ft 5 a m S o (o a o o o FOR A GREATER "DEGREt". OF Rupert Mens & Boys' Store Every Bond countrv ftUY. ICTQRY BONDS you buy. every dollar you lend in vm.r u. a daeser thrust at the enemy;, throat. JONES FAMILY MARKET IIi;h Class, Butchers Featuring . . . . DINETTE SUITS, CHINA CABINETS, LIVING ROOM TABLES, BABY HIGH CHAIRS, PRAMS AND BABY SWINGS, . SIMMONS BEDS. See Our Windows , . Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert the NEW VICfORY I PKINCK KUPEKT (,0. LlfJ. BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage r .a BUITLSII COLOMBIA X r -r s ? 'Cmn naif u; nf ian Van 'ufare krpt couver professional concert party, m raveJ iTom Ion!her made its second stand for local i roops at the "Y Hut last night "Jna na m and was enthusiastically received by an auidence of service men and 'nends which again packed tht ; place So popular has the put) ' aroven here that arrangement, ihave been made to hold It ovei ?or afternoon and evening perfor-aiancos for the forces at the Capi-r'. Theatre tomorrow and a shoa : the Americans Monday night hi? afternoon he party Is en -rtainlng at the miiita-y hosprta nd this evening will be at a con traction camp. When the party started out frosr 7ancouver it was contracted fo: x h-wt bu. bv .he tmw th swing through the central in rior end coa is finished, it will have done sixteen. The f oun l'ar- Moniay nigh' on the return to Vancouver. Funeral of Dorrceii Man Final Kites For Late Daniel Mc-Dermott at Church of Annunciation The funeral of the late Daniel McDermott took place this morning at 8 o'clock from the Church of the Annunciation. Reverend Father W. F. Lantagne officiated The deceased, who was born tn Ontario, was sixty-seven year of age and a resident of Dorreen WHEN DEMOBILIZATION COME' LONDON. O-V 31 f Thr TJ s,h government wont be caugh 7 surprise this time If the wa. ads suddenly and the problem ' I 'rmobllraailon arises. It hopes t have a "cut-and-dried" plan r-a'i says Lord Croft. ParHamentar Under-Secretary for War. 4 X NOTHING MATTRS NOW hut. gflBKjr jbsfijSiJ DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. KWONO SANG MING IIOl KL'K Chop Suey House Next to King Tal 613 7th AVE, WEST Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. All your patronage welcome Phone Ited 247 USSMm I B t.i:B CKXM S FB CI IB IHI r u w n u B t ti U n The Co-Op Broadcaster.' a mimeographed sheet put out by the Fringe Rupert Fisheries Co-operative Association educational department of whlefa Hev. C. D. Clarke is the director, has just made Its fust appearance. It is to be tamed every week with the ob- eei of presenting news of the o-os movement. couple who thought they would never be able to laugh again. The love story of the two young armament workers is a touching one. even though one may feel young man i which brings down such dire consequence nat mly upon himself but upon one who was not in the slightest de tree blameworthy. The picture deals In a fearless way with Uie horrors of sorts' d. eases and the consequence of cex Indiscretions. The production was prepay A under direction of the Hex ' of Canada. FOR QUICK llfXWLTB TRY NRWB WANT ADD "LISTEN! TIIKY ltE 1 1 Group-Btendedr tj.msam " " nu-iiii ror W CVa -1.1,,.,.. S,rt 7' ' Th purl lofm a- are ijroun- IMfndid from H ciaiwiliratioiw of the choice Virginia tohaeeoa. It's an extra prorens to ensure that every Sweet Cap Hhall I Um? ultimate in rnikinew ami flavour. Try a package and you'll realize wliy they arc Canada' mot popular Hgsrette. CAPORAL. CiytirvtivH which tobotco con b ligld" GIONELII" SHOES ... , By Gagnon Lachapelle Just Arrived in Swedes, Crushed Kids and Jungle Calls. Outstanding -Stylus in High and Cuban Heoli. Priced from $5.85 lo $6.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS fiATrr- a. Jut a Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kepairinz, Hand Enrravlnx riSIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE (or Fine China. Dinnerwars, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. FJV.V.W MAX HE1LBR0NER Jeweler Diamond. Merchant WAWWVWW Waterfront Whiffs Herrinjr Fishing Next in This District-Gravel Moving in Co-operative Publication Fishing activity is in the doldrums around Prince Rupert these days. With halibut and salmon fishing over for some time, the herring fishing will be next and normally that is not to be expected before the end of Decem ber or early in January although one vear these fish dkl I put jin appearance of sufficient quantity to warrant scin- onow r roving Very Popular "Camp Gaieties of 19tr Make Second Stand at "V Being j Held Over for Special Engagements ! mp opet itHMii iw new rranc Millard plant at Seal Cove will be canning herring this winter while then will be redaction at Port Kdward and Pacific pants. Gravel and budding materials I are being moved In steadily by the Armour Salvage Oo. for normal MUHmg requirements as well as , imnatlent with Uie various defence contracts in the thnn.hu-. mwii. area. Two derrick scows and two VITAL FILM IS SHOWING 'No Greater Sin" Based on Consequences of Social Disease "No Oreater Bin." a gripping, vi tally dramatic story, combining entertainment with enlightenment of a distinctly salutary character, comes as Uie feature picture to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here neat Monday and Tuesday evening It Is the epic of a brave and unselfish woman faced with the bitterest dilemma to ever confront the institution of marriage a throbbing, vibrant document of human hopes and fears of a STARTING MONDAY I QIC A M BKsir aaBBaPBslslslsK. aslslslsislslsHP CHURCHMAN MILITANT MfsuJoun.se or: 31 o - a nan who for eight year; wii iu Angllran archdeaenn i n coin-mandirut an Australian warehtp II officers and men etQ bun the Ightlng Archdearon EE he d II." to FIGHT to L0V2 to MARRY to be Pcre: was tv-,r a.. 1Jrr k HaJan SbSbSbSbSM sWBsSs9gafSSl K H ENDS TONIGHT Complete Rhows. 7 10. P 30 "WAKE ISLAND" At 7 47. 9.M JEAN GABIN .mil r: CAP S tAMOUt muti tlU SUNDAV MID.MTi; "MOO.VriDI. N"l, HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE OIL OF EUCALYPTUS FRIAR'S UALSAM CASTOR on. M AROMATIC CASTOR OIL AROMATIC 0ASGARA . 1 CAMPHORATED OIL ? " HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ... 1(1 02. Rl'SnM HAt.TQ -I'd l .C " BORACIC ACID, tins j' iiuii'un, r'vvuiijia, tins IMTV VltI linn., ,t.tft I ' f sTOf'i ' IVl'U II I'KUill 11" ' ' Ormes Jim Pioneer Druqyt THE KEXALL HTU1CK. I,0NI Open Dally from 8 a.m. till bunilsyt and lluhdsys from It P"1- "" ! at A1