PAQE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUK IIASUIENT STOKF. GRAND Chas. Dodiincad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kcpjlrine, Hand Lngrarinz fur Fine China, Diiinrrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX, HEILBROpR- Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE CHALLENGE SALE NO W IN PROGRESS DRESSES COATS GLOVES SUITS PURSES LINGERIE SOCKEES . GIRDLES MILLINERY SKIRTS RAINCOATS DLOUSES Special Values In Every Department WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night "In the Heart of Prince Kupcrt" TIIIKI) AVF. Next to Heilbroner's Phone IJLUK 307 Special Price for LADIES' and GENTS' NEW SPRING CLOTHING $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Klack 787 302 Third Ave. W. TOYS and WHEEL GOODS We have just received a shipment of Children's Toys Automobiles, Wagons, Shoofly Rockers, Baby Swings, Child's Rockers, Doll Convertible Carriages, Doll Prams, Ilaby Walkers, Baby Harness, Baby Cribs. We have been advised from the manufacturer that shipment, of 1912 Folding Convertable Baby Carriages have left the factory to us. CAMP FURNITURE 24 only Folding Camp Cots, heavy 10 oz, ' khaki duck covers. each $3.73 and $7.00 24 only Foldng Camp Stools with back rest, .... 75c and $U0 6 only Folding Deck Chairs with full length arms, each S3 03 Dunnage Dags, Sleeping Bags. Pack Backs, Pack Boards, Tents, Blankets UNTAINTED FURNITURE Chest of Draers. Kitchen Table, Chairs, Medicine Cabinets Celling Dryers, Ironing Boards, Step Ladders, Stools. FLOOR COVERING Inlaid by the yard, 6 feet wide. Printed Linoleum, Feltol. Bary & Stain, Rexoleum, Rugs and Carpets, Jaspe, Linoleums. Con-goleums, Feltol, Bary & Stain, all sizes. We have the Goods at Elib's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next to Daily News. If you Jose anything, advertise for it. Green 910 BUY ... i RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Rulchers. NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian'Fish & Cold StiiS-age PRINCE RUPERT (). Ltd. U,"'SH COLUMBIA I UNIT OF DEFENCE Smithers District Going- Ahead With Corps Cunliffe Commanding Officer purpose of organizing a unit un Vjdcr the Auxiliary' Defence Corps. j Evelyn, Telkwa, MacLure Lake and Ij! Quick districts were all represen-tjtcd at the meeting and a great those present In the advisability of j organizing such a unit. J. W. Turner was chairman of the meeting while L. II. Kenney nntu tts atvicuw jr. the 11 was aeciaca t lorm a unit' yon the east to comprise the area Involved with headquarters In Smithers and with the various dls-jj trlcts having their own detach- ments as part of the whole unit. Jj; A committee was appointed In jl.the general meeting to proceed I' with the organlzatlbn and the Jji meeting then adjourned. 1 Immediately following tht gen-icral meeting the committee met Ij and was representative of the J whole area. I Captain S. A. Cunliffe, late or Ijj the Canadian Engineers, was ap-1 pointed as commanding officer of jljthe unit and It Is expected that iun organization will soon be com pleted and that all training, etc.. will be with during the summer. I Fine Dance By S Eastern , Delichtful Affair Htld : Nlsht In Pallrooin of .Masonic Temple THE DAILY NEWS MONDAY APpn Were Married On 'Scottish Dance Saturday Evening i ivam wing viih"'"ui v 11 a r - - - - - m F. Rushbrook, Ahm Cottage. Over- full program. Season Ended Miss Ida Moorehouse llecomcs Fine Affair Saturday Mr lit Was ltride of Frederick Hogan At I Fitting Climax To Fight Ouiet Ceremony Month Series ' Miiiifcitt, Acriiajvpyjut interesting , The Oddfellow' held the ea-! seventy-five citizens of Smithers weddlng took place at 8.30 ,Sat-n final oW time ScotttohdarK anc( vicinity met at the Municipal urday evening at the Jiom- of; the Saturday eventni and the man hall here Friday evening for the ffii nna .i,nvmgn rn, w bumu nrwnt en loved th On Saturday cvenlnjt at 7:30 the hoped would prove eves more en- necessary 1 ome of Canon w F. Rushbrook. Joynble and succeaaful. proceeded ' Anm Cottage. Overlook Street .was the scene of a quiet wedding when Edith Doris Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith. Ninth Avenue West, became the bride of Archibald McNeil, mn of Donald w.lTll r r r, utar Thc br!dc was glvcn ,n marria8e , by her father ana was attended I by her sister. Mrs. Rose Graham, riday as matron of honor. Fran!c Rogers was groomsman. Following the ceremony, a re- centlon wo hoM at th. hnmn nr 1 The dance held by Belist Chap- the bride's parents on Ninth Av-tcr. Order of the Eastern Star. In enue West. tnc Masonic Temple ballroom Friday nlsht was another of the rtc-illuhtful affairs for which the Mr. and Mrs. McNeil will take up residence on Ambrose Avenue j Chapter has achieved such a re- - (cord. The place was attractively music was furnished by Jean de ! decorated in blue and white col- Carlos Orchestra. Dancing was in tors with balloons featured. Over full swing from :3u unit". 2 aJT). I two hundred persons were pres- Delicioui refreshments were serv- rnt. tne younger set being much ed at midnight. in evidence. Mrs. Jack Oarrett wa.i general O, P. Tinker was a genial mas- convener, ter of ceremonies and excellent O. J. Dawes presided at the door How Much m 1 ti fei 11 Should Children Have? Children uccil ugar. It helps provide energy for actie little lioilieM. Hut too iiiik li ugar loe more harm than goojl. .Sweets Ix twcen meals tend lo dull cliillrcn' appetite forllic foodtlicy need for growth. Satisfy their sweet tooth with these, instead: Fresh frnit, fruh juicce, dried fruili Mich ai prune, raiin dales lij-S apricots. (30 to 73 of dried fruila are natural cuar.) They're much Letter for )ouugier...aiid they help save tugar for Canada and our allies. 77i Itmful iilUmmur of tugnr is jnmnd pfr lvrton iwr tirtk. A' out it alluu nl lo At e mort than lu o n Ai' tuiply on haiul at any lime, excrit in remote nrrm. Itttuilrrt hate llw right lo refute to ,ell or to limit titlei lo any perton lUey Mine it attempting lo ilitobey the law. I'enaltie protided for brvakini the tugar ration . law are.impritanment for at long at luo yean and ,a fine up 10 $i,xm.0n. ,( 4 THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD, OTTAWA Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONi: CS7 Furniture RADIOS Ifcoiiditlonrd srllmv; ut HARDWOOD CHAIRS New. special each III itlMXt S15.95 S2.25 CHESTERFIELDS lr: S65.00 USED CARPETS Oood shape. OQ Qff MANTLE CLOCK 8 day good shape QOtOO B. C. Furniture f o. PHONE BLACK 321 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAUELLI. PROP. "A Home Aray From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot ti Cold Walcr Prince Rupert, II.C. Phone 281 P.O. Rox 190 Steamer leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursduy om. Curdcna every Friday 10:30 p.m. Uaoj'Vahcou'vcr Monday a.m'. tjueen Charlotte lland Leaving April 7, 21 midnight midnight. Full Information, Ticket and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNF.R Prince Rupert Aicent Third Ave. phone 5C8 COMEDY OF SMART SET 'When Utile Meet" Coming With Joan Crawford, Greer Gruii, Kobcrt Taylor and Herbert .Marshall LJoan Crawford,, reer Oaraon and ihtU head the cat Vllf..Taslqr. Herbert Mar- ofr'AvWu- dlec Meet," an hillarloui comedy look Street, when Ida May Moore- From 9 to 12 a regular dance! of scrambled love and bewildered house, second daughter of Mr. and program, ably directed by the con- lovers, which U the feature pic-Mrs. John W. Moorehouse. Eighth jenlal matter of ceremonies, Wll- ture coming to the screen of the Avenue East, became th? bride of Ham Davidson, was enjoyed. Then Capitol Theatre here tonight and .;,deal of Interest was shown by all j Frederick Charles Mervyn Hogan. came refreshments of tee cream. I Tuesday. son of William E. Hogan of Brack- cake and coffee served at mid- J Miss Crawford plays the part of en. Wales. night after which many request a sentimental woman novelist. Miss Ethel Moorchouse. sUter of dances were en)oyed. jlored by Taylor, who falls for ller- thc bride was bridesmaid, while rwMr.iiw a,mn.h rr n Marrhall. her publisher. Th groom was atlcniicd by Ver- ..... .... . lealous Taylor sets an Idea and rllin n Urvlmnc rrlo T Iw. l-ftimnst- srtinM ftV MlU CrM.'tirA antl y.wwn ao wic vuciuuu,. Hane Also Un RrnM Lave ren- 1 " Later attended ioe rlvaU. the two women becom a largely revep- A'.A . a piano solo for . : tion was held In the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan will reside on Seventh Avenue East. Quiet Wedding a ted three-step. Drummer "Hill" Lyi.-.n, : Scmi menus, nmio nuanoua I 'Ions. Miss Crawford confides u mmn ner miaiuaiion Irish songs accompanied by Mrs. Th!" Marshall enters the scene J. B. MacKay at the piano' and and fUJ to fIy Mu" 0att0 their e-forta. much apSicuSd ta ,U5ton and commended. h?r ? 100 m,u:h ul! At th cIdm of th. mni. Marshall, who suddenly discovers At Ahm Cottage those 0 V rmij M7TCS nU QWn In a short . K address mMnmm many whose untiring efforts had 1 made Miss Fdith Doris Smith Becomes uch a success or these regular IJride of Archibald .McNeil fortnightly affairs during thesea- . ton. Another was planned to -com mence next September and U was halDen iTJflor acU u cuptd and brings JL- together. attn and the whole piece comes to a happy ending. Some ultra-modern costumes are seen in thc picture, the dothe worn by Miss Crawford and MU O arson being complementary in each scene where they appear C.N.R. Trains j For the lUil j Mondays. Wednesdays and ! Fridays 9pm i From the Fait ; Tuesdays. Thurtdayt and Saturdays 11 am FESTIVAL CONCERT AIMUL2I I'RFSItVTFItlA.N CIII RFH Admiinn U-"r by I'm 1 ram Pro r-eds to War Chart le Programs on sale beginning April 10. at Orme.-. VMM I RAIt,WAV I UNU 1 11 mi otm KKm iirunn 1 hi I Kill iv .... I r- ... 1 I 1 .... , , I ! HOLLYvSnn HnUVtimnrT PARADE OF STARS IN RACY ROMANCE! The cast of the ye ... in the. , Uugh Kit of thi$; j oai 1 R 1 JOAH I CRAWFORD ROBERT , TAYLOR GARS0S1 I V r ir2T MARSHALL SPRING BTIKGTOI at 1 00 3 I'uwin v ...1 r -yot it t t 1ifUl.i k 7 "tu.nipsis o 11;: ctmiNt. win t : Juan It! jr..' i a TtilPli I IIISTOIIir IK" Wild w In hUUin :. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & sWir COMPANY OF CANADA LIMIT!!) .Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Hrand t'hea-icals and Chemical Fcrlilicrn Amnionlum Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate S:' phoiphatev Monocalcium Photphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC llrand Metals Mercury. Cold, Silver. Uad, Zinc. Cadmium, III w!H: Antimony . . . AUo Sulphurle Acid and Sulphsr General Olflee and Work TfJl When Vou Want a Reliable. CW6rtiblf. Ofprndikl PHONE 13 Zl-llour Service at Regular Rain Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlnntic Trans-1'acific TO VANCOUVKIt VIA OCUAN PA MA AND WAV 83 pRINCESa ADELAIDB" every Wda. 1 TO VANCOUVWt UIHKCT: April Glli, 16th, 28th, May 8U1, 10th, June 21 TO Kin Clii KAN. WltANOKLL, JUNBAU AND .SKA ' WAV April 2nd, 12th, 23rd, May 3rd, 14th, 2tn Ulrtet cortiiectlons at Vancouver wltii I'J W. 1 rn vilw .-.'!. .L...J1; iiniiftl, l'c For Quick, Safe anil Comfortable TAXI SWU PHONE 235 MwvMyvuoaowooooaooooaooooaoooooooooww