PAOE FOUR i I 5 8 o o a o ,0 o Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STORE for line China. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamonil Merchant JNV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VW.V.VAV.V, For Only The very latest In hair styles: Waves . . . Pompadours . . . Bangs . . . Tin-Curl Waves Per Pair v.v.v.v We've Got 75 Pairs Women's Shoes! THEY'RE YOURS 39c AT THE CUT RATE SHOE STORE . SIZES 3-8. WIDTHS A-I). ORIGINAL PRICES $3 -S3. These are surplus shoes. Shoes that we haven't room lor. You know our reputation for true values. Come In early. These will sell fast and there are only 15 pairs. SHOE GROUP No. 2 Including Growing Girls' Shoes, black or brown. Isizcs; 3 to 8 and" many others you'lL wiirit, at $1.89 Cut Rate Shoe Store OPEN SATURDAY' NIGHT Mail orders Promptly Filled KTOCtfKHCKHKttHKH0OHHO If our Hair Becoming You Should Be Coming To 506 THIRD AVE. W. Across From Orme's Drag Ol Us! . . . Rolls . . .Pin Curls. FACIALS For that schoolgirl complexion. MANICURES For the lady that desires lovely hands. SCALP-TREATMENTS To put lustre into" hair 'that Is dryed out from the summer sun. PERMANENTS Machine and machlncless. All oil pennanents for that soft natural look.Also the short Victory bob. . Let one of our three competent operators make you more beautiful BUDDY KEMP PRINCE RUPERT ELSIE KLOII.N KAY SCOTT The Modern Beauty Shoppe Corner 3rd Avenue and 6th Street A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Cedar Chests Beautifully finished with Walnut Inlaid Veneers with Copper Band, protection against moths. All at different prices. PHONE 775 327 3rd AVE. WEST BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local Butchers. NO WASTE HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage CO. Lt(I. "KITISH COLUMBIA Si a a a a o ouooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooHSOoofHooootioooooc-a EDMONTON. Aug. 24 O Assistant Section Officer Marjorle Race, one of the first to loin the, women's division of the Royal Canadian Air Force, has been posted as a recruiting officer at No. 3 Recruiting Centre here. Daughter of Mrs. Cecil Race of Edmonton, A SO, Race was bora j here and Is a graduate of the Uni versity of Alberta. For a period she was with the provincial medical laboratory. She did social, service work in the Montreal and General Hospitals. ASO Race enlisted here in October. 1940, and took her administrative training at Toronto. She was stationed at No. 6 Manning Depot at Toronto for six months; then sent to Montreal recruiting centre as a corporal. She received her commission as an assistant ' section officer last May. TITLED WOMEN KILLED LONDON August 24 0 Lady Doreen Clare Pledell-Bouverle, 37 daughter of the Earl of Donough-more. died in hospital after being struck by a bus. THE D'AILY NEWS Home To Recruit IGAY HIT Women's Unit Edmonton Girl, Officer In Air Force, Back in Home City for Service IN FILM Norma Shearer and Robert Taylor In "Her Cardboard Lover Combining their talent for the first time since their triumph in "Escape," Norma Shearer and Robert Taylor again co-star in "Her Cardboard Lover," which comes this Monday and Tuesday to the Capitol Theatre. The story has been lavishly mounted with spec tacular backgrounds placed in a smart Florida winter resort. "Her Cardboard Lover" is the story of a delightful girl in a fash ionable resort who fear to marry the man she loves because of his instability. In order to elude him she employs another youth who is madly in love with her to act as a sort of bodyguard. Robert Taylor Impersonates the latter with George Sanders as the playboy. From the mirthful complications that develop under this arrangement, an amusing and unusual story blooms In clever dialogue and colorful action. Taylor la blessed with luck and win the girl. Frank Mcllugh and Elizabeth Patterson have comedy roles In support. McIIugh and Taylor form a song-writing team which composes a number called "I Dare You," which becomes a hit. CANADA'S PREMIER XYLOPIIONIST DICK BENZ This artist Is comlr.g to Prince Rupert jirxt week being only one of a number of outstanding entertainers being brought te the city for the Civic Centre Carnival. Bandoliers Good As Concert Gang LONDON August 24 Oi The R. A. F. has called for volunteers between the ages of 42 and 50 years of age to work a$ tradesman, accounting clerks, hoc-makers, barbers, motor drivers, aircraft hands and medical' orderlies. l Gave Up Eggs To Paint Job Canadian Army All-Soldier Party Girl's Contract For Murals Hellas Entertainers From Many manded It and Rations Cut Cities 1 To Make Goo , LONDON, August 24: 0 Latest all-soldier party to be formed -In the army Is "The Bandoliers." LONDON. Aug. 24 0 When Miss Eleanor Esmonde-Whlte. a young artist, accepted a Sooth African Members for the most part were icon tract to paint murals for the either professional or semi-pro-1 new Law Courts In Johannesburg, fessional entertainers in civilian It meant she and her family had life. , to give .up their egg ration for a "The Bandoliers" show Is a, year. A condition of the contract musical one with a 10-plece orch- was that the murals be painted In estra under the direction of Pte., egg-tempera the use of the yolk Jeff van Stockum of Edmonton.'of the eggs with water for mixing Tr. Maurice Taylor of Winnipeg Is the paints. The egg seals up every the expert . master-of-ceremonles particle of the pigment and allows and a lyric tenor. The comedy 'no chemical action to take place team of Holden and Zamlck Ptes. the work alwavs looks fresh jE.nie Holden and "Chick" Zamlck, The Bamonde-White famllv is both of Winnipeg gives contrast 'composed of only three father, to the more serious presentations. mother and daughter - so their Other principals Include Pte. rations for a year didn't produce "Pee-Wee" Beaudoln, a contortion- enough eggs and officials of South 1st and "fire-eater," and Onr. Har- Afrlca nousc m London also gave old Taylor, tenor singer. "Pee- to up Mme hclp tne arU6t Wee comes from Montreal and jjo the Job. Harold's home Is in Toronto. The ; ! . company also has a male chorus rj I . of about twelve voices under the ireSuVterian rifrprUnn of flnr Rlllv rhrlilmai t J star trumpeter of "The Bandoliers" orchestra, of Kingston. The show was produced under Rummage Sale the direction of Frank Anders of Successful Affair Was Held on Sat-Vancouver producer and director urday Afternoon by ladles' of Canadian Army Soldier Concert , Aid Parties. He is a supervisor with' the Canadian Legion War Services ' A rummage sale held by the overseas. L.-Cpl. Vlnce Rowe of Women's Auxiliary of the Presby-Montreal assisted him with the terian Church on Saturday in the jshow Dollar Store proved to be very Sgt Stan Sheddon, the musical! successful, director, is from Edmonton Mrs. James Simpson was gen-director from Edmonton, Is res- eral convener. Those assisting were ponsible for the band arrange- Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Slmondsen, Mrs. ments. Pte. Jimmy Swackhammer, Harry Calderwood, Mrs. Malcolm formerly from Hamilton, is the Lamb, Mrs. Pendergast, Mrs. Teng, costumer for the show. Miss Jean Calderwood and Miss ' 'Barbara' Teng. CALLING OLD TIMERS TOFFEE FRO.M CITRUS JOHANNESBURG. August 24: The first plant of its kind In South Africa has been opened here for the manufacture of "concentrated toffees" from citrus, and handles six tons of fruit dolly. TODAY AND TUESDAY Sf0 y MOCIAM Canada Carries On Presents Russian Women Getting Coats Women's Institute of llrltaln lis ing Them With Rabbit Skin Lining LONDON', August 3H o Some Of those nice form-fitting coats the Dominions and the United States donated to Britain are go-Iiik to Russia as soon as they get ,r fur lining Installed. Mrs Wlwtotf ChurcriM, who U . :'as thinking about ways to "; Soviet women and children, for and got them she saw t , asiftnment stacked at a dls- w depot. They needed good : ? heavy lining, however, if they to ward off the bitter Rus-... :, rold. ThU the National Fed- - a' on of Women's institutes sup-"i from home frown rabbit qui.iiKC medal sies LONDON August M-A rare .-;d medal struck in 17M to com-:7.'morate the capture ol Quebec n aiized the equivalent ol IMS at an auction sale. HIS SNORING PAYS BIRMINGHAM Eng. August 4: 0 A 12 year old boy who was stated to have snored perpetually since he was knocked down by a truck was awarded the equivalent of MO damages. e : Films Developed and Printed 35c, ny size Up to 8 exposure Enlargement Coupon with every roll Reprints 4c each Professional Work, Fast Service Enclose coin with roll and mall to: MEYERS STUDIOS 813 Granville St. Vancouvrr G 0 L D S E A L THE SEAL OK QUALITY mm Sockcye Salmon Fancy Red Hcrrinjj in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Sainton Smoked Salmon Bloater COUPONS are still available with each ! cash purchase in our store. j We would appreciate to have new customers drop In and let us espial this gift plan to them. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Rox 575 Phones lg-19 sV -Si THE VOICE OF ACTION" Sportlight: "Buying a Dog' RAILWAY MONDAY to, Complete Shows: 1:05, 3:01, 5 oj feature at 1:39, 3:38. S n'i ' 'M FOR MOORING RL'OYS MANCHESTER 24 Worn and damaged tires from Halifax and Stirling bombers go into national service again as marker and moo ring buoys for flying boats at marine terminals, after being filled with cork and painted. k I'lIRrfMARBLE The coloring in murbte Is caused by the Import Us In it. Pure marble is snow-white. I v., I To pay HI gtmblinej debt he beciae "Her Cardboard Lover". Just a lUd nun" to fight bsr battles la the world ol men. 9 Jl Canada at? 25 Years k Augu' med Tti.v bask- lit 4 French .: Mouse j; man ati.:. Monte eauturt n bomb''! i When You Want mi a a Reliable, ncuaoic, Comfortable. iuniiDriJDIf, DfKtl IHfct&HM TAXI Service PHONE 4 Zt-llour Bervtte at Kegolar Rtn SHORT CUT TO VICTOE LADIES! Here U your chance to try J FEATHERBOB PERMANENT. All ends ta; t Balrd's Hair Bhaper. Individual slytlng to i.." i jzlasi Sunrise Beauly Salon VIOLET MA II Cor. tth and Fulton Above Sonrbt Sii Phone Blue SI for Appointment Canadian Pacifi Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic TrantfJ REGULAR STEAMER SERVICE j To Vancouver via Ocean Fall Way Ports; also to Ketchikan, Wns-Bell, Juneau and Skagway Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian r: q Information. Tickets and Rcien W. L. CO.VTES, General Acent, Prince K-r"4- H Used Instruments AT SAVINGS PRICES C Melody Saxophone made by Conn, Kim: N. White. Mandolin made by Otbson. .sm.. wide. 40" high. 7-tube General Electric U waves. Furniture 8-plccc Dining Room Suite, 4 Dreers wi'h Stoves for burning coal or wood, 10 Heater.- ' Heaters for burning oil, Tent 14x14-4 feet w chen Cabinet, Bookcases, HuffcU, Round Tu' Beds with spring and Mattress. ' Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, Nest (o the Dally X' J. M. S. Loubser D.C.. BJl. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone C40 . .- i E , NATION At u as - v BSa SIS.VWW - - . J E ... uH I BBfl IlllfllV - 'miniiEii '