I PAGE TOUK lJ Ji W i Expert OPTICAL SERVICE GLAMOUR IN EVENING GOWNS JUST ARRIVED at The Peoples Store Our new Fall Formal and Dinner Frocks are grand J. examples of the Who's jl .She" fashions you wart 5 for Important cvenu.gs. 5 Fluttering chiffons, nets J. shadowy marquisettes give j you a wide selection of all 5 that's new and smart. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kenairing, Hand Enrrarinr T1SIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant In the Heart of Prince Rupert" WW I FIGURE FLATTERING . . . BUDGET PRICED jjj MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE THIRD AVENUE (Next to Heilbroner's) Phone BLUE 907 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Solid Leather Lines ARCH KING in 8" and 10" STERLING in Leather and Panco Soles TILSONIJURG, Solid Leathers throughout '. VALENTINE MARTIN'S Arch Supjort Work Roots Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" unii in oi ma nmi-insmntiu iuiu tmi msu tn i muxm J ' 7 here's a chance for you w Lj CLCilCS this week '25 off all Furs New shipments twice a week. Prices from $10 to $1,100 Your Credit b Good W. G0LDBL00M 1111' (II II lll l It!..., BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . , . At Your Iocal Rutchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK BUY VICTORY BONDS Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT lo. Lid. BRITISH COLUMBIA Washing Statues Breeds Affection It Needs Finesse and Wartime Ex pert or Old London Tells About It LONDON, Nov. 20 War or no war the statue must be kept clean and the Job of official statue washer is still sound wartime employment. Many London statues have been removed to places of greater safety in the provinces but the statue-washers go out every so often to look after them. One of the official washers is Oliver Oldfleld who says washing statues in wartime is no different than in peace time. He explained that after you've been washing a statue for years you get to know all Its moods and idiosyncrasies and develop a kind of affection for it, just like the nurse who washes someone else's baby. In peacetime the statue of Peter Pan was cleaned every day and had an elaborate treatment with beeswax and turpentine twice a month. Oldfleld said once he found a bar of chocolate beside Peter Pan every day for a week. Chil THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY, dren had left it there for Peter to est at night. Before the war there were 13 of flcial statue washers who cleaned the 240 famous statues in London belonging to the crown. Now there are only a few left. Not everybody, incidentally, can wash a statue, says Oldfleld. It takes three years to become a skilled washer and the men originally were chosen from among the most promising of the builders' laborers working for the Office of Works. Lutheran Ladies' Aid Raffle Is Now Drawn For The Lutheran Ladles' Aid raffle which was held over from the re cent baiaar took place at a recent meeting held at the home of Ous Mostad. 405 Fifth Avenue East. The prises were as follows: Embroidered brown linen set. won by Lieut. W. J. Thompson. II. l.CS Chatham, ticket No. 157. Embroidered white linen set won by Peter and John Johnson with ticket No. 257. Quaint Memorial Recalls Darnley Monument Placed in Park For Peer's Toe GRAVES END, Kjg., Nor. 20 0 In the midst of nearby Cobham park stands Britain's quaintest monument recalling a peer's kMt toe. On that spot 107 years ago the Earl of Darnley became dis satisfied with the way a woodcut ter was wielding an axe. The Earl took the axe and lunged at the tree, but the blade struck a danc ing blow and when it bounced sev ered one of his toes. A few days later the Earl died of blood polsonlnc from the in- Jury and the monument a family mausoleum which has never been used-was erected on the spot in his memory. All old scrap rubber can be re claimed and used over again. He- claimed rubber is mixed with crude rubber to form a compound usable In many products, military as well as civilian. When You Waste Heat Yon Waste Coal - Yon Waste Money GET MAXIMUM HEAT FROM EVERY SHOVELFUL OF COAL Generate Heat Efficiently 1. Learn how to operate your furnace properly. 2. Keep your furnace clean at all times. A dirty, choked up furnace wastes a surprising amount of coal. 3. Have your heating system checked by an experienced service man. Watch Your Temperature 1. Avoid excessive temperatures. Overheated homes are bad for your health as well as your pocket-book. Maintain an even steady heat at 68" or less. 2. Watch the humidity. Keep your humidifying pans 'and equipment filled with water, and you will feel comfortable at a lower temperature. 3. Turn off all heat that Isn't absolutely necessary and eliminate all needless ventilation. The temperature should bo 65 or under at night. Reduce. Heat Loi$ei 1. Don't try to heat sunrooms, garages, attic, or other rooms not lived In. Z. Keep fireplace damper closed when the fireplace is not being used. Otherwise, the draft will draw the warm air out of the house. 3. If you are a fresh air fiend and like to have your bedroom window open, turn off your heat and keep the door closed. Avoid chilling the whole house. 4. Take care of your hot water tank. An Insulating jacket will save heat Also, don't waste hot water. Replace washers on tap when they leak. 5. Use weather-stripping on all doors and windows. It gives added protection and saves coaL 6. Insulate your home where possible. It will, take less coal to heat it, as less heat will be wasted. Every time you SAVE a shovelful, you ore helping to forge more weapons for Canada's fighting men. Without coal, virTnovh " t0nks- Without coo THERE CAN BE NO Canada's coal is needed in ever-increasing quantities in every phase of our vital war programme. So, buckle down! Get your furnace into the fight and keep it fighting! 7 '7 m TOUR C0U DEALER FOR McA nil I00KIET ON HOW TO SAVE tOU C.A.7 i TiT77"" 7 Special Activities of Prince Rupert Chapter Wednesday Evening Prince Rupert Chapter No all. The World's New. ANN SHERIDAN m RONALD REAiGr s Th. tv 'at. 12 30 2 37 j canaiaaiTj, y being caljrc The en (;. nlng wa-s the Moo.),. ul and u. , : Sl.NOAY .MIDMTE " "jjunr Anne Shirley in "MAYOR or T Alumni Class Women ,,f regular . I i . . jl"1 the lxl: Is Initiated hm' The Christian Science Monitor . An lfiMwl IWy NVmg i. Trw Kful Om.t rwii, t U d r r l,m S,w , . urn nfcbMt. Ar. Twwlf nj Inrwt.t j IjtT. r.eufM, TorriHr h ik M.m S-'- Mi. " ,4m' p"PPf ! iK. Horn. " TKi OtrtMMM Scic PvUiatunc S , Orw, Nwr Sif. Bawvn, Mimv Vrum HIM Y.lr. o tlM i M N AJJ..M SAMHLB COPY ON BBQ 'KSf A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. a oooii rLACi: to hit A simmI selection of Chrhlmat (iiftt hate arrlnd so numerou) a former year uch a Coffte Table?. La Tils Tea U'acuns. Tables ued for smoker, Secrttalrt TitWA Jardiriere Stand, Tea Table. Dinette Table with l ? ktf. I'honr 775 nJiilmi C tm s m i i i a tutu r tBrarxs ssxi n i u n m 5 Announcing the Opening of the .ggflki f gfsW ssssW TUB KICXALI, 8TOKK y. i VICTOR! CAFE iiura .irrnue ttri i criiiiFiTBrininitnirsi7Bngri g ""l Christmas Goods NOW IN STOCK GKKKTING CARDS WATERMAN'S PKN.s and PENCILS and 8M -YARDLEY'S LAVENDKll sI T JASMINE, GARDENIA, (A Mr LI A and ADRIENNE SKTn RACHEL0R SETS FOR MrN WRITING KITS CUTKX sK-T SHAVING IJRUSHI'S CHOCOLATES, PAGE & iHAW PERFUMES and COLOGNfcS CHRISTM'AS CRACKERS TOILET SOAP - UILLFOLDS HAIR IJRUSHES We would advise an early selection as Christ mas stocks cannot he duplicated this Jfar Ormes Pioneer DruQ9ists uti NIONKS n 111 10 D-W- 'fu '"ll tsvsis w - - Sundays and Holiday from 12 - t P-rn. nd 7