iwl i s juiuxsvj uu id states ana rtewiounaiana. d" -- i j rortunc, juagc w. t. 'II McLcod. T. J. Boulter, u 1 ' Capt. J. R. Elfcrt and, c v u Hanklnson. Baseball Scores American Iagun ( u,! i' New York 2. ,.loui, io. Boston 0. ZKo 5, PhUadelnhla 2. "id 13. Wftshlnclon C. National League "rlyil o, PitUburgh 7. i.auriphia 5, Cincinnati 0. 2 f 7. St. LouU 8. Nc Yotk 0, Chicago 13. Mr. BeHerose pointed out. "express ihinmpnti nrlartnatlne at and des- Ltrruticr Named at Annual Meet- iiMd to nolnU south of the border ia Held Usl Night will be carried from and to con- 'neetlons with thc railway express Rupert Branch of agency's air division at points ' uue of Canada, at Its ajonR ihe main route of TransCa- !iK last night, elected nftda Alr unes." B. I'. '.- M" Ki Iciws: ricsidentT. D. Pat- ";'! Hanson M.P., T.1I. 1 1 ' i Angus MacDonald, ! IH an and Capt. W. M. I! M Wlrwlow. nan. C. II. Ill kins. 1 rcaMirer, Alex Mc-Commaiider A. II. f'ommander Harrison, l: Q A. Huntd". A. L. I t'-ut Commander Alex , I It O. Large. Dr. L.W. W R ...V-.IIVU. McAfee. Harrv ItUIIJ Cal WM. TODAY'b STOCKS (Cuuri4T B. U. .MmmMmi Ou.) Oils Orandvlcw Bralornc 00 Cariboo Quarts Hcdlcy Mascot 2 Pcnd OrclUc 117 Pioneer lA0 Premier Privateer nin 2Va Sheep Creek . 09 Vancouver Calmont - C. & E. 80 Home - z45 lfoyal Canadian .03... Toronto ItonMIn 50 Con. Smelters - - 37.75 Hard rock - -32 Kerr Addison - 3 35 lilUe Long 'Lac McLcod Cockshutt Madscn Ilcd Lake 41 McKcnzle Red Lake 55 Moncta - 23 Central Pat. 83 Plcklo Crow , I-42 Prcstoa East Dome 181 San Anlonlo , Shcrrltt pordon 1 U Set At l orly. Seven and a Half 8AN ANTONIO. Texas, May - '.MliK Which U Sam As -- Lieu, Hans-Kwe Nas4--La&t Vear bomber pilot, who escaped a : from a prisoner-of-war camp " i at Bowmanville, Ontario, six- The mill rule for city taxation 1 n lays ago, was oaplured last night in a San Antonio . . , , has at ,h. the in 1W2 been set 472, same as Ism year. The mil rate, bylaw wg given its second rr.-.d-i ing this morning when City o.m-j tnlssioner D. J. MatheviM was li ( seeelaa in bU capacity as a city, omincil. j The rate la divided as follows: General. IS mlite. ' schools, 22 mnia. I Money debts, 17 mills ! bv taxation this year Is $135,391.- '05-$24J7 for general pur- Icrcent of (the value of taxable land-$lW46ft- and Ihlrty-flfe percent of Improvements $i,23l.v 086. malting a total assessment for taxation purposes of 12,33058. lu.n and ni.ur. Red UahU are far more dlffl- i cult Tor enemy airmen to see than . blue lights according to the War Department. ' w ar BULLETIN KOVALTV AT BATH HATH The King and Queen The total revenue to be raised, visited Bath yesterday to in spect damage which had been done in the German bombing this week. It was the first visit thc King and Queen hail paid lo boml) damage in mouths. . CONUiCLSS OBJECTS AI.I-MIABAD The All India Congress, meeting here, rejected a pnmosal of the Moslem IMigue for separation. The Congress is opposed to any division io India l this time. STRAIGHT STEADY JOB The earth's axis continually points ln the same direction. News tHO'viUAL LIBRARY Local Temperature win. Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) High 2:36 ajn. 22.9 feet unn 4tf NTJfy 15:26 pjri. 20.1 feet m; .;uum 3. Low 9:15 a.m. 1.0 feet I 21:25 pjn. 5.6 leet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i v -n v- 1 - ... t, VV PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1942. PRICE: FIVE CENTS I I I f i im Ti fill W f t mm Mum i 1 H I I 1. W M. . i rv i in mi . , . lion lesteruay hr Civil Protection i (or the province ... ri-Mular mating of ,; it Civil Protection relay afternoon at , Iion rooms, sta- i.thiy allowance for ,. ,,i!d be Increased :..')iith to $175 inas- .in a now Includes Request for more u.kIkc will be re-- .Kiquartern Forms id for the use of v, . i i make u house U a the near future. i a Sunday again iil for mure work- revealed the great . . who are already the British Isles hat. where sand Is 'id even In some is obtainable, the up pump or other iting incendiary Mray of water is try. In England nmvirlc t hm- Armtrnne F. N. Parker, E. J. FUzpat-;..ivies. secretary- I I H 14 I I l4lV I 111 No More Guns For V.C. Metal Sebaslopol Cannon All (June And Mint Must Supply Bronre LONDON. May 2: O - The Vic toria Cross, the Empire's highest; military award, Is going to undergo a change in structure. I The supply of bronze fiom which all V. C. Maltese crosses have been struck since Queen Victoria Instltuaed the decoration 84 years ago and decreed that it be fashioned from metal of guns captured at Sebaslopol during the Crimean war has been exhausted at last. Future awards will bt? struck from gun metal supplied by the mint. Altogether 1.190 medal have been won. 52S between 1856 and 1914. 633 in the First Oreut War and 32 m the present war EXTENDS ! SERVICE TransCanacU Now earning Air Kxprrks To Newfoundland MONTREAL. May 2 - Air ex- the'"" rvlcc lKtn Canada and -rm.pment in fndland was inaugurated .mi to every three . wUrtav-Mcordm 10 013 BcllP" , . u for business I i,. ,r ou. r.rf- row- general manager. TraiuCan- Alr Thc Zxpnm r the oc-upaiiu f -.K dine ln'iiM-N or Uieir own person It Is hiped to ! II T. Lock aUend W ithtnirftjiri nf fifft new service will be from MoiKton, New Brunswick, to St. JoVfru, Newfoundland "Tor Day Airport) via Sydney. Nora Scotia, and Dander, 4ewfoundbnd. There will be one . tk. ..., f itrtp dally. Due to the retaUotuhtp ' tire two cwmtrtes Ih juMU de1 a.s expressed to ' fencc measures the new service ' military forces fori nm military and bustneiw ration In Sunday's ln1?U Uke- , of tndlcaUon a ,r-d for all sirens, central' ' lr , irw one inanisea (between Canada and Newfound-',rtin -.nicer for :" w Mr- Bllero. "with Uie present development work be-' a id District J J. ln led on ,n Newfoundland, -hair it yester- n other members Um ncw undoubtedly, Inspector Ernest Pve a big boon to Uie business ; i.Jk A,ilow Pia. life of the Island. In addition, the ., i i.,',i,.ni n.inh service will afford TranCanada Air Lines an opportunity to cx tend air express facilities to In dustries of the Cape Breton section of Nova Scotia, Including Sydney, Olocc Bay. New Watexford. .North Sydney and Sydney Mines. rma Develops CRIPPS VIEWS UNDERGROUND DEFENCES AT GIBRALTAR Sir Staffoid irnppv acc.mpai.i. u b K". ( ' n ti: ' . left, and th chief engineer of the tunnels at Otbraltar. arc hovui cincniiin: Ironi .c of 'lie ninuc ait- i U.c British sUitesman and the Oreek king had riU'd untiergrounri d-.'encro ol EriUT.s Meditenanean stronghold. Sir Stafford showed lircat mtnot m the rock-ibl;d fort e.v. a"' carried out an exhaustive inspection. TAX RATE ! FOR YEAR : ' "It will also permit through poes; tt.TO7.46 for schoolo. .nd i movements of air express ship- $ia,4S3.74 for money debti. NAVY I F AfllF mcnU o'" P01"1 ln U,e Unl"i The levy will be one hundred Nazi Prisoner Is Recaptured I i RUSSIAN FREKJIITKR SUNK ' TOKYO A Tokyo reports says a Russian freighter liasvbecn sunk off tlic Japanese islands by an Allied or American submarine PORT SAID ATTACKED LQNDONVvUis air attacks on Port Said in (lie Sues Canal area arc lcnig continued, it is reported. NAZI TRANSPORT SUNK MOSCOW A 9,000-lon German transport has been sunk In the Baltic Sea. 11 is tlic 115th transport lo be sunk. AMERICAN CASUALTIES WASHINGTON American easualtics in the war lo dale haic been 5100 dead, this including Pearl Harbor. CRASH OF AIR LIINER Capture i is N As thc storied city of Mandalay, blackened by fire and smashed by Japanese bombs, was reported today to have fallen to the Japanese, the Battle of Burma verged on another major disaster for thc Allies. Official Allied Badly of Mandalay Claimed ew Lnve By On Japs; China I i Further Naval and Aerial Activity In Bay of Bengal I New Threat Looms For Australia NEW DELHI, May 2: The Japanese today claimed the capture of the key Burmese city of Mandalay but this was not confirmed in British sources which, how-ever, indicated that the situation was serious. Hrir! ! carrying railway and highway lines are being blown up j and battle, apparently, was going on in the outskirts of Mandauay. Meanwhile the Jinan esc have launched another major j drive northward from Lashio to a I f A D D V IMf1 point within forty-five miles of j VniVlY 1 111 VJ me uninese boraer, the town of Renwlnj, 22 miles north of Lashlo, having been taken by ihz enemy. Further naval and air activity in the Bay of Bengal Is reported. An attack on the port of Akyab is reported, heavy damage having been done. conflrma- pert Sea Cadet Corps work is be tion was still lacking lat today of the Tokyo statement that the Japanese had occupied the city i yesterday although 'dispatches ON CORPS Despite Difficulties, Sea Cadets Are Keeping; Up Interest and Enthusiasm, Keporfs Show Although operating under the handicap of Inadequate Instructional and drill facilities and lack of some equipment, the Prince Ru- ing carried on with enthusiasm and Interest, R. M. Winslow, the president, and Lieut. Commander Alex Mitchell, officer commandin Seventeen Killed In Catastrophe from Burma Indicated that the i the corps, advised the Prince Ru in sijm oi uaii ue vnj w scnousiy uireawnea wimipert branch of the iNavy Lea; Last'Nlsht'-'-Bnrarr'TOr gers and the eiew of three. The plane was coming in rrom San I'rancisco and the crash occurred as it was about lo land. The fire rould be seen for miles. CITY FORCE INCREASED Strength s Raised From Seven To Ten Men List of Officer Now Stationed Here The city police force has been Increased from a strength of seven to ten men. It was announced today. Two of thc additional men arc paid by the city and one by the provincial government. The force now consists of thc following officers: Sergeant Ray Baker. Corporal F. O. Oldham. Constables E. Bradley, S. Ferguson, W. O. Gardiner, W. J. R. Billing. L. W. Strouts, Patrick Russell, G. B. Brotherston and W. Constable McLcod Is the latest arrival, having reached here yes- wvf terday afternoon from Rcvclstokc, RUSSIAN FRONT QU1KT MOSCOW There Is little being reported on thc land fighting be twrcn Ktissla and Germany. 0UIET IN AIR WAR British and Nail Planes Both Stay Home Last Night On Account Of Unfavorable Weather LONDON, May 2: D British bombing squadrons lilt In force at Nail centres along the French roast by twilight yesterday and then returned to their bases to spend a second night aground ,whllo Nazi xaldcrs likewlso ic malncd at home. Thc Alr Ministry said that weather was unsuitable for largo scale operations. (door instead of driving westward to India. Threat to Australia may have Passengers included two naval (developed at another point, two men, one army man ana mother and infant baby. i suspicious planes having been re-j ported flying high over Towns- ville on the east coast. Invasion warnings were sound-led along the Australian east coast as the anti-aircraft batteries ; at Townsvlllc, which lies 700 miles south off Cape York, fired on the two unidentified planes. Allied planes again blasted Jap anese bases on the island fiingc of Australia. Port Moresby on New Guinea has been attacked again by enemy planes and it was said today that more plaes. men and other equip ment would have to be provided If it was to be successfully defend cd. There has been aothcr raid by United Nations planes on Gasma- ta In New Britain. There have been fresh attacks on Cerregldor in the Philippine Islads. American and Filipino resistance on Mindanao Island HALIBUT SALES Radio. Storage. American 38.000, 11.6c and 10c, Middlcton, 25,000, 12c and 10c, Pacific. Canadian Robert B.. 12,000, 125c and 10c, Atlin. Mae West, 14,000, 12.5c and 10c, Storage. Gibson, 4,000, 11.8c and 10c, At lln. Tramp,,' Boo tit. 0,000, 12.5c and 10c, .11 ii VILLAGE ILUtBOK Trlncomalee, ' Ceylon, Is little more than a village, but It contains one of the six greatest natural harborsln thT worlds gue uic au oacs. rapiuiy. r.ven more cnucai nual meeting last night SALT LAKE CITY, May 2 (CP) than the reported loss of Manda- A United Air Lines sleeper jlay was the situation confrontinir 7116 establishment of the Sea transport plane plowed into a the Chinese army on thc Lashlo Cadet Corps. Lieut. Commander storm-lashed ridge within sieht i front, 150 miles to the northeast. iutchell's report stated, was, being or Salt Lake City airport last j There Japanese columns in great j steadily maintained at the 120 nislil, killing fourteen passen- 'force were reported to have push- mark- Resignations and staff de ed within 45 miles of the Chinese "edf 5 "aa wen -reaauy reclined oy the enrolment ot new recruitB. vadlng China through the back ! Nineteen new recruits had been taken on the strength during the past year and there were still' ten or a dozen names on the waiting list. Last November the corps Jiad been divided into two companies. Despite the difficulty of lack of competent Instructors, thc Bugle Band was carrying on with nine bugles, five drums and one drum-major. In connection with the shooting activities 0I the Corps. Commander Mitchell expressed ap preciation to T. J. Fortune for the interest he had taken in the boys. A great measure of interest in the activities of the corps by mcmDcrs of the executive and parents was urged by Lieut. Commander Mitchell. Further aspects of the activities of the local Navy League was elaborated upon in the annual report of the chairman, R. M. Winslow, which was also presented at last nicht's meeting. During the year, it had become necessary for the Cadet Corps to find premises other than naval headquarters for its activities so weekly drills were now being held at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Hall with bugle band practices at First Presbyterian Church Hall. Mr. Wlnslow's report showed the local branch to be In a healthy position financially, due in large measure to a tag day, which had been ably conducted by C. C. Mills, and a canvas for subscriptions and memberships for which credit was due to A. L. Holtby. Reviewing activities of the corps during the year, Mr. Winslow referred to valuable assistance which had been given ln promoting a Victory Loan drive, inspection by Col. L. H. Mac-la'chlan, acting deputy-minister for naval services,' the annual 'At Home" and Inspection by Hon. T. D. Pattullo and the memorial service on Armistice Day.. , Among those to whom thc Chairman's report referred as giving valuable service during the year were the honorary secretary-treasurer, Alex McRae, Commander RCCd, P. 1L Elklns and T. J. Fortune.