Um.wt of the Canadian BcottUh 13 1 16 ,.. nt in an unsuccessful at- i) scale the sheer wall of an assauu. training down at the bottom of n :: whose edge she watch h' i man in battle-drei. small and quick, raced to dangling from the ejlff ' xiarted up where the ...d failed. M w will make It If any- i h , Capt. Cyril Wlghtman i B.C. told the Princess aiaiig the assault school . Capt. Wlghtman reo . iue primy little figure . ,,w Sxt Jtrry Burton-i M-nirtr instructor In j di'ig training, and wire , mr hand he got to i i i xcUUmtd the Prjn- vr all her atU-nUeQ, i tor's feat. The man ' i (t dahed to another , . : ( some feet away and .; m his. new attempt. Colonfl-ln-Cliltf Wi'uman itnod by the .. as the watched Canadian SeottMi ' mhich she la Colonel-t nst rate assault land-i.iiary t the eltff-A then mock battle at figc The Prlneea - f Maj -Oen. of tte Trrritortal Servtee and .is ipd by the Colonel h" ItoyaJ Seot Brgl v: .-h the Oanadlan vfliikated. xmarkawy like a r .ncea BUtabeth the Mt the Prince .t ore than an hoar at .. . . t school tramping - idv fields to see the through their pace, n ock landing and raid xmand of Lkput. UfCr 1. r of Tetorta, 'all raps, sneakers and krleton equlpmefit, lemontraUons by -.! troop who nego-i. ds of defence bar-unted high walla, sltm ralto over ( k d Uirangh barbrd ' ted a ftambtg ditch flash echoed Insprctrd Itejlmenl ' went to the bank ' ie the troops croa v rnns of rope stung sde between tree .m back holding rifle : Head while explosives .: spout of water up Princes had arrived c day, all the men of n Scottish were drawn : inspection wearing I full kit. Wlille she -Ar. thev marched pait company followed by band whose mascot, a Bernard dog, walked lie first line of piper. HANNINO GANDHI AY Nqv 2 (-Publication - M. entitled "Quit India,? " Mahatma Oandhl's . d articles in his IL: an has been banned. 11 i i ikiiiiiiiriiTafiii I NOTICE! ? Wartime Prices and ' Board has Issued an prohibiting the giving f English Dlnncrware ' mlums. We regret to :e that after Nov. 1st r:ler will become cf- - e do not misinterpret above order . . . It ap-:;nly to dlnncrware . . . "ifr Items on the prc- i ii t arc affected. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store ("Where Dollar. ItnvA Vlnro rents" IldX 575 l'lmnr. 1X.1I Marriage Meantime Good living and day Life By VICIAN BROWN Associated Press Staff Writer for domesticity. Several have fared extremely well. The girl told me of a wealthy young man who came Mf.AY. NOVEMBER 2, 1842 ' THZ DAILY KKWd 'MARY SEES 'DIME DANCE fANADIANS Wilt WORK rrlnrr U0J vim- Si aline and Mream-rning o; Keiment From Pacific Coait Uy WILLIAM STUART ( , nudum Press Btaff Writer' soMKWIIFJlE IN ENOLANP, t It teems ery "slippery-- prlne Royal (Mary, only ,,r the King watching a the life It gay but she wanU that vtat-eovered cottage, or ,at leatt an apartment for two. That' what I found out among a lot of other thing when I wai girl said reassuringly: Francisco. He wanted a date and "If a man Is objectionable Just I told him that was not permitted, leave him and walk away; we We .talked as we glided about the don't have to stand for any non- ifloor to the .music. It was my first sense." Another said: "If you need night, I said. He borrowed money hOKtXm-fr-a-nllFlt n f nnn lha ' inn V,cr nf n11 nnp nf thi Most of the Girls Look Forward to town ' swank ballrooms, i housemen .who police the floor- l for the next three dances. A handsome young man from Most of the girl marry and i they take eare of Jitterbugs and , Detroit, an aviation engineer, nave lamiuet and roreaake dancing ; Improper dancing.. ! bought my time" for half an NEW YORK, Nov. 2 (AP) The ' oacK nigni awr 0,801 unul wed-'cut. New Jersey, me Miawesi ana 'war JOD! dlme-a-dance tfritair or short. fllng blte jthe South. Some slay a snort time.! Earnines slinky-hipped or fluffy gowned Is . No Nontnse ,me rai years. Jc wai amazed to jarn tnat le waiting for the rifpt man to come J Bat to get to the dancing. 20 through the door Vith lifetime! of us sat,pa a roped off dal 'the ticket. She tarN a md living tjid Bfn i watting to be claimed. One One girl Is a model, another a hour. We sat In the electrically radio singer and several do war ; start-lit cocktail lounge. We had work. They come from Connectl-1 gof t drinks and talked about his I didn't have to whistle for a girls earn from $25 to $60 a week eustomer. ' Ahttost Immediately. I and dance approximately 109 acquired a gentleman from San dances a night. I averaged $2 an hour, received seven cents for every lb-cent ticket, and $1 of the time ticket. The glrft all thought I got a good play because I was a "new face." The hours are from 8:33 to 1;30 and each girl must spend a half) hour Jn the War Bond Booth. All of them are registered with the Police Department; all have to have three references and a pic ture which is attached to the files. As a matter of fact at closing time I decided it had been very entertaining and as for wedding belif Even-1 had some possible prospects: a movie stylist, ah artist, and a war worker amonz other. i . . - " it )C- 1 1 The, best was the war worker. He had a car, gasoline, and four brand new tires but definitely he couldn't dance a step. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Nov. 2, 1917 British forces under Lt.-Gen. Sir tdmund Allehby occupied Beturshsba In Palestine. Austro-jGermaj fcoops reached the TagUaownto River and captured a bridgehead. German airmen raided London; 32 casualties. I kin Mr 5nhinLfilfjriihp.r hliilUllp I 111. I VUIII1II1VIHI MRiVI 1 . "rr or Rl il " Victory " er T t a rcguur hl lo V.u"e,eryssUU J" t.A to Rlc J. i. form. P"" n"', out your or- I, ff WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DAGGER it a tymM inJicatiitg tktt you bait huebt tbt Nrw Victory Bonds. a PHONE LOCAL HEADQUARTERS: RECRUITING OFFICE Third Avenue, Phone 301 of these days you'll learn that ONE Canadian civilians aren't soft... they're fighting mad . . . and tough I Prove it to him Canada ! Answer that sneering challenge with the spit of machine guns . . . the rumble of tanks . . . blacken his skies with bombers, fighters keep Canadian warships on the hunt for his skulking submarines. Give Hitler hell he's asked for it. Show him the very folks he thinks softest, are as tough as they come! You white-collar office men and women show him' that you can take it . . . and give it, too. Show bim that you can do without those 'extras' that contribute to the comfort and enjoyment of our normal way of life. And be proud to do it! What) is your share of the savings job ? Well, the average Canadian would have to lend to Canada to meet Canada's need $1 in every $5 of income left after taxes and compulsory savings have been collected. The average may :not fit your case. Your own circumstances are distinctly your own. You may be able to do better both out of your current income and out of your accumulated savings in the bank or you may not be able to reach the average. Your share of voluntary savings is every dollar you can possibly spare. Remember, you will be laying up fdr yourself the best of all investments VICTORY BONDS are backed by all the resources of the Dominion of Canada; they yield a fair rate of interest; you can borrow against them; and they are readily saleable when you need the cash. CMAM NBeOS $750,000,000 , jtf&A NATIONAL WAR Fl N ANC 6 CO M Ml nEB i 'ML "Mm