9i.an four Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Diniiervyare Glasses, Baotaje and Novelties ' SW- MAX HEILBRONER jeweler diamond merchant EXPERT FIITING FOR EVERY MAN Who Thinks He's "Hard To Fit" root troubles disappear when you are fitted at Cut Kate. Made to the most rigid factory specifications and scientifically fitted by experts, Cut Kate shoes solve the tired, hurtin? feet problem completely. At the same time you enjoy the latest styles. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS "DISTINCTIVE" MEN'S SHOES Made of the Finest Quality Leathers From the Leading CUT RATE SHOE STORE 506 THIRD AVE. W. (Across From Ormes) i THINK THIS OVER T If the Nazis or Japs ever occupied Canada J do you imagine you'd be given the honour and privilege of buying any kind of Bonds? You would not! Then tro all out to defonf T . . ... r - 1 the enemy with your money and Buy the new VICTORY BONDS Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PHONES 116 OR 117 f I RAILWAY I LINES Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S3 "PRINCESS NORAH" Feb. 12th, 23rd, March 5th. 16th, 26th. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Feb. 8th, 19th, March 1st, 12th, 22nd. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services ' rntTrTr tJvr,Ti.cke.t and Reservations rrom W . I L. COATES, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Victory Loan Campaign Come On Prince Rupert $600,000 FROM 1800 SUBSCRIBERS' Canadian Fish &Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT jf. BKITISII COLUMBIA T IS LARGE OPERATION; JAPS SURE TO BE OVERWHELMED Continued from Page One 954 wounded at Pearl Harbor. Of many great warships of various types, only three had been put out of commission permanently. Many great ships had not been there at the time of the attack. Others slightly damaged had already been repaired and rejoined their units. Others were under re pair. Ships that had been re tion. The united nations, partlcu- arly the United States, were far from their limit. The special Job ")f the United States was to build up production so that an' overwhelming superiority should be achieved on land, sea and in the air. On January 6, the President recalled, he had set eoals of nro- ductlon which the Axis had called fantastic. "I can tell you definitely now that those goals will be attained, Labor, capital and farming were coming to the realization that now was no time for undue profits or advantages. "We know that, If we lose this war it will be generations or centuries before our conception of democracy can rise again, we know that we can only lose the war by slowing up the war or sniping at each other. Everything ror Victory "We shall not stop work a single day," declared Mr. Roosevelt, "until the war Is won. We shall not demand special gains, privileges or advantages. We shall give up conveniences and comforts if the country asks and do it cheerfully." Mr Roosevelt asked the people of the United 8tatcs to reject such "absurdities" of enemy propagandists as that Britain was faint, that China and Russia were about to quit. He challenged the Nazi and Japanese propagandists to repeat to McAthur's men, to the 1 sailors on the waters of the South THE DAILY NEWS TUESDAY. FEDRUAny 1l - ) paired, as a matter of fact, would be more efficient than ever before. As for planes, the Japanese did not know how many the Americans had lost and he (the President did not intend to tell them. "I can say, however," said Mr. Roosevelt "that we have destroyed more Japanese planes than they have destroyed of ours." There had been shipping losses in Atlantic and Pacific and there would be more before the turn of 1 the tide, admitted Mr. Roosevelt "We have been compelled to yield I ground." he went on "but we will tcgain it." The united nations were pledged I to destroy the military power of Japan and Oermany. "Soon we, and not they, will have the offensive. We. not they, will win the final battle. We. not they, will make the final peace." The future depended upon united action of the forces which were now lined up to resist the aggressors. To do this and "to 6ave our own skins" the one hought must be fulfillment of the 'ask of uninterrupted oroducUon. Oermany, Italy and Jaoan were close to the limit of their produc LEND TO DEFEND US HVffiEl&SSNHlflL sJ SUBSCRIBE TO L 1 Man in the Moon 1 Some day there is to be a conscription vote taken and some day there is to be a movement of aliens from danger zones. Some day there may be a Pearl Harbor on this coast Some people suspect there may be a fifth column at Ottawa. Asked how she felt after a ride, a young lady remarked she never thought anything filled with hay could be so hard. A stag party is a place where any old buck can get a deer if he has the doe. Axel got Into the mine elevator, chuckling out loud. "What's the Joke Axel?" asked the mine foreman. "Av hnnA-h3VI a frnriH t-filr. rn Dip" h- rr1liH T viimf flrit ; Ole bane pay my wife five dollars! to kiss her and I bane do it all the time for nothing." Technician See that man over there? He's a bombastic mutt, a windjammer, nonentity, a false-alarm, a hot-air shrimp, a" Fair lady "Would you mind writing that down?" Teck "Why?" Fair ladyjf-"He's my husband, and I want to use It on him Housewife "Dinah, I hear your' daughter Is happily married." I Dinah "Yes, ma'am. Ahll say she is! Her man sho" skecred to death of her." - i REAL OLD MINES Mexico's silver and gold mines. still being worked, were old when Cortez arrived in the country in 1519. Pacific, to the boys la the flying fortresses, yes, to the marines, that Americans were "weaklings or playboys" The united nations, Mr. Roosevelt declared, were dedicated to a common cause. They must share a unified plan, playing their different parts, one dependent on the other, with unified command, co-operation and comradeship. They were agreed on certain broad principles such as those contained in the Atlantic charter. British and Russian people knew what actual conflict meant. The fate of Moscow and London had been In doubt but they had never admitted defeat. Chungking had been bombed nearly out of existence but it remained ,the capital of an unbeaten China. That was the spirit of the united nations. United States too would have trials to face that would test its people to the uttermost. Never before had there been so little time in which to do so much. From the Vancouver Province NEAGLE IN NEW ROLE Fa mo in EnxlUh-Born Ac tie Featured in "Sunny," at Capitol Theatre Thl Mid-Week. In a strikingly different role than any of the great ones she has already played, Anna Neagle Is featured in "Sanny." showing this Wednesday and Thursday at the Capitol Theatre here. The story recounts the romance of an alluring dancer with a badly-smitten young man of society. The picture is laid against the colorful setting or a New Orleans of today gay with Mardi Ores celebrations. A supporting cast of screen and stage notables includes John Carroll, as the hero. Ray Bol-ger. Edward Everett Horton. Orair Hartman, Paul Hartman, Helen Wesley and Frieda Ineacourt. Although Carroll's nobbUh sister endeavours to break up the affair with Miss Neagle, a wedding Is scheduled to take place at the family home but. Just before the ceremony, a group of carnival folk, friends of the bride-to-be arrive to pay their respects. They embarrass the guests and reduce Sunny to tears. Feeling that she can have rio place among the would-be husband's people. Sunny runs away and rejoins the carnival but, spurred on bv a hard- boiled old aunt, Carroll pursues and a reconciliation is effected. "Who?", "Dya Love Me?," "Sunny" and "Two Little Bluebirds, ' big tunes of the original show, are worked into the film and dance routines are featured by the MAGELLAN'S DISCOVERY Magellan discovered the Philippine Islands in 1521. He also discovered Guam. Burnaby Rosery Company R.R. No. 2, New Westminster Offer for Sale Through Thtlr Agent, MRS. SMITH FLOWER SHOP Brooksbank IJIk., Third Ave. Rose Rushes Perennials Ornamentals, etc. Mrs, Smith has prices and samples. All orders Individually mossed and tagged. ORDER NOW! --. j - V Whifflets From The Waterfront Laredo Inlet, on the west coast of Prlnco Royal Island, Is (till providing an ample supply of herring for the canneries at Prince Rupert, Butedale and Kamu which are putting forward an effort to meet the 1.600,000-case order for Britain which this coast Is working on. There hai been quite a run of herring In Port Simpson harbor during the past few days ' but the fUh have been close to 1 shore. One seiner got twenty tons there yesterday but had mmc trouble with its net amid rocks. Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver, C.P.R. steamer Princes Norah, Capt. William Palmer, arrived In port at 5:30 yesterday , altcrn ton from the north, sailing at 5:30 In continuation of her voyage. There were 108 passenger arriving here from the north aboard the Norah. Five dlscm-parked here and eight went aboard at this port for Vancouver. E. P. Stdaway. scientific ascU- , tant in engineering at the Prince Rupert Fttierlc Experimental Station, after a three weeks' trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, is returning to the city on I the Prince Rupert tomorrow morn- . In 1 Indian Department's power cru-Uvr NaskeeiM. with Indian Agent Jamet Oil let t and Dominion Con-, stable A. J. Watkiiuon on board., left yesterday morning for a trip to Port Stmpton and the Naa River. Union steamer Catala, Cpt. Harry McLean, returned to port at 11:30 this morntnc from 8leirt and Port Simpson and sailed at I 30 this afternoon in continuation of her voyage to Vancouver. ITS NAME IS MUD Mud is the name of a West town. rvice CAP "Mill T,1 ems T.vnnrp Complete Ei,uw., at 7 00 Uli(1 , M In Technlcoor at 7 41) : . , ., AM AT r rii ... NEW ,V)lmi BTREAMLlNEb MUSIC by JET. jjjg Anna Neagle "SUNNY" y iicer Mb ai 1 W.3 K, Alldcd- Latest World m War New i Triumph Ythot Drums" ' MO M ' FISH OF COLOt v nam 14 h -ji 01 me west ind like a chamUt tltlliftll.tll!!.!,,, Trappers: Bring your : on all furs ;. Mink down : buyen fr:: pav 30'". iv. -and you deal Wtv:. wire mor,- , goods The New I, ll GOLDH1.00.M -The Old RUikW WONDER 1 with the Diagonal Slasbs It fits every (! because the new Vitf Slashes open or k meet fiiure reqnlrta and permit the adjust Itself romttfU In the cup. Tearo d white. SUes 12 to It Annette's Ladies' Wear When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable. Dependtblt TAXI ni ix-Nk ir- A S Servi ZMIour 8ervlte at Regular Rates FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE J-P ece Bedroom Sultc-fiale price Ull Setter Better y oeamleM Axmlter Rug 0x9 -iale price J Quality Seamless Axmlnster Rug O'9"x0'Sale pf- nuv now-savi: money at Elio's Furniture Store ,