;r : MM.: i 1.' ' 'i' mm II. tvt :1 I PACK FOUR $50.00 REWARD For information leading to the recovery of two wooden totem poles taken from the front of my store, and for information that will lead to the conviction of the parties who took them. MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER The Greatest Sales Of The Year Continue At RUPERT PEOPLES STORE AND Cut Rate Shoe Store ALL SALES FINAL Hundreds of Unusual Values That Can't Be Duplicated! HURRY DOWN TODAY Household Requirements Sovereign Facial Tissue .... 10c and 25c Dennison Embosed Napkins 50s . ... 15c Household Expense Books . ... 35c Scrap Books 10c and 15c Paper Doilies pkg 10c Baking Cups 100s and 150s; pkg. ... '15c Lily Drinking Cups 12s 15c Hot Kleeri Cups 8-oz. size; doz 20c Wax Paper 100 ft. rolls 25c Canapar Cooking Parchment pkg. . 35c Self Seal Envelopes pkg 10c Union Jack Envelopes pkg. 15c; 2 for 25c Blue Lined Envelopes pkg. 10c; 3 for 25c Zipper Portfolios, 9x14 size 60c Thumb Tacks 30s 10c 100s 25c Library Paste 10c Aeroplane Glue 10c STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES for HOME AND OFFICE. BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets NO WASTE ... at Your Local Butchers. BEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish &Cold Storage PRINCE KUI'EKT (Q. Ltd. BKIT1SII COLUMBIA BURNS IS HONORED Annual Banquet at First Presby terian Church Outstanding Affair. The Women's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian Church enter tained over two hundred guests last evening at a banquet held in j the church hall in commemora- j tion of the birthday of Robert Burns, Scotland's famous poet. The guests were welcomed with . f ntn .n flit M fP showed familiarity with the sub- ect. After the toast of the King had been honored and a rendition of Scottish songs given by the choir, the chairman called upon Major Alex McLennan of the Second Bat talion Canadian Canadian Scottish Scottish to to Many he said were Inclined to look at Burns' fallings and overlook his good points. His character was too much Judged by the opin ions of the Puritanical people of his day. The "Jolly Beggars "would never have been written had not Burns spent the days he did in Pooaie Nancy's tavern. Major McLennan made reference to that poem of Bums, "the Cotter's Sat urday Night," which has been translated Into many languages and pointed out Its value as a his tory of country life at that pe riod, a life that was now rapidly passing away even in Scotland. He miuch doubted if family worship was observed in the rural nomes today as it was in the days of Burns. He did not believe that Burns ever suffered poverty. True it was that he had to dine on hamely fare" but that 'was 'not poverty and he believed that, had Burns been born with a silver spoon In his mouth, there would have been no anniversary com-.iiemoratlon of the birthday of Burns. Burns had placed woman on the highest pinnacle that any A-riter had done and in the natural simple language of the people. A gifted man with a prolific pen, Burns has handed down to posterity a casket of gems thai, rould endear his memory for ever. "The Lasses" The toast of "The Lassies," proposed In racy style by E. J. Smith, was responded to by Miss E. M. Earl, who let the men Into a few secrets as to ways and means whereby they might capture a lassie's fancy. The toast to "Bonnie Scotland , proposed by James McGlashan in resume of Scotland s fame in terspersed with Scottish anecdote, was responded to by Lt.-Col. wai ter Bapty, officer commanding me Second Battalion, Canadian Scot- LAM) ACT Nolkr of I nt rut ln to apply to I'urrhaftt l,anrt In Telegraph Creek Land Recording tvHrf. nf rAuUr luvd situate approxi mately B miles North F.at of the Set- ii.i nf ivWni,nh Creek ana tp proximately 4 miles South East of TV.Ul.an TnHlan Villa.? Oil the NOfUl bank of the SUktae Rlr at the con-fin.n.. nf Nino Mile Creek and the Take notice that William Campbell of Telegraph Ore, occupation irapprr (nte-nds to apply for perm Union to pur-chare the following described lands: rvvtrtmnrinjr fut a rmfft Dlajited al high water mark at the Rttklne River I 200 feet Bast or the commence mue vfii Creric and fviklne ltlver thence North 1043 feet: thence West 1870 feet t.w ftmi.th 1043 fret: thence follow I in Stiklne River baaik to point of I comtnere-MTi'mt and containing 40 acres, more or less. WIUJAM CAMPBELL THE DAILY NEWS Waterfront Whiffs Queen Charlotte Island Whaling Stations Had Busy Season Dr. Carter Is Back From Ottawa. Memory of Robbie Burns." The j b Mackay. James Hadden, E. manner in which Major McLen-1 j smith, J. Simundson, M. M. nan handled the subject showed Lamb, J. A. Teng. H. Calderwood, not only that he was a Burns stu- i a. p. MacSween and Robert Par-dent but that he had understand- 1 ker. H; M. Foote officiated at tV.c lng of the miracle that was Burns. ; door, He told his audience tnai, even erature in Prince Rupert and, m his search for something on the bagpipes, had to suggest that n might be found in a treatise on musical instruments strange though that might seem, Canadian Scottish, who gave renderings of many of the old Scottish tunes. Also taking part in the program were Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, who sang "The Star o' Robbie Burns," and the choir .under the leadership of Mrs. E. J. Smith. The banquet was under the general supervision of Mrs. J. M. ,omi(uu, Simpson, president of the omens. ROOM AND BOARD Phone 976. Red (21) l.'.r.-HiHrH Don't Worry Over KIDDIES' lolll UseBUCKlEY'SStoinlessWHITERUB 100 tot'nfoetion, or your money bock. TWO SIZES 30c ond SOe. i"t NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME ATVAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Watei Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Boi 544 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10130 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Jan. 28, Feb. 10 and 24. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - rhone 568 if finer frnm Rose and Naden sta- d. c. stuart, past president of the j tjvjtv The iy4i catch was likewise greater than in ltMo Women's Auxiliary and. after the i , i ai wunino ?n CnnaAa nrp chairman, Rev. A. F. cSn ? 'ducUon oT meai, piped in by Piper Knight and carried by Capt. H. Calderwood, as well as which Included "haggis" and other delectable dishes. With "weel swalled kites" they afterwards sat back on their chairs, to enjoy a real Scotch program. purns" Immortal "Address to the Haggis" was given by Sgt. Major W. M Brown with a fervor that !tions on the Queen Charlotte Islands, landed 328 whales during the lii41 season as compared wun --v m season, when whaling was resumed auer a yeu ui . v.- A party of several men, members of the crew of Nelson- Bros. Fisheries cannery here, arrived in the citv from Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Indian Department's cruiser Na-skeena made a trip to Port Simpson on Thursday, taking the Dominion constable, A. J. Watklnson. on patrol duties. Lome Aggett, unit organizer for the Victory Loan, also went along. The na tives of Port Simpson were found to be busy on statute labor around the village, carrying out routine public works jobs. With the packers loaded Up and away, seiners have been slacking un their aactivitles in herring fish lng at Union Bay during the past day or so but will be starting up again as soon as the packers re turn for more fish. On Thursday 800 tons of herring was taken at Union Bay and yesterday, 200 tons. Five seiners are fishing there and the fish are being delivered to the Prince Rupert, Na- mu and Butedale canneries and Port Edward and Tucks Inlet re duction plant Labor trouble whi:h started last 'Sunday in the local cannery of i Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. has I been amicably settled It was an 'nounced by the company today. The executive officers of the Na tive Brotherhood of British Columbia have been in Prince Rupert for the past few days and have dealt with the matter to everyone's satisfaction', a statement says. N, P. Burgess, Grand. Secretary of the United Cannery Workers Union, had been In Prince Ru pert during the previous week organizing a cannery workers union but left for Vancouver before the strike was settled, leaving all negotiations in the hands of the Native Brotherhood. Clam digging in 1941 was a great' source of spring revenue to Kitkatka. the B. C. Packers tak ing .many tons from the village. This work adults dlgglne In the sands and children picking at low tide is to be re-commenced at an early date with most probably the Norma O., Captain H. Brown, as clam packer. ROTHERMORE'S COLLECTION LONDON, January 24 (CP) The late Lord Rothermore's col lection of paintings was sold at auction for 25,962, about $116,929 GOOD CAST FEATURED "Mold Back The Dawn" Coming to Capitol Theatre I ...-7j tiij- vi nitt'ii." strange I1U1U uatiw wv and exciting romance which opens on Monday at the Capitol meaire, stars Charles Boyer, unvia ae na-!villand and Paulette Ooddard. j Lavishly filmed, the picture' 'tpnsp drama Is lightened by mo ments of hilarious comedy. "Hold Back the Dawn' tens mc story of what happens when a cynical, unscrupulous European man-of-the-world attempts to crash lVio Tinifprt states immigration bar riers bv marrvinz an unsuspectln? had said Grace, the company sat ' tisn- The colonel, it seems, had fertnizer and oil, with oil the ! American girl. Most oi the action aown m) an exceiiem .aim. . riiffirultv in securing scouisn iii-iv,,of nmrinpt Wartime needs is set m a coroiui Mexican uwu v,. in.mocorf Ihi rtpmand for lown Illiea WlUl inc iiuuiui, .v- .uo nrnte snri ha vp trivpn new mance and tragedy of refugees impetus to whaling operations, irom curuyc a "iuv (i, rr.H,,oH a The dark-eved Boyer, of course thp scoundrel, with Olivia ae ....I tC. enc f nil an. is . ..i em f fortnipr Havil and as his school teacher victim. The radiant Mw Qoddard and 271 tons of meal. Compared , 'armed with exotic glamour ana an Willi Iff-XU W1COC IVkUHW decided increase. Oil production the wiles ..... of the word .it y wise, is arlvanred more than 204.800 eal- unc-umc uauuuo F.w Ions and fertilizer production was up by about 143 tons. Meal production was 90 tons greater this year than in the preceding season. It is a far ery from the square rigged whaling ships of olden days hq to the ne modern moaern steel sieei whaling wuauug tugs iujj pro- Auxiliary. was ably assisted by a &med with harpoon guns and fit- the toast of the "Immortal ; conimlttee consisting of Mesdames j ted for present.day operations but . after 183 years, there was much that had not yet been sald-about the poet. He said that he had strong objections to the term 'peasant poet" which was some times used about Burns. Burns, in his view, was a cotter or, as in the Highlands, a crofter, a farmer Vi.V- Qaa w m w- - - t h LONG ENOUGH, TOO Largest of its kind Is the shark which attains an length of 36 feet approximately. THEY GOT AWAY Homo ovnortc in Michigan, in- i J ailiV .rtV 3 Z In a small way, not uneducated Uestigatlng deaths among ducks, and highly independent and not : found three out of every 10 ducks to be confused with the European carried shot in their bodies. "peasant." A man of moods, some- i 11 times down In the depths of des- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY nalr. Burns wrote many of his tlnest poems while in these moods. some of the risk and romance remains. During the 1941 season on at least one occasion an Infuriated whale attacked a whaler after be- ine haruooned, and damaged the steel craft so badly that it had to return to port for repairs. Dr. Neal M. Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon after having attended the recent annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada in Ottawa. On the way west, Dr. Carter ?pent several days at Vancouver on various business matters. Her Jealousy lights the powder train that touches off the picture's explosive climax. Special Offer in . . . MEN'S SUITS with extra pair of Tanls Free for every oider. January only. M. T. LEE - Tailor r.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. MO STANLEY W.COLTON D.O, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block rhone 610 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled :G O L D S E A L THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockcyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Bloater Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charse. As Charlie has many years experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild' your shoe right. Let him do It for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING ROOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Walt. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, lta A fAMOUt riATIII tHTiu; ENDS TONIGHT Complete Show j co, 9 CS JAMES STEWART "pot 0' fiour (at ,7:36, 9 41 BEGINS MONDAY OLIVIA DeHAVlLLAl CHAKLES BOYER I'AUI.ETTK GODDARD In - ii i i n i u m niiiii e ! nil m m aii 1 I M h h m m m m m kj i The Dawn at 1 Of) 5 lfi S 5 -Met ADDKO "Aristocrats of the Ktnn Cartoon, "Fljinj Bear" Ladies! nig lcoint Ml Tor Cat You are all lnvltra o in and look our c-r ir before stock ' ki..r f .: going at half pnee tr i nr. less. Your cr?di t. GOLDIILOOM "The Old Reliable" liliKtilil i a in c SPECIALS IN HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 3-3. 75 Mattresses, trnm 2 anau o t!i:....J VI chen Ranges. j rn Ji o Kcmingiun ijpiw crs. ( Large Mirrors. 7 Clu'slnr field Hods- III ii i; lil ll.i vj"- and patterns. II I . I III III c vv PHONE HLAl'K 311 ..I, ; Start the Year " 'm . Saving uur COUPONS for Usrful Household ItcinS. Call in and ic o this plan vca. MUSSALLEMS Economy Store "Where Dollar Uav vi t ti Mt I'linm'J Hi " J. Bouzek, TAII . i.Aiiir-V and GENTS -,- ... (rt Knnri Aire. IHO U" Broadcasting s""" TWO COTTAfiw FOR SALE. Large Public H11 For Rent TtttffiiAL II0TEI V-' a 1 - ----- ... - union 1 ft . v . ,IJ,. l ... .ft nri iiu"" Workers of Canj, Prince Rupert, R.C.. I"' MEKTIM, Kvery fourth SundJ M"'1 ' Each p n... of METROl'OLE .. . ten P.O. o"