PAQE TV70 DAILY EDITION PERTH'S 'Tango Pumps" in crushed pun , metal JULIE ARTHUR Hi Styles lines in latest designs PLIO PEDIC Arch Supporting Shoes with Style Plus Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" EDITORIAL (STORE NAME) irx pte5ent5 THREE FEATURE VALUES 1 Perfprt soli- of dtinty twin-hcrt dcttfii s5000 0 a-A flawlfit diamond in modern tettinj and matchtnc weddtnf ring . . . both for AO-50 3 Lovely flora! motif provide! exquiute letting ft pwfect diamond s 37 .50 BOY YOB R J ON COKVEXIENT CREDIT John Bulger Ltd. TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1942 Flying Officer Eddie Smith . . . Flying Off icer Edward Smith, son of Mrs. J. A. Srnth, is missing on service overseas with the Royal Canadian Air Force, according to private advices received by the family. 4 A member of one of the most highly esteemed pioneer families here, Eddie Smith, as he was familiarly known, was another of Prince Rupert's finest young men. The news concerning him is a matter of great anxiety for his many.friends who will think especially of the The trouble about calling off the blackout is thdt we all get so complacent again. r r IS J A ' - - .Sr. r S V For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Deicndable TAXI Service PHONE 13 24-llour Service at Regular Rates vegetables publicity Late Plantings Th nvprfipp psrrtpn It nnvr gardens in a few weeks. Victory Gardens gardens. Many Canadians are.M. , . ovo ,oV.n planting vegees for the first , Luler m oemkM 5tlt Mr time. (June a lot of Ihls publicity lkt.r ca))ed te ToronUj in the United States and criglna e, , Mr ett w&$ askfd teke u WIIHC UIC.III1UIU1BI.1U11 "''"J ..r hn. u nnilth( lIMflnil'Afl VM4-kW 4- lit,? 4- J TXsMS 4- V. Tr.1 XTn.t.n --. n i I ...U.U1. 1- Ik. C n . .... 1. nAf 1 be careful in using varieties: mentioned. Many of these are not 1 - 1 u.. n.. juh 1 He was probably the first boy to reach overseas with the StSSoSfT I KOyai Canadian Air 0rce. Garden Enemies . FYil ttho nvoconf if nnr nrr Via Vinnnrl fl-iof mnvn vnt Wasv4 1nsA-iti nnri HUmep flfp ' assuring word concerning his fate may yet be received. obtainable in Canadian seed store3 the natural enemies of the garden. I If countered quickly by continuous cultivation, some quick-acting B commercial fertilizer and various Knravs and dusts, there will be i - ' ' f nxViU Ilia mnln tViirifV t B " to start the counter attack before 'the enemies get their offensive ! underway. V is a simple matter, for instance, to dust potatoes and If done mst as soon as the second et of ' leaves develop, . , and fol - I The same Is true wth mildew on.jj r :ps and other plants, with at- ck.s on aphids, wilt and the var- . I ;aus insects that pray on so many of our cultivated plants, jj I Thorough and early cultivation n wiii soon check weeds and will q "ncoura;e growtn or tne tntngs iwe are trying to grow. If at any 'time of these first cultivations little garden fertilizer is added !a carefully, close to, but not actually touching, the plants, favorable growth will be further encouraged General Care Once the garden, both vegetable and flower, Is fully planted late care will be principally cult- j ivation and dusting or spraying j as mentioned earlier and thinning and staking. One can hardly over-emphasize the Importance of thinning. Those small seeded vegetables like lettuce, carrots and beets, for instance, should never i be allowed to grow as they usually germinate. The same is true of flowers whose seeds are so fine that it Is Impossible to prevent their being planted too close. Carrots, beets, lettuce, etc. should DnypooaooooooooooottoooiciooofO0oooiooooooooooocDOOOOo With Howers, give at least as much room between the plants as they will finally grow. KIKirnSHKS FOIt RUMIEK half:t DAY and Nir.iiT 5: uuuuN. June a: w Eire musi,T DooJOoooooooooHooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooollfh.foll.rUbbe SuppIy 14 80 i ouuii. nidi cuast resiaeius arc, a I asked to report all rubber washed it i up. it is considered ine only source of additional supplies. FAKK DETECTIVE 1 WINDSOR... Eng.; Jtme 9: CTA I thief who pfted as, a Scotland Yard detective-robbed a local hotel of a ring, a ham and a Joint of beef HE DAILY TUH8DAY jHill Sixty i Chapter Is Kept Busy The regular monthly meeting of the Hill 60 Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, was held at the home of Mrs. O. E. Moore, Ambrose Avenue, Xlonday planted with the earlier types of afternoon with a good attendance vegetables and flowers. This does 01 mrmw;ra-not tea and Mle cf delicatessen mean, however, that It is too A, late to make a start. As a matte ! cooking has been arranged for of fact, most authorities state, the ;,unc 17 at e nome r Mrs J 11 Maeey. 327 Second Avenue, average beginner makes a mistake in ceasing planting too soon. II In, th.e. latest shipment to the one dartres continuous blown IlnIal Chijpter garments val-throuth ufd at I3M and madc the out the season or a con- tlnirittg supply of really fresh memi for r children vetabtes. planting should be cons,stlfdw of 17 nlshtles- 12 lrs baby panties. 3 chlld-s slips. continued right up to July i This is especially true of veg- ? rls UghUes. 11 pairs pyjaau. etables. particularly the semi- iVTr . K. . ,acK, l tender things Uke beans. :arrots. ' mnaio iquiu. i cresses beets, cabbage, etc. Most veet- "nd DOnU. 8 ' sets ables are best when they Just 9 raters, 1 Jumper dress.' 15 fT- baby h,rU- 1 swat"" reach first maturity, and. If one 24 dinners. 25 personal bans !5' wants to continue eating ther finest carrots, beets, beans, pea. For f 'orces w"e Produced 28 etc.. all through the season then farvtes- 1 3 P3 " mltf-planting 7 13 hrtnets. should be continued at fairs 14 ks- 4 Palr anWe 3 intervals of from two to three eeveless sweaters. weeks right from the time the soil is first ready up to about' i the first week In July. Rntinlfl RlMrlcTpH I With flowers, it is still not too iAUIldlU Drillgeil late to plant nasturtiums, glad-! f 1 A XT loll, dahlias, and to set out well IS 111 UDeni ilOW started bedding plants of cosmos.' zinnias, alyssum. etc. These start-. . . . ed plants In both vegetables and'00?11 Btll tho ft Pr, f Vancouver recently has flowers will allow one to have "fert blooming flowers or maturing "" Z the Duke of Plaza Toro In the opera "The Gondoliers" which Is .to be presented in the Malkln Bowl at Vancouver in July. The There has been a good deal of .. . , K C1, , ,, ft1 ' I tnn In th ITnvW fJort. tin inri iuuuhcu iiiuiiicx rti wuo Lime, iicic ctu me uauy ic a sujutui mi me ouim, iv jr nwv j grldgett is also to play the office, Eddie was no stranger. We remember him bestlbe adapted to our more rigorous Irole of Kuppelwesier In "Blossom messenger and later operator. His fine pesonality endeared him to all. Eddie was the first Prince Rupert boy to win his wings and he was not slow in makng further headway.! 1 TT 1 IV i? 'A 1 M 11 I wTu iwuHm wc n,me another operatic presenU tlon to be staged soon in MARRIED NURSE Refresher Course In response to numerous re- r structor from a hospital .illl'l DUSIjI. I ! : B m 5 quests a Refresher Course will - 1 Liui.i.iig m,.ii. itic ict: will . I wed aualn at intervals of two '2 u . . . .. i I weeks during the early period of. 5 53 to cover travelling ex- g ' njowth. there will be no trouble. penses. 2 For Information, phone Ked 95C, before June 12 m M m u m Mrs. O.L. MURRAY : a G 0 L be offered in July or August pv n to be given by a qualified In- S E A L WW- THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeyc Salmon Fancy Red 1 Herring in Tomato Sauce CAMP FURNITURE 8 only Fpldlng Camp Cots, each . 55.75 10 only Folding Camp Cots, heavy 10 oz. khaki duck, each $7.00 Folding Camp Chairs from 75c. SUO. $2.95 Steel Folding Camp Cots, complete with mattresses, each S12-10 Tents, Sleeping Robes. Pack Boards. Pack Sacks, Dunnage Hags Simmons Bed Outfit, all sizes, Spring Filled Mattress In all sices Large Stock of Floor Covering, Congoleuma, Linoleums, Carpets Unpalhtcd Furniture, Chests of Drawers, Dronatdc Tabl, Meai Safes, Ironing Boards, Etc. Wc have the Goods at Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, neit to Dally News. C.reen 310 o u o o a ol Sandwich Spreads g Spiced Sainton g Smoked Salmon 2 Hloater have two to three Inches apart I In the rowand the first harvest .j,4.f4.4.4.4 , . . , .i'T a snouui lase oui every omer pianii irjj in rprm Tinitr to give the survivors more room, t YllV IS I Hr. I I IVI T Olve us an order right away for the amount of coal you expect to need next season. This will enable us to meet your requirements now or as supplies arrive. Jt is Important that you -should Wy In your coal supply this summer as it Is almost certain that the dealer will not be able to cope satisfactorily with the demand next winter. IT IS NOT HOARDING TO IJUY YOUR COAL EARLY (It la also necessary to place your order a day ahead of Delivery) Albert & McCaffery Ltd. HIONE8 110 OR 117 IT IS PATRIOTIC f 0 Saving ts now proclaimed a National Need If Canada is lo carry on, full-out In Ihls war. Upon (ho shoulders of each ono of us falls somo part of tho responsibility for helping to financo the war. The sooner you uso your savings book more than your chequo book the better for you and for Canada. fate your income $eriouly. Put every dollar you can Into a savings account. O varieties ha not been tested rrmuimililiiDl w TO HOARD COAL Dy f Illlne your bin and keeping it full you will h .) boltlrnrrk. You and your bin rrprrrnt a vital part of the slor?' EnlKt for the duration by anticipating your require : T .J 1 krrping your bin storing all it can. All tirades of Foothills Alberta Coal now on hand-also Hulkley Valley and Comox Coals PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. I'lioxi: r.i nioxi: Going, Going, GONE Model :0 (illustrated) $120.05 Forever Those Wash Day Blues With Time Tested Time Proven EASY the Washer that means what it says-There is a Genuine K.sY Washer to suit your panic-ular requiromi a? Mv. yaciiim cijps. AgY 'Washers ar-T m $1(10.25 JWKV' Guaranteed. wun gyrator fulb Mam.JM