CTTUVA, Nov. 20 Announce-mt " af the apiwlntmcnt of three valors was made last night bv Pi.mc Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. They arc: P R Tii Trnmhlnv K. C. Of Mor.'rrai and Sorcl, member of toe Qurbec Legislative Council. W Rupert Davlcs, publisher of toe Kingston WhUjs Standard. Jcscph Bench K. C, prominent Wr. .ter of St. Catherine's, On-tat -. Th makes the standing In the wna?.e now as follows: Liberals, 47. Cunservatlvea, 38. Vacant. Jl. savings nitivi: LONnrSkf nn rh. HMrlnna r Victory" weeks, a natlon-wida vinti campaign similar to War wapons Weeks and Warship vycok.; wni open M.nch 5 and con lnue to July 3. ter a convoy of trucks proceed 4' cd to Fairbanks. HE WANTED KLUANE LAKE, Yukon Ter- rltory. Nov. 20 - Formal nnAninv rprpmnnlj of the new 4 IGOO-mlle Alaska Highway Vekp It after the war. the South took place today and soon af- African Federated onamoer 01 in CZAR POWER So Ssvs MinMer of Labor in He- gard to Kellring Director of Selective Service OTTAWA. Nov. 20 Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, minister of labor, in a statement lost night In regard to the resignation of Elliott M. Little as director of national selective service, said that Mr. Little, prior to the resig nation, had presented proposals which would have virtually given him the powers of a caar In the direction of Canadian manpower. minister " letter made public &y voiced blunt criticism of the gov ernment, of Mitchell ana inc war services department. Mr Vllfli11 tit IlrSl 1SSUCU ..... ....WW. .v.. . - rpiirtinirn rrertivc immediately thn fnlW rvnlinatlon following v a M 4 - j- V' - - " later. tTnnnoh lirl fnll be salvaged from an old automobile to make 25 heavy machine 8uns- CAP I OWN. Nov. 20 O Brig. dusirles has recommended the en couragement of regular shipping services. It has been suggested that It be done by a government subsidies scheme If necessary. Further Gas Cut liaslc netrol ration will probably be reduced until It .Ls available for I essential needs oniy. Acting Minister of Dcrencc V. C. Sturrock has announced. Orcat additions to petrol storage capacity tn the union are being prepared. Cape mandy Is finding a ready market in the United States, the National Association of Alcoholic Beverage Importers of America reports. Former French mat set for the liquor has been taken over by llii Hano. An emcrcency regulation passed here Increases the penalty for the unlawful sale of liquor to imprisonment not exceeding one yeax, in addltWn to, or In place of the line provided under the Liquor Act. Insurance Costs South African insurance companies have agreed as from Dec ember 1 - to allow a wartime dis- 1 ilU OtUvl ! si v , came as Mr. Mitchell solved the count of 10 percent on private car n EiAunr fnr IniiirfinM insurance nrnmlums. premiums, where where claims claims task Ol JII1U1118 ouwvwv.. Mr. Utile by appointing Arthur McNamara, deputy minister of labor, to take charge of national Tlie resignation of Mr. umc. as announced yesterday, was accompanied by his statement that he had experienced "incuon u obstruction" resulting In "virtual paralysis" of the organization, a experience or other circumstances warrant. This decision nas Dcen made because of restrictions on private motoring through ration ing of petrol ana ruwjcr. Nn neeial trains will be run for civilians during the December and January holidays, with only limited lncxease In service for scholars travelling home on vacation. The largest and most vaiuaDie diamond ever cut and polished In South Africa has been completed In a Johannesburg factory. The 21 carat stone, found in the Kimbcr- w nivpr area, measures one men by a half-Inch and is worth $134,- 000. It now ls in tne possession 01 Peter Vermey, a Johannesburg diamond merchant. Brig. Henry J. Lenton is retiring in March from the position as .witmftster-eeneral, which he has held for 17 years. He Joined thfcj fltiM" r PROVINCIAL UBRArtY VICTORIA B-C Local Temperature TomorrowsTid.es (Standard Time) High 1 0:16 ajn. 19.6 feet 12:16 p.m. 213 feet j;s rum 42. '4a Low 0:14 ajn. 6.9 feet 18:51 pJn. Z2 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER X:7CI No 270 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1942 PRICE- HVE CENTS ifiro A ni? !l i nrpiPTiimr rnurn i i I a i . T a v m A " CONVERGING UPON AXIS i . ..i i Three ToUJII riiiirs .nuiuig in wn Lnemr in N"h Ulrica Opening Contact Made I -W.l, Nv 20 Thrw of , armies asMfltbled by . . Nation since the start v ir converged on the r 'i::Hi - Bengasi triangle :, lighting contact with i while Allied planes . itc troopers built up L ii preparation for a . in wtpe out the Oer-: Italians from North ... t rfdtnlU that the Brt-...... iias reaerved into r i. A. L' !i and United State . ii'd the last Axis foot-l.iniMa from east and r a 'Ufd column of fight-j i . uma reported still drlv-iii a Lake Chad base, , . the south. buck, outlying Axis' i! Oeneral Kenneth I First Armj- drove on I from Algeria at aev-ii a reep Intended to Ki airborne a any re-,ng tn at Tunis and r anad of Andersons -.v Allied parachutists r . vital air firms. From . British Eighth Arm) a point about fifty . ... a of Bengasi and fifteen f, jn trve eastern shore of j f 8irte overlooking the , ..! road between Ben-L Acbabla. A Cairo com- 4id these forces had r i.tart with the enemy ifcngasi while Allied t: unded the Libyan po:t : ; . advance indicated that a part of the Eighth t . . ty-parsed Bengasi and nr only avenue of es-h 1 and for the hold-out gar-Mti.shal Erwtn Rommel in that port. No lens 4..1I111K grounds and 550 ; been captured. T uh of tanks tn Tun- "i led to have resulted in .1 ti'm of eight of thirty r . ik by the Allies Strong - 11 either aide met In nor-i . - yesterday. In spite ' f olonlal realsUnce. the Oc , have been able to effect " r heavy Unk at Blierte t: ' u fort near there. M w;,i! IlrUish and Allied r Andpr.son's First Army ' -irrl to within thirty-five a;r and 50 miles by road ' t Both Tunla and Blzerte i br;i bombed. SENATORS' APPOINTED '"fee rroinlnrni Mtn Named to t'pptr I'hatnbrr, IavliiR Ucven Scats Still Vacant WAR NEWS JAPS MOVE ON CHINA Cllt'MiKIMi In the course of their apparent preparations to drive into Yunnan Province of southwest China, Japanese transports have appeared off the Indo-China coast. Crossing by the enemy of the Solwln Klver Is another Inllcation of Impending attack. NAZIS ARE HEADED OFF MOSCOW Nazi divisions evidently heading for a drive on (Srortian fas and the Grozny oil fields have been routed. Five thousand of the enemy have been killed and a great amount of equipment and booty has been raptured by the Kussians including 110 tanks. There have been six new attacks by the Germans on the Industrial section of broken Stalingrad but all were repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. MEXICO AND RUSSIA MKXICO After thirteen years, .Mexico has resumed diplomatic relation with Soviet Itussia. All the United Nations now have relations with Itussia. FRANCO'S WARNING If Anv Side Acts Against Spain, He Will Take Aid From Other MADUII), Nov. :0(Cr) General Francisco Franco of 'Spain has foued a warning that, If either side the Allies or the Axis-moves In on Spanish air or sea ba.cs, Spain will accept help from the other side. This would be done Immediately. Germany is reported lu have alrrady asked Spain for the use of the .Mediterranean roast and the fUU earic Islands. New Road To Alaska Open I TIME OFF TO TRAIN South African Firms llelease Km- ployccs for Army Work Saturday Mornings RESISTANCE INCREASING People of Occupied Balkan Countries Becoming More and More Uestless ANKARA, Ifov. 20 Sabotage and csiatance to the Nazi occuoational authorities in the Balkan ountrle s reported here to be Increasing n a marked degree. EQUIPMENT NOT SHORT Fishing Industry Getting Supplies In Spite of War j B. R. Maseear, accountant -of 1 Edward LipseU, Ltd., Vancouver, has left for the south after his I regular semi-annual visit to the film's Prince Rupert branch. He told the ww that, because of the vital Importance of the fishing industry there was, generally speak ing, no shortage of equipment and rupplies. Products which formerly came from the occupied countries r nov bMng suprilrd'from othet sources. "JYr example." said Mr. M w(ir. "Norway was formerly the home of the firh hsok but now Bora to, new Cape forties com-1 ,M , .tin, ihm fmm th. Unl mander. has appealed to- business I stales .. firms to allow all members of part-time military units Saturday off to make the whole day available for compulsory training "In the type of warfare wc can expect In an emergency." ftepreentaltvi of- 500 Oapetowi. manufacturers have agieed to support the appeal, and it Is expected the Saturday training will start shortly. One thousand Italian war prisoners will work on conatructlon of Important roads In the union. It h the policy of the National Roads Board to concentrate on strategic toads only. To retain African coast trade re sulting from the war. and to de NOT SINGLE PLANE LOST Royal Air Force Raid on Turin Wednesday Night Was Complete Success LONDON, Nov. 20 0 It was offi cially announced yesterday that not a single Royal Air Force plane was lost In pounding Turin Wednesday night in the fifth big raid on Italian war centres this month, A 1.000-mlle round trip was com- nleted In successfully bombing Turin which Is the chief seat of Industry in Italy. DEATH TOLL IS NOW 47 Cockroach Powder Got Into Es Hut How h Unknown SALEM. Ore.. Nov. 20 The death list from poisoned eggs In the Ore gon State Hospital has now in creased to forty-seven, according to the latest count. It is now as certained that the poison was a chemical used for killing cock- roaches but how It got Into the eggs ls not known. Tighten Up Censorship Less News Still to be Published About Canadian Military Areas OTTAWA, Nov. 20 There ls to be further tightening up of press censorship In the military areas of British Columbia, the Marltlmes iand Newfoundland, it ls an ncunccd. Information has been Dubllshcd. it ls claimed, which might be of value to the enemy. MONASTERY TWICE BOMBED LONDON. Nov. 20 W Cowfold, In heart of Sussex, one of Britain's most beautiful monasteries, has been hit by .bombs twice and many treasured works destroyed. The monastery ls peopled by 80 monks of the Ancient Carthusian Order. department 45 years ago. He will be succeeded by L. C. Burke. Durban Rent Board lias ordered reduction of $80,000 In annual rentals of Rydal Mount, block of Durban flats. FUNERAL TRIBUTE IS PAID Bean Gibson Describes II. F. Pul-len as One of Finest Citizens Prince Rupert Has Had "He was one of the finest citizens Prince Rupert has ever had." Such was the tribute of Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of 'St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedial,-at the funeral service yesterday afternoon lor the late Henry F. Pullen. He had anished the course, kept the faith and had done his duty as he s?w it. Dean Gibson referred to the essential difficulties o the newspaperman who was always in the public eye. Too often the kindly things were not said when they might be whereas the unkind thing was emphasized. The deceased had been kindly, thoughtful and considerate. His passing made a real sap In civic life. There would at sorrow and sympathy for those who were bereaved. Mr. Gurson drew a parallel be tween the work of the newspaperman who gathered, sorted out and presented that which was for the best and that of every person tn gathering and sorting out the bet ter things of life. Upon the sorting depended character. Ii the duty of life was well done then there would be reward from God after th murse nf life had beo com- ffletcd" ahT OhneitaWem came. The hymns were "Rock of Ages' and "Abide With Me." Miss M A. Way presiding at the orjau. Following the service in the B. C Undertakers' Orenville Court Chapel Inetment was made in Fairview Cemetery, the elements of an autumnal storm adding a note of solemnity to the flnai scene. Honorary pallbearers were Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. John R. Mitchell. R. L. Mcintosh, J. O. Johns. D. C. McRae and Norman A. Watt. Tht active pallbearers were Theo Collar. Thomas Fraser, D.J. Mathe-son. E. C. Wilding. R. E. Mortimer and W. M. Watts. The casket was banked wlth numerous beautiful floral offer ing Those sending flowers were: The Family. Officers and members of the Canadian Press, Young Men's Christian Association, Young Women's Christian Association. Prince Rupert Rotary Club. Prince Rupert Oyro Club, Oyro Club 01 Vancouver. Prince Rupert Horti cultural Society. Prince Ruoert Typographical Union, Staff of the Prince Rupert Dally News. Evening Empire. Printing and Publicity De partment of B. C. Telephone Co.. D. o. Borland and Staff of Capitol Theatre, The Board of the Museum of Northern British Columbia. Annette's Ladies Wear, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Pattullo. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson. City Commissioner and Mrs. D. J. Matheson. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Mandy. Mr. and Mrs. John Dvbhavn and family. Nor man A. Watt and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. A! Hunter and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Rorie, Clem McDonald (Vancouver), Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay and family. Mrs. E. H. Mortimer. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Mortimer, Mrs. S. D. Macdonald and family. William Miller, Ralrnler Lund (Dlsby Isl and). Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Minns, Mr. and Mrs. John Clausen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Mitchell. Captain and Mrs. Robert Bartlctt (Vancouver) Mr. and Mrs. Theo Collart and Robert. Mr and Mrs. Frank Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warne, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vance. Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, C. B. Dlplock (Vancouver), Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flaten. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garon, Thomas Trotler, Ridley Home. Additional Ships Of Enemy Are Being Sunk In bouth raciric Area Five More Vessels Go Down and Three Damaged Off Solomons Allied Bombers Dispose of Cruiser And Destroyer WASHINGTON; Nov. 20 The Japanese have suffered additional serious naval losses in the southwest Pacific. On another naval battle last Saturday off the k.'vivuiuii luiuuu uicuucuiv iiiv.il jiau JUOt UCCli JllaUCy five ships were sunk and three damaged, bringing the total of enemy vessels lost in the series of recent battles TAXES ARE COMING IN Ninety Percent of General Levy Has Now Been Collected Th; percentage cf city taxes collected so far this year shows a definite improvement over the similar period in 1311. City Commissioner D. J.' Matheson announced today. General Uxe' levied in 19(2 in the city of Prince Rupert amounted to sn.Vm.03, and to date $122,-083.82 has been collected, leaving only $13303.13 in general taxes uncollected. This is 30 percent of these taxes paid up as against 87 per cent the meditate, in 1911. Local improvement tax levyth's ya- wa S!M55.:i, 'of which S2CJ21.0S is ro'lected, leaving a balance of $25,531.68. These figures show 47 percent collected to date, whereas only 33 percent had 'been paid in the same period in 1911. ENCOURAGE SEA CADETS New Equipment to be Provided and Instruction Facilities Augmented I .anal Sea CadeU are to zet blue jenfcys and caps in addlUon to the present equipment and will have additional qualified instructors. This appears likely following tne visit neie tnis wees oi j. k. MlHen of .Winnipeg, supervisor of Sea Cadets for Western Canada, and Lieut Olassco, commanding iftvcer. Royal Canadian Naval Vol unteer Reserve, who made an In spection of the corps and conferred at the home of the president of the local Navy League. R. M. Wlnslow. with the local executive wd new officers of the corps. The visiting officials were quick to -jree wtth the need of additional equipment and training facilities and will take early action with that end hi view. No less than 103 members of the corps, under Lieut. Commander Alex Mitchell, turned out for the Inspection parade and made a showing on which the visi tors expressed themselves as being well satisfied The new officers who attended the conference were Lieutenants Edward Dawes and Owyn Holtby and Sub-Lieutenants Jack Breen, .Tuck Christiansen, Sid Alexander and John Wilson. HOME-MAKING IN PEACE LOS ANGELES. Nov. 20 W Women should realize the current war employment ls abnormal and be prepared to go back home-mak ing when peace comes, says Edwin A. Lee. dean of education, University of California. SWEDEN WILL FIGHT STOCKHOLM. Nov. 20 Ol - Sweden's Prince Wilhelm, speaking to voluntary defence groups, said his country is "prepared to fight to the utmost if necessary." to twenty-eight with ten damaged. Nlchl Nlchl,, Tokyo newspaper, admits that the Japanese losses have been by no means light. Meanwhile off Buna, New Oulnea. Allied bombers have sunk a Japanese cruiser and a destroyer. One direct hit sank the cruiser and a 500-pound bomb broke the destroyer in two. On land in New Guinea Allied troorji have now reached and are fighting on the outskirts of Buna. The Australians and Americans continue to close in on this important base. RECRUITS FOR ARMY Three Young Nathes Enlist Abo Son of Local Veteran of First Great War Three young natives from different parts of this district arc Included among the latest recruits I in the Canadian Army. They are i Charles Ted Ryan, aged 19, cf Pot Simpson, Jeffery Rcbinson, 21, Hazelton, and Alex Thomas, 18, Telkwa. Another interesting recruit Is Robert O. Parks, 21-year old son of James Parks, local fire department member and himself a veteran of the 102nd. Battalion tn the First Great War. He has Joined the water transport section of the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. W. C. Washburn. 19-year old first aid man of Smlthers, Is still another recruit Enlistment of Mtes Marie Janz?, 23. of Hazelton In the Canadian Women's Army Corps 13 also Request For Coal Miners Mayor John Fry of Edmonton Sends Urgent Call to National Selective Service EDMONTON, Nov. 20 Mayor John Fry of Edmonton has requested National Selective Service to immediately send men to work In the coal mines of Alberta. A serious fuel shortage ls now facing this city. I Japs Active I : At Attu id. : HEADQUARTERS OF THE ALASKA DEFENCES COM- WAND, Nov. 20 CO United Statei Army aerial reconnals- sance disclosed apparent re- newed Japanese air activity at Attu Island near the end of Alutlan chain. The Island wa occupied once this summer by the invaders but later was abandoned.