I' 0l: I Rgggggf m iagsw :.! range, cneas. :..ic West. i8 "!un nearly new. 747 (391) K)M ANDWAKI) m for man wlll-T18 Fraser Street. (156) I'KItSONAL ,.r:ial Represent-ranada's largest e f n c y. Phone (311) tin nisK iNsuiLNcn tw t v to Saturday in- o' w k our office will 1 7 and 9 o'clock 'r pplirations oaver- r j Ra:f: Dwelllnaa. ft 'ir, 1 er T . s Public Bulld-prr $100. AU other N per $100. K STEPHENS & CO.. LTD! A-.' FOUND Phone 222 ' brown leather r . i . station. Owner ut- fby railing at r..: paying for this iighter with ml- uv have same by I.. . News and LOST iCr w - F x Furs, valued as pooi r-w i-d offered. Black VP Bex 037 (200) 'aw Ra nr. oat Phone Red mm (208) . S. Loubser D.C B.A. IROPRACTOR ce Block Phone C4B r : EYSEPTEMBER 4, 1842 T BilllBffM 4lRL2fl0 frIH ' HNEl PH HHA n J c?55ssl OR WES KJ5 GRANNY BAKED t VSE ths tame famous brand of Lard, Slhvrleaf, Granny knew the uniformity and laitinft quality of Swift's Silmleaf. Knew the protection It Have her pies. "Besides," she would tell you,"Silverleaf pastry nas in sweci-nuuy navour you just can't get any other way.'" Get a pound today I Swift Canadian Co., Limited. Classified Ads. FOR SALK : 519 Mercury coupe ,rsc. with excellent . 18 000 mites. Can ::t3 Fifth Avenoe ' i.iik roam table, y Fulton Csh ::(, 13071 li! Coupe, exeeUeat tires. Bok 342 7) !k:1 dressers flower Me and chairs. 1 urr, pis and c leaners, carpet :..iare. 8Qf Bor- 307) WANTED LAWNMOWERS Sharpened and overhauled. Phone Rod 392. (306) WANTED Saleslady. Apply UnT employment Insurance Oommls- tt) WANTBD To Rent Furnished sHe or small furniabed house. Apply Box 34a, Dally News. 307) WANTBD - Saleslady at HeY-broner's Jewelry Store. (U) WANTBD 3 or 4 room furnished apartment, by October 1. Permanent. Box 330, Dally News. i TWO Bleefring Rooms and Board, or ogat nousekeepmg aeoommo-datsen tor man, wife and two small children about Sept. 15th. Quiet section preferred. We are quiet people and non drtnkm. Phone Orland at Oreen IK dor-fng day. (366) WANTBD Two or three room apartment or small house. Oreen 4S0. (306) MUST have house or apartment. Permanent Phone Red 371. (306 Vteter, Amadto, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Amadta, left for Vancouver last night to take a two year art emirse at she Academy of Art, Marine Building, Vancouver. ! Passengers taavtng tonight for Vancouver Include R. Russell. A. Francis F. Poppa, J. TwUkgar, R. Fisher. W. Young, H. Isberg and E. MlUer. Mr. and Mr. B. Tixorstelnswn ind Son arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver. Formerly inspector of schools at Rosslamt Mr. Thorstelnssen has been transferred to Prnce Rupert in similar capacity. I.N I MAN MLMCOS I Mrs. A. M. Beattle left last ntahl ! Mrs. Howard lUbbard and family! arrived in the city ttils morning irotn Vancouver. Mrs. A. R. Nichols and daughter. Patricia, will leave tomorrow nht for a trip to Vancouver. Gordon Fraeer saHed last night for Vancouver where he will en list for active service In the Cana dian a tiny. Mrs. Jones and daughters. May and Lillian, returned to the citv is morning frem a trip to Van- evuver. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. MacSween and son and daughter returned to the city on last evening's train from Winnipeg where thv haw been -spending a vacation. Oadl Brind, manager of the. Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on last evening's train from a business trip to Terrace. Mrs. Brind returned this morning from a trip to Vancouver, accompanied by her adopted son. David. Two sons Lloyd and Harold of tMr. and Mrs. Joseph Greer, for merly of this city and now of Edmonton, are now enlisted wish the Royal Canadian Air Force. rrjTN. IO.OT. Grand Lodge visit. Banquet and so cial OddfeUowa' Hall Monday. Sept. 7 at 7 pjn. Members No. 63. Rebekahs No. 40 and soJournlne meovbers with friend cordially invited. (307) Guests at the Prince Rupert Rotary Club luncheon yesterday when the program was contributed i to by members of the party ofj CMc Centre Carnival entertainers included W. W. Trotter. Mr. Scott. of Prince George. W. F. Stone. Oofdon Gennati, Mrs. T. A. Mc-WaUrs. W. D. Lamble and Mrs. C. F. Connor. Winner of the raffle of a war savings certificate for the Queen's Fund was Sergeant O. L. Hall of the provincial police. "OOVntNMKNT LIQlrtll ACT" (63tk 28) Not Ire of Application fur Consrnt tn Trnfr of Ifcrr Urenre N4Sr to hfrrty sSvrn ttwt on tlvf lfrU) ttjr of &&mtxr. AD. 1S42. the uadwtwd taitid to pply to thf Ueuer OonMvl Board for eonwint to twinufpr at Dorr Umc No. 6730, to-aued In mawat of otmiUms brUw part lot tb prrmlnr known as Uw Oocn- NPW nraUT Rpnt 4- tVi Since i mmm l"w e conw or war started more than 300 medical j cttgr of Prince Rmx-rt, Proruwe or Bri- units have been raised In India. twun. upon t lamia dwib- They are serving in the United , (M) ln Blook Nhw (9) Klnadom. the Middle Bast, Bast m Map ra. Princ fcimort Land and West Africa Palestine. Iraq Rl"Uta Dtatrtot. from Alexander and Iran, and other areas. Columbia, to Prince Hotel Limited, the I . Transferee. . ( n, DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this IWllllMI 3IH.i,n .,...., I im dT of Auut AD. 1942 , PRINCE HOTEL LIMITED. LONDON, Sept. 4: The story ( I that "pep" pills are grven panser r r : r b. rTsrr ra ri ok ' division Germans to give them Q more punch has been exploded by ! who sold tablets found on captur- Jed Germans In the Middle Bast 'contained an Inferior form of sug- g ar and didn't equal the boiled g SCHOOL SUPPLIES S All kinds except Text Books y H at the fj VARIETY STORE S THE D5IEY HEWS P"Q LOCAL MEWS NOTES j Mist Joan Cross left last night Dick Benz end E. Ackery left , for a irip to Vancouver. i last night on their return to Van- i V t , 1 eouver after having been here as L ;r JC" niBni Iorfccarnlval eatertalners. i i unnvgrw. lUTra r V nn 1 J - Bert Wooden return pd tn trw.'... w... . i ... jwjbb xye uwuwr, leil laM ,4 , . city this morning from Vaaewver. i night on their return to Vaneou- i ve-r, ! for trtp t Vancouver. j Mrs. W. X Kyi and sUter, Miss Lettw. Reagh, returned to the city. 1 Mis. w M. MsDaaleto was a pass- this roornin from a vacation trio , enger lea vine last niht for a trip (to Vanewuer. to Vancouver. j Norman Lee, inspector qf Income j James MeKay jr. returned to6 for British Columbia, arrived i the city this morning from a visit I1 city this morning lor a oriel to Vancouver. ! visit on official business and will 'be leaving tomorrow nleht on his .return south. NOTICE is given that Artillery Gun Prartir wilt h rarrlpH nut Mr. and M. A. Beaudin have . ttom. KAIEN and DlGBY ISLANDS left Terrace tor a trip to Van- batteries from Sept. 2nd to 7th in-couver. ! elusive. Firing may be by day and. o night Mrs. W. M. Brown and daughter, Miss Helen Brown, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south this morning. I Miss Patricia McClymont returned home this morning, after spending the summer vacation In Vancouver. Mrs. C. E. MfKKwn uhn j been on a trptajthe prairie; re- train. Jack Breen, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Breen, returned home this momiag after a visit in Vancouver, New Westminster, Powell River ad elsewhere in the south. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the East at 11 o'clock, was l reported this morning to be on Itlme. tfhhcuhcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Little Norway Tea, Sept. 12. Oddfellows' Ball, Sept. 25 by In-vftaUon from members only. Oathone Bazaar, Cashohc Hall. October 7 and 8. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 12. A Proclamation WHEREAS Our Dominion of Canada, in common with the United Kingdom, the other Dominions of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, and Allied and Associated Powers, has voluntarily taken up arms to defend the rights' and liberties of free peoples against violence and aggression AND WHEREAS a state of war exists between Our said Dominion and the German Reich, Italy, Rumania, Hungary, Finland and Japan; ,ttre, THEREFORE, believing that Our People of Canada would wish to associate themselves with such an observance, have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, to appoint, and We do hereby appoint, Sunday, the sixth day of September next, to be throughout Our Dominion of Canada, a Day of Humble Prayer and Intercession to Almighty God and of Special Dedi-caton to National Service and Sacrifice on behalf of the cause undertaken by Canada, by the United Kingdom and other Dominions of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, and Allied and Associated Powers, and all those who are offering their lives for our cause, and for a speedy and favourable peace that shall be founded on understanding and not hatred, to the end that peace shall endure. OF ALL WHICH Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern -are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. E. H. COLEMAN, Under Secretary of State. Government House, Ottawa. Canadian National Railways TRAIN'S FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 6 pan., stopping at all local stations. Diesel Car for Terrace leaves dally except Sunday, 4:15 pjn. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 10:30 a.m., stopping at Terrace, Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smlthers, Burns Lake, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Glscome and McBrlde only. INCOMING TRAIN'S WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY 11 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY 6:30 pan. Diesel Car from Terrace 11:15 aon. dally except Sunday. Air conditioned SLEEPING and DINING CARS on trains leaving Monday 6:pon.. Wednesday and Friday 10:30 aon. For full Information, reservations, etc- call or write K. S. GREIG. City Pa&sen.er Agent 528 Third Ave., Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines ' sweets provided Brttisn iroops. tMi:BiBi:-i:rBi-rBxi.:-.siiwj -- jE THE TOILER FULLY QUALIFIED BY WESTOVER aKfTT" iVT lo -iri i I nrLSuW rr,wv lH MAC 1 KOONEy ft HAVIM6ME HOSEj I 1 IU-IE MX) MO ST ) HAS IT BEEN I VA1 TH YOUR EMOURANCEj SAY. ' I H L ry&glgl cix fiM ZjF EB-L i PUTTING IT' IU. BE ROW Ci TWoRSTN6 FTlS3 MikVViv l-V XHJ 'V 'ij j plS ILi rbll CRSP COUPONS are still available with each cash purchase in our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop in ind let us explal this gift' plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Dollars Have Have More : p.o. Cents- Box 575 Phones 18-19 Smm -- I tuup ouey 612 7th AVE. WEST Open Today for Business under new manaeement II All your patronage welcome Phone Red 217 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 i lb lbiiii mi ci rinrati a KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE iMiiiiiitm-JifiiiiHiiiiirid Z IMKM !'' ilii!'Ji lUiM lUiMl.ni T NATIONAL ,(- it? i Messenger Service 8 D w 5 Call it . . . We Haul it M We never close m Phone Red 392 t Bl JsU 13 12 ! IKlK::l ZW3 - '4Cm Rice Itriapies" is a registered I f trade mar. of Kellogg Com-1 i pany of Canada Limited, for I its brand of oven-nonwd n r-rr " 1 . ... uet some today! R J MacKenzie wh arrived re-nenf..y from. Edmonton to foe employed as a machinist and welder at the dry dock, has enlisted in rhp Armv anH will ha i.qvim, morrow night for depot at couver. : I THE SEAL OF 5 QUALITY : i: G O mm i : IE : L i . 'o soc' Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Van- NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 196 Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon : i Bloater : m HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE . 1 m. 15c 2 oz. 23c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz. 20c 2 oz. 35c FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 oz. 25c 2 oz. 45c CASTOR OIL 4 oz.' 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 25c 8 oz. 90c CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 50c EPSOM SALTS, tins 4 oz. 10c 16 oz. 25c BORACIC ACID, tins 2 oz. 15c 4 oz. 25c SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins 10c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE OrmesLtd. Pioneer Drnqgiate THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 83 Open Dally from 8 a.m. tUl 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 pjn. and 7-9 pjn. E5 -11 i