PAGE SIX r 5 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Featuring . . . Chas. Dodimcad Optomctrbt In Cham Watch, Clock, Jewelrj. Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggace and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant i FOR A GREATER "DEGREE' Rupert Men's & Boys' Store Lad les DINETTE SUITS, CHINA GABINETS. LIVING ROOM TABLES, BABY HIGH CHAIRS, PRAMS AND BABY SWINGS, SIMMONS BEDS. See Our Windows Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Prince Rupert BUY - the NEW VICTORY BONDS r. i i OF il i 1 sr?" I A 4 ; ;' vu kb im Mti ruva ri su murm intumuru nii-iiin Only One Dozen $40.00 Coats Left '! KfRUlar Trice $125 to $175. .. ALL FOXES AND COATS 25 OFF Over One Hundred to choose from Your Credit Is Good W. G0LDBL00M a nr. itKi.iiiw.t-. m Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. BKITISII COLUMBIA .in -It's interestiriK to know when reading the Daily New thatvthe people of the whole district are doing the parnf The Experts Say . . . SQUASH What with restrictions on outdoor lighting to help cut down the risk of enemy activity and to conserve power for war industry, wartime nights are darker. Squash" Is one good source of the blackout" Vitamin A which helps guard against night blindness. says Marion Harlow of the govern ment's nutrition sen-Ices. She suz- Jests this is a good time to use squash because it's plentiful Over in the Agriculture Departments consumer section. Laura Pepper recommends that squash oe served stuffed and baked As a aialn dish, baked o; fried as a vegetable, or with frafrant spice for dessert in pies and custards. AUSTERITIES In England they talk about "austerity" clothes. In Australia civilian life ha been pal on an "austerity" basis. The accepted definition for "austerity" in this sense Is any sacrifice or denial which aids the war effort." Byrne Hope Saunders! "Mrs. Consumer" of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board urges Canadian housrwives to get the same idea into their daily living. She puts it his way. "We must strip our civilian way of life of everything except bare essentials we must get down to 'austerity' clothes.- aus- erlty" food, 'austerity' living.' THOSE CHFFSE DAINTIES . . . Wherewith shall it be saK- d?" . . . The ether day this veekly feature offered I iura Pepper's recipe for cheese dainties n-1 somewhere atom; the line to ubllcatlon a typist had left out ' the salt and shortening. We repeat j It here complete and. correct: J Take Hi cups sifted cake flour, ot a JLea'p of salt, .7 a cun of shortening, of a pound of cream cheese. V of a cup of su?ar jnd - 'tablespoon caraway seeds 'optional). Sift flour. Shape in wo-lnch rollss. wrap in wax parf t nd chill thoroughly in refrwr-i tor. Slice thinly. Sprtnk.e v.w-with faraway seeds and bnkf . dree Fahrenheit for abnu' six minutes. REFRIGERATORS Here am some tins on conserving electric r.;, and takln? care of your elect ns refrigerator: . Don't overload: tt prevent free circulation of air and takes more cu-rent to maintain proper temperature. ' 2. Place butter, meat and other blrrei that require the low temperature In the coidet part of fh cabinet at the bottom. ; ,3. Remove wrappings from all food except frown food: it akes electricity to cool wrappings. . 4. Don't let the freezing unit 4 ' I (THRIFT Cash and Carry ill ' N n mm Of course I ltop at The J Variety Store it's so handy! 2 hie Variety Store Where your dimes are little 5 dollars H IKZKCgO B.tSliH?jii SUSJ Uj'tLi TIIE DAIi NEWS Monday By ISABEL ALLAN (Caadlan Press Staff Writer) Hints for wartime living from folic who ought to know get too heavy with 'frost bat never try to pry off heavy frost with a knife. 5. Clean the colls two -or three times a year. 6. Clean up spiffed food immediately; acid food may injure the surface. FATS Your kitchen can play an important rote in saving fats needed to produce tools of war. Render and clarify fat from beet, chicken or pork for use 'in the baking of pastry, most cakes, cookies and puddings and parti -uiariy these containing spices. A pamphlet with ideas for saving and mtng fats will be issued sooi oy the consumer section of the department of asrtcalture. It will r available free, on written request to the department's publicity and extension division. RUBBER FOOTWEAR Gettim new robber footwear is tough Here are some tips from the experts on taking care of what you have: Store rubbers and galoshr in a cool, dark place after stuffing them with paper. Dont pat footwear near radiators, hot water pipes or other heat. Keep robber footwear clean with soap am) water, removing tar. oil and grease promptly. Don't twe dy-deanlnc fluids stnee they weaken robber and my loosen seams. Make repairs yourself as soon rubber footwear Is dsmukged or take the m Melee so a shoe repair shop. NOTHING MATTHS NOW but. DYBHAVN & HANSON i LTD. ; fl On your hind and in four heart for ilwijrs. On Kite a Cnronci in eiquiiite drtijint- -tcjmlcti and hardened for lifetime wear. Quil-iir, hiiuiy ind value al ecrr puce. The wed-dinjc token supreme. CHOOSC YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING AT JOHN HULCER Ltd. United States Soldier Weds .MU luri Ulllari ftnter Become Bride of John Martin quander 8t Andrew rectory was the ct ne of a pretty bat quiet wedding uii Friday evening at 8 o'clock when Miss Doris Lillian Foster was ..ited in marriage to John Martin Qu .w.der. Mi s Anna belle Tahan was i.: .'i' smaid while Bhun C. Oraham .f .': a.-, groomsman. Dean J. B. nibson offlelatjd Tt. irrijom is with the medical rps of the United States Army CHAMP VICTOIIV DKKiKU NUNEATON'. Eng.. Nov. Billy Keeiey. M, ta a champion at digging for victory. Five days a week he digs coal In the collieries and on the other two days he digs three allotment gardens to add more food to Britain's larder. FOR QUICK RrttULTS TRY A NKW8 WANT ADD WANTED MOiYBDENUM PROSPECTS Molybdenum ranks hist, in the 11,1 of strate(ic war mttaU. The following Information Is give,, a ,uldf ,0 pr,pfclor, nd otfier tc f.elp them Identify the mineral n.ol,bdenlie whlrh U the only Important iouree of molylwlenum metal. .MOLYIlDIMTi; OCCUItnENCT-Hmbedded. In, or disseminated through, granite, gneiss, or granular limestone, in which It may appear as specks, thin plates or blocks of leaves. It also occurs In quartz veins. AlTEAIUNCK-Shlny with grey-blue metallic lustre resembling Hn foil with a lead content; very similar to flake graphite. PltOPEKTlES-Molybdenlte tt very foft, It can easily be cut llh a knife apd Is quite malleable It gives a dark ojive-grn iftrcak when rubbed oo, glcd white porcelain (graphite g(v os a grey streak.) Please Address: The Consolidated Alinlnjr and Smelting Company ' of Canada, Limited Mines Department Trail, H.C. 215 St. James St. W., Montreal Ycllowknifc, N.W.T. 1 1 "ass? 1 1 agalgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa igagafegaiiili BBtssnflseavBBHay M Sat i.W Feature at 1 31. 3 31 5 31 7 31. 0 31 prtXIAtW'MR. nUllBElt MOlTr 5POKT-TOLO I'O.NV CAP3TC1 MOM! U,iT Z Complete Showj, ? SHORT PUT TO VICTtov ' "Hi, LADIES' Here. Uf your chance . ' FEATHERBOB PERMANENT All end ' Batrd's Hair Shaper Individual styling ' Sunrise Beauly Salon VIOUT MAII Cor. (Ih and f'ullon Above Sunrkr r; rhont nlue Hi fr Appoiritmeoti JULIA ARTHUR JUST ARRIVED Ijoautif!,.. . nimns in ( r i bUCdt'3 i1r 1 1 I ii. ii j lllCrf. i to C. S9 ii iui j gf a m. fl III f .iiiiii m I. II lAUJUtUA VJkk J U Ul V1VU Ul tt The Hohxe of Good Slioet" HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTUKE OF IODINE I 2 5 OIL OF EUCALYITUS . 1 J 2(. 5 FRIAR'S IiALSAM I'" J CASTOR OIL 3 5 K f AROMATIC CASTOR OIL AROMATIC CASCARA .... CAMPHORATED OIL , HYDROGEN PEROXIDE .... jjjj EPSOM SALTS, tins IJORACIC ACID, tins 4 SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins IIUY YOUR DliUCS FROM TUB C' Ormesltd- A"' 1 II THE KKXALL STOItR PIIONW Open lUlly from " till Pm' , Dlmil... m lliu i . If . t D.m. n wMmmb auu IIVIIU.I j I will .