PAQE TWO FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE Broken lines in Ladies' and Pumps. To clear Straps, Ties $1.95 "Onyx" short and broken lines. Rejj. SS.50 and $9.00 values $4.95 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS Tfce Oaaidlin Press it exclusively emitted to use foe publication of all aem Otepatciiea credited to It or to the Associated Frtn In tW paper and alao the tocal neat published therein. All rtgata ol repuNlartton of special despatch therein are also referred Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 DAILY EDITION The Line of Defence TUESDAY, FEB. 24, 1942. The Chinese Soldier ... After a visit to China where he spent about seven months, a special correspondent of the London Times wrote just before this war began: "The curious thing is that .the Chinese soldier has it is him to be a very good soldier. He inherits all the advantages of the Japanese soldier except his military traditions. Though you might not think it to look at him, he has great, strength and endurance. He can live on next to nothing. He is often a man of courage and resource and he will be loyal to a good master. On regular pay and a full stomach his high spirits combine with his fatalism to keep his morale high even when things are going badly. Add to this that every Chinese is some sort of a craftsman by nature. There is no reason why, if he could be shown some good cause to take this particular craft seriously, he should not become as adept at drill and musketry as he is at more difficult and less indigenous trades." The writer blames the leaders for most of the past failure. He says that most battles have been won or lost by secret negotiation under cover of a cloud of bombastic and defiant telegrams before a shot is fired. For a time in one of the foreign settlements the general will live on the bribe that bought his departure .until crisis again coincides with opportunity. Even when the general is loyal to his own cause it will be strange indeed if all his divisional commanders are. If the big man cannot be bought or is too expensive some of the little men say "we'll be content with a safe return before the bottom drdps out of the market." . " It seems that Chiang Kai-shek lias proved impervious to fighting a barter battle and that he has taken steps to insure that none of his subordinate do so. Also he has seen that his soldiers are well fed and well treated generally with the result we have 'seen of recent years. X I U DITirrD t l Foryur z .1. 1 1. 1)1 Jl .111 ,l A Optometrist Y mppnsiTP pn!T nrnrn It t FANCY TEAPOTS AND TEA SETS Go to VARIETY STORE t miiui i tjivivij Smiles Cafe are the winners of the second half, as they were of the first, and thus take the Dawson Cup, emblematic of the Prince Rupert Cribbage League championship. Savoy Hotel, runners-up in the first half, and Falcons, runners-up in the second half, will play-off for the Newton Cup. Results of last night's fixture play in the Cribbage League were as follows: Old Empress 6. Smiles Cafe 1. Savoy Hotel 9, Canadian Legion 9. Pioneers 7, Operators 11. Eagles 9. Falcons 9. The second half standing: Smiles Cafe 73 Falcons 69 Eagles 67 Old Empress - 65 Operators 61 Canadian Legion 58 Savoy Hotel 58 Pioneers 53 53 57 59 61 65 68 68 73 RESULTS OF FIVE PINS Albert & MICaffery, Reddy Kilowatts, Signals and Lawn Bowlers Winners Last Night Albert & McCaffery scored a clean sweep three games to nil victory over Chinese Youth Association in the Five Pin Bowling According to Bruce Hutchison it took President I schedule fiitn Rirtv Roosevelt to waken the Ottawa government to the need,"8- y31 Canadian corps of of better protection for the Pacific coast. He says it will r111 and La1i won rmisp Orrnu-n tr rAm'ca ,rl,nU .o i, -J j..t over Armour's Steel Workers and vvu,,u juici, uit iuiujc nai leucine ttliu tlU'JJJL a heavier Canadian defence plan. A mobile defence is to be kept in Canada to be prepared to meet the Japanese in case of invasion. ' Evidently the whole scheme is being considered at a secret session of the commons today. It is plain to see that a strong mobile force, even tively by scores of two games one. Individual scoring was as lows: Albert & McCaffery 1 Bach 525 Hart .... 118 Carr 539 Handicap 68 Totals 1112 Chinese Youth 1 H. Lee .... 164 J. Lee 117 K. Lee .145 Fons; 204 Lew - ,...534 .Handicap 26 Totals .890 Armour's 1 Brind 184 DeJong 506 Hoare 131 Alger j 283 Asemiwen 505 Handicap 35 Totals 10H . Kilowatt 1 Klnaior 194 Saville 170 Rudderharn 176 Comadlna Ill Keilett 363 Handicap 18 Totals 1032 Steelworkers 1 Cymbal 538 Carr 170 Warner 205 MacLean 509 Creig 153 Handicap 577 Totals 1022 Signals 1 Hllder 224 2 275 205 120 68 1178 2 254 224 233 168 243 188 165 222 141 35 937 2 172 161 165 245 207 18 2 203 169 166 170 203 57 9C8 2 219 to fol- 3 240 148 mougn equipped, would not be ol much use withnnr Tally 191 228 m roads on which to drive. It indicates that the government - 279 383 376 jias oeen negligent in not putting through the highway before this and that it may not yet be too late if the work is rushed through. People here will resent the idea that the Rocky Mountains are to be the western Canadian line of defence. We should be better off as a part of Alaska if that is to be the policy. ' 258 W 1299 3 216 213 209 214 165 26 26 1148 1043 2 3 186 148 137 199 236 222 35 977 3 142 190 278 165 214 18 J 164 213 225 139 174 57 I 972 3 249 THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, rSDRrAPT - ! i I -! HAVE WON CRIB CUP Smiles Cafe Takes City Title For Season Savoy Hotel And Falcons To Play Off For Kunnrr-up Trophy I I SPORT CHAT Pushovers will play Peoplrs Store and Alley Cats will meet Woanjas tomorrow night in the ftrst session of weekly Mixed Bowling League fixtures. Later in the evening Rinky Dink will play Stone's Clothlefs and Toilers wW take on Sav-Mor Grocery. Manitoba has won the Canadian curling championship Macdonaki's brier Tankard nine ttmoc since ihe troohy was placed in competition In 1927. Alberta rinks have won three time. Ontario twice, with Nova Scotia the victor 'n the first year of Canadian title play. Criff Manahan of Edmonton and Howard Wood and Gordon Hudson of Winnipeg, are the only skips ever to win the title twice. Manahan won in 1933 and 1937. Wood in 1930 and 1940 and Hudson In 1928-29. S LOAN HALF WAY OVER Total of S310.8H.75 Has Keen Reached, Headquarters Announced Last Night. OTTAWA. Feb. 24: 9 The Victory Loan campaign bounced part the half way mark at the etese f business yesterday wHh the total to date S310JB 10.750, loan of totals announced. Olrbert .- 154 127 146 Sarginsen 1G9 245 231 Brock 149 140 107 iLanaall .. J56 151 174 Handicaps 153 153 153 Totals 1001 1013 1150 ! Lawn Howlers 12 3 Van Berkel 186 173 Vance - 144 197 Paul 204 224 Davis 136 101 McMeeklrt - 190 147 Handicap 96 66 96 Totals :. -923 1023 1028 Air Force 1 2 3 Drake 110 174 120 Brown - ... 84 245 173 Handley 167 203 145 Crapper 537 211 199 Copp .513 163 285 Handicap 44 44 44 Totals 833 1010 9Ci For Quicker Relief of KIDDIES' cSlds Use BUCKLEY'S Slcinless VHITE RUS 10O totiitatfton, or your mnay boci. TWO SlISS J0 oiid 50c. . : IN THE MTRI-ME fOI'RT Or MRITIMI COUMIHA iv .(()uTr In thr Matter of thr "AdmlnMritlon Atl- and In th Mter ol llir l;tae r John laild Truer lward uZzJV1 th"t 0rd-r Hi Honor. W E FKiher. tnad on th Mh 968 1007 dL' Jnurr. a. d. 194 j, i u . unim tuecutor of the rU'r of Jin OAvUi Prater, decern, and aJ) pnio hTln clatina aptUDM the aald Eioale are fterefcy mjutrrd to funub aaovr prvprrtj rmvt to m on or tforr arod day of Mrei. AJJ. 1M2, rm " Pru indebted to th tetil rr fnrtrwl to pjr the amount of -heir indtin to me fortnwito ATED mar uprf, Br. Ui., 30Ui ojlV of Jamiary. AX). 1B4J I HELVJH OleKAT BTEVEN8 I Prince Rupert b p Executor Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. for Ketchikan and Stewart. Thursdays at 11:15 p.m. for Ocean Falls, Powell Hirer and Vancouver. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 65OO pjn. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For lull information, reserraUonj, etc , call or writ K. S. CKE1G. CITY PASSENGER AGENT. 528 Third Avenue Pbone 2 CO Prince Itupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines PROTECTION OF RUPERT .Menace Sent to Ottawa Keault of Victory Ioan Sucre Attention Uelne G'ven. At the week-end after she Vn -lor)' Loan quota here hod been reached. Oat 3. W Nlcholls. chairman of the local Victory Loan committee, wired to the prime minister and to certain members of the cabinet that the quota bad bean reached due to the spontaneous response by over one thousand Prtnee Rupert ctUaen Ho poirtUd out that this emphasi7d the feelings of the people of Pr;ure Rupert towards the war and that this was a call to supply them with certain urgent needs. Mr kensie King replied a follow "Your wire lust received I should like to conaraUtlate nt-sens of Prtnee Rupert upon spUn-dkl response to Victory Loan am bnnging representation your :re to attention of colleagues in sov eminent." A wire has also been received from an important member of the cabinet to the effect that Wal representations are baring the immediate attention of the authorities. The qvtck response of the people of Prtnee Rupert to the appeal tor funds to prosecute the war ar.d especially in this "city should. And must, get tangible result immediately, said Cel. Ntehotls. It U our intention to do all poattbl- to follow the mattar up. The Victory Loan campaign 'n Prtnee Rupert is by no means completed and, wrtUe the reoulu secured so far are extremes? satisfactory, we must get a minimum of eighteen hundred subscribers and exceed $60QjB0fl if we arr to do our duty. Canvustng will cm- -ttiiue this week and nest but it wttt relieve the strain on eanvas-sars if applicants can purchase the'r bonds through the btu I . dug-out or Victory Loan ofl:ct Come on Prince Rupert' Let u make It overwhelming and demand ample protection1 BLACKHEADS CM t mmm of rilM p4r Iran ymt 4mm Spra.kto mm a fc. (talk 4 mnT t lK Urm im!j. Ett Umtk. km4 "ill U 4iMol,4. TW n ula, ura tlaf! 7 ta i,gm kUia4. Furniture Beds, .Mattresses, $9.50 Springs, Stoves, Rccon-ditioned Typewriters, Oi I Burner Heater, field Beds at very low Chest of Drawers, B Drop-Leaf Tables, Studio Couches, B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 321 ! THE SEAL OF 5 QUALITY G 0 L D mm ri Jan MB0 Sockcye Sainton Fancy Red a TIrrinn ! R in Tomato Sauce. m a Cirwi. ..:t. a i Z REMINDING YOU.... . . . ttiat a Complete and Flmt-Cbm AltrO.MOUM.i; 3vTl ANCi: AM) KI I'AIK SKKVICK It available to til at " v , NUmW Motor "Ken-Ire. l'he thop is well wftitpped to tiandle aU classes r,? , . .. personally contiactod by 'Colin'' Millar, who .. iiN-tur.e f scrvtti- , the motoring public National Motor Service U pit on'k iuj) :m A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A noon M.ACR TO wry 15 Rl'PERTIA SprinR-FillccI MATTHESSKS- vrp.tllaied border t-u h S ACE Sprint-Filled MATTRESSES- A koh! ri-vi $ .i !iw prii-f I'llONi: 77.". 321 TIIIKtl Ativj For Your Baby's Welfare J J HAHY UIL GOr vu I X, T ttAIIV T A I riTXf (L. J & J BABY SOAP t J ft J BABY CREAM r, MENKEN'S BABY OIL fiOc ; ' iy BABY PANTS rolled edtjB PYKKX NURSING B0TTLI5S .... I'ABU'M-l lb. pkg. MfVPni i rrnci.' 1 11. 11.. i'r,Aiiu-iUiiiuonr-i jij. uu ... n 5 Ibn. xitfAivc? pnn t itrr?n att 0 12 OZ VJ MEAD'S OLEUM PERCOMOKPIiTM-l" Vitamins A and I) 50 cc, yj l)ri dol (Vitamin D)6-c.c. C PARKE DAVIS VI0STER0I-5 c.c. f A'Hamins A and D 50 cc . . nr.i'ii i vji ii ii.'titi a iti-AUKU l tlAh n OUR PR EE BABY BOOKS. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer DrxAt&ists rut: m:AU. stoiu: I'iionks i anp a Open Hail) (rum I a.m. III! II p.m. Sundara sn'l Holidays from 12 3 p.m. and 7 ) pa- Special Subscription Rates WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION lyear M.50 2 years . . S2.G0 3 years " THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE 1 year . $3.00 2 years . . $5.00 3 years COLLIER'S WEEKLY 1 year $8.00 2 years . . $5.00 3 year. SPECIAL CLUB RATES WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and THK AMERICAN 1 year to one address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and COIXIE WEEKLY ' " 1 year to one address THE AMERICAN and COLLIER'S WEEKLV- x tu UIIU illllU L'hH WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, COLLIKK and AMERICAN' All 3 to one address for 1 year All subscriptions direct to your mail nddr-Place your orders with m f uaiiuniui OIJI L'dUS Z 1 r T'lii n aaBaaaaaaaMaaaai. MMaaaaBaWP" 2 Spiced Salmon Si if i,o.. . ...-,i -rlverv x:vii.i k.' . i m - " - - nit: vu r.ii. t. wmu" " . . tl m uiiiuncu oiim on r mnnt n tViio nnn " i . ' .i ir hrc " U Wnntav "' "k J '. Will 8001 ICt 0U KnOW U . r - - - - - - v. ... v . t la... ........ l J attssasaaatataaaaaa aa m