NOT FALLEN ; Capital of Cheklang Province I Still In Chinese Hands, It Is Announced LATEST COMMUNKJUE CHUNGKING, .May 29: (CP) The Chinese llich Command in-nu rd to jay that, up lo dawn toterday. Klnhwa, besieged capital of Cheklang Province, was "still in pur hands despite enemy attacks of (he previous nit hi." A The command a No reported (hat ttn more paints on the outskirts of Ichsng. Japanese-held Yang-be Kim stronghold above Han-kcw, had fallen to the Chinese In rtneerted attacks started thrre (hrre days ago. (!; jKINO. May O-lhe .. tnMcH cuy oi Klnhwa i ..i'k.ang Provaice is in ( c nanda after failure uf at- iiv heavily remtor ed Jap-c rfumns, the Chinese Hlth ' (i announced last night. T '.i.i.uiese had claimed the fall ' ' loauw are mounting vt at the RWKtet to aaln '. a:r bases tn eastern Chl-5 ' :i) which Japan might be at-k S having so far cost them '"' mm ! 'm warahlps have shelled a m ihe eeeut of Fuklen Pro- -my Me continuing to --'- up the Burma Roid Miithern China frontier EXECUTION OF CZECHS Monvla and Bohemia Are Nail Prison Following Incident PRAGUE May 29. - Six Ctfclu I-vs a. ready been executed and 'ds. mostly of the Intellectual ' ;c have been arretted following " ! u'tcmpted assassination rally week of Relnhard Heldrlch, or of Bohcmba and Moravia. T wo provinces are now virtually a w prison and the Incident may. Mid. hasten their final In-n into the Reich. T ,ce bullets have been removed t ' .-iitfeona from the apln of Hr ' : h who Is still reported to t! .ous. LOOK FOR 1 B-C RAIDS Heme Prrparrdncxs Campaign To Re Proceeded With By A. It. P. VANCOUVER. May 29: The I :r.,;i,-,ai Civilian Protection Com-'e issue a warning that British C ii bia still faces the very def-nosslblllty of a Japanese air 1.:r latest suggcsllon Is tha!. r J G ilders make plans for gas-j P' ? rooms in the event of the j f vrt reporting to this form of af'ark Tlirrc should be one such -vinrt door of honiMi It should be able to accomodate all members of a household. , A home preparedness campaign ti to be undertaken with Inspection of all homes by wardens who ould make calls and Issue cards to those having complied with the minimum regulations. OAr.SAR'S IDEA Julius Caesar planned the first Public libraries. I'Olt STOMACH'S SAKI2 Most nuts arc more digestible hen roasted than If eaten raw', Canadians !, Active In t Air Raids : LONDON. May 29. - Canada's Demon Squadron. fiy.n with Netherlands and Royal Air Force planet, car- rled the war anew to enemy shipping off the Netherlands coast last night in an attaik wh ch left four vessels ablaze. "n'-'hlng at n ecorted Axis convoy, a coastal command squadron of Canadians set one f f the ships afire. t BULLETINS HSII BOAT INSURANCE OTTAWA Wartime Insurance for fishing vessels was under discussion In Parliament yesterday. Pacific Coast members took part In the debate. NORWEGIANS CONSCRIITLD STOCKHOLM Twenty - five thousand more Norwegians have been conscripted by the Nazis to build fortifications on'the roast. Employers at Oslo are being required to give up one-third of their workers between ages of lb and 43. NKW FUEL REGULATIONS OTTAWA New fuel purchasing regulations for Canada are expected to be issued towards the of next week. Toun;noi:s in nkwfound- I.N0 ST. JOHN'S. Newfoundland Announcement has. juU been made that two enemy torpedoes exploded on the shores of New foundland on March I. They were aimed at a ship which was testing Its compasses not far from shore. IlllSSO-CLKMAN WAIt MOSCOW There have been no major developments during the last twenty-four hours in the Uusso-Grrnian war. In the Kharkov area the Nazis are still being driven slowly back. BRAZIL ON WAIt BRINK RIO Dr. JANEIRO Braill is believed to be on the brink of war with Germany following the sinking of a Nail U-boat by a Braiillan bomber. Seven Brazilian ships have so far been lor-poed by the Nails. The declaration of war on Braill may be made by Germany. MISS AC i: TO JAPAN MELBOURNE The Melbourne indlo. In a message to Japan, says the "earthquake of 1922 ulll "Where Is jour navy now?" the with what you are going tn get. .Where Is your navy now?" (lie broadcast asked. ('Why do you not come out again") BARRYMORE WORSE -HOLLYWOOD Alarm I felt as to (he condition of John Bar-rymore. He has suffered a setback In his Illness with pneumonia. HEIDRICH DEAD? NEW YORK, .May 29 The British Broadcasting Corporation said late today that reports have been circulated In Swltier- land that Itelnhard Heldrlch has died In Prague, The reports were not confirmed elsewhere. HE'S BORN BIG .. . . ... i. ittt iniMr j iiiuf. wiiuiu la uwuw at birth, UBfrATW Local Tempr Tomorrow sT ides (Standard Time) Maximum ' & HJgh 0:32 a.m. 23.1 feet . 13:45 203 feet Minimum v iP. V. put " .vy. Low 7:31 a.m. 0.8 feet 19:39 p m. 5.2 feet NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VOL XXXI, NO. 124. - a -i l ' PRINCE RUPERT,, B.O, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1912. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Fatal Canad i air National Wreck KINHWA HAS Beaten to a foam by the onrushmg tracks of b a g.Umted States-built General Lee" tank curls over the bank of a spUlway as a crew of the Oove.nor-GeneraJ s Horse GuLdt goos t'to the ttlon n-r tn England. Trooper riding outside Is catching the .pray. NAZI SUBS jPRICE OF ARE BOLDER: ME AT TO Attempt tu Approach St Lucia I But are Driven Off Indies.' ST. LUCIA. British West May 29. -United States Army bombers yesterday drove off Axis submarines which attempted to approach this port where the American destroyer Blakeiey ar-' rived after having been htavily damaged In a submarine attack off Martinique. TODAY'b STOCKS (Oouruwjr S. ti. Vancouver Orandview .13 Bialorne ...... 7.00 Cariboo Quartz ... 1.11 Hedley Mascot .25 Pend Oreille .1.15 Pioneer . .. 1.35 Premier .'. .51 Privateer - 29 Reno - 03Vfe Sheep Creek ... r .73 Oils Oalmont .11 C. ic a 91 Home :....VUv MO Royal Canadian 03 Toronto s-BeoUle .08 Cenual Pat 88 Cons. Smelters k 37.25 Hardrock :, : - 42 Kerr Addison , 3.80 Utile Long Lac ........a .99 McLcod CockaKutt 1.31 Madscn Red Lakp .43 McKeiwie 1 1 d Lake t. . . . .57 Moncta .25 Vi Pickle Crow 1.71 Preston East Dome 1.95 San Antonio . 1.65 Sherrltt Gordon .65 NORTH OF AUSTRALIA Air lighting For Bases Continue With Both Sides Losing Ships MELBOURNE. May 29. TPrt. down )Zr r:;;; day as Australian and American bombing planes renewed their raids, . L island bases un uv fn h nnrth of Australia. J I mh TnnnnKA niraln ntlnrlrrd .... . Ill-J Port Moresoy ana uiree Ainca planes were lost there. GREAT AMERICAN TANK 'BEFIXED Ceiling to be Established on Packers, Wholesalers and Retailers, 4 It is Announced OTTAWA. .May 29 ) The time Prices and Trade Board today announced details of a new maximum price set-up by which it hopes to maintain domestic supplies of beef through seasonal variations in prices charged by packers and wholesalers may charge in each zone. The price of baby href yearling steer and heifer carcasses and sides ranges from 18Hc to 204c and cow and bull carcasses and sides from 15(ic to 17 Retail maximum price will be tied to packers' and wholesalers' prices. A slight increase in retail price is expected as a result of the order. L,ULdi firal UUJ KfiV Decorated Sergeant Pilot Stephen Rob- crt Frost, one of six Cana " dian airmen who were decor- ated with the Distinguished service Medal at BuckhtRham Palace by King George lust week, was shown by dls- patches to have been from f' Vancouver but actually this part of the province may claim , him as her very own. in fact-. he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ...nil lrA...p.. vm.1. .1. Masset't. Stephen 1 wcnl to 6Cn0l ln Prince Ru- pen ana maae a nam? ior t himself as an amateur boxer. He has many friends here who have been Interested Ho the ime servicehehas been g lying : in the war. In- cldcnUi y, he has been pro- moted to commissioner rank .. . ,. .,. rnv.ji a I. J. in tuc iwjui vaiiuuma nil ' Force 4. iBIG PURGE BY HITLER Chancellor Adolf Hitler Throws Thirteen llljh-llankinff Nazis Into Prison ISTANBUL. May 29: Chancel-or Adolf Hitler, according to reports received here, has completed a ruthless miree of the Nazi nartv. It was accomplished during his isit to Berlin last week-endwhen he rushed unexpectedly to the Reich capital from the Russian front Thirteen high Nazi leaders have been thrown into Jail, it is report- ?d. including the recently dismiss- ri Field Marshall Walther Von Brauchitsch and the former mln- ister of food. JAPAN'S COAL Northern Kvushi is the Drinclpal source of Japan's coal and iron, !;!; ' nvasion rromisea : ! WEST POLNT, N. Y., May ' : Invasion of the Euro- pean continent was promised . today by by General General George George C. Marshall, United States Army chtrf of staff, who told a West Point graduating class that Amefcn troor-s "are landing island and they will land In "" 1 ' , PRISONER A TrU"' A iMcm)ers cf the train crew from H'T 4 " A r aAVaTXi K 1 1 A i1"1100!33 we Injured as well as several women passengers. A spe- Iclal train with dojtors and nurses rim Vhtfhr4 Wftill in Crn,li fnn.iR.aMf f mm V 1 i .u. i ccntration Camp High in Mountains of Tunisia James Schubert, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schubert, formerly of, Prince Rupert and now residing at Ashcroft but visiting here at present, is still Interned in Tu-J ntsia, North Africa, by the French.! He is in a concentration camp, hlifh In the mountains of Tunisia' where, in spite of the near equa-' tonal latitude. It is often uncom fortably cool, particularly In aj concentration camp where heating' arrangements may be none too. good. Mr. and Mrs. Shubert have heard from their son several t!me3 mored force was repulsed today af-and, while he Is In none too com- ter slipping around British pesi-fortable a spot, they agree that Uns as faT as Sldl Rezegh. fifty things might bea lot worse. ;mlles Inside the Britlsn defence Jim feti toto the hands of the system to the-Libyan desert. At French after a merchant ship on Sidi Rezegh the Germans were which he was radio operator was met y a British armored force and torpedoed in the Mediterranean, re is heavy fighting almost en-the crew heading for the Turn-dan ely by tanks between there and shore in the lifeboats. Tna-. was AIn El Gazala, the regloa of Brit-In November last. westerly land positions. Recnmln a nrisoner of war wr.s The Royal Air Force has swarm- not Jim's first experience or note. a year and a half ago during a big blitz at Liverpool his ship was bombed and he was thrown into ' the Mersey River. Kenneth, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Schubert, and also a former Prince Rupert boy. lsi now enlisted with the Royal Can- adian Ajr porce and n van- couver. I Mr. and Mrs. Schubert are visit-' lrg tneir son-in-law and' daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stra- chan, 1060 Eighth Avenue East. AN ARTILLERY LOOK-OUT Utilizing an odd growth in a weathered old tree during field exercises ln England, Lieut. W. A. Martin of Red Deer, Alta., takes an observation post. He's an R.C.A. officer. i'KflLLEDIN , rnr , K,nw ; vm One Section of C. N. It. Eastbound Train Smashes Into Another . KAMLOOPS Mav -0- rr, ', bridee tnvinr fr vcr Oordon McKen2iewaj md and fourteen rsons ,uSiS. ed mInor mJuries ye5terda wnen .,,, nf f.J n jdian Natlonal Ranys eastbound train smashed Into the rear end Of the first section at AwnTo 110 - .WM 14 I I miles east of here. The first sec-Itlon had stopped for water and the , second section, coming along twenty minutes later, struck It. Jured were brought to hospital four hours after the collision. GERMANS REPULSED Far In side British Libya Defence System (Canadian Press) CAIRO, May 29. A German ar- ea mw tne oi wDja m uie greatest attack yet seen here, Nine enemy planes have been brought down and bombers have struck unmercifully at troops on ine B1011110' 41 DECLARE WAR SOON Mexitan Parliament Expected to Implement President's Demand ( MEXICO, May 29. Congress of Mexico, House and Senate, are expected to act by next Tuesday on President Camacho's demand for a formal declaration of war against the Axis powers. That the demand will be implemented by that time by both houses U expected Jn official quarters. Camacho asked that a state of war be declared to have existed since last Friday when the dead-line expired for Germany to give a satisfactory explanation of torpedoing of Mexican ships. "We tried to avoid violence but violence came hunting us," declared the President in his message. War must be declared to preserve the honor and clear the name of Mexico. The people would have to face sacrifice and danger. HALIBUT SALES Summary American 155,000 pounds, 14.7c and 13c to 15c and 13c. and 13c and 15.6c and 13c. American Frigldland. 46,000, 14.7c and 13c, Storage. Martlndale, 55,000, 15c and 13c, Atlln. North, 48,000, 145c and 13c, Storage. Vlv, 8.000, 14.9c, and 13c, Pacific Canadian Sampo, 9,000, 15.6c and 13c, Atlln. Volga, 8,000, 15.5c and 13c, Storage. ,