PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE N v Sunuuer Scoop! SLACK SUITS Designed for Work or Play Our Fashion Scouts looked over the best of the Eeastcrn Styles and selected the choicest of the lot. Thus you may choose from many styles that Rupert ordinarily would not sec. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Lngravint VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Uinnerware, Glasses, Kaggage and Novelties. j MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant V Limited quantities of each style assure you ot something differ-J? ent at prices you'll recognize as quite inexpensive J Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night "j I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I l "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" ! THIRD AVE. Next to lleilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 5 TERKOIUST CHAPLuMN Bjarne Barby. notorious Nazi terrorist, has been appointed chap OF "UNKNOWN ORIGIN Palcct. an historic building lain or a congregation In Oslo, Nor- Oslo. Norway, has been destroyed way. by fhre of unknown origin. Canadian National Railways Changes in Train Services Effective June 8th, 1912 TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 6 p.m., stopping at all local stations, arriving JASPER Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, 7 ajn. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 aun., stopping at Terrtce. Pacific, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smithers, Burns Lake, Van" derhoof, Prince George, Glscome and McBrlde only. Arrive JASPER Thursday and Saturday 12:25 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY. FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 11 p.m. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 6 p.m. For Full Information, Reservations, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT 528 Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 12 DINING CHAIRS, white wood, upholstered with Red Leatherette Seat. Q m fmm Each tpLOd 100 KITCHEN CHAIRS, Eastern Hardwood, Whitewood. Each PHONE 775 NO WASTE PRINCE RUPERT $1.95 327 THIRD AVENUE BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets , . . at, YoM MMU)rA t K READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storag Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA P.T. TEA SUCCESS Doth successful and enjoyable was the program-tea held last Frl-!day afternoon at Oddfellows' Hall 'by the Prfnce Rupert rarent-Teachers' Association. Weather was fine and. many guests (called to patronize the affair, being received ! by the president, Mrs. Thomas Dix on, and the past president, Mrs. '.V. Gcone Hill. I An interesting feature of the afternoon was a musical program Ivby a large number of pupils of S Bordon Street, King Edward and Dooth Memorial Schools, this being Ij'to a large extent a repetition of N the special Empire Day program. j Mrs. O. R. S. Blackaby was In i charge of tea room. Miss E. A Mercer, Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill, Miss S Mary Hartln and Miss Kate Mc Kav Drcslded at the tea tables which were prfcttlly adorned with ? June roses and violas. Serviteurs were Mrs. D. R. Barclay. Mrs. Eric J Hart, Mrs. D. V. Smith, Mrs. R. G Large. Mrs. O. C. Young, Mrs. James Forman. Mrs. Robert Stra No. 23. No 11 Detachment Prince Kupert, B.C. PART I ORDERS 1. TRAINLVO Lecture 2000 hours-2360 hours. istratlon. Signed' M. HARTIN IJSVIVIS l( 10 WIIMOUI llOIJt IT IT A II MltCHANTI. AMIS AND tOil OMICIt mRYWHtRl IrV CANADA PAINT THB OUTSIDE. (THIS TIME T .vatm TiYrtl - ' ill m g 1 !-H 'English Palm is still thn full ! j w'dled standard product of pre- J vaf years, the protection of your home is a wartime precaution that 'should not be neglected. One gal- t ion of B-H 'EnBllsh' covers about .700 square feet. GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBrlde Street THE DAILY NEWS . 1 JULLHJ- HI HUB BOWLING VICTORY Percy Tinker's Kink Wins Cana dian Legion Brooklyn chan. Mrs. E. L. Hartwlg. MrsiSt. Louis George Hill, Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs. Cincinnati P. Nellson, Mrs. Harold Hampton,, New York Mrs. R. G. Macaulay, Mrs. George1 Boston I Howe, Mrs. G. E. Moore, Mrs. T. J. i Pittsburg Chlcaso Mrs. Andrew Thompson. Acting as! Philadelphia cashier was Mrs. Balnes while i Mrs. R. Braun and Mrs. Wood had J1' charge of the kitchen. V The charge of Mrs. R- G. Webbe: as- ictory Cup In the, annual f lawn bowling competition oh iJntthy for the Canadian Legion's Victory Cup a rink skipped by Percy Tinker and also Including W. H. Wilson-Murray. William Ranee and Wil liam Reld won the trophy uy a score of 86 to 58. The next lawn bowling event of importance will be the annual garden party for the Children of Britain fund which has now been set for June 21 It will consist of a number of Informal competl tlons. the event beln under the auspices of the British Columbia Lawn Bowling Association. Baseball Standings National League W. L. 37 14 28 19 28 24 25 26 26 29 23 28 23 30 16 36 American League W. L. Vw Vnrlr VI home cooking table was in' . 3Q Cleveland " 27 slsted by Mrs. William Bussey, Mrs. 1 .n ,. ;J. H. Macey, Mrs. George Clcconelc. .,'.'" , ... . . ov a-mju&a and Mrs. M. F. Nlckerson. RED CROSS CORPS Prince Kupert sec::on Chicago ; Washington Philadelphia F 19 20 21 12 25 25 23 26 29 31 34 Pet. Whifflets From The Waterfront Armour Salvage boat Armoco arrived in port this morning from Annette Island. She will be sailing of By Mrs. E. M. Miller. Commandant today on her return north. June 9th, 1912; TO BALK FORGERS LONDON. June 9 O) BrlUln'a 1 Electric Hoover. Just like new 6 Coleman Gas Burners up from 21 Sprlngfilled Mattresses from $18.50 to S17.50 S2.50 S25.00 8 3-piece Chesterfield In the latest styles and colors at low Prices. B. C. Furniture Co. IMIONE II LACK 321 Third Avenue The Hyde Transfer-Wanted ; 500 GUNNY SACKS At He Each HYDE TRANSFER Second Avenue Phone 6R0 FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD, WEATHER DR. JEKYLL I FOR MAY AND HYDE Was (Julie Favorable Month Willi Sunshine And Kain Levi Than Usual DELICIOUS CREOLE SAUCE 1 medium onion, diced. 4 cup uncooked ham small dkenl. Famous Robert Imih Stevenson Story Here With Spencer Tracy In Title hole As usual,. the month of May was Thrill nnd drnma and An cxccl-qultc favorable one from the lent cast combine to make the mother atandimiiii In Prtnw Run-; new picturoauon oi mc lamoui ert. The sunshine was somewhat 'detective tory. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr under the average for Uw nwnth Hyde, cominc w me tpiui but so also was the rainfall. (Theatre screen this Wednesday The sunshine for the month' and Tnurway a mosi exciung totalled 105.6 hour as compared i Mm. Spencer Tracy plays the duel 170 7 hour, in ih an me character with uina rarncr as month last vear. ThU brought sun- the fiancee and Ingrld Bergman hine for 1942 to date up to an as a "bad girl." aaareaate of 385. hours in com- Tracy displays his usual artistry arln with 551 hours in the flratlln delineating the double personal five month of 1941. Uy f d ky and the ThP rainfall of 3 JO inches thUlevll Mr. Hyde. Miss Turner tnjerb May compared with 4.13 inches In a apirlted flavor to the role of the same month last year, bring-1 the Victorian girl who U willln- hur the total for 1942 to date up'io defy convention for tne love o. tii 3871 inches a aaalnst 31.37 her sweetheart. Mias Bergman s inches in in corresDondlna period dramatic work In the picture or last year. ials aald to be memorable The weather summary for the' The picture U. of courie. adapt month of MaV thU year was U- ed from Robert Louis Stevenson i -r-we'sued last nutht br 8. O. Mellor. i famoua thriller. The fine work or 5&6!Digby Island. Dominion meteorolo- Fredrlc Mar-h In the first talking eo i sist and is as followr. picture veraion oi me siorv k re '.9Q Maximum barometer reading at membered by movie fans. Tracy '4-3 'sea level. 30.31 on May 5. Is said to b? equaiiy good with the I .Minimum barometer reading at advantage of being able himself .434 joe Pet. .755 .545 .519 Ml 509 .396 .392 .382 sea tevei. w.vuo on May jo. w w.. Maximum temperature. 7U on 'without as much artificial aaUt-May 12. ance. Minimum temperature, 38 on Mean temperature. SU. lllRI S ARF Total nrwlDltAtlon 30 inches IVJIaA'jU mvt-i Total sunshine. 105 6 hours Maximum wind velocity, southeast. 27 miles per hour. May 1 Timely Recipes is 'KHAKI-MAD',1- Some Turning to larceny a Children I'lock Black to ltndon LONDON. June J - Juvenile delinquency has hit a new high in London where chtraren'a laughter ; echoes through the streets )uu a 2 cloves garlic, chopped very from the time when girls and lnnc,y 'boya were a rare tight in Die cap- l pimiento, aicea. (cut ltal. "I Raid-free nlgiits and warnm weather have brought the children 2 tablespoons cooktr oU or fat. from th, country and evacuation 1 can condensed tomato Joup c.nirea u their citv homea. it haa V cup water. (been estimated unofficially Hiat 2 teospoona' sugar. are wmo youngrten here Saute the very finely chopped li00 arrtring weekly, garlic, diced onions, diced ham. Meanwhile. .Meanwnnc. tUc pouc repor reoort mu Uuit a - All ranks will take lecture by new clothing coupons are virtually :d die Miss B. Moxley on Corps Admin- forgery proof. Included In the de- ,A J L", .k rMm of youngater. are fslen " " J"" ' PP""g coun. on wie oay arc what a Board of Trade " : . .. . ooion are sou ana vaiunarem. "t .inn. ou n oaM eaws .rf cic timtrri ; f fi-ii atone iu. ui uiwwai uiaiiiuni us tnjf ucv ThMi aAA liuoslii annn a4 alr . , .1.. , Acting Adjutant devices" which should make Msy l "" T'ZZ r TA awM vm l"wn " m2.Z r the detection of any Imitation. BLACKHEADS to rUUr tinpl mttkod Uiat dlt-oItm Uwm, Cat tio miBPM M pvrotln powdr from jmt irttfiiU lr Hb Dot. t eloUl MU7 ovtr tk kUkhad and 70 will won4r wkt Ut hlv ri- Specials 2 Smith Typewriters Special S11.80 sugar Just before removing from court,- faieen Younghusband lire. MaKea H cup aauoa. chairman of the West London Ju- ivenlle Court. They arc turning to 1 TIRES' LIFE LOSS 'larceny and to breaking and 5n.?r- Ing. There Is a new temptation fjr Fires In the United Siatea Uke them to break Into evacuated about 10J0W human Uvea annually, homea or to wander among bombed buildings, unaware that looting PIERCE OUANICHE la a crime." A probation officer, describing The ouanlche. fierce fighting Mirnt. -,ri- . said flh of the Lac Saint Jean region In M of a uniform turna their Quebec. Is a landlocked salmon.' Ihad u bealtw harmleaa hero-worship, but a little flattery from ENDS IWrt TASK . ther hcro and lhcrc U no p. Ing them at home. Others "make Official Historian C. E. W. Bean fooU 0f themselves" by running has completed his hUtory of the after oWer men or by tang into Australian Imperial Force In the thc ciuU:hcs of undesirable com- Otaa a nr. BUl.KLEY VALLEY HirrrER Arrives Fresh Every Week ! We believe in featuring it and helping our up-rlvcr J farmers. Try It once and we s feel sure you will want no oiner us rreshneas and quality Is unsurpassed We also feature up-rlvcr VEGETABLES whenever pos- ,ible MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Hoi 575 Phonei ig.9 MEN'S SUITS ladles' and dents Sprlnr, Suits .Military Radices and luilxnla M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Boi 975 Phone Or. 900 I IN TMK HfTHKMK ( OI It T (ty IHtlTHI ( OI.I Mlllt IN l-imiiTi- In lli mntlrr of llir AilmlnMrnllon June in- nun in hp nmllpr i.f Ihr :lnlp of NU lluktln t'.illiiiiii iiu.ii . i.. . .. . r , , ....r.,Tr1l, , , Canada at War 25 Years Ago s June 0. 1917 o Canadian troopa ? captured ISO prisoners In raid near Lens on thc Arras front. Violent German counter-attacks on new . British positions near Mestlncs. Belgium, repulsed "with heavy J losses. Italians occupied Janlnu ! Greece. BASEBALL ; SCHEDULE June 10 Watts ft Nlckerson vs. Edmonton Fusiliers; Midlands June 14- Dry Docks vs. Medicals, I Searchlights vs. Watts & 17Edmonton Fusiliers vs. vs. Searchlights; Co-Op, vs. irmir. i ' jviiuianusj. : . (i t - - u- iv TAKff -noticr t by order bf hi, Juno 21-Mcdlcalsi.vs. Cp-Op., Dry Honor. W. E. Ftoher. Xvun on Uu lt.h ... ...... .-j. Way of April. A.D. LHJCKS vs' iuianas. 1942. I W(Ui ippoin.t. . et AdnUnitrator ot Uw Entivu of Nu June 21 Watts ti Nlckerson vs. lUkvIn Bdlund, diwidd, .ri all par- Co-ODcratlves tte w-e liCTeby rfqutrM to furntan wune. prttwly vertfld. to m an or -. r wt T r fore ie SSth day nf Jurw. A.D. 1043. I IM K I fTitl nd til pnrtan lrwlHtrt to Mie estele V.ll.lV. 1 ItllllO nre rw(Ulml to pay Ui runwint of .... ,, ,. , thlr lrdfbtUim to mo forth wMi. 1 "r l,,C Lat-- ,,R.A1ED t.rr,"B,',lu1' no- Mondays, Wednesdays and 37Ul day of May. A.D. 1843 Prlrlnvn fl 'rways 0 NoiuiAN k watt. p.m Offtotel AdnHnUtmrfor, I rom the Past Prinee Rupert, b.o. . I Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays . n'p.rr. I moui runii "HI KNDS TtlNluir Complete Sir. , c. JOAN BENNX'ir "SHE KNEW ALL 1E ANSWEUS" (at 7 !, 3 HEC1NS WLDXLSDAY Complete Show), sv, 1?:J0, 2 35. 4 53, . . STARTL1NO Hu,. man who wj ,i WRAQ BERGMAN TURNER M VICTOI IllMINQ 1 I TcJtrVLL Oatlt Wit UN v vtti At 12 30. 2 4 . t Also World N' v, E COMING rill, SAT "Courtthlp of Andy lUriy SUNDAY MlDMTi: nj Itobt. Young - Ituth He In ".Married lUchdor savoy HOTEL Curl Zarelli Prop. Phone Jl I'.O. Hut M FltASKIt STUI-KT I'KI.M L Kl I'l.Ul J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR WalUre Mock I'hcnc (II Fresh Local Uaw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Announcement ' We are KUd a that c ate no fc-l i 1 SHOE lil.l'AIKIM ll'T at our sliop. witb t.I W. Yatt m lui; Charlie has mai perlencc In the knows liow to f " shoe right. Let !ur; you. We also carry PRF :? Aj CX' M j e for "i:0E3 AND WOHKINO On: Tfl LING, the Tailor SUth Street VhoM fll Suits Pressed ' While You W n ur;i i"' -m In PICNIC CLASSW VKK" AND in CROCKERY NEKDi j J H AT THE t VARIETY ST0KB -,... ooooooooaooooaOQ;3-5:;:i5Cp n O Announcement NOWOl'HN 'Sunrise Beauty Salon Violet ,Mh Above S"rls Store Entrance Sixth Avur PIIONi: HHIB 9,5 Prince Rupert. D.C 7, V 1