PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Pp.N Chas. Dodimcad j4 .sPV'T I Optometrist In Charce ' J ' Watch, Clock, Jewelry V. J y Kcpairing, Hand Entraving VISIT OUK ISASCMENT STOKK for Fine China. Dinnerware, Glasses, ISaggage ami Novelties. MAX HtlLBKUNtr'. Jeweler Diamond Merchant v 364 Days For You Make The 365th Day (Sunday May 10th) FOR HER Mother's Day Suggestions We Will Pay the Postage on All Out of Town Oifts Kayscr Hosiery Dainty Slips Fancy Nightgowns House Coats Bathrobes Handkerchiefs BUY . . . Purses Cloves Stylish Dresses Smart Coats Wool Sweaters Umbrellas Mail Orders Promptly rilled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince ltupcrf T1IIKI) AVE. Next to Ilcilbroner's I'hone IH.l'E 907 BETTER COOKERY BOOKLETS 500 Snacks Ideas for Entertaining 500 Delicious Dishes from Leftovers 250 Classic Cake Recipes 250 Ways to Prepare Poultry and Game Biids 250 Superb. Pies and Pastries 250 Delicious Soups 500 Delicious Salads 250 Ways to Prepare Meat 250 Fish and Sea Food Recipes 300 Ways to Serve Eggs 250 Ways to Serve Fresh Vegetables 250 Delectable Desserts 250 Ways of Serving Potatoes 500 Tasty Sandwiches The Candy Book - r 250 Refrigerator Desserts 250 Cookie and Small Cake Recipes 300 Dairy Dishes 2000 Useful Facts About Food Menus for Every Day of the Year 25c Each Full Set 20 Booklets and one Simplicity Sewing Book, all for 55.00 RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets at Your Local Butchers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'KINCi: KUl'I'.KT Co. Ltd. IlKITISH COLUMBIA 1 I 1 THE DAILY NEWS fcATURDAY May 2 i 3H Waterfront Whiffs First Week of Appreciable Halibut Landings Here Still Far Relow n ( M ' ' Iihst Year Prices Hold Well This has been the first week of the season for landings of halibut at Prince Runert. the hunts. although leaving around the opening date of April 15, having been delayed in returning with their initial catches through stress of stormy weather. The landings for the week totalled 21,000 pounds of which 227,600 "AIR RAID" REVIEWED Weekly .Meeting of A.K.P. Wardens Held Last Night The weekly meeting of the district wardens of the Civilian Pro-tecUon Committee (A.R.P.) was held last evening with J. S. Wilson, chief warden, presiding and nound wa from Canadian ves-.p1j and 31M0O0 pounds from American This brings the total land-for the en5on to Msy I up to 702.500 pounds 24000 rounds Canadian and 456.500 ponnds American a far cry below the aggregate of 2.283.700 pounds 1.-140.200 pounds American and 1,-143.500 pounds Canadian- which had been landed up to a corresponding date a year ago. From a price standpoint 1942 has started off a good deal better than 1941. The top bid of the week for Carta dian fish was 145c and 10c which the luc Covenant received for 21.000 district representatives presenting J , , , Z T practice. They were J. L. Macln- tosh, Severino Dominato 'reporting for O. T. German , Ray Allen and G. Storrle, G. P. Tinker. J. H. McGlashan and Thomas Elliott 'reporting for J. E. boddiei, A. M. Davies. secretary, was also present. Each warden presented very In-terestlnz and comprehensive re ports covering the details of number of personnel present the respective headquarters, time at which the members Dorted. the type of dangers the at the - countered, how each was dealt with, the character of casualties and treatment of same, how flrer were controlled, how communications were maintained. There were 1 weaknesses reported Isome due to inexperienc, some to lack of training, some to lack of co-ordination, but these weaknesses were few 1 compared with the positive results .of the test paid the Cape Rac for 3.600 pounds. For American fish the best price of the week was 15c and 10c which the Balder was pa to for 1 6.000 pound and the low 113c and 10c which the Emma. Fanny B. and New Washington received for catches of 12300. 5300 and 45,000 pounds respectively. Union steamer Cardna. Capt John Boden. getting back on to scheduled time again through having been relieved of tom wiy-point calls which have been delaying her of lat, arrived in port at 7:45 last night from th" south, mailing at 10:30 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoinU majority of cltiieens a realization of what a raid might mean and of the value of air raid precautions An increased interest in the local organization has already been no- Trie splendid co-operation of the ted Royal Canadian Air Force was the 1 For the workers themselves the subject of general commendation. ! practice gave the best test to date The realistic way In which they Much depended on the imaglna-provlded the atmosphere and mci- i tion with which the various indents of what a raid would mean cidents" were treated and, while made the test the succes It was. some fell ahnrt of what was hoped Their dlve-bomb:;g of centres, for, many others more than ful-their accurate "bombing", their filled the highest hopes of the skilful flying brought home t(1 the commute DECORATED FOR DESTROYING U-BOAT Commander T D. Preutic . of the Royal Canadian Navy veteran of many years at sea and senior officer of the entire Corvette Scrwcc in the Atlantic, wr.o has been awarded the D.S.O for the deduction ot the submarine U-501. He Ls shown on the bridge of his command, IIM.C.S. Chambly. "'(.. 01 I OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND . . . GOOD SERVICE We oik your co-operation. Our country requests us to conserve KCi,Jr idM lhat Wc sha ... be a Ic to iPMiaPP Ulna Tnr nur trim t ' vrtf . , 1 "m "ruer maintain our policy of i5r,.pt W service a.k you to place all coal orders at least 0T Wi?" W W PECTKW. By dol tl l, tnS v.m woie us w route our deliveries In the most economical CCOno'n,Cul manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and tires. Albert & McCafferv M ; I'HONKS 116 OK 117 4,4 . . j TTT,r"Mr,r',",,44444.4444444444444; NEWS FROM EDMONTON r - CARNIVAL ' PICTURE Uproarious Comedy, "Itoad Show" Edmonton uvc a rive-tu-onc I Valine Pictures on Capitol vote for the affirmative in the j Screen l or First of Week manpower plebiscite thla week. .The total "Yes" vote wu MMl U.d on the funny novel of the and "No". 7.225: Albertas voiewrsttir1e name, "llodd 'fchW;' tld tf 72 percent atttrmauve. vegrtwie i be U hbjltly entertaining corned, was the only rkllng in the province t come to the screen of the Capitol to vote "No". ' Theatre as th feature of fertrw I The Edmonton City Oolf Association has elected officers for the year as follows: President, Dr. W. C. Broad foot: vice-president. Jacki i Marshall; secretary-treasurer, W i for next Monady and Tuesday. There is an Impressive cast which (Includes such well known screen luminaries as Adolphe Menlou. Carole Landls. John Hubbard. Bdmonton U well organised lot The Charioteers." is also .Intro-the Red Cross drive which It to duffd- net under wav shortly R. H. Sat- 1 Mo,t of lhf a1" centred itle. manager of the Otllesple Oraln roun1 carnival, a lion act. In Co., is campaign manager. whlcn John Hubbaid. as a wealthy j young playboy, becomes Involved i Hon. Herbert A ruse om be, minister There are aU the features of the of mines for British Columbia, was country road and romance Is in- here this week conferring with Hon. N. E. Tanner, Alberta ter of lands and mines, in regard to oil matters. Both the largest and newest steam boilers at the city power plant were out of operations at the same time for the better part of twenty-four hours early this Ogilvte had demanded a report on the hitherto undisclosed break- ' down Holy Trinity Church was the scene of a pretty wedding Last Saturday when Miss Orace Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewsut J. Marshall became the bride of Ueut. O. Reginald Campbell of the -Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. terestlngly Interwoven with the general action and fun. 4444444 Send Your Copy Early I Local new contributions mourn. .-Mayor rry raw ute city hould be 111 the Dally News council this week after Aid. J. H. 1 4 olliee bv 10 m on ih rf.v '4 following the events -prefer- ably the night before a let- terbox In the dm being 4 there to receive copy. Lotal news not In by 10 am. runs the risk of not being pub- Itshed We prefer to have 4 4 new contributions typewritten 4 4 neatly and double spaced, if 4 4 possible. However, legible 4 4 writing will do 4 44444444 Wrisley's SUPERBE BATH SOAP .' (iiant Cakes $1.00 Odors.Pine, Apple Blossom, Lilac EFFERVESCENT FRUIT SALINE The Morning Refresher 13 oz. Tin and one Class Tumbler Both For 60c ones Lid. Cif Pioneer Druggists mi; hexai.i, si oki: mioses xi ami k Open luilv from 8 a.m, till 10 p.m. Sunday and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7 . D p.m. Canadian National Railways Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver: Thursday. U:15 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell JUvcr. Saturday, 11:15 p.m.. calling at Ocean Falls only. Prince nupcrt to Kctchlkan-Wcdnesday, 11 p.ln.; Friday, 3 p.m. To Stewart Friday, 3 p.m. Trains Leave Prince Rupert For the East: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars . For full Information, reservations, etc,, cull or write. it. s. (jiti:i(i, city issi;Nii:it aoknt 528.TI.lrd Avenue Phone 200 ' ; ;ilrlre"lt..,.e-ri' nvssvQ iwl alUtia-VUIiaUU Air Lines Wanted -Raw Furs r, Rcprcsentin:-IIUDSON'S DAY COMPANY Ship to J. 1;, QHMHBIM. Cow Uay, Prince Ilupert, ll.C, Phone 815 li i 1 i i M i Trr" TO-Muii? wu iAitA,.LEL MIDNITE SHOW Jol". C.arfielir l!rtaU Manhali "EAST OF THE RIVER" ADDI.l) Howard Hill .... "ltE.Mi;.M,i;K Mllt,( Hunting The IUri R . 'Bw .. -M int soj uls STAUTS Mf'M) The World' Mutual t oad Show' With (ar !o l. 'at 14 AIIDIJI Canada t 'a- c3 I'menli llitr, e Itordr roi'tiAit sni .ft i-tj niiK or m: ti i The . leading ' BanxafSUBiB.:a.a:S:al1 Ladies: ii.i:.ut.M 1; kali: 1 1 oe. 1 u r c if. tti I'ur Coal 4 our i : rount. GOLDBL00M -rh otd i:r." I THE Sh I, OF i ': QUALITY G O L D S E i A : L j Sorkoc alrauo 1 h ,ii,c . I. j ! I tlftrrinp I v s 111 T'-r-.i' s- S:inrl'lrh Spreads S'T. 1 . n r Fresh Local Kaw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rnoM, c-i 44444"-- .1 Vnllf III " - MOMII liS MAI (AW AMI ITS at the J if.tim.rrv ST0IUI mtttn! Arrives l reh L Iir- Ullnvo ill I' 1 1 ... and holpi" ',ur.0T lt farmers. Tiy ' wai J. feel sure vc-11 1ia ,nd other Us frc mmtltv 111 UllSUri'X' jr VEOETAHLE3 We also ,ra' W'n i ,vc'i vc p MUSSALLEMi) Economy -Slorc H Monr -Where- IhM" rent' . i.h j. n. Hnlnrnfilrist 1 , . 1