nai two iSff yl jeftaves af 0 soring rJ molte Minora Blades Canada's fastest growing !XJ-T8lADt$ J economy Wot. ViQ DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion 02 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in thU paper and also the local news published therem'. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. Friday, November 20, 1942 : a EDITORIAL Canadian Grain Situation . . . Canada has this year the largest grain crop in its history. Quota restrictions with respect to how much of the crop can be marketed apply to individual producers because of limited facilities for storage and handling. Unless a maximum movement from western farms takes place deterioration of a large part of the year's crop will result. Owing to lack of shipping space and other conditions, the grain traffic this year will largely have to depend upon movement by rail. As a matter of fact so large a movement of grain by rail in this country has' never been attempted in the past. While railways are doing a good job, their burden becomes greater and greater. For obvious reasons, grain traffic on the Pacific Coast is almost at a standstill. When the war is over, reconstruction starts, normal conditons are restored and and distribution of grain to the countries which need it is resumed, it is reasonable to anticipate that this coast will handle more grain than ever before. The picture will, also, doubtless be different than it has been in the past for the grain elevator at Prince Rupert. The Manpower Issue . . . It is announced that Elliott M, Little, director of selective service, and the Federal Department of Labor have come to the parting of the ways. Those who have had the opportunity of observing the situation at Ottawa will be little surprised. For some time it has been an open secret that Mr. Little, who has very definite and drastic ideas as to how Canada's manpower should be effectively marshalled, has been restless at the support these ideas have been getting trom the government. Mr. Little is one of those dynamic personalities who might truly be described as a man of action. There has been the general feeling for some time that the attitude of the government in regard to the manpower question has been reactionary. Mr. Little, undoubtedly an expert on problems regarding manpower, resigns because he feels frustrated in dealing with manpower in the manner which he considers most effective in time of crisis such as now exists. Have the for Boys Christmas . . . We are glad to support the appeal of Mrs. Garbutt of the Y.W.C.A. to -the home people of Prince Rupert to make an effort to entertain the boys of the services this Christmas and New Year. Mrs. Garbutt suggests that obviously the best way of doing this Is to have the boys in for dinner and the evening. The type of boys that Mrs. Garbutt will send are those who will not expect or desire that any "fuss" be made about them. In fact a good square home-cooked holiday meal in a wholesome family atmosphere is all they will crave. The less artificialty and the less formality about it the better they will like it. By all means, have a boy or two or three or more in for Christmas and New Year, Yoii will enjoy it and so will they. You will have made appreciative friends. Think of your own boy. How would you feel if he was far away from home under the same circumstances as many of the boys in Prince Iltipert find themselves today? We would say now that no Prince Rupert Christmas or New Year dinner should be felt complete unless there are in attendance as many of the boys in uniform as car bo possibly handled. " THE DAILY NEW3 V; : PUCK RACE ITribute Is Paid evened up, By Rotary club Chicago Black Hiwks Defeat Delrftlt Rett Wings and Two Teams Are Now on Even Terms CHICAGO. Nov. 30 Ciricago Black Hawks and Detroit Red of the Wings are now In ft tie Mr the! member League standing as a result of last night's play In which the Hawks defeated the Wing by a score of 6 to 2. Toronto Maple Leafs remain in third place m a Mailt of a 7 to 3 victory ever New York Hangers. The league standing ts as V D L F A Detroit .' 4 1 2 30 32 Chicago 4 1 2 27 34 Toronto j.. 4 0 2 39 16 Canadlens 3 9 4 38 34 Boston 3 0 4 17 21 New York 2 0 6 2d 51 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY (1ARBUTT, Hostess ' i I have just been up to the military hospital to see Signalman Allan Hincks of the Navy. He was the unfortunate victim of a hit and run driver on Sunday night and suffered a broken nose and oaek injuries. Some of us think his name should be "Jinx" instead of Hincks. He was as cheery as ever despite the fact that It cost him a deal of pain to laugh and he thought up one or two stories to tell me. It was a case of my being cheered up by him. At last it is here a sleek streamlined and altogether elegant oil heater for th? family lounge. No more chattering teeth and card games played with gloves on. It's the height of htxuiy. The weekly meeting of the Ser vice Wives' Crab was held in the family lounge on Thursday; Mrs. Doolittle, the president, was ab- ! sent from the chair but her place was ably filled by Mrs. Barbara I Perry. Tne ladies were very busy f tiling .stockings which they intend 1 gtrtng to the boys in the hospital : nt Chiiatmfl A o mt riaal nf It Pays to in The News Sentiments of Service OreanliaUon Voiced at Yesterday's Luncheon by Col. J. W. Nicholls The sentiments of the Prince Rupert Rotary Clnb In the passing last remaining charter were appropriately ex- leadership of the National Hockey pressed at yesterday's luncheon of the clnb by Col. J. W. Nicholls. The late H. F. Pullen. Col. Nicholls remarked, had been a good cltteen and a good Rotarlan. Referring to his proclivities as a hortlr-ultura-lfct. Col. Nicholls stated that he had always left a home a better place than he had found it. The community, too, had been the better for his presence. Without any other proceedings than the luncheon and the eulogy !of Col. NtehoRs. the gathering adjourned out ot respect to Mr. Pullen. CUPS ARE PRESENTED ? Ladief Mule Hub Ila Monthly Meetin- at Home of .Mrs. Large The second monthly meeting of the La dies' Music Crab wu held at the home of Mrs. R. O. Larce on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. r Eve. the president, was fn the chair. Contlnulrur the study of Rus sian national composers the program given was as follows: Paper on the lives of Borodin and RiaiAky-Korsakoff. Mrs. R. O. Larce. Piano solo. "Nocturne from Pe tite Suite i Borodin i, Mrs. B. Smith. Vocat solo. Hindu Song from Baakr" mimsky - Korsakoff). M-s. W. Martin. Piano solo. "Hymn to the Sun" (Rimsky-Korsakoff). Mrs. B. J. Smith. Piano goto. "Two Themes' from "Scheherazade Symhone Suite." Mrs. B. J. Smith..' " Cups were presented to pupils bavin highest marks in Toronto Conservatory examination: The Senior Challenge cup was won by Owen McRae and the Junior Challenge Cup by George work is involved in this effort the ; 01Uls Permanent eups were members who did attend urgently request the others to tarn out at the next meeting and herp. Don't let this Job revert to Churchill's famous dictum: "Never has so much depended on so few." Come out and help. Mrs. Huff won the raffle donated by Mrs. Martin. There will be another big Bingo game tonight at the hut. The prizes are being given out undf a different system. If you get B Intro you choose a ticket and that corresponds with a prize. You may be lucky enough to win a large packet of cigarettes I ay you may though, the odds are against you or you may wtn a packet of lifesaven or even a bar of rrtee fragrant soap. I was sorry to see an id friend, one Chadsey of the Signal Corps, in hospital. Best wishes for recovery to him. presented to Owen McRae and Jean McAfee, the winners of the Challenge Cups last year. The mi pi is plsyed the following numbers: "Gypsy Dance" (Richard Kren-tariln). George Oltlls. "Fantasia in D Minor" (Mozart t, Owen McRae. "Raindrop Prelude" (Chopin). Jean McAfee. Mrs. Eve welcomed the guets and thanked the pttpAs for their part of .the program. Hie meeting closed with "God Save the King." and tea was served by the hostess. TltEAT 'ESI KOUCIf LARNED. Kas.. Nov. 20 Harold Hewson contributed his clock to the scrap pile because It would not go. To make sure It was scrap he hit it with a hammer and it started like new' " pjapnBi I ANY ,MP0RTED ALES fcH Phone C3I for Home Delivery WffJm 25C ,tduc,ion ln P'" 'or pii cut MORE RC! THAN BIEB jM This advertisement is not nublkrieH Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 0-4 uor Good Whisky- Jp JOHNNIE I a 7 A WALKER 1 - BORN 1820-STILL GOING STRONG M SM vjMr Distilled, blended and bohled in Scotland Q This advertisement 1 not published or duuiocu t the Ljuor inntrol liosrd or bj (heUomt- of HfltU rttnmMn sl PEOPLE'S IN LEAD SavMors Now Down One Point Mixed Bowline !.ea;ue Mars 19 Pushovers 17 10 p. Y. A 14 1? ToUtrs ;' 11 1 Stones 11 16 MMiets 10 17 Twwyg 31 Twerp 1 2 W. Olsen . . 131 148 B. Otsen ... Ml IDS Hemming .... 178 197 Hood . 81 81 A. Daly Ill 107 E. Daly 10 242 Handicap 1M 1M Totals . tn 1013 People' Store 1 Petersen 15 Barbour . 190 Libby Felsenthal 130 Davis 107 BalUnger 103 Campbell 177 Handicap v 78 Total C. Y. V Lee Lew M. Lee ' IDA V. Lee K. Lee Handicap Total Sat.Mor LaBette Mger E. Stegavlg P. ategavtg I3ch Low Score Handicap Total .Midgets Woods Wanfrmaker Bertha Johnson Robertson Anderson Handicap Total Ston 101 80 3 164 1ft) 189 311 318 131 78 In In Wednesday s games in the Mixed Bawling League People's ore took a clean sweep three games to nil victory over Twerps. nl.e Tollers. Chinese Youth As-relation and Midgets each took two games from Stones, inubovers and SavMors respectively. High scorers of ttie night were Rose UBeHe with and Of Kef let with MS. Individual sooring: The league standing: People's 8 tore v SO 7 Total, 1039 10M 1113 Pushovers 1 WrathaU 188 Comadlna 390 B. Savtlle - 138 S. Savtlle 130 Pieree Mi DeJortg 136 Handicap $1 2 Iff! 132 83 190 150 20 54 2 128 118 155 208 192 148 80 3fl IS 17 M 11 11 10 l 3 1M 9C m S3 3M 142 130 9XS 3 11 180 104 304 183 1M 7 187 178 133 112 300 54 919 1003 1038 1 197 240 134 147 100 211 43 2 194 260 177 194 141 165 43 3 171 191 193 134 173 107 43 Hit llfil 10(7 1 147 . 109 164 . 187 212 130 21 1030 1 . 149 148 . 130 2(5 207 238 63 2 149 184 130 198 ISO 135 21 3 208 214 180 W 208 139 21 971 1199 2 252 135 135 181 2(26 191 03 3 157 139 139 170 158 184 0! UNO 1219 1050 Weseh 175 D. Hurnctt 158 Dickens 100 Ray 140 N, Stone 145 M. Irving Handicap Total Tollers . Oarland T. Frascr A. Kellett K. darland C. Frascr r. Kellett Handicap Totals 3 140 199 14. 187 187 251 80 1035 1029 1199 1 152 209 135 157 116 243 75 2 149 171 132 Ml 182 182 75 3 130 164 220 17C 140 2CC '75 1087 1032 1173 Canada at War 25 Years Ago Nov. 20. 1917 Italian foitcs took over the offensive on the Aslago plateau; heavy fighting developed At Monte Tomba and Monte Mon-fera. Further BrltLsh ouccesses ln acrman East Africa rciwrted. SPORT CHAT Being good dancer won't make a swimming champion out of you Out it mtht help Ray Daughters we coach who developed champions like Heleiic Madlaon. Jack. Medtra and other topflight aqualU U;s. explains that a sense ol rhythm, grace and co-ordination u one of the first tfUMfe he look, tor In a prospective ewtmmln Aar. "YtaU usually find most swimmers are taeeaent dancer he Baseball fans stood on church pew m the Church of 8alnt Peter and Paul in Ban PYanelsro three years ago when ew Yo-k Yankees' star outfielder, Jo Dt- Mftgcfe. was married to Dorothy Arnold rf Hollywood and thr movie DlMsrtio hnd h-lped Yankee : their fourth roneca-tlvr World 8rte victory a few week ear!lr SMALL CITY STORY HERE -Kim's How" a( Capitol Theatre Thl Week-end The Ury of young people strug -tllna to find hapolness against the opposition of circumstance and nimnderstandlnt In the seethln undercurrent of mall city life with H petty Jealousies and Wea. "King's now' eftnw as the feature offering to the screen of the Capl-to) Theatre (tola Frtdar and Saturday. There ts high drama and omedy. pathos and rxeltemefit. It t partseolarly the story of two romances, one between Ann Sheridan and Ronald Reagan and the other, a three-way affair, first between Cummmgs and Kaaretv Veme. The period is between 1800 and 1900 and woven Into the intricate tale of loves and lives In the small city are the back-fence goarip and whispered accusations, the high spots of love and sacrifice that go to make up life In any typically American community. The climax leaves undertones of hope and courage as to the ablll' f yo .i r people to meet and ovtr:t;.ne tl. !r troubles. Besides Ann 9toeridan. Robert Cummings, Ronald Reagan. Betty Field and Kaarm Verne, the cast Includes tuch well known figure as Charles Coburn. Judith Anderson. Claude Rains. Nancy CIc-man, Maria Ouspenkaya Harry Davenport. I o IV HITI SAIGf WRlllJ TOOK MINARD'S SOLDIERS, mm ay RUB OUT TIRED ACHES 41 TULAC.i's TiiAiTic itoirrrs lliefe afc no toads on Tulad. peacfcllme capital of the Bolomon IslArtds. Traffic It by boat or afoot. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZAKELLI, PltOr. "A Home Away I'rom Home" Itatea 73c up M Rooms Hot it C6Id WAtti Prince Rupert, fl.C. riione 281 P.O. Itm 190 IV'B B K I O , rii IGOLD SEAL! i l ancy Hod j Sockeye j Salmon and HfTTiar In TjimU are both en atthr rrLt bat will be tack ca ?nr ! ' irorer" helf oeri n c.-n! dlllon permit, ! I Jgbg I g I I I i Fresh lKa! Raw and I'nMcitrizrd MILK VALENTIN DAIRY fllONK ui Sf KVIClS TO Vanrout er, Vlttorla ft Wif-point. Stewirt r4 Qoeen Chirlotte blind. full Informitlon. Tuiitti and Itewrvitlon FRANK J. SKINNfR Prlnre Hopert At Third Ave. fbonf l KV().( SANfi IIIXC HOP Kir CHOP SUEY House Net l Kins Tl 612 7th AVi: WEST All your palr6ne mt (Ipen 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. 0t Order from 2 p m. to I Phone Heil ?" Our Delivery Schedule 3 i)i:i,ivrun:s vvirKiv tUf SDAV. Tin nsntv, , ..SATiriUlAV Pleaso co-operate t'1 I ' your order as w!v '' r f' ble. To ensure dr V' ders must be in bv 4 P "1 day prccedlntr dcHv' g MUSSALLEM'S 6 Economy Store J "Where Dollars 11 m? i tj Cent 5,5 ,, i 5 Phone, 18-19 r.. j ran quick nri!lT? Y ADD. NEWH WANT