AssiniOi L IISTED A, FOR SALE in rAI.E Quebec C-T Ml 3d "ALE heater cheap. M7i CALT Dining and bedroom . r - 1 I . A L. 1 u v ( iflaire. nowy wiuic I c".... rs. Phone areen, 888 ,, - (47 hc'KFNS FOR BALE Laying r r or roaster; killed and :cd 35c ier lb. Phone 3. :..vcr H8 tn BALE 1931 Ford coach, re- j (or caah. Phone Black tail KALE Door with complete : large stock of windows : -ii.;e stock of Iron pipe. " uc.ivy steam pipe up to Phone Block 324. H. C. r re Third Ave. FOR CASH Twin cylinder Mori 20 h.p. dlesel rr.plcte with i:e compressor and tank, r mii shaft and fuel in jrood condition. A jj y Box 210 Dally New. 47) r A!.E Large stock of doers re with complete flt-230 windows; 38 wmH j v. fitlmaa; two inch e u id large stock of iron F ic Hlack 324. EALE D. C. tf) Owner mut sell huc. Ambrose Av-Morey. four bedroom. New septic tank. In excellent shape, .it included. Annual , .d 50. Oood Income Pi ice (2700 cah or tr n.a with 41500 down. rent M. 0. Ileljer-(50 A few bundls of old t heap. Apply DaKy WANTED Yuan man for ware-Swift Canadian Co ii tgraphcr. Perman-Phoiie C4. W Tj rent by couple. March 15; $241 to $M. : 114. Dally New. Janitor for business v time. $30 month-Box 213. Dally News FOUND BUND B'.nk female ouppy with -r u'Ute feet Phone Red 623. H0AHI) AND ROOM AI?.D a: id Room or J tut room. Li B; y.wts. 640 Taylor SU. prrrj 830. i KKWARD F"AJtD of $5 for lnformtlon ir id! tn iiirlnff mnlt nnart- cr houre by March 1. Box 21? Daiiv News. HELP WANTED p-P WANTED, MALE Excellent jopprtunlty for experienced bookkeeper for local wholesale '10U.-.C Applicant must be will li j worker and able to meet P'-bUr Give full rjartlculars aa to references, military status a::d salary expected In first Ict-to Box 1157. Prince Rupert, Steamers leave Trlnce Rupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thursday p.m. Cardena every Friday 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday n.m. Queen Charlotte Leaving Feb. 10 Islands and 24. l ull Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 HER FUNERAL AT ESSINGTON I-aM Rite for Late Mm. Kdwartl Stanley at Skeena Itivrr Vlllaje. PORT ES8INOTON. Feb. 24:-The funeral of the late Mr. Edward Stanley, whose death took place lat Wednesday morning at the Port Simpson Oeneral Hospital, took place from Pierce Memorial Church here on Friday last with Rev. R. Vannetter, the missionary preacher, offldatlnK. There wag a large attendance of relative and friend. The late Mr. Stanley had been 111 alnce last May and In December her condition became uch that he wa moved to the Port Simpson Hospital, in spite of good treatment, sh failed to rally and gradually sank until the end eame. The body wa brought from Port Bunpcon to Port Easlngton and, met by the band, was accompanied to the Rand Han where It lay for two days a the people of the village gathered to pay their respects. Deceased was the daughter of the late John Barton and hi wife, now Mrs Cornelius Nekton, of KlncoMh. Resides her huband. she Is survived by two sens. Percy and Murphy Nelson. There are also two brothers Stephen Barton of KlneoUth and Herbert Barton of Ketchikan. Tliofte sending f towers to the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. llar.ard Starr. Mr. and Mra. Robert Wei-Icy. Mrs E McLean and family. Mr. and Mrs John Wesley and family. Mr. hnd Mrs. Edward Bennett and family. Mr. and Mr.. Joseph Roberta and fatally. Mi and Mrs. David Spanding and family. Mr. and Mrs Sam Lackexby and family. Mr. and Mr Maunew Wealey and family, Mr and Mrs Joseph Bolton and family. M- .ud Mrs. Paul Mason, Mr. and Mrs Jamea Oray. Mr. and Mrs. FcU Brown. Mr. and Mrs Lee Wim-Mr. Rebecca Uoiton and family Mr. Emma Stephens. Mis Dort -thy MeKay. Mrs- K. KUhimot and Women's Auxiliary to Baatnttoo Band. MAC I OK SON Mac. the prefix of many Scotch and Irish personal names is a Ose-Uc word mreiHng "son." flhHcuncetnehtJ All adverUsementa In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Vardcns' Play. Feb. 27. Welsh Tea. Mrs. Armstrong 5th East. Feb. 28. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel lows' Hall, March 2. Oddfellows Fortnightly Scotch Dance. Mar. 7. Admission sue. Anglican Jumble Sale, March 12. S.O.N! Dance Marrh 13. St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall, ...Ml V- . Presbyterian March 10. Toa, Mrs. Lakle's. Little Norway Munthe'. March 19. . v Tin- m iti-Mi: r 1111 Tea, Mrs. S.O.N. Dance March 27. L O B A. Spring Sale, April 8. St. Pcl?r's Spring Sale. April 23. Advertise In The Dally News. jln liltUIMI IW .Mutter of Hie "AdmlnWmtloii ft..! Ulll In the Matlrr i.f U" ' ,u,r"i'l KornHlus Mriuln. otl.rrlf know" Ituralit Nnanonn nnil li.irii TAKK NOTfCK that by OMer of Hta Hoiw Judjf. nJT. Uwil Jud Supmne Court of HrttWi Columbia. w on um win ur "V J. tT. 1043 noli.t AOinuummMT - tMjtie of Horald KortwUlia oveimw... and lUrold 8tuikoii. tTiu. irf tlx. Clttf of ITtoice nut r"J dJed on or txut U 38tl W of inn All rtfTS. JI snwunt of Uietr iiMWKwinw- - forUim-lUi juI all permuu nvum alni, tlve twUd IfcuHe fLu'r11l file them wUh m rtcriy e,"V or bXom Ui IMh tbiy ot Ntarcli i dintrlbuUon w "' falling vrtUcti hvlng reRard only to aursi claim wlxnli I aliall Ivt Ix-fn liotlflnl. DATED at ITUu Iluperu w. toth ttay of mrvary NOHMAN A WATT OfflnUU AcUntnUrtrnor tract llupert, C r i - am a w w m , 0e o' THIS CROSS Ji on every faff -acting Aipirin Tablet. Look for if. Mrs. E. R. Johnson and child were passengers on last nlht & train for Memphis, Tennessee. Robert Wiggins will sail tonight j on the Camosun for Cumahewa Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. Tonight's train, due to arrive from the cost at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. A. C. Pallant, who has been paying a brief visit to the city, sails by the Camosun tonight for 8ndplt, Queen Charlotte Islands. Clarence Thomson returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Samuel Jensen and James O'Neill were each fined $25 n city police court this morning for drunken-1 nes. the former getting an option of seven days' Imprisonment and) the latter the time he had already j spent in laU. Yesterday Cora Mc-Kayr -William' Morrts. Stanley' Young and Dan Josephs, IndlaiTs, were each fined $10. with five days' option, for drunkenness. James Bryant was fined $5 or the im ho had already served. Ed die Scott and Levi Carl, white men. were each lined 525 ior drunkenness, the option m uic case of the former Dcing one( month and In the lauer seven 1 days. NOTICE Mevcrs Studios, Canada's largest photography firm, U at the Com- merc al Hotel WU1 us uu- vcrtlslng offer for the last time at j 1U same popular price, tor appointment phone Mr. Ryan, G70, from 7 o'clock on. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for a concrete foundation For further particulars nnnlv C. Poulsen, 430 Bowser St. ' H ' (48) All Canadian Union Amalgamated liuildinir Workers of Canada prince Rupert, R.C., Unit No. 1 M B E T INfiS Every fourth Sunday, 2:30 p.m., of Each Month. METROPOI.E HALL piione Red 4C9 T.O. Rox 577 ?HE DAILY NEvv? T7TRE3, LOCAL NEWS NOTES See Gordon & Anderson for February furniture specials. 10 down balance over 12 months. Henry Helln of Port Simpson sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Norah for a trip to Van couver. R. E. Moore, manager of P. Burns Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning from a two weeks' business trip to Vancouver. John Robert Brown, WrangeH theatre manaeer, was a passenger aboard the Princes Norah yestcr aay a iter noon going through on a trip to Vancouver. Dr. Dwight Cramer, well known physician and surgeon of Ketchikan, and Mrs. Cramer and family were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLoughlin of Juneau, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Seattle. Mr. McLoughlin Is in the welfare J service of the United States gov ernment at .Juneau. Louis and Eugene Jacquot, well known big game guides and outfitters of Kluahne Lake, Yukui Territory, were here aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver for a visit : r.-t I i Aw Florence Gala, from Ala-ska. was a passenger on last evening's train enroute to Chicago. Henry Frlesen returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver. The Smlthers men's and girls' basketball teams, following their week-end series here, left by last evening's train on their return to the Interior. Stanley Doll, who arrived In the city a few days ago from Terrace and has enlisted for active service, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver to report for duty. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Harrison of Maasett, who have been spending the past two weeks in the city, will sail by the Camosun tonight on their return to the Qaeen Charlotte Islands. Shipwright Patty Offtocr and Mrs. Earl Eby atrtyed In the city on the Catala ysaiarday morning from Vtoterta, whre they were recently married, to take up res idence here. Tbe bride was formerly Mlas Laurel Marie Minnls of Vancouver. Robert Stevenson, general bus iness agent of the painters' union of the American Federation of Labor, sailed by the Princess Louise at the end of the week on his return to Vancouver after a brief visit here In connection with the organization locally of that cratt. An organisation meeting was held Thursday night. , Fire broke out at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the fuel shed to the rear of a building on the north aide of Third Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Streets owned by American Interests represented by G. P. Tinker and occupied as a rooming house by R. Tubb. Services of the fire department were required. Some damage was done, the side of 'the building being scorched. Insur- l ance was carried. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W J Bird. A. Horton and I. W. Adams. Vancouver; St C. D. Thompson. Afford; Mado Ran-derin. St K:iik aad J J Morse. Morse. city FOOTHILLS COAL Uulkley Valley Lump and Slack Comox Pea and Nut Lumber and Building Supplies of All Kinds Phone C31 Phone STANLEY W. COLTON D.O, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box (44 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert CANADA TO Mm-Mm- SUPER Delicious GET WOOLS anc Nurishin9 Quaker Oafs Klck-Jleatetl Frocks and Juvenile Flared Skirts In Shipments On Way Here ! Written for The Canadian Press By BARBARA BRITON LONDON, Feb. 24: O, Tailor ed, woollen dresses like those 1 chosen by the Duchess of Kent are among models on their way to ; Canada. i They are from a selection of' new models, each made with two and a half yards of cloth, the ' niinntltv tn -hlrh rfAslunpr limit I themselves because of the war. One model has four double klck-pleati back and front. Just over an inch in depth and stitched at the edge, their number and closeness give full play and the appearance of depth. The model; has short sleeves, a Peter Pan collar and an . original, deep-squared yoke set in the middle of the front from the shoulder seams, with two small pockets directly in the middle. Another dress in peasant style, has extra-wide shoulders, apron skirt shirred into the waist belt and round pockets set in the fullness at the sides. Another Selection The Duchess selected a fine. black wool Irock buttoning from shirt collar to hem. Fashioned with long, bell sleeves, a sash tie belt, two patch pockets on the skirt and one left-hand breast pocket It was simple but well tailored and flattering. The Duchess of Kent's daughter. Princess Alexandria, is following in her mother's footsteps as a director of fashion. Her little frocks are .copied from photographs CARD OF THANKS Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. G52, We wish to express our sincere appreciation for many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy sent to us in our recent bereavement in the passing of our dearly beloved wife and mother. Particularly do we thank the Port Essington Con cert Band and also those who sent flowers. EDWARD STANLEY AND SONS. PERCY AND MURPHY. I . - jj Cafe Reopening jj The. U & I Cafe, Waterfront, will reopen March I, under same .manaeement. ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt in full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience in the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do it for you. WE ALSO CARRY DRESS SHOES AND WORKING BOOTS. LING - TAILOR Sixth Street Phone 619 Suits Pressed by Steam While You Wait, J. BorfTAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Are., two doors from Broadcasting Station -m-WM. r. by women buying or dressmaking (for their evacuated children. , The Princess' clothes are bought in one of London's big shops, and her coupon are handed in. Many '4. of her frocks are made in duplicate by her devoted "Nanny," for the Ducheas, along with other British women, is economical. Children's Models Recently, the Duchess bought a little whipcord flared skirt with crossed straps for the Princess. and similar models have been shipped to Canada In the children's group of an export collec tion. The sklrt-and-Jumper idea with panties matching the skirt is the mast popular wartime fashion for little girls. Skirts are usually pleated, with box pleats or a multitude of inch pleats that flare out perkily almost straight from the waist. The most popular material is grey flannel. Smocked dresses are also In the youngsters' collection. They are of fine wool, with lighter touches of smocking In the past and have Peter Pan collars and short or long sleeves. They are also made with wide hems and turnback cuffs, a boon to any mother who has an eye on the family purse. EARLY CANDLES Splinters of - wood dipped in were used as candles in England in the 11th century. There's nothing to match the delicious, tempting flavour of Quaker Oats, and besides that ( ...Quaker Oats provides useful quantities of proteins and minerals and is, as well, an excellent source of Vitamin Bi ! Give your family thebencCtof all the natural nourishment that Quaker Oats provides. And remember too, cch serving actually costs yon less than a cent 40 serve health and save money ... Let the whole family enjoy delicious Quaker Oats daily. : Canada's SUPER BREAKFAST food I S end Your PrtniT P O ! VT DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatant Ladles' and Children's Alterations Pbone Blk. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Tlall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL Local news contributions should be in the Dally News office by 10 ajn. on the day following the event prefer- ably the night before, a let- terbox in the door being there to receive copy. Local 'news not in by 10 ajn. run? the risk of hot being pnb- ' lished. We prefer to have news contributions typewritten neatly and double spaced, if possible. However, legible writing will do. frOOKOOOCrCH30OOOOOOOH0OOOO 1 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE 2 duhmc i o ' DAY AND NIGHT g " DOOOOCm OOOOCHJOCOOOCH100HCHOOKKKKHW s Special Offer in . . . MEN'S SUITS Our Extra Pair of Pants Free continues until further notice. M. T. LEE - Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 Wanted -Raw Furs Start the Year Rijht By Saving Our COUPONS for Useful Household Items. Call In and let us explain this plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phones 18, 19 .v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w.v.v Specializing In AUTOMOTIVE Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY 1 PnONE 657 HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Representing-HUDSON'S IUY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert, B.C., Phone 815 NEW ROYAL HOTEL, j. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY" FROM II05IE" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19$ REPAIRS Major Motor Overhaul, Tune-Up, Clutch Rebuilding, Drake Rclming, Front and Rear Axle Repairs, Steering Gear and Front Wheel Alignment, Kody and Fender Repairs, Complete Duco or Dulux Refinishing, Paint Touch-Up and Color Matching Service. Rupert Motors PHONE 5GG Distributors of Chrysler Products FOR EMERGENCY NIGHT CALLS PHONE RED 811