9M "HI 41 I i ill'! Published THE DAILY NEWS. HUNCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULL EN, PRESIDENT O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion DAILY EDITION Hitler and Mussolini... I - .25j .. .02 1 SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1942. EDITORIAL Hitler and Mussolini in complete agreement! Verv fault British and Chines? general are shown as the? met In Burma to join forces against the Jaoanese Invaders Chinese Oenera: Liu Kwanloong discusses operations with Lieut-General T. J. Hutton, and staff officers. BOWLING .Wooden Plates RESULTS. Are In Demand Majority of Fixtures Last Xight Easy To Wash and Pleasant To Were Decided By Default Look At nritish Housewives ( I Like Them In Interservices Bowling League last night results were as follows: Dry Dock 3. Engineers 0. Seal Cove 2. Seal Cove I 0. Anti-Aircraft No. 2 S; Fusiliers I No. 3 default. I Medicals 3. Fusiliers No. enlightening indeed! That announcement is at least noth-j Anti-AUcrart no. i s, int? for us to worrv our heads nhrrnt Tf tbo nhiwt ttnnif r!No. 1 1. ever were anvthincr else but in agreement, with hie hr5 3- Are Headquarters Adolf, it would be a surprise to most of us. In anv case.'su'theriand'3 m the once blustering Duce would soon be out in his nlar-e Hushes it if ever he did show any signs of disagreement. There is Foikes 33 reason to suppose that the meeting at Salsbiirg was to Ca.T.tr. l4T make sure that Benito was being a good boy just in ai$ - caseand doing what his master says. ! (Won three by defslmt.. sometimes we almost feel sorry for the poor seduced Medicals 1 2 Italian people. Some day they, like the rest of subjugated Rmi 144 Europe, will be liberated but we do not think any dis- f,ey m Ul agreement between Hitler and Mussolini will prelude th S ! IS liberation. Possibly one of these days the Italian people Klcklenveler 144 ni themselves will see to Benito. , i'ffltSlSIi: Handicap 120 120 Back To City Council . . . 1UWI5 BU (Won three by default). Anti-Aircraft No. 1 l Daaske 102 the publication in the Daily News yesterday of Premier sobJiiak to uuii" itniiuunceinent mai rnnce uupert is to re- Handicap , to mm lu me mayor ana city council form of municipal government after having been under a city commissioner for ten years. There are some who altogether will be given to real local needs and things SglS $ vided that the people should have. h 1 pro- Rpaf.tv 1R5 ! There seems to be no feasible way of having some sort of city managership. In any case, Victoria does not encourage it. The purpose for which the " J Smith 142 ' ( Stevens 213 Handicap 86 Totals 9C8 Seal eai Cove uove No. no. 1 l nnnn Ur, has 1 1 i .V .' . nasi appointed been achieved-the city is on an even keel coPP 190 iuicuiciduy again, meretore, the reason for a citv com-'pr080,h 167 missioner is gone and, evidently, no exception can be tak- Learn 106 en to the return of the mayor and aldermen. ' J This being the tPS. 201 case, we must think nhm.f 2 148 243 191 136 32 8S 309 Much discussed will be civic affairs again following ZZZZZ. iS m 202 201 00 Totals 713 10JI (Won three by default). Navy l 2 ! Fuer 266 213 Speed 149 162 193 176 40 180 IKS ISO 155 187 181 2C2. 0. 3 132 226 IO 169 117 201 171 fro 981 3 m 178 turn to the system of mayor and alderman on the grounds icymbai m m im .nut uic smkih ueveiops local politics and is. therefore l eur it 173 231 iiciwici uusiuessuKe or eincient. Those who favor return to the mayor and council plan beheve that is the only way that the local people can obtain the voice in city government which they believe is attention their due. They believe that, with local autonomy, more MacLean 139 209 233 Handicap 14 44 41 Totals .. 883 1000 1026 'Won three by default!. Seal Cove No. 2 1 210 214 143 suitable mayor and aldermen and school trustees beinc Handicap . 42 42 42 j placed in charge of our civic affairs. Totals .... 1013 osi 1052! After nil if wo nut fVi v.;ta ? . n. c. 1 2 a ' LONDON. May 2 O The wooden tableware Industry is booming Britain. Shortage of crockery, combined with cheapness and wUttty of x bc- women soup ware nas canaed a 'demand exceeding the supply cause wooden tableware prodac- non in recent years has been son- fined almost entirely to decorative articles, such as bread platters and' fruit bowls. J Lately, however, housewives have ' eome to realise that wooden soup I plates, lor Instance, can be lust as' .g iw.-w- as nn-pncea croc k cry ana otot, otmK wnen dropped. , aocidentauy 107 One housewife, who frequently W entertains members of the armed 101 forces, said that when she had. 126 difficulty In replacing broken 127 plates and cups through dfeen-! 120 ttnuance of designs, she purchased G81 .sets of wooden platters and dlshM and cups in plain pottshed oak. 3 "They are almost unbreakable. 168 ey to and Pnt to look i, w sera, -wow tbs 1 nave become used to them I doubt If I will go baek to crockery aMer the war." LOG SCALE FOR APRIL Output Is Not Running' 'So Large This Year A It Was 1DI1 247 Log scaling in r-rtnee Rupert 1C6 forestry district for the month of! 218 April Just ended totalled 7J914577J on Wttra Ieei a compared with 19,- ooara ieei in Uie samp 86 86 ,a" year 1716 aMHgate 1033 1138 0f 8calln8 tot the year to date In 2 3 1 the district is 31,511.117 board feet 175 88 a'a,n5t 190317 board fe!t ie scaling per varieties this April was as follows, fteure fnr , the same month last year also be- 207jing shown for comparison: iflii n1nf w; 134 143 ,23 Spruce 6.456,715 Inn iVpnHihr " u ,7 i Johton 300 210 147 pdar 3039 inciaentauy, city councils come a good deal more nickette 172 m m Hemlock 14055s under provincial SUnervisinn nnrl nnnfvnl V,M 4.1 , nArarr iq r Balsam 24.4S4 to. v UftLU Tavlor 144 lTfl ite Jackplne , 953,140 When You Want a Kellable. Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni liOakir Service Z4Wliiur Service at Itegular Itstes If you have something to sell, a classified advertise-ment in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. Handicap 130 120 130 MIHaneous 9,000 Totals 1063 Baclx;--.:..r..i...r 205 'ChetreyT: 128 Kinalor 297 Thomeon 157 Tully 286 Handicap 59 Totals .1132 932 2 200 1&9 218 186 143 59 980 ;93 3 179 98 391 JUST 70 YKAKS AGO Sixteen thousand horses died of Influenza in New York City, in 1872. Fir April 1942 April 1042 Board Ft. 21,821 I0(ii ieci in April mi. Doarfi Ft. 602 10,751,425 2.CS2.6S8 8.901.823 3,002 433,648 9,197 Total 1 7,914,977 19,803517 - I 'ores t I'roducls The scale of poles and nllinw In im lntrIri6r the month of April 59 cedar ag compared with 9'J,5Cl The tic count for this April was 6,832 pieces compared with 16,580 pieces In April 1941 while 85 cords of wood were recorded this April a apum.it 193 cords la;;t C J Norrlneton was In general charge of arrangements. ( r Vksal 1 Wadnama, Riven HUH. Dawson's LaneUg, Oena River and Jap Inlet, i 100 I'l lt CIJNT CONTKOI. der the Controller of Paper. CHINA IMI'OUTS KICK The Canary Islands have to inv i About 85 percent of the world's port thousands of tons of fertlll- j rice grows In Asia; China pro-icr a year because of Intensified duces the greatest amount, but not cultivation. 'enough f.r :s ived, l ' V . " ,u ,noJC monsts who indicate their flrcir f to n nh.... I... ! ire5 J?csir.e co-opcratc by ioininu the li. F. Goodrich Tire Savers sf Clt b This is not a onc-sfded proposition. The dealer can do a great deal to lengthen tho life of your tires... but much depends upon your co-operation. The first step is to co to your nearest II. F. Goodrich dealer and join the Tire Savers' Club. It will help you to make your tires last longer. There Is no charge or obligation. Enjoy the privileges and courtesies of this National organization. JOIN TODAY You will be a member, regardless nf ill trul- .r Jt)i tires you arc now r SfV Goodrich n-nE PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 8ATl'Pr,- "CIANELLE" STY HE CREATIONS KY GAGNON & LACIIAPELLE Snappiest lines, styled by New York Style Show in biege, brown, blue and black. Step In Pumps in crushed kid, gaberdine and suede. Finest line in its price field in Canada. Most styles, priced $5.85 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes' ANGLO-CHINESE VLLIANCE IN BURMA 'Seal Cove Dance (LATEST IN Enjoyable Affair, PLEBISCITE Hig Crowd In Attendance at reter's Mall I.at Nlht St. A large crowd of about ninety couples was In attendance at a very enjoyable danee held last ! night in St. i'rtw'i Hall. Dancla was In progTes from 10 pjn. until 2 am, to music supplied by Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. ; Wilfred McLean and Albert; I Dalzell presided at the door. Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. Barbe. Mrs. W. DabMll, ' Mrs. E. Hart. Mrs. J. P. Allan. Mm. Nlelson and Mrs. WllHam Ms-Lean Miss Jean Deteell was In charge of the decorating. The winners In the two raffles which were drawn were: Dedthrow, Mrs. D. A. Sherwood. Terrace, ticket No. 51. Smokers' Cabinet. R. J. Cu Vole To Date Stand At Mil "YcV And 2 ItS "No" H erns state for akeen Rldv ttttj fci the federal manpower pie-Mseekt Rive 8841 "Yes" and HU No." Ihe teMt poll to give its ratsWti U Red Rose Mine near Haselton which voted tl afflrmattvt and eight negative. Polls atfll remaining to bo heard from are MU1 Hay. New Haselton. Seatk HaaelUk. Uk. Copper City. sneraton. Tatairose, Takla Land Ing. Allison Harbor. Margaret Day. mins. Vancouver, with Ticket Xo. 131 The winning numbers were . Africa, xtrr mm raw nr or maoe-up, are ua- , ,. drawn by Miss t... Pat Anderson. .--4 FOOTBALL . SCHEDUL Time Table for ,,,.,. ;i The, loJur,... Ollhaly tuu ' a)ouncei ay a Rrr May 7 a. lavy. May 12 v Navy. Ml H Pet qaarters May 19 Heedeusrt. May 21 i . R.C.C.8 May 2 May M on Fusil). : Jon 2 Sdmonum June 4 June 9 Jun 11 avy. June 11 Area H.ni June ik , Headqua.". ! Jun- ?! Rrrs v lagagagaHsagsaVL TagagaV IsaPsRSftaP w t- C. " '-nwm- - 'nsheavs tfowdz, BEGoodrich gagagatsaTfTliawsTiiVsTint f - J Tgsmgal in, ,r- ''m lAE ADVANTAGE of the privileges offered io the members of this Club and you too, may reasonably expect to have serviceable tires on your car, Uma after the tires of many motorists have flatly refused to run. n. F. Goodrich tire engineers, rcallzinc the motorists' and our country's need to con. serve rubber, have planned a service routine for nrolon eing tirclifc. Your I). F. Goodrich dealer pledges himself to extend this tested me SAvens' GET THIS "factory-piahned tire service Th irrUI numbers of your tirts iTI be ff g!uc ml mem of idctitii)i" them in rate of chefc Your itrrs will be inrxifJ KtorA-Ing to a syiirnutic pun doclojH-J by tire engineers. You will be remlnJcd hen your tirrt should be chicled no need w rc'f on niemory.