PAGE TWO BLADES DAILY EDITION VTThry . . . ... trj. SS?5', V ftl tesiesi-growmg economy oiooe Minnrn RInnP? ytrY for dovhk-edge razors give f ..... i. l - I r-' quiiK, easy snave 01 h juriny THE DAILY NEWS Friday. November 27. 1942 EDITORIAL Salmon Arm . . . Shaking politically, the Co-operative Comlnon-wealth Federation may well feel satisfied with the result of the by-election in Salmon Arm provincial riding which went very definitely in their favor. The late Hon. R. W. Bmhn, who had been member for Salmon Arm for eighteen years, had a strong personal hold on that electorate, it is well known. Therefore, it does not necessarily follow that the victory of the C.C.F. yesterday was any particular sign of generally growing political strength for the group. Possibly Salmon Arm is now in the political column where it should normally be. Salmon Arm is largely an agricultural area so it might be assumed that the C.C.F. wouud have some natural strength there. True it is the C.C.F. keeps busy in season and out at the expounding of its political doctrines while, between elections at least, there is no endeavour on the part of the Liberals or the Conservaitves, largely merged now in the coalition, to keep up political campaigning. Meanwhile the result is Salmon Arm will mean little difference as far as the relative strength of the nolitical parties in British Columbia is concerned, leaving the government although losing the one seat, with a majority of about two to one over the C.C.F., the official Business Freezing . . . There appear to be two objectives in the order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board prohibiting the opening of new businesses or the expansion of old ones. Expansion includes addition of new lines of goods and enlarging of premises used. One objective is to prevent an increase in employment in non-war activities. The other objective is to help assure merchants of their fair share of whatever goods are available. Under the price-ceiling policy, a supplier of goods to a retailer could charge the highest price he charged any customer in the basic period. As more and more goods have come into short supply, there is an ever-greater temptation for the supplier to sell a larger proportion, or all, of his goods to the customer paying the highest price in the basic period. Sometimes this meant that new customers got goods at higher prices, while old customers got no goods, or could get them only at prices which prevented resale at a profit. The first reaction of the trade to the order has been favorable. But whether the advantages to be gained from the shutting off of new outlets offsets the very great curtailment of freedom of action in the normal conduct of business remains to be seen. Many questions are likely to confront the merchant in the coming months as he strives, in the face of short supply, to maintain sufficient stocks of goods related to and not necessarily different from the kinds of goods he normally has been stocking. In some retail circles it is believed that the simpler, and more directly effective method, of assuring equitable distribution of supply would be to establish maximum prices at the manufacturers' level, with the retail level governed by the fixing of maximum markups. GlWl&Wi PROtURRBlE SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLED E BOTUEO IN SCOTLAND IT WM CRAKT t SONS ITS. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia DETROIT'S COMEBACK Scored Two Goals In Last Ten Minutes last Nlrht to Win Over Toronto Maple Leafs DETROIT. Nov. 27 A record -breaking crowd of 14eo tens tat Detroit saw the Red Wtags stage ft coiaclMck. in the last tea minute or last night's National League Horkey game, the home team scoring two goals to take the victory run tbe Toronto Mapta Leafs who had made the one and only counter arlte.. As a re it. tne Ha Wing.-went into exelusive Q lector--hip over the Ch ?aga Black Hxwkt with when they have been tied but who tail two to one lat nigh: to the New York Rangers at Chicago. The league standlnc to dte: W D L P A P Detroit 5 3 2 40 31 13 Chicago 4 3 3 37 33 11 Toronto 5 0 4 44 26 19 Bostan 4 1 4 29 32 9 Can nd tens 3 2 4 32 39 8 Ni-w V .i; 3 1 0 35 50 yflaHIPai HaVTIT?flH I'LEASE SAVE THE IlOTTLE Youir Saivage :ce wiU collect. This advertltrawm la not fxbllabnl at dtSpHred by the Liquor Control Board tr ty the Oovrnmcot or British C3lumb!a Shower For Miss Wesley Mrs. It. J. Bacon Hostess on Wednesday Night for Bride-elect On Wednesday night a shower was held at the home of Mrs. B. J. Bacon in honor of Miss Salome Wesley whose marriage to Earl Corliss takes place next month. Bridge was played and the win ners were Mrs. O. Olske. first, and Mrs. Carl Strand, second. At the conclusion of the cards a beautiful and generous collection of gtfU for the bride-to-be was drawn In on a dinner wagon by Bunny," Jim Bacon's famous hound, in true hunter's style and presented to Miss Wesley. Delicious refreshments were served and a most enjoyable evening was spent by the guests. Those present were Mrs. B. J. Bacon, Mrs. Mark Edcar, Mrs. F White, Mrs. E. Hudson, Mrs. M. Lldstone. Mrs. Lee Dell, Mrs. O. Pick, Mrs. J. Strand, Mrs. Carl Strand, Mrs. E. Clapp, Mrs. R. B, Skinner, Mis. H. Knutsen, Mrs. O. Olske, Mrs. R. Amrun, Mrs. H. Rensvold, Miss Rose LaBelle, Mrs. J. Comer, Mrs. V. MUton, Mrs. D. Motrles and Miss Wesley. nnroiiE CLEOl'ATIU . Use of cosmetics was highly developed in Egypt as early as 1350 B.C. THE DAILY NEW3 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. K ItOKOTIIV OAltltlTT Hector MacKsatle iXtkHMKln and Mrs. Y!acK.eek not target-ting Stctppy, left last atajtU . fur Vancouver on a much anticipated holiday. I overheard Hec gem-? the lowdown on all the varlot night clubs from Carl who hot just returned. So It looks as though Hk and Connie Mend to do the town brown. Last night's dance at the Midlands marked the debut of their smart new orchestra music stands. They are patnfcrd with a blue baebarouHd with a red and white stripe down each side and in the centre Is painted the word "M-I-D-L-A-N-D." Those should give a certain tone, eclat or even bov- homrote as it were to the ratios tra. Not that It needed it bemuse 7 it's one of the best and moat wlll-! int; in these parts. The girls certainly gave the American Thanksgiving dance their wholehearted support, so nurh so that at times it looked u.s thouKh there were more glrav ha- bovs at the affair. When the -.- r-ally go to town to give yon : time and nlee dancing don't you think K"i about ' .: : vm boys made It a point of ny.r ivit to let any ftrt sK out d;.nre It happens at M the I I - ind I think the boys should I I ' ir hare. too. There really was a bumper .: rf the Women's Service Club V. iv .st! ay afternoon when twenty - f:o women and seven children w re present. It served to put heart into the regular attendants u ri it was nlee to see ten new members, two of whom. Mrs. Ortm-, b'.e and Mrs Vaughan. are Prince ulrls from way back. All he ladles were very busy making bog to fill up with goodies f..v he boys In the hospital at C! ; 'm.K They are busy hunting ar'ur.d for a Santa Claus suit for fhe "tuldren's party which Is to be V;cld at the "Y" hut lounge on Dcrcmher 19 They are anxious to p,e many names as possible of ..Am-, living In Prince Rupert whose daddies are In the services. Ycui:g Mister Olyn satan'-a; ?, Robl,on aml DouUs UnlU.n Mac Donald, i wh-5e daddy is In the R.CA.F.. ' uc!ed his first social affair In h.j cr. lengthy life of five weeks He not fully aware of the social g accs as yet because he slept through the entire meeting. Hut he ; learn, hell learn. The raffle w3- presented by Mrs. Youn and w n by Mrs Y.W.CA.i Oarbntt who 'ui thinks they ganged up 1 :: Tier never having won any-: h: hot life before New Officers' Mess Is Opened The Grenadiers were hosts to about two hundred and fifty guests mcluding many local civilians, at a large party to celebrate the opening of the new officers mess. The guests were royally entertained and the evening was one of the social htghlights of the seaon. Dancing to the musk provided by the Grenadiers' orchestra was the feature of the occasion. The officers of' the Grenadiers will be at home on the first and third Saturday of each month at which time an orchestra will ba provided for dancing, and on the second and fourth Sunday of the month for a quiet evening imifiiiiiitii IGOLD SEALs 2 - Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring in Tomato Saure are both on active service but will be back on your grocer's khelf toon as condl- dltions permit. For Free Home Delivery Phone 634 ecu alaVSfSialalRValalaBflalall "ZzQM 4ir A pretty double weddhnt w:ih beavtifulry gowned brides and w-tendants carrying lovely bouqueti. took place on Monday aiternoon m First United Church The pnnn-pals were all fram Hartley Bay In one ceremony Miss Lucy Rob-Inron and Heber Qtgion were united. The bride was given in mar-rUge by htr nle Welle r Rr binvm The w4tneaM were Lewis Ah-x Clifton and Simon Jteece In the other wedding Mis Jessie wrrr marnea. i ne or'ar va given In marriage by her father Wi.liam iRubinson Witnesses were U-wu Alex Clifton an-i Lucy Robirwon Engineers Honor Pete McCormick Banquet Held by ttalon Fr Well-known Pioneer A banquet was held under the ausplees of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Local 510. Prince Rupert, to honor P. J. McCormick. who retiring on superannuation from the service of the Prince RuperLlry dock. David MacPhee was In thechail. Mr. McCormick Is a charter member of Looal 510. having been connected with operating eogiB-eers since 1014. The banquet was well attended by many members and visiting friends. Indicating the high regard Sf. your local iut handling lhti linn, NT CARltY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Ooods. KiMi,k,l SO Ytan B.C. Clothiers PIIONK BLACK Third Avenue ARCTIC JACKETS Down-injuljfcd jackets made by Woods, maker of world-famoui sleeping robes. Feather lijht,. roomy, comfortable. EVEREADY Kdi-8 litUriet Manufacture! and Dhtrllutott 3 PRINCE RUPERT This advert sement is not published or d ipJjycd by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Bntuih Columbia, DOUBLE WEDDING Hartley Bay Natives Were Principal in Nuptials ThU Week 324 Mrs Don Creed returned to the eity on hurt night's tram, after attending the funeral of her lather In Prince Albert. Sank In which Mr. McCormlok U lield On behaU of she m e f a vert dry stock employee T. J. Belter made a presentation. A program Included speeches by many of his friends, Including M, M. Liimb, and also songs with S A MacPher-son, vocalist. wKh Mr. C A. Davis, accompanist Ut VANCOUVW - (tsUliiB :. :: I :i:g in City Chimney Sweri r Chlmmy ( lease UI flm lloo( Itrpairs rh. fJrren C r.tfifoi LSlllDIII I I I IMII Fresh Local Itaw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY riio.NE ci KWOSft SANf. HIV. nor kh: CHOP SUE! House Neil to Klni Til m :th An: west All Jtr patrvnar lew Open S p m. to I s m. Out Orders fim ? pm. U ! rhwe Krd IVt sr.itvicrs to Vancouver, VUtorU nd Wf . ..s4 points, Qneen Stewart n 'w'"' ChrMt Iilsadt. Koll Inf-rmatloru TjU and HrwttiW" f HANK J. SRINtE . t Prince Third Ave. Kupert , Ybmt HI s Our Delivery B p 8 Schedule nn ivrmrs MirKtt M TUESDAY, Till nV- S SATl'nDAV by Please co-opcute your order ' rl M poj I ble. To ensure : Hers must be In by 4 Pw j . si i day preceding dc:.vcry. MUSSALLEM3 Economy StorC WTaere Dollar1. I Cent' g rhones 18-19 I'.O. P0 It 5U