PAGE FOUR - Expert OPTICAL SERVICE nfYJ Clias. Dodimeatl Optometrist in Charge Watch, Cluck, Jewelry Kcpairiiig, Hand KncraTliij VISIT (U!K l.ASWIKNT STOKII Tor line China, Diimcrwarc, (.lasses, llaggasr and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant i a i RUPERT PEOPLES STORE g H D ' P S A RUPERT PEOPLES STORE When You Want a Reliable. Comfortable. Deprnrtahlr PHONE 1 3 21-llnur Srrvitr at Kegular Kale Spring Filled Mattresses Just received from the manufactuir-the famous Beautyiest oprmg-Llled Mattresses, all sizes. Pillows, Felt Mattresses, Beds. Slumber King Springs, Folding Cots and Converto Lounges Also we have received Lion brand Luggage-Suitcases, Trunks. Gladstone Fortnight Cases, Overnight Cases, Sleeping Bags, Tents Pack Sacks Packboards, Dunnage Bags, Blankets, Window Shades' Large stock of Floor Coverings, Inlaid Linoleums. Congoleum Rugs. Axmmster Carpets, Mats of all sizes, for your home requirements . . Chesterfield Suites. Bedroom Suites. Dinette, Enterprise Ranges for burning coal or wood mlLY0V T, V,SIT 0UU USE,) FUKNITUKi: I)E,t. nZPLl Yau nd ma.ny pleces of furniture for your home at ureal money-saving prices. Beach all-enameled Ranee fitted uRh n npV5 caU,tthe.p2,rts to convert for coal Srwood 8-peS w soSu at r 1 mS to numerou to mention. We have Elio's Furniture St Tlllltl) AVENUE ore i'iionk ;hm;n BUY . . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Itutclicrs. NO WASTE READY -TO-COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE KUI'EKT Co. Lid. BRITISH COLUMBIA EASTER WEDDING Miss Mary Mt-Kcriian Heroines Ilride of James Irs ins. A quiet but very Interesting wedding took place Easter Monday; at the Annunciation Church In Ince Ilupert when Mary Eileen McKrHian, youngest daugh-tcr of Mr. rtnd Mrs. A. b. McKer-nan of Calgary, became the bride of James Christian Irglns of .ruampa, iaano. eiaest son 01 ait. and Mrs. C. Irgins of Idaho. The bride looked charming In a turquoise dress with blcgc ac cessories, carrying a white prayer book. Her corsage consisted of pink arid white carnations. The bride was attended by the bridesmaid, Miss Alice MtCashln of Vancouver, who wore an ensemble of biege crepe trimmed with rose. Her corsage consisted of red and white carnations. Groomsman was .Don Synch of Calgary. Charles Underwood, also of Calvary, a friend of the family, gave 'he bride in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father W. F. Lantanee. Charles Balagno rendered the Wedding March. The altar was prettily decorated with Easter flowers. Later followed a dainty breakfast served In the Oyster Bar. Toasts and best wishes were tendered to the bride and groom by their many friends present. Toast to the bride was appropriately responded to by the groom who at the present time Is employed at the local dry dock where he Is held In high esteem. Later a reception was held at their home. 1438 Plott Avenue. Rushbrook Heights, where the j happy youn? couple received felicitations and extended their hospi-I tality to their many friends. Con-j sratulatlons poured in by telenram I and the lovely gifts received by the haopy couple testified to their . popularity. Local Temperature i Maximum Minimum 48 39 5 BL'LKLEY VAI.I K.V niTr-ri-i! ! Arrives Fresh Every Week' S we Deiievc in leaturlng it , and helping our up-river ." farmers. Try it once and we . feel sure you will want no m io il foil lit. -is U II u S quality Is unsurpassed. "I ......... v UJI I. . L B- . . $ VEGETABLES whenever pos- sible. ! KAt ICC All r- r- 'V Economy Store S . "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Bo 575 Plume 18-19 WWWW.WWA'AVAW THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY APr-r MEET AT IDolly Smith ' Shower TERRACE , . , .... Mrs. Iturkc and Miss C.lorla Swan- awncmnc wciay .n,.ru -.H,ut. JoInl ,(MetAe, Carr Speaks on India. I TERKACE. April 8: The Terrace Board of Trade had a full attendance at Its meeting on Thursday in the Terrace Hotel! 'A resolution was put through which calls the attention of the railway ;o a vexatious practice that has oecome too frequent of late. This Is that the trains coming from the coast stop a quarter mile from Terrace to do some switching. On a recent occasion there was a delay of two hours and a stretcher patient was waiting at the station all the time. The motion was nroposed by Will Robinson and seconded by E T. Kenney. M.L.A. Quest speaker for the meeting was Arthur Carr. who gave an interesting resume of his experiences In India and Burma, both I countries much in the limelight Must not Mr. Kenney proposed a vote of thanks and took the opportunity to speak of Mr. Carr I'ong and faithful service as road foreman In this district, a position he has held for thirty-five years. I excepting for an interval while I serving his country at the front. 'Mr. Carr Is now retiring from that work and the meeting In a ' formal resolution extended him igood wishes for the future. Were Married on ' Saturday Evening ' A very nrcttv weddme was sol emnized Saturday -evening when Miss Bcrnlcc Gloria Marsh, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marsh of Victoria, became the bride of Edwin W. Bond, son of Mrs. A. J. Bond and the late Mr. Bond of Vancouver. The ceremony was performed at the Baptist Church and Rev. O. A. Wright was ;the officiating clergyman. Ole Olson was the groomsman and Mrs. S. Doney gave her niece in marriage. The bridesmaid was Miss Donna Morris. The bride's dress was of azure blue miracle crepe self-trimmed with buttons and her hat and accessories matched. Her corsage was of pink carnations and Illy of the valley. The bridesmaid was dressed In navy blue with matching accessories and her corsage was of pink and white carnations. Following the ceremony a reception was held at C22 Fraser Street where a large number of friends called to extend their congratulations. The bride and groom will continue .to live in the city, the groom being employed at the dry dock. - .... r ...... Mrs. Uurke and Mia Gloria Swanson were Joint hotesr at a Mriishtful miacelUntoua shower helU'at the home bf Mr. Burke. 92V Amoroe Annw, hi wiivr uv Miss Doris (Dolly) Smith. 1 The evening wm spent In play livg games the winner being Mr-.. ' jj. L Johansen. A gaily decorated umbrella trtm-ed In pink and white. Uden with .Mary Pierce. Miss Clara Pierce. Mi vs to the bride-e)ect. ( I Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, assisted by Miss Bea Thompson. . The evening came to a close with singing "For She's a . Jolly Quod ; ' Fellow. Invited guesU were Mrs. Carlson. Mrs. E. Edgar. Mrs. Yeterberg. Mrs. H. Smith Sr.. Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. C Anderson. Mrs. Calder, Mrs. Adj. Brundsdon. Mrs. Shannon. Mrs. L. Thompson, Mrs. WUkle, Mrs. J. L. joharuen. Mrs. Burke. Miss Olorla Swanson, Miss Dolly Smith, Miss Mar Pierce. Mlas Clara Pierce, Mist Marjorte Woodgate. Miss Bea Thompson. TWO COTTAGKS lOlt SALE. Large Public Hall For Kent. CENTRAL HOTKL in nit: si fitiiMr. roi nr or. mciriii ( on. miii iv ntoimi; In tlir Mailer of thr MdmlnMrnlhw rt- AnJ In Ihr .Mjtlrr l thr UUIr f Jali n t it a. riin TAKE NOTKT Uvt toy order .rf Hu I lore. W K mir nMte an Utr ISUi dy ol Mariti. AO I BIX I m 4inl d Bxrouior u( the male ol Jotui Plv. demvavi. iid 4I pwrtla batrtiif claim M4n lltr Mid flair art herany ra-qutrrd to lurnlati um, ptufKtlr ml-1 nd. to me uti or twtm U 17ui day of April. A O. IM2. anil all partta i tndatrd Ut Hm tmmi rrqiurod iu I pay Um mbouih uf MmSt tnSalWidnaaa . to wetorUiwlUi. DATKD at Pnnor MspaM. BC. Mil, 17th day ol Mm1i. A. D 194a. OLAf KVWtMaW Bmruu AJtc Ann. Si V in tin: m i'iu:)ii: control iutiiin t oil Mint in I'Ktmui: In the Ullrr rf llw "tlmlMMraltai ' tt" Au4 In the Mllrr l the t..Ule irf Oemrler I'jp (OtiMTwtte kawwn a. Iiaii !..(.) Iifinhnl lnteUle. TAXK NOTICS UaH by order U Hi. Honor W E H-her naade Oi. Wie Stat !fey of Uaroh. A O. MHS. I waa af- AdmHilntnalur of tew catot f IMdtKed nrmetn Pap (tiWwrartse knom aa taui f dxxad. and ail puUai haji cMbm aaplnat Ut aald atet ant hare-by required to rurnaah miibi. proparly rerMted. to mr cm e tMfor the SOU day erf April. A D l3. and all part Ma bwietaUd to the eataAe or, nMrMl U.' pay Uw amount ol toatr IndebVedneaa to m CortttvtUi i DATED at Prince NttpMrt. B C. thai tat dap ol April A D IM3 NORMAN A WATT j Ocnriai AataliUattfaUa Pntica RutV b. C Helping To Keep Prices Reasonable High taxes help to guard the country agaimt unrcaotullc rises in the cost of living: They divert money from un-necessary spending for peacetime goods to Government spending for essential war-time material. Saving money, practised by thousands of thrifty depositors lias a similar effect: It helps to keep prices from soaring by decreasing the demand for non-essential, peace-time commodities. Tims, when you save money in a savings account, you bene-fit yourself and the country. You will ,Wto save, not only for family and personal, emergencies, but to pay taxes and to buy war securities. Saving today is a patriotic service. BANK OF MONTREAL -A BANK WHEC SHALL ACCOUNTi AUt WELCOME MODRN. tXPttllNCtO BANKING SUVIU...,, VWi...,,.,ty,,,, mm Prince Rupert Uranclii G. It. S. HLACK'AIIV, Mjiugcr Stewart Urancli: 1 1, V. LIT "7 Ont whote love It liVt a ligress'l . . . Tha other t i u.. I fighting on I 11 i l.lllle NiifriUUKlrd ft Master NIi.rr UndaUd wbm 1 Tlie atandard mw S tak in A I . I M at i VJ. J U. 5 4B 7 H extiia .Mmi: TODAY and TIU HS. Complete 8hw 1 00. 3 05. 5 10 7 lb tf .Mmiti AM all wtn, overMNU diml. ft Mbe .Model All all wave, otwrataa dial, I tabr Model A li all wave, oveneaa dial. 7 tube (.onsoi.i; .Moni:i.s tot . s Kii.jr, 6 tt 7 ub .si iimmi satuujM wars DtAMiMs rnis-Sj; w -v- m .March of Time presents "The Areri , , cannon: no.s aoo in uoiiyv(Mti r 1 V CAPSIDl ..' 4 '-oui llunin Minn tMii Wanted - Raw Fur "iMiur J I'll tt , Kepre-senUnn HUDSON'S UAV ( ().MVvy Ship In J. t. On.MllrJM. ( oh lUy. I'llrw tu,,rtl P, r HOW GOOD IS... YOUR JUDGMENT?? The prplr or ( aiuiU Jiidsr llinr i. i, ami to I'i:i:ii:nt iiavi; tuosri XCAMcZh Voiir grHMl Jmlsmrnt ronfirinrtl uli : tlnme 111 A Victor for your home Now t i . a la buy'. TAIU.i: .MOIILUi van Kin covsoto 6 tube II' 6 tube 7 tubf .. . 9 tub. .. . Kft II tub. . sour. si;iiviu;i ami v.i akami i 'i ct V5.M fHS Canadian Pacific TransctMiliiu'iil.'il Trans.Atlnntic TO VANCOUVKK VIA OCKAN KALLS AND S - ' 88 "I'UINCHW AUlLAIUI-r utcry PWd.i.v- : TO VANCOUVKK blHKCT: April OUi, IClli, 28th, May filh, lOlh. Ji' Tratus raciHc TO KbTCllIKAN. WIIANQIXL. JUNl-U AND Mi V--' Am 2"(SmUl' 23rd Mfty 3l- 38"' j.ffmSHUhuli II L Vlilu-(kiiit a., nil, tlllll liTri VillM'lll lll'MI W. I. COATKS, (itneral Aecnt, I'rlnre Itopr It's intcrcstintr to kn iding tli' t Hi it' i l'' ' in . Daily fVinf fV.n . 1 c it . J-.rr the me ijcujib ox me whoje district are iium -