V - ;:xxi No. 133 VcLes Some And Not Lmplrn Wo. Slow Trains To Handle Mails I'o-ital Service Is Announced following Change Of Railway Schedule Mi. nn arrangements have "arte for the handling of unci from the Hast on the trains which are to be 1 ' tn and out or Prince "imtncnclng this week fr the BaU will be dla-' on thp mixed trains Mon-Wcdnrsday and Friday nights or ;ent and will arrive Tues-1,1 day and Sunday nights : Urn mixed trains. I'ACKLIi BY DUKE AERARVAN. Wales, June 9 CD Tne Duke of Kent, visiting a ?c's depot, packed the 300,-p:irvi to be sent to prlspn-; of war camps. MOIIII.i: DENTAL UNIT LONDON. Juno 0 CfW. V. Mil- 'ol Toronto 4iia llrtf "my " with "I'll Its IIS I first mobile den- (. . to include unit was acceolcd bv Ma.' !. .' .D' clwer. director of nrmy services. PACIFIC NA 0WER MAY BE RE aST AFTER MIDWAY ISLAND BATTLE United Stales IMancs Seeking Out Japanese for Further Rattle First Hand Account of Stinging Nipponese Reverse LIMPING HOMEWARD The Japanese fleet, which escaped after a terrific pounding in the Midway Island battle, was reported today to he limping westward to the refuge of home waters anninp out in quest of the battered and flee-,iy of Germany again last night. . r:v.,nants of the enemy fleet which took to flight toielghleen nrttuh piarw failing to OF PEACE nnrse lis nuru and reflect on 1U lour and possibly reorganize for another face-saving attack. The face of Admiral' Yamamoto. com- rlers were set afire by dive bomb ers. One was ablaze from stem to stem before it finally foundered. In addition to the aircraft carriers. one enemy cruiser developed suchi return. a list that it could not have stayed pacific, diet a new Japanese effort shortly AUln The Berlin radio station- again off the atr. was The strong force of Brttlah and nander of the Japanese combined WUi4dUn bombers dropped explo- fleet. must be red for having sent me over hundreds of square the bulk of his naval power into m,te ot Ado,r Hltlerji domain last the destructive trap at Midway nJnt raiding. In addition to the i ...... nroe lnrlualt1 rt..V, r-vt janese force was evldenUy under inn nunarea noyai Air roice orders U occupy Midway when planes took part In the raids. The 'combined sea and air forces of the eighteen planes which failed iHK. June Vice- United mates struck it last week return were all bombers. i the United States land started runninc un a -ore Wallace aajm that the which, at the latest tabulaUon. i he war muai be a .added up to the most humillaUng 'hp riimmAti mast" and I Att in i n t. hou.i v,i.inM. as i vvpiurcoi; iwrm jiiumji -tuiutic Intenrentlon" At least three Japanese ships were i be nc lasting peace Unk and thirteen or more werr. H !lrjl Cntlld mA and AnmaanA mu nirBln.t Ulta nn a f f I ' SEVEN DAYS to WON'TWORK ' t m J t M tliwa A VIII- veiy man. woman and (ed States aircraft carrier and the Shipbuilding Workers In Vancou-.uied of adequate food kMs of one American destroyer. Ver Say It Is Impracticable Itropie were advanced ThU was the tally when It wasl Alternate Proposal r duration where they finally atuuKiiured that coiUac ud able to play their with the enemy had been lout III VANCOUVER June 9 A con-mai.y m dejWMXMjr. Ja ephakl-b, the Uirtieil'tHatw ferenee representing 30.000 British Wal authorities, however, that Columbia worker on the Pacific DOCTORS SCARCE Ut'-sT ' hortagr of Medical And Drntal (are In United States Appear To He looming the enemy fleet was not entirely j rjoast yesterday resolved that a defeated but had Just withdrawn, '.-ven-day working week was 1m-Flrst hand stories of the Battle practicable An alternate program ,of Midway Island have Just been was proposed. I received. One eye-witness. Ensign. Boilermakers voted against the E II Oay. a United States naval government's continuous produc- fllor from Texas, now In Pearl tion program. Harbur hdsplUI. told of the dps- trucUon of a 2.000-ton aircraft' 'carrier and the probable sinking if tk-n nlhr Ills nlane shot down K June 9 A verejBld twQ cofrnmniwVi Mttfd Qay mrqicai ana nciu n Summary vu Uktteri for 24 hours Oil the American lni MVl ttnunrt. ... ii.. tru-.j m.i.. I - . . - ' ... .: m. " ocean before being picked up. He land 14c to 15.6c and 14c. 15c mr tKBiutfius ut we j.u.rilurf linui Ihn JimnHa par. I r ne lrj i c. v upon the professional .'ctori for every one mi-n In the services is 1 mrnt that Is recognised, million men under arms which this means upon in ran be readily seen. 'I nhyslclans are belr k into practice and new ; '-.v being rushed through i runs. and 14c to 15.6c and 14c. American Mltkof, 35,000, 15c and 14c, Stor age. Hasel II., 17,000, 15.4c and 14c. on an even keel. The surface of i Spencer II, 10J0OO. 15.4c and 14c. the ocean was almost black with Atlin. lifeboats and Japanese thrown California, 11.000, 15.Cc and 14c, hurriedly into the sea. Other Japs Booth. came down ln planes which had "Freya, 10,000, 15.4c and 14c. no place to land. There was the Booth. spectacle of a Japanese cruiser fir-; Condor, 15,600. 15.4c and 14c. Pa- liift Into and sinking a Japanese jclflc. v aircraft carrier, evidently to eltm- Canadian Inate any risk of the vessel falling Morrto II., 11,000, 15c and 14c, Into American hands. Storage. Tljc course of other fighting off i Annabel, 5,000, ISfic and 14c, the Aleutian Islands is obscure but storage. Informed Washington quarters pre- skeena M., 10.500. 15.0c and 14c, Ui rraaln the whin hand. Two days Rio Rita. 1.800, 15.6 aRO naval action or manoeuvres Booth. were suggested off the Aleutians but no details were given. As If under orders to create new diversions. Japanese submarines staged their shelling of Sydney and Newcastle In the first seaborne attacks on Australian mainland but the net result of this was only one casualty and no military damage. The Japanese aim was typically and deplorably bad. Kelowna Man Coming Here C. W,, Harrison, to Succeed Gotdon German as Accountant of Bank of Montreal 0. V. Harrison, from Kelowna, will bo the new accountant ln the local branch of tho Bank of. Montreal, according to word received hi tho city. Ho and his wife will be hero shortly. Mr. Harrison succeeds O, T. German who has been transferred to Stewart R9 manager. and 14c, "Kill That Rat" New War Cry Another r.iirmy to Democracy in Great Britain LONDON, June 9 0 The government has declared war on rats as part of the war on the enemies of democracy. At a time when everything possible Is being done to combat waste to the benefit of i thp greater war effort It Is cstl- ni.lW.'U Miud laws uu uauiugu ui ui. least $U5,000.00'0 a year hV Britain in their gigantic secret banquet lit over tho country to make people rat conscious, TRYING FOR HURHL'R Quecnslarid, Australia, is testing and hopes to grow rubber. LIGHT SURS I provincial! Local Temperature Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) Maximum CO High 11:30 ajn. 17.1 feet Minimum 47 23.U0 p.nv 195 feet Low 5:24 a.m. 5.1 feet 17:16 p.m. 7.8 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL HKITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER t'w PRINCE KUPEKT, B'CC TUESDAY, JUNE 971972 MELBOURNE Another Jap-ancse submarine hak been sunk off the Australian Ing a total of eight bagged dur- ing the past week including the four which raided Sydney TWO HUMPS CRASH WASHINGTON Two United States navy blimps crashed off the Jersey coast yesterday. rFCMl lM fiance or . -r-j nu mrutuip.es in '. naval power board misiint. , Ideals ,, , , . . . ar ' ' 111 I Ttm 1TI- 'IHA IVktl-Arflll Inn riBIIUU U1IU 1 11I1IUIII1 a lllf. IMTJIIUI ai" " coast, mak- men on GUARDING-JAPS OTTAWA A. XV. Neill, M.P. centlon. .Mr. Neill said that residents of interior areas to which the Japanese had moved felt they needed more protection. BIG DRIVE -F0RCHINA Japanese Are Keeping Up Their Intensified Attack on Various Fronts CHUNGKING. June 9 The Jap anese Invaders were still driving HALIBUT ARRIVALS on varlous Ironte ln lhe newly Intensified campaign to I knock China out of the war. An attack ln Changs! Province being pushed as hard as ever. was Music Censored In Netherlands Nazi Culture Draws the Line Country's Favorite Pieces at LONDON. June 9 R Music In the Netherlands, on the radio, in the concert room and in the dance hall, Is closely censored by the Nazi-controlled Department of People's Enllghtment and Arts. Until Holland was overrun by the Germans, the Netherlands radio stood out among contlnenta' Ush and American light music, and even after the Nazis moved In programs were fairly represen tative. This has been stopped by regulations ordering programs for all musical performances submitted 'for approval at least three weeks In advance. Playing of music by English. American, Russian and Polish composers, with the exception of Chopin, Is forblttcn. Hawaiian tunes and South African songs of Dutch origin arc per mitted provided they arc not arrangements by English or American munlclans. TROUBLES MINERS ( CARDIFF, June 9 0 After four years'- research In South. Wales coalfields, a special committee of places where tho nation's food Is the Medical Research Council lias stored. established the occurrence among An Agriculture Ministry film miners of another lung condition "Kilt Tliat Rat" Is being shown all known as "reticulation" due to dust, ln addition to silicosis. EASY FORGETTERS Londoners still leave their, gas masks ln public conveyances at the ratd of 400 weekly. 1 The precautionary blackout which has been in force at Prince arr on a;;ain Rup ert at night. PROTEST BY ARGENTINA Following Attack oil Tanker Victoria BULTJOS AIRES. June 9: The Aigenttnean guvernment has sent . for Comox-Albernl, urged in the ja protect to Berlin over an attack t House of Commons yesterday 'on the tanker Victoria in United j that Japanese evacuees from the States territorial waters byva Ger- Itrillsh Columbia coast he more man submarine. The Victoria did J closely guarded. If they broke Jt sink after the attack but man-I loose, Mr. Neill feared these Japs aged to reach a United States port would adhere lo no Geneva con- m safety. She was the second Argentinean merchant vessel to be attacked by the Nazis in this war, the first having been a freighter off the coast of Spain in 1910. A protest was made by Argentina at that time but Berlin nevfr answered. - , . TODAYS STOCKS Advertise in the Daily News Vancouver Grand view Bralorne ...... Cariboo Quartz Hedley Mascot Pend Oreille Pioneer Premier Privateer Reno Sheep Creek Normal Loan . .13 . 7.50 . 1.12 . .27 . 135 12S .52 .29 .0334 .74 Oils Calmont - .15 C. & E. i 1.10 Home 2.40 Royal Canadian ... 03 Toronto Beattle - .80 Central Pat 1.05 Cons. Smelters 3750 Hardrock .42 Kerr Addison 430 Little Long Lac - 105 McLeod Cockshutt 1.50 Madsen Red Lake -51xd McKenzie Red Lake .70 Moneta - -27 Pickle Crow 1.95 Preston East Dome - 2.24 San Antonio 1-85 Sherrltt Gordon .72 Is Authorized Measure Providing For Raising Of $750,000,000 Is Approved By Ottawa House on Monday OTTAWA. June 9 The House of Commons yesterday authorized a bill providing for a loan of $750,-000,000 to meet maturities and cer tain normal expenditures. INCREASE PROTECTION LONDON. June 9 ID As a result MOVING OF CENOTAPH Legion MeetingJels That Other Site .Might Be Found For Parade and Playing Ground dian Legion of the British Empire Service League last evening heard Major A. S. Parkes, local auxiliary FRICE: FIVE CENTS Jap Victory In Reverse AIR FORCE " OUT AGAIN Kuhr Valley I Target Once .More After Continuous Daylight Raids On Invasion Coast I.DNIV1V tun. n. ti,. t i it. in iiAiii nil t . -tt ii'.i .. .i. - j I 1 Alvw iiiVlilnJlv. dune 1) ILl' Willi tho in tor Air Force emwH ami rrri now seeminK to have wrested the initiative from,the aiJlh channel many umes-,n the Rattle of the Pacific, the naval battle off S!?!L2 SfT afc.lc H, I i. i . . . . VSUUOn CnOJlt nointJI anri lurnH ! I i-ianii nan died down and American scouting attention hviiv m h. nhr v-T' PRINCIPLE BULLETINS ITALIANS LOSK AGAIN' LONDON The Admiralty announced today that the ItrilLsh submarine Turbulent had sunk oiie Italian destroyer, three me- dium-sized supply ships- and small merchant shiri in the cen tral Mediterranean. SUNK BLACKOUT 'SEBASTAPOL CHINESE IS ENDED' HOLDS FIRM; WIN BACK Air Raid Protection Wardens Get Nazis Fail to Make Any Ileal Pro- Holiday Street Lights On Again gress in New Drive Attack on Murmansk Looms CHUHSIEN MOSCOW, June 9 - The new Invasion Force Which n,ii Rupert since the, Dutch Harbor concentrated attack of the Oer-' incident lat Wednesday was call- mans by land, sea and air on the .ed off last evening. Air Raid Pro- Soviet Black Sea naval base and Itrc'lon wardens have been ex- key shipping point of the Black Sea cused from their patrols until an-. Is now In Its fifth day and, although Foothold There Has Been Wiped Out CirUNOKINO, June 9 " 0)-On the other blackout is called. Street the pounding continues, no roa:'chlri 0funa front f ', Chinesa armies . lights at , Prince r,, o , k w yuccas iws utcn mue oy uie ..in fi, i enemy. The Russians have great .tijalS" verse-A ..... Chungking military - spokes- nnrt and supplies KllrtnllAJX onH and a are n ro rmHri ready a . to tnt withstand a siege of Indefinite duration. 1 In the Kalinin sector the Rus sians are reported to have cross ed a river and recaptured two towns from the Germans. Iluenos Aires Sends Note To Berlin In u,. nnrUl frhor R.m.n -taa .v aa a Ma v wvtMiuu ships are reported sunk or damaged. While heavy fighting continues ;at Sebastapol where repeated Nazil attacks have been repulsed, else-J where along the Russo-German , There are Indications of a renewed Nazi drive on Murmansk, Important Arctic supply port of the Soviet, ln the making. man said that Chinese troops had wiped out a Japanese Invasion force which gained a foothold at .Chuhsien, key rail centre of western Cheklang Province, regaining (Possession of the city. DESERT IS JUNKYARD front the situation Is relatively Axis Loses Large Quantity of Tanks quiet. And Motorized Equipment Around Knight's Bridge CANADIANS ARRIVE LONDON, June 9 A Royal Canadian Air Force fighter squadron has arrived in the Middle East to help knock the Axis out of the desert skies, it was disclosed today. Canadian airmen have for some time been fighting with the.Royal Air Forte in the Middle East over Malta and Libya but this Is the first full Canadian air unit to arrive. CAIRO, June 9 Following the latest battle ln the Libyan Desert, Before proceeding with regular i the country around Knight's Bridge business the executive of the 'was described last nieht as a vast Prince Rupert branch of the Cana Junk yard of Axis tanks and motorized equipment. General Erwln Rommell's shattered forces are still in flight west of Tobruk. Another services officer, represenUng the j Axis attack at Blr Hachelm to the military authorities, speak on the south has been driven back by matter or providing sunaoie ana British and Free French forces, necessary accomodation for par-j aae ana playing activities oi tne forces In the city. A proposal had been made that the grounds In lront of the court house might be taken over. This would mean the .removal of the Cenotaph and also the flagpole. Major Parkes recog-Inized that the Cenotaph held a very special place in the hearts and memories of veterans as well as In the memories of those who lost relatives In the last Great War. Should it be necessary to take over the space a guarantee would be given by the military authorities that the Cenotaph would be properly replaced after the war. However, members of the Canadian Legion executive felt that there were other places that might Just as readily be made into suitable playgrounds. One location was south of Comox Av- tenue. Another place was at Mc-Ient. Clymont Pari. This latter place Walter had often been mentioned by the former city commissioner. W. J. Alder as a most likely and fairly central location for a civic playing field. These other prospects will be thoroughly Investigated before any decision is made. There was much routine business disposed of. The plans for the observance of Decoration Day, as arranged by the Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, graves committee of the Queen Mary Chapter for Sunday next were approved, -iu,, 1 Those In attendance were w. J. or the Nazis -uacuui, nance who preslsJed. Harry Thrupp. the Ministry of Home Security has w Abbott. 'R. c: 'Bamftirdl'-Nel! listed buildings in unuun oi Camcrori( s. A. Cliccsemah. Hugh standing uauonai or iusmjiw. --im 6mith, j. M. Walker, E. Wood-portance to Increase their Protcc- ward Wld c youngman. tlon against fire bombs. LOWEST UNEMPLOYMENT With 2.8 of its employable male uoDulatlon not working;. Queens land has the lowest unemployment record In Its history. Baseball Scores American League Cleveland 10, New -York 11. National League Boston 1, Cincinnati 3. .Five Divorces Are Granted Marital Decrees Dissolved By Mr. Justice Coady Here Last Week Five absolute divorce decrees were granted at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes here last week by Mr. Justice J. M. Coady. The petitions were as follows: John Slatta vs. Phyllis Slatta, George Kmet, co-respondent. Raymond E. Fossum vs. Slgne Fossum, Melvin Hanberg corespondent. Vera Dorothy Hueston vs. James Norman Hueston. Elton Verne Daly vs. Mary Daly, Edward Leroy Barrie co-respond- Russell. Russel vs. Lenora Ida T. W. Brown was counsel for the petitioners in the first four petitions and W. O. Fulton In the fifth. Notice to Public I The Dally News published 2500 papers yesterday, estab- llshing a new high record clr- culatlon. This, we assume, should be of particular ln- t e r e s t to advertisers and" ofhers who desire to use our 'c6lumns. Prince Rupert's best advertising medium is the Dally News. If you wish to use us hi really reaching the pub- 11c. It will be a pleasure lor us to serve you. Of coarse, II you want to keep anything dark, we would warn yod to keep away from us. m m I t mi m