MBE.R 20. 164 2 DAIL7 NSvTJ 9)lUE SAVE THE BOTTLE! .:: : a,-, eve a;i ' s: C msmii- :i.i iU U not DUD- ivd by the U-Uiwrd or by the 1 nritiAh Columbia WE CARRY Everything For THE WORKING MAN ; j you to come In k .vcr our large stock : n Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE RLACK 321 Third Avenue H J. M. S. Loubser D.O, BJV. CHIROPRACTOR 'bee Hlock Phone 641 J ::at Mire of one largn Liii-r a., much as 18,000 more of aluminum. g T1LL1E THE TOILER rjlLUE.VJHAT IM T"HE VJOHLO ARE VOU D0IM6 UP SOEACUV j LOCAL NEWS NOTES 8. O. N. Anniversary, Friday. Nov. 20 at B.M pjn. Members and friend arc welcome. fJtOi Cedar Chests. Tea Wagons. Cftf-tee TaWes, Comforters, Axmlnsler Car ELIOS. Prince Rupert. A Helen and Mi Lady Beauty Salon tsh to announce, commencing Mooday, the attop houn will be from 10 ajn. to 5 pjn. (211 i In city police court yesterday, 3eore Mundon was found guilty of supplying liquor to Indians and fined 1M or. to default, two months Imprisonment. X rrln-e Rupert Dry Dock ftn- nIoye Association. Employee's DAifCE to be held In the 8taff House Dining Hall, Saturday 9 to 12. Admission Kh. Ladles Free. An men nrait atw thrtr Red or Orwn Paaeei. 2T1 Word has now reached IMncc Rupert that Ueut Orme Stuart, whose return to Canada on a two month's feave after over two venr overseas with the Royal Canadian Navy waa recently an-i mi need. 1H He here for a visit during the flrft or second week of December. Ltent Col. WUHam Dray, in harge of Salvation Army war ser-ii es in Canada, who recently rev : .lined to the Dominion after a v isit with the forces overseas, wit CAHI) OF THANKS The family of the late Henry f. Puiien desires to express their stn- -ere appreciation of trie many kindnesses and tokens of sympathy xwi.d'd duririK the:r recent rcaveme:it In the passing of a loved husband and father ilN Relieved Fast This Easy Way! p:t a few r?r m 'if V,. Ks V..-!r-i.ol t;i eat 11 nan- i t" 'or transitu JVIV Iromistru0ieyHH5 4 f m VMROHOl City Chimney Sweep H Licensed m , si Chimneys Cleaned Sl.M Hue 5 H Roof Repairs - Efiroueh - I'h, Green D9C I. Thomon g fcWt'tIfIIt:I -stsirsrsrIBtBlfB?',J R course I shop at The Variety Store It's so handy! THE Variety Store V I I FOBCE FORCE OF OF W W ABIT, ABIT, 5 m U m M 12 ltl,1 H Jj Where your dime are unit g jj dollars g ooooooooooooooooboaooooodooiioouoooaooooooooaoouooooi For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SKKV1CL PHONE 235 rAY AND NIGHT' oo6aooooooooooaootkocHiobotmdKJd6oworo i H Nil. WiU&V Miss A. Jeffrey will leave shortly for Victoria. James Smith is leaving tonight for Vancouver. Tonight's train from the east. duo at 10:30. is reported to be on time. L. M. Felsenthal, manager of the People's Store, returned today from a buying trip in the east. Mrs. Rufua Abraham was fined t5. in default to time served, in city police court on a charge of Intoxication. FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of our late comrade C. Finlay will take place Saturday. November 24 at S:30 pm. at the Orenvlile Court Funeral Parlors. Members of the Canadian Legion are requested to attend. No flower by request. "Lest we Forget." Stewart Man Is Dead Here Kennrth McLeod Passes Away In Leat Hospital Today tn Prince Rupert next Wednes- J ome time rtav and will be the Speaker at the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ovro Club. Col. Dray witt arrive from Vancouver on Wednesday morning and proceeded east by the evening train. Kenneth McLeod of Stewart parsed away this morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he had been a patient foi Engagement Mr. and Mrs. N. Musaallem an nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter. Adele Edna, to Max Price Setmetocr, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Sehrieber of Los An geles. California. The wedding wHi take place In Los Angefet Thursday. November 26. 1942. mvi;iimi:nt. i.nji nn 'Y" KOT1CK 18 HS3UE8T OIVBN ttaa on Uir iau day of Dwrcntwr 1942 next Oir undmacned kntanda to apply to he Uauor Control Board lor ootwrn to transfer pf Brar Lkwuif No. 5S36 imrnl :n rrypft of prrmS belnc mt; of buUdlnf known aa Knox Hr:W .:tunt n TVn Aweiue upnw '.'w iMKt.i dnmnlKt! aa lot IS and 14. liU-rtt 2. Sew.lm I. Map W3. Oty 4 !Ylnr Rupert. Prince Rupert Imtul R;:r?ioii DiMiit ta stie FnMnoe Urnknix Coiumbea. rm Oeurfe L. It.ri. Tni-it. of rte pPcfTy of Knox 1! :rl Cumpanv I lmitod. AuUiortwd Aijivr of Prmr Rupert. BrKtah Oal-imna t Joa-pti Cyrus LaBeUe ol C lumbm. UH SrsAaflree. DATED at Prince Rupeet. Brtttah C huritla. thai 13th day of November 1942 JOSEPH CYRUS LaBSLLE Applloant and Transferee. Till: SI 'PKKMR rill KT OF IIH1T1MI (Oi l Mill I IMtOIIVTi: In the Matter nt the Administration Art" and , In the Mutter f Hie tt.ite ef 1-otile I xk sine TAKE NOTICE that by order of llto Honour Judge Plaher. WOal Jndce of Mi- Suprnne Court of Brltash Ooiutn-hui. I iw on the 90Ui day of Ootober A D 1942 appointed Admlnlatfator of the Estate of Louie Look Sing formerly at Ocean Falla. BrtUaii CWtunMn, I- ceed. who dted on or we day of Auiruat 1MI. AH jjemonii in debted to the ald Una re re-qiured to pay he amoant ol thetr In- debtedneM to me iuri im wu i peraona havlrtc rlatma again the eatd Kmtmim ar reautred to file tttem wKil me property verified on or before the 15th day of ueremoer ajj. mi ihuhi -ht-h diMjrumtlnn m 111 be made Itav- nur reamid onlv to attBh m Of hinh I ahall have been notified. nTXD at Prince Rupert, B.C. thla 30th day of Ootober 194S NORMAN A. WATT Official Admmtatrwtor Prince Rupert. B.C. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT MAC SHOWS HIS COLORS f BUT TUURF. I UK.V- - y I DOIW6 IT. MOW "THAT VOU HOME OM A I v(AUT TO MAKE TAHITI POTATOES PAPEETE, Tahiti, Nov. 20 O) South Sea Islands, so rich in vege tation, have only recently succeeded in growing their own Irish potatoes. TIMELY NOTE The "Invasion coast" of Europe, from northernmost Norway to the Spanish border, is 3,100 miles long. TI6 MOST OP MY I FjRLOOOH It's i Blue Rirer reiriwered Diamond Ring. She will be proud and happy to wear it fore cr. Guaranteed qualify and eiquiiite design at every price. CHOOSE YOUR ENGAGEMENT AT FOR SALE RING JOHN IIULGEK Ltd. F FOR SALE One electric range; eood condition. Phone 144, 801 Borden Street. FOR SALE Electric gramophone, automatic record exchange. 843 Ninth Ave. West. (271) FOR SALE Gas boat "Copalls" Terms cash. Phone Black 594. (273) FOR SALE Small house, partly furnished with new stove, bed, chairs, table, etc. Five minutes' walk from Dry Dock. $850 cash If .sold at once. Phone Blue 953 ajter 6 p.m. (274) PERSONAL MARRIED OR ENGAGED? THEN vou should read the unusual sensational book "Facts of Life," 25c postpaid; 136 pages; adults only; guaranteed. Illustrated medical catalogues included free. Medical Health Bureau. Station F., Toronto. ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD in exchange for housework. Phone Green 880. 71S Fraser Street, (272 The Viceroy of India's Executive Council contains eleven Indians and four British members. f A FURLOU6H IS A VACATIUM AVID TO 6ET THE most cot op rr VDO cuoi SHOOLP n VOOK&ELF V Whifflets From The Waterfront It Is reported from Seattle that the halibut schooner Masonic. Capt. John Hansen, has returned there after having made a trip as far as Korfiak Island in search of the schooner Helgeland without having found any trace of the missing vessel. flnneuncementA All advertisements in this column wlD be charged for a full month at 25c a word. I.O.O.F. No. 63 every Tuesday, 8 pin.. Oddfel lows' Hall. Sojourning members In . vlted. Eastern Star Dance, Nov. 20. Lutheran Circles Bazaar Nov. 21, XklfeUows' HalL W.A. 17th Coast Regiment Dane;, Nov. 26, Armories. Refreshments! Oddfellows' Dance, Friday Nov. 27. By invitation from members. Orange LadMi' Invitation' Dance. oddfettowB nan. November 30. United Bazaar, Dec. 3. Help Norway Invitation Dance. Oddfellows" Hall. Dee 4. STOPPED Classified Ads. QUICKIY WANTED BTBBBSaKw . RUPERT BUTCHERS IVc wish to announce' that owing to insufficient help and to conserve tires and gasoline, OX AXD AFTEIt XOVEMBER 21 we will make onr DEL1VEKIES IX THE MOKXINGS OXLY. We would appreciate our customers co-operating with us by placing their orders not later than 5:00 pjn. the previous day. This will enable ns to make onr deliveries as early as possible the next morning. WANTED To buy shack and lot Box 393 Daily News. (380) WANTED Chambermaid for hoteL Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 21. (219) WANTED Two truck drivers. steady men. Rood salary and commission. Local laundry. Apply National Selective Service No AM 14. tf WANTED Two 39" Phone Red 271. beds complete. i275t TWO Girls wanted for old estab lished grocery store, permanent work. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 23. tf WANTED Room and board for two eentlemen sharing. D. R. Stewart. Phone 282. tf) WANTED Boom for lady. Urgent. Apply Blue 419. (27D BACHELOR would like to share In small house or comfortable cabin within 15 minutes of Dry Dock. Apply Box 391 Dally News. (271) WANTED TO RENT House or apartment, furnished or unfurnished, for two adults, reliable tenants. Mr. Richardson, Phone 86. ) BY WESTOVER GOOPGKIEFl 1 7 GUESS MUMSV '''Jvi4 I ST012ES WOW'T aiM i i ii "iDcr 1 1 cnt7 i lavm ; ji PAMPER HOURS VET J I mean.' VALUES JW$1 CONSERVED?' Jffi KK - MMF IS MAD BY WvKaT - M CLUStVe BREWING f UKr Y PROCESS THAT CONSERVES M THE VITAL VALUES (N M VS BREWER'S YEASr. ASA I v psri-vy. result its a complete i III BR full-bodied, S tr SMOOTHER , MELLOWER! Available at Govern- QjgJa r (lEm ment Liquor Stores i riB iiJWSjM and Licensed Prem- ' CAfHANO HlfM tO, ITO. A UNIT Of ASSOOATtO WlfWitJ Of CANADA ITO."! ' S9BtMSMMBSBBSM9BVns9BBVSaVBMMBBa This advertisement is not published or displiyed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the Government if British Columbia. Canadian National Railways TRAIN'S FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pjn., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 ajn., stopping at principal points. TERRACE LOCAL Dally except Sunday, 4:15 pjn. INCOMING TRAIN'S WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY, FRIDAY and SUNDAY, 10:30 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 pm. TERRACE LOCAL 11:20 aJn. Daily except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS. REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full Information, etc, call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines SHORT CUT TO VICTORY! LADIES 1 Here is youx chance to try the latest 3-INCII FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends tapered with Frank Baird's Hair Shaperv Individual styling to suit your features. Sunrise Beauty Salon VIOLET JIAII . Cor. 6th and Fulton Above Sunrise Store Phone Blue 943 for Appointments Still The IDEAL GIFT S Waterman's Pens Pencils Sets Complete New Stock-to choose from 1. Guaranteed unconditionally for 100 ycari 2. More gold in the point. 3. Modern bal- Sec our fen Counter r" It's Smart to use a Waterman 1. Simplest, one-stroke ruling. 5. Quick start, leak-proof feed. 6. Writes i mile on singk filling, 7. Hand ma Jc points Uhrough 80 operations). 8. Your choice of 7 quality points. m hi jjjPw Woltrmen't Btuf font htm il N lm Tor rl III a tti tt,'at,'i IF