$;tish take halpaya CAIKfyV A,rces tlay took Ilalfaya Pass, final remaining pocket "LO mce in the Libya-Egyptian frontier region. At Halfaya St irrison of an estimated 5,500 men. The capture of Haifov GL1SC British forces for action far to the t towards TK V UA sere slow progress continues to he ,h, along the co Afc.'- -ulf of the south in spite .. .-V.X 7a 01 V) c IL1 A r LU i ii i r.rx vr jr. T0REICH t t i.. ii : usiiiuii Even More Critical Fall Of Kharkov Believed Imminent COUNTER ATTACK FAILS LONDON, Jan. 17: Hitter f ... II Lm f:rni ti rnitnl v 190,000 man army marshalled I ihr tin nf Mozhalsw salient. Drnidiiuii uu tau Liiuaii ui 11- i . i iouj cost and all were repulsed, MOSCOW Jnn 17 : Chnnrp nr av wim inp mss ni Knarenv industrial centre in Donets sin ano fourth largest city of the onrushing Red Army nip mipnnvA nnn rprnnnirp nr fi u fill In np n mnlnr mcnsTpr far ' niaizi nvandra.ninncA nnt i Ati Crimea is also becoming worse. c ucnia rusnea ud irom uer- as the Reich armies, now T 1 nrino In addition to Kharkov. Moz- a inli ft m 1 RU1Y1U 1 IU1N OF JUDGES Ellis To Supreme Court OTTAWA fan TkcHko J Fisher of the Supreme Court British Columbia has been pro- n f'A nrnk a T.. J T XT TT1 1 1 -utttwtu, W UUkC W . Alt LMIld vy I w uiikj If ill UtlLUULl - W KU4 Villf WWU H IllttlV Interior Soutli . inr ta.i... 1 c j arianc Back From Trip As tar as Burns Lake "wjui rarKes. area recruitinu no fnU... 1 11 viuuicu uu uic uny oil ilUrSn.1V nlfrVlt'e train f v,- rusting tour through the In- ur as lar as Burns Lake in the tVLlUlU I IIIIXlxI lllfr ill i. KPlla - ' . onaw and F. Allam arrived - oaiue train irom une m- iiiir nnn r, i t 1 . . 1 1 oaucu i&si, iiiiint on me ""-ess Adelaide for Vancouver. SCOTS WIIA HAE! Basi Paai.. -i . f tmttu L4aJ 'IWk va u ""and, was once captured from 1 English Harrison hv fnnr riir- 8 Scotsmen. SOUTH WAtrc vv south Wales is the n.imfi of ti n in New York State. Cirte and on .the desert to attack by the enemy. DEFEN SINRAPORF. SINGAPORE As final .ence lines are organized for Singapore about 100 miles up Malay Peninsula, fierce fighting is reported today with the British resistance definitely stiffening. The fighting Major General Gordon Bennett, commander-in-chief, of the Australian forces, which have entered the battle there, says: "Hang on we must. Hang on we will." There are indications that the Japanese are now trying to drive across Burmese ftontier from Thailand. In the .Netherlands East Indies three bases have been itruck at by the enemy without serious damage. AFRICAN PORT RAIDED MADRID A Free French destroyer is reported to have entered the Spanish port of Santa Isabel on the west coast of Africa and seized three Axis merchant ships. (At London Free French headquarters declared news that a Free French destroyer had been responsible for the coup was without foundation. In Berlin the Germans claimed a British destroyer fiad made the seizure.) .T CHURCHILL 1 BACKH0ME1 ' Prime Minister In England Again After Historic Trip To United States and Canada LONDON. Jan. 17: Prime Mln- Istcr Winston Churchill returned ( 1 to England today from his historic ' trip to the United States and Canada. He made the Atlantic crossing from Bermuda in fifteen hours on a flying boat. He was j accompanied by Lord Beaverbrook and heads of naval, military and air force mission. Reports are still prevalent of Imminent changes in the cabinet to be made by the Prime Minister. This may involve the relief from their present portfolios of Anthony Eden, Lord Beaverbrook, Ernest Bevin and Sir Kingsley Wood so they may devote their energies exclusively to functions as members of the war executive. Mr. Churchill stepped prosically from a train In London this morning, home from the history-making visit. He had flown from Bermuda tn Plvmnnth The prime minister and four of his chief lieutenants made the long over-water Jump In a four-engined flying boat of the British Airways. It is expected the prime minister will .broadcast a report to the empire soon, possibly tomorrow night. HALFAYA IS NOW TAKEN Axis Hold-Out Stronghold Falls to British Forces This Morning 5,500 Soldiers Surrender. CAIRO, Jan. 17: 0) Halfaya Pass, Axis stronghold on the Egyptian - Libyan desert frontier, fell to Imperial siege forces this mjornlng with unconditional .surrender of more than 5,500 of the hard-pressed garrison. Thus the British army smashed the Axis attempt to parallel the British hold-out at Tobruk and won access to the main coastal route of supply to advance assault forces pursuing the main body of Axis forces three hundred miles further west. HAD BAD HEADACHE n'.-itI Field Marshal Succumbs to Apoplexy, It Is Officially Announced in Berlin. BERLIN, Jan. 17: J Field Marshal Wnlter von Reichenau has died of apoplexy, the Nazi authorities announced today. $2000 INSURANCE There, was insurance of $2000 covering building and contents of the residence of Casey Vinic on Eleventh Avenue which was destroyed by fire Thursday morning. THEY MUST SWIM From now on all recruits for' the New Zealand army must learn to swim. . WAR NEWS Wmln Tomorrow sT ides VOL. XXXI, NO. 14. Talk on Throne Specclt Continues With Various Matters Taken Up. VICTORIA, Jan. 17: C. S. Leary, Liberal member for Kaslo-Slocan, speaking in Throne Speech debate yesterday, was critical of time being wasted in debate in the legislature. He urged a special war effort. Grant McNeill, C.C.F., North Vancouver, called for democratization in the armed forces. Roderick McDonald, Liberal, Llllooet, criticized the public util ities commission, saying that it had only rendered one decision which had been later reversed by the courts. Orange Ladies Bridge, Dance Successful Affair University Of B,C. Is Winner Takes Mcflowan Cup for Intercollegiate Debating Last i Night. VANCOUVER, Jan. 17: The McGowan Cup, for inter-cqllegiate debating, lias been won by the University of British Columbia. Last night In Vancouver a University of British Columbia team won a unanimous decision over a University of Manitoba team while another British team was winning over University of Alberta at I Former Local 1 Man In Japan t , Irving N. Linnell, who many years ago started his diplo- matlc career for? the United - States In PrinceUupertr-had his last appointment in Japan and .has not been heard of since last October when he was in Yokohama. His wife, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fisher, formerly of Prince Rupert, is now residing at Medina, Washington, with her parents. Naturally, there is some anxiety as to Mr. Lin- nell. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Grandview 17 Bralorne 8.00 Cariboo Quartz 1.70 Hedley Mascot . 34 Pend' Oreille 1.70 Pioneer - 2.00 in Melronole'Premler 11,11 vii,t rrjvuwer A very successful bridge drive and dance was held last evening In the Mctropole Hall under the auspices of the L.O.B.A. , Prize winners In bridge were: ladies' first, Mrs. J. Owens; second, Mrs. A. Dickens; men's first, J. Krikevsky; second, J. Vidervick. Following the bridge drive, delicious refreshments were served by the committee including Mrs. J. Moller, Mrs. H. Killin, Mrs. V. Menzies, Mrs. Wide, Mrs. A. Murray and Mrs. L. Dodd. Convenor for the affair was Mrs. L. Dodd. The evening concluded at 1 a.m. after dancing to Mrs. Black's orchestra. James Krikevsky acted as master of ceremonies. 58 42 Reno 1434 Sheep Creek .20 Oils Calmont -17 ' C. & E 1.15 Home - 2.37 Royal Canadian .04 Toronto Beattie 90 Central Patricia 1.19 Consolidated Smelters 1.XM Hardrock .50 Kerr Addison 3.95 Little Long Lac - 1.30 McLeod Cockshutt 1.53 Madsen Red Lake .48 McKenzie Red Lake .95 Moneta - .25 Pickle Crow 2.26 Preston East Dome 3.10 San Antonio , 1.93 Saerritt Gordon .88 . COAT'S MILK 'Goat's milk should be pasteur ized for the same , reason that cow's milk Is pasteurized say health authorities. SALT LAKE PIONEERS July 24, 1947, will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the advent of pioneers Into Salt Lake valley. Local Temperature Minimum 39 Maximum, 47 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Battle PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 19427 of Singapore , Is On 1 BRITISH WAR CHIEFS STUDY PLANS IN WASHINGTON Three top-ranking chiefs of Britain's armed force-; study maps of war areas as they follow progress of the world war at the British embassy in Washington, D.C. Left to right, Field-Marshal Sir John Dill; Adntiral of the Fleet, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, Sir Dudley Pound, and Air-Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal. VICTORIA DEBATING : ENLIST IN 1 AIR FORCE Seventeen Local Young Men Join Up and Will Be Leaving Next Week Three for Air Crew, Archibald Kerr Ills Successor LONDON, Jan. 17: Sir Stafford Cripps has been retired at his own request as British ambassador to Russia. His successor is Sir Archibald Kerr, ambassador to China. New ambassador to China is Sir Hall Seymour. TOM CAT JINX BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Jan. 17: W Oscar, the world's most travelled and most shipwrecked cat, is not going back to sea. The Royal Navy has labelled Oscar a Jinx. Shipwrecked three times, Oscar will spend the rest of his days in a sailor's rest home. NEUTRAL ROTARY Despite the war Rotary Clubs are carrying on In Sweden and Switzerland. TALL BAMBOOS Bamboo plants reach a , height of 40 feet or more. High 2:27 a.m. 21.S ft. 14:17 pjn.23.1 ft. Low 8:25 a.m. 5.1 ft. 20:54 p.m. 0.9 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Japanese Are Making Further Headway Now Crossing Muar River Tokyo Claims to Have Occupied Malacca and Broken Through Australian Defence Lines to Within Fifty Miles of Stronghold. I SINGAPORE, Ja. 17: (CP) A major battle for Singapore was reported developing today as British headquarters announced that Japanese troops had gained a foothold on the south bank of strategic Muar River, ninety miles north of Johore Strait. A Tokyo broadcast quoted front line dispatches as claiming Japanese forces had completely occupied Malacca, ;" -. t'lld. miles northwest of Singapore,) a onprinpn ffi land a Domei dispatch claimed a A( I KrSS IS Japanese spearhead had broken t i-iUlJ 1U through defences to within fifty miles of the stronghold. Up to early today, the Australians had been reported holding in Malaya. Far to the north other Japanese Invasion columns were reported striking into Burma In an attempt to cut off China's back door route of war supplies. Dispatches fjom Batavia said Japanese bombers had renewed attacks on the big East Indies naval and air base at Imbolna while i in the Philippines a United States Department of War bulletin reported that a heavy Japanese at tack was now in progress against the right flank of American and -4 Filipino -defenders. -- The Royal Air Force is striking Seventeen local young men were j hard in Malaya at the Japanese attested by the Royal Canadian iwho are also reported to be suf- Air Force recruiting ooara wnicn ferlng badly from maiaria. completed us sessions , nere yes terday. They will be leaving next Monday by train for Edmonton and Toronto to take up training. Going to Edmonton will be T, W. Colllson, R. A. Silversides, J. E. Gleeson, H. F. Clarkston, R. F. Clarkston, H. W. D. Worsfold, H. R. Hamilton, K. A. Lundeen, P. Austen, E. L. Crosby. IL R. Crosby, R W. McLarry and R. E. Tobey. Those leaving for Toronto will be J. A. Leighton, H. C. Hatch, D. A. Gushue and D. W. Burnip. Of the seventeen Collison,. Worsfold and Tobey have enlisted for air crew. On Its present trip the recruit ing board also visited Ocean Falls and Powell River, enlisting four teen men at the former point and ten at the latter. NEW ENVOY TO RUSSIA Sir Stafford Cripps Retires Sir I Spain In Incident I MADRID, Jan. 17:0) Three Axis merchantmen have been seized by a Free French de- stroyer in a raid on the har- bor of Santa Isabel in non- belligerent Spain's Island of Fernando off the west coast of Africa, the newspaper Ar- rlba asserted today. The newspaper indicated that Spain may have already made the seizure a diplomatic issue and asserted that Spanish armed forces hereafter would Drp.vent such incidents. WILL BUILD MANY SHIPS United States Wartime Program Has Now Reached Request of President Roosevelt. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17, The United States Wartime Commis sion announced today that It had negotiated contracts for the construction of 632 additional merchant vessels bringing the pro gram up to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's request for eight mil lion deadweight tons of shipping this year and ten million next. German Minister Being Interned Envoy to Mexico and Forty-Three Others Are Removed to United States. MEXICO CITY, Jan. 17: The German minister to Mexico and forty-three others were loaded on a special train here last night and taken to the United States where they will be Interned. VICTIM OF AIRCRASH Carole Lombard and Twenty-One Others Lose Lives Near Las Vegas, Nevada. LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Jan. 17: Carole Lombard, noted screen ac tress, and twenty-one others, includ ing her mother and press, agent, perished last evening in the crash of a transport plane near here. It was one of the worst disasters in United States aviation history. Miss Lombard was returning to Hollywood from a personal appearance tour In Indiana. On receiving word of what had happened. Clark Gable, Miss Lombard's husband, chartered a plane and immediately took off from Hollywood for Las Vegas. The transport plane left here at 7 o'clock last evening after a brief pause. Not long after spectators saw It crash and burst Into flames in nearby hills. There was a tremendous roar and the flames could be seen for miles. In addition- to the fun-loving wife of Clark Gable, other passengers on the plane Included fifteen" United States Army filers, likewise presumably killed In the crash of the machine a Trans continental and Western Air Transport plane. The Army fliers were members of the ferry command returning to the Pacific coast for new assignments. They boarded the plane at Alberquer-que where four other passengers had been removed to make way for them. The Ill-fated transport actually took off from Las -Vegas at 7:07 last night and It was at about 7:30 p.m. that workers at an adjacent mine saw a flare and heard an explosion. A passing pilot reported a fire on Table Mountain, about forty miles southwest of Las Vegas. Former Premier Of France 111 Anxiety Felt Concerning Condition of Leon Blum. VICHY, Jan. 17: Former Pre mier Leon Blum Is seriously 111 with flubltls, a condition tributary to heart trouble. Owing to his age, anxiety Is felt. SWEDISH TRADE Sweden's November Imports were 10 percent lower than those for October, while exports during the same period were five percent lower for .the previous month. DUTCH INDIES POPULATION Netherlands Indies has an estimated population of nearly 70,-000,000 persons, Including more than a million Chinese.