he was invalided out of ser vice because of wounds, directed "Wake Island" which was filmed with the aid and co-operation of the United States Marine Corps. thus 1 ably presented a record of the stirring events of unparalleled realism that took place on the tiny island In the face of the Japan ese stab-in-the-back attack. It tells the story of the men on the sandy atoll and how they reacted when the Japs began their mur derous siege. Their personal stories their emotions at the says of crisis and their personal heroism highlights the narrative. Donlevy plays the part of the major in command of the Wake Island forces. Robert Preston Is a lusty devil-may-care leatherneck Maedonald Carey is a flying Marine lieutenant Albert Dekker 1 a civilian construe Uon boss and Walter Abel is a naval officer. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Oct , 1917 Allied Iwes r tared the Merc kern Peninsula south of Dixmude. Belgtum. Aus tro-Oertnam, advancing on the Italian front, occupied Gortnons. west of Gortata. Vittorio Orlando loaned new Italian government NON-STOP to VICTORY ! WE CO IT'T on our tank-men to keep 'em rolling through murderous artillery fire. WE COUNT on our troops to blast the enemy lines like the heroes they arc WE COIJIVT on our seamen to fight their way to port despite submarines and dive-bombers. WE COUNT on oor flying men to lay their eggi on the target, flak or no flak. AX1 TIUZY CO VAT OX US to let nothing stop us from reaching our Victory Loan objective and passing it. It will demand real sacrifice on the part of every one of us. It will mean doing without things we once thought were essential. It will call for putting victory first in everything we do, every dollar . we spend. , Reddy Kilowatt KEEP IT UP... BACK THEM UP Buy more VICTORY BONDS VICTORY! lit iml mlm VICTORY n nnmi!? V lUmDRROUJl A . Hill UHIFI U -w, I - 111! SPORT CHAT Leo Derocher. Dodger manager, earned the title of la tier in a clutch'' during the 14 World 6eriea. in which the St. Louis Cardinals defeated Detroit Tigera. KU repatation for that kind of swatttng reached a peak in the crucial sixth same Thr Oards beat Tkhoaboy Rwe. four to three, and Leo was the big punch wtlb ft double and tote alnalea. w va r sl a im f 0 uig wunr i a f.-. r Hi s s.!r i Brian Donlevy Macdooald Cut y Robert Pftstoa Albeit Dekktr' William BtMii dnd by UIUT-COMMANOIR JOHN f AII0W, iiHU(,tti,,d) Srws and CARTOON Feature 1 2' 3 29 ' M 7 47 S , Oompleu- Sd..w 1 'to 2 9 i ' ? r i If" XSl V,'V, 1 CAPITOL Sunday Mid llur:,-Of II yrat to ! as i- Bu. The Bdmonton Orads. uncon- rn querahle girls' baskribail team. - JI N I ID U. i. sovr.i;ri 1 'f its T'r HOUSEHOLD N TINCTURE OF IODINE OIL OF EUCALYPTUS FRIAR'S BALSAM CASTOR OIL AROMATIC CASTOR OIL AROMATIC CASCARA . . CAMPHORATED OIL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE EPSOM SALTS, tins BORACIC ACID, tins SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tin BUY YOUR I)RU(JS FROM TUV )u Ormes V& Pioneer Dn&i3ts A"' 11 THK RKXAI.L iiltiltr. I'llOM " P' Open Dally from 8 .m. 'is Sundays and Holidays from U 1 'J"- 0 EEDS - iua "MoonliJ;" V!. a 4'.: