r,LPTEMBER 30, gf.-tf SI m STORE S OPENED Lre Hoint Bulnes Now ?r,t3bli hment at Mure S. ...ii..m Location v. a o reopened for ftae new u Avenue In the district of. r ,nior O. D. r.mv admiring j doubt, felt rr the attrac- ther were nn.'.iry CQ.ro-a'ur" ol the- .1 T hop as in ssjcs new and mcjtlrin textures. ? .aiaogwuenU completely . , ; iftad since and the ln--cnt lighting stMia presetvte .j. new atrno-pi at'e Rupert od. crockery, i ,V sourenlri. w.ware. hard- v arc wjfcM ...re In Ml-I and Chate-- Magastne, M Nurse and 0 per year. Subscription 228) mg with the public and Mr. Dry-1 ant should be emu red of a full measure of success In the new un-1 dertaklng. i Mr. Astoria sr. and Harry As-I tor la who have been on a holiday trip south returned this morning. WE CAHKY Everything For tiii: WORKING MAN It will pay you to come In and look over our largo stock of Woollen Ooods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK m Third Avenue Classified Ads. OK SALK to I ..i ix holes I urth Avenue ,UI iurh In good R.-d 81. I'd house in. y furnished. 341 9th Ave. ri97 1231) iir'-yers, cnas-.n table and! -a 491. Piano. PERSONAL m Box 3A7 Uf) alt, sail-and 1 614. (228) 7 STOVE POLISH aaldgj.bot ? irken. Stor ea ' WANTED WAITRESS wanted. Apply Central Hotel. 1397) WANTED To rent house or apartment Phone Red 789. '227) NAVAL OUlcer desires room, ap artment or house for self and wife, quiet locale, permanent. Apply Box 384 Dally News. 2p MUST have house or apartment Permanent. Phone iteaz7i. i III. mtm-m.m. . R i - - nA l 1 ROOKS and MAGAZINES BOOKS The Decameron. 500 pages of" meaty tales of love. Illustrated. Only $100 postpaid. Free catalogue. Art and unusual books. Whatnot Bookshop. 3H Yoage Street. Toronto. i2M Mrs. Rochester returned from the south this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jones last night for Massett. I Mr Justice Harold Robertson 'after having presided over the ses- j sion of Supreme Court Assizes here j during the past week, left on thu j 1 morning's irrfm lot Prince George. i ' mm meeting of Local I m IKAJ & Marine Pipefitters twill be held at 8 pjn.. Carpenters' , Hall on Thursday, Oct. I. All members of U.A. are cordially invited to attend - -R. Wilson. Secty. ROOM AND BOARD .w-w.v.v-wa-.-.wav, ROOM and Board for man Ing. 118 Fraser Street. shar- 195 i 'f COUPONS are still available with each rath purchase in our store. We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and let us espial this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents P.O. Box S75 Phones 18-19 tM i i h f rm aoTB j ksm t in rm ni 3& Opportunity knocks than once when you at the " ffEH D70LY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES L. Keays left yesterday for a trip to Vancouver. left leaving last night for Port Clements on business. A. D. Towns Vancouver via kttte Islands. left last night for the Queen char Mr and Mrs. Gordon Fraser returned from Vancouver this morning. Mrs. Frater Is the former Miss Pheme Flnlay. E T Kenney. M.L.A. for Skeena. will arrive in Prince Rupert on tomorrow night's train from Ter-' race, accompanying Premier Johnl Hart on hU visit to this city. more shop Bw9 Reddy says: fy f,T "1ut ,T,r p"r 7 ' ih bV kli',i Htl I W A Rg' A V IN 0 S Wm a! CERT,F1CATKS-H YOU OVN HELP TO HEAT HITLER RIGHT IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN. First of all, tive your electric ruuge proper care so that it will wntinuc to give you faithful service for Remember. the metals and man-hours years to come. which went into it cannot be replaced. urgently needed in war Second, conserve the electricity operating your electric range cf .acntly. plants by full of nuke use rU cooking, Vlan yout plan your stored-up oven heat. full value from vitamins - get Third, guard precious foo5 following the rules o the you buy by health ritamkeil eookhg. That way you hdp ma.n am and morale-help keep workers on the job. Ul.'ljj llljijjlf J w A S.OX Meeting Thursday, Oct. 1. . 8 o'clock. (228) Mr. and Mrs, J. Beckett left yesterday lor Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Hewlck were i.i Miss E. Carmlchael lXt last night passengers leaving yesterday for , for Queen Charfotte City Mr. and Mrs. It. Williams and daughter. DorU, left lost nlht tat Mastett. Arnold Flatea wa a passenger Vancouver. Geoffrey Woot(en, Victory Loan! organizer, was the speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. President George L. Rorie was in the chair and there was, a fair attendance of members wtth. a few guests. J. L. McEwen arrived from Sml-thers on Tuesday night's train to take up duties that he Is assuming in Prince Rupert. Ills family expect to follow him there shortly. Both Mr. and Mrs. McEwen have been very active in the business and social life of Smlthers and they will be greatly missed in that community where they have made their home for the past sixteen years. i qi J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B-A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 641. JhhcuhcetttehU All advertisements in this column will be changed for s full month at 25c a word Lutheran CFPR. Hour, Mondayi 6:45, Grocery Shower at Ridley Home October 1, 3 to 6. i VARIETY STORE Where your dimes are little g i dollars n i , IB'.B -BIB BTBtBr.BIBtBrP , Cambral I.O.D.E. Fall Formal Oct. 2. Invitation by members only. Catholic Bazaar, Oatholic Halt October 7 and 8. Presbyterian Supper October ltt. Can. Legion Fall Bazaar. .Oct 21. Anglican Fall Bazaar, Nov. 5. St." Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 12. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 344 FRASER STREET PRINCE RtTERT 1A lBBflBBBB KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE Chop Suey House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST S mi -4 a IG SO IL ID :S !E Phone Red 217 IBIBEBIBTBrBrBEBlBilBIBiBl g TI1E SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeye Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce I t Sandwich Spreads ; -fA Spiced Salmon T Smoked Salmon !5 lJ Bloater Fresh Local Raw and IB Bui aw 'J&lRDOZlHWU.BEPMO 'f0R All EMPTIES RE1URHE0 VftMCOUVERBRMK at Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 m ' m 9 ft 9 ) j ; "I - u.-u ; n. t mm t i BCfl IB iBfB i B h J Lawnmowers g SIIAKPENED AND B g OVERHAULED H First Class Work PHONE. IIEI) 884 Delivering 1 BiBJB.lBJB! BJB1B1 B1B.1BIBIBS SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information. Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Atent Third Ave, Phone 568 LIMITED' Just Returned With All your patronage welcome g jof qzs ESE THE a FINEST ia-mj iiiu AND unnuLiLli LARGEST $1.85 Per doz. with empties This advc :;mcn " . x.at putu-hed or d-played by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Biifi;;h Columbia. " BI.B1 BIB ZKXKSMIMSMTMXMTMZMSM IB TUXMSM'iMZWXK'Ml.USMiM t.B BIBlBiB I B CBTflflf TBTBfBTB IBB pi : 'S Mr. Goldbloom Has THE PACIFIC CAFE Third Avenue and Sixth Street Wishes to Announce that it will be r OPEN FOR BUSINESS M g SI y 11 STOCK OF FUR COATS I Of all kinds ever presented in Prince Rupert 2 r.nnA nlcMnnt v m ' New Stock coming in once a week S GOLDBLOOM Third Avenue w Prince Rupert "1"" " y - " sr j. - -i j- j. - ; j - ...f Ui- -hint Tin HI tr 1 liW W ,mi Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. ' B KBttBlBlBifltBIfl IHXBXaUirHj; liKI! li BiBrmUtrum US BJ.BJ. a j" after being closed for renovation, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, a Sljjj at 4 pan. with a first class Chinese Cook. I B Specialty Chinese Dishes g ,f The Management Invites the Public to try their Special CHOP SUEY. UB I B I B I B 1 B I B IB I B iHII t B IB! BIBIMZ1 III BiB IB I B IB I BIB I BIB Q A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD. PLACE TOBUY LINOLEUM FOR ALL YOUR FLOORS Battleship Brown Molr Inlaid, all colors; Inlaid Linoleum; Printed Linoleum; Congoleum; Feltol; Rugs In Congoleum and Linoleum, all sizes. ' PIIOXE 775 327 3rd AVE. WEST HOUSEHOLD NEEDS TINCTURE OF IODINE w 1 oz. 15c . 2 oz. 25c OIL OF EUCALYPTUS 1 oz. 20c.' 2 oz. 35c FRIAR'S BALSAM 1 oz. 25c 2 oz. 45c CASTOR OIL 4 oz, 25c 8 oz. 50c AROMATIC CASTOR OIL 3 oz. 25c AROMATIC CASCARA 2 oz. 25c . 8 oz. 90c CAMPHORATED OIL 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 50c EPSOM SALTS, tins 4 oz. 10c 16 oz. 25c BORACIC ACID, tins 2 oz. 15c " -4 oz. 25c SEIDLITZ POWDERS, tins 40c BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM THE DRUG STORE Ormes Ltd. 7fut Pioneer Dmqfftets THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 83 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays freni 18 - Z p.m. and 7 9 p.m. fOll QUICK RESULTS TRY A 22 S22 NEWS WANT ADD. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl i 3