PAGE FOUS G 0 1 tfcLjct.:: 'v .:Hv r SsEEEH Hudson's ay SCOTCH WHISKY THE SEAL OF QUALITY he-? D H3m A L Sockoyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Sainton Smoked Salmon Bloater Furniture RADIOS Kcvonuitioned, in good shape. 04ff nr selling at ?JiOVO HARDWOOD CHAIRS New. special each 82.25 CHESTERFIELDS 2 pee. brand Qfr fi( new, snccial ?vluVU USED CARPETS Good shape. QQ Qff blg sizes, spec. O MANTLE CLOCK 8 day on Qt- good shape .... ?CJt7U B. C. Furniture Co. PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue TILLIE THE TOILER I I I 1 X l.-kiV EST PROCURABIE- prcJuct of tcrptiflj quality now, faithful to HBC tradition of 341 year ago distilled. Wended and bottled in Scotland today a i)j. 262 oz. .5-1.10 si. fix This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, BANANAS AND HEMP Manila rope comes from a plant closely related to the banana. FESTIVAL CONCERT APRIL 24 m - X PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . t.i : numuMuii uj rrogram Proceeds to War Charities Programs on sale beginning April 10. at Ormes. ST. PETER'S SPRING SALE Good Attendance at Affair in Spite I of Inclement Weather St. Peter's Women's Auxiliary Seal Cove, held its spring sale yes terday afternoon. In spite of the inclement weather there was a large turnout of friends. The parish hall was decorated with English colors, tile day being dedicated to the patron saint of England. Canon W. F. Rushbrook opened the affair with an inspiring address, j Mrs. W. Garlick. president of the i Auxiliary, received the guests. Those serving were Mrs. G. Sle-vert and Mrs. George Kelsey. In charge of the kitchen were Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Mrs. W. Moore-house and Mrs. G. Hebb. Those attending stalls were: Sewing Mrs. William McLean and Mrs. J. P. Allen. Plants Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout and Mrs. Henderson. Home-Cooking Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. Adcock. The Junior Women's Auxiliary, under Miss Joan Croxford and Miss Kay Toombs, was In charge of the candy stall. The Church Boys' League, under James Hebb, Vaughan Tattersall and Roy Haapala, had charge of thp home arts and ice-cream stall. The cashier was Mrs. David Srott. Bingo Sessions Can manufactures arp vrwH .BOY4 1 CAM' I i ill r - i . i j z avTrrrryNi K RtTAl. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. R. G. Lyon will sail on the Cardena tonight for Vaneoorer. Dressmaker. Phone Red 900. SOLDIERS, Mrs. Johnson. (100) Mrs. Annette Woods sailed On the Prinee Rupert last night for a trip to VaneoHver. Mr. and Mrs. Wrtaht Davis and son, Herbert, sailed lat ntent on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Harold Hodason. Richard Sil vester and Victor Fields sailing tonight on the Primes Adelaide for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. shelford Darton were passengers leaving on the Prince Rupert last night for a trip to Vancouver. BSCS HET1 SAXGE WHEU'S T0UI MINAID'S 71 mem RUB OUT TIRED ACHES 4ft Constable John Meredit.-. -Jones and Mrs. Jones will leave on next Monday evening s train for Ter, ! race. Constable Meredith-Jones I has been transferred from city I Union force here to Terrace in vlnclal police. ed as ianitor of Booth Memorial School here. Time Now! House Spring Cleaning! For Years yon have been throwing everything Into the basement; articles for which you have no use. We know hundreds of people who will buy what you dispose of. Stoves, beds, table, chairs, doors, windows, tools and hundreds of articles to numerous to mention. We give you our best Prtiri P,,L casn 0,fers- or n tde for home I rUVC rOpUIai requirements. It is important to VOII you. It Tf Is ( in to 111 us. (In. Our nhnna Dhone nnM . num- About One Hundred Service Men I ber reen 916' aJo Furniture Store Enjoy rd Avenue' lm Regular Competitions j At YJI.C-. I Fortnightly bingo sessions at the Y.M.C.A. Hut continue to prove popular. On each occasion the attendance averages about one hun-i dred service men. Twenty-five ! packages of cigarettes are given out as prizes to individual players. LACQUER FOR TIN tfhhcuHcemeHtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday. Hotel. menting with coatings of lacquer 24, I.O.O.F. Hall. ia replace me tin used In food containers. FLOUR PRODL'fmnV itp Flour nroductiort in rinM, i . May C Rebekah Invitation Dance, April Dance, Seal Cove Hall, May 1. W. A. Can. Lecion Snrins flat January. 1942, amounted to 1,555,-1 ' 850 barrels compared -with. i,TJV j 7jelWeUan P"0 Tea- May 20- 369 in Januarv 1941. ! J. M. S. Loubser CHIROPRACTOR -Wallace Block Phone C40 I. O. O. F. Vlctorla Day BalL May 22. , Little Norway Tea May 21. Red Cross Tea. June 3. Parent Teachers' lows' Hall. June 5. Hill 60 Tea June 17. Tea. Oddfel- AN EXPERT ON THE JOB HlMSy I'M IW "THE 6ARAf5E, FREE MG A MAM TO rlcHT FOR HIS iwi 1 1 i r-i I I mm r. a i i ,vIan Gnmsn, and R. Lovstad salted last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Van couver. Beth are employed In the local dry dock. HeifceJorth the government liquor store in Prince Rupert will be required to close at 6 o'clock Saturday evening, the ame time as on week-dajt. Liquor Vendor A. E. Dteldal has received In true -to this effect Heretofore the Mqaer store has remained open for business until 8 o'clock Satur day evenings. The local A.R.P. organisation Is tlO requiring more 'nurse hi connection with th Ktafflmr nf geney stations. The Masonic Hall has been obtained as an emergency hospital under the AJU. and the n ursine service ther i oeing organised and is imone the places -where nurses are required. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. S. Strachan, cKy: E. Wright. W e. Hobkirk. Ed. Provost. Vancouver: William Undstrom. Tyee; R II. Mac Adam. Victoria; r. Moore, Smitbers; O. MacKensle. MoBride; Oladys Wrlvog. Mr. and Mrs H. L Coleman. Mrs. Wilson and Roma More. Ketchikan. Whifflets From The Waterfront steamer CaMmi r.nt he pro-j John Boden. is due in port at. 9 .o'clock this evening from the isosw and will sail at 10: pjn. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Derry will Ion her return to Vancouver and sail next Monday afternoon on j waypMnts. the Prince George for Vancouver f enroute to Ewtng's Landing on c- p- R steamer Princess Ade-Okanagan Lake near Vernon ' laio- QM- te wmiams. Is due where they will spend a couple of P t 3:30 this afternoon from V. I !!,. it. . xi tl Motli anai 1M . uiuuuis uiu puouiMy me cuurr m wm mmu m jg pjn , r - .1 . fin on her mIhm return frjk tA . vmmm aumuicr. ucrry recenviy rem : . ..i.Vm . el kiiu waypoints. The Odney was in with 17W Pnis of spring salmon today. She sold to the Cold Storage. loe pounds of red at ISc and 109 pounds of white at 8e, NOTICE SEALED TENDERS wlB be revived by the undersigned until noon, Thursday. 30th instant, for the pureha of Lot 20. Dtaet 16. Sectkm 5. together v4th and contents, being situate off Fulton street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Terms strict fy cash. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. NORMAN A. WATT. Administrator of the Oliver Peloquln Estate. Court House, Prince Rupert. BTI.KLEY VALLEY BUTTER ? We believe In featuring It 5 and helping our up-river farmers. Try It once and we feel sure you will want no . other it's freshness and . Quality is unsurpassed. We also feature up-river T VEGETABLES whenever pos- slble. $ MUSSALLEM'S ;I Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phones lg.19 51 .".V.V.VAV.'W.VAVWW Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 and munsii beat tm The Spanish armada lr 1588 consisted of 132 ships, 3.165 cannon. 10J5S4 seamen and 23 200 CUssiFlEO! FOR SALE 1931 Model A Car for sale $150 Apply Box 237 Dally News. U01) FOR SALE Confectionery bxiM-ness, as going ronrenv Phuu 7 for particulars. tf FOR SALE Hot Point Electric Range, dining table wi'h six chairs Phone Blue 169. '97. RESTAURANT for sale Dolnc good business at Terrace. A.I Beaudln, Terrace. B.C. (99) FOR SALB-Clinker built rowboat. Apply Chris Mill Bakery. tf FOR SALE Large stock of doors. windows. Mirrors In all sises. Kitchen Chairs. Chesterfields. Cabin Stores. Phone Black 334 FOR RENT ROOM For Rent, suitable for 2 or 3 men. Phone Oreen 491. 98 WANTED WANTSD Small house or apartment, at least four rooms: furnished or unfut pished. ' Phone 235. (97, WANTBD small bedroom close In- Apply Box 2S6. Daily News. 1 97i WANTED TO HINT Three or four ONLY QURCOUMTRy OTTERS m3 vcss?:f COUNTrRV- IT(S - Jm?f room bouse or Apt. unfurnished or part furnished. By responsible couple. Apply Box 251. Dally News. cm WANTED Small furnished apart- mestt for army ofrVer. Apply Box J. Dairy Neva. Y. W. C. A. ROOMS REGISTRY Accomodation urgently wanted for Service Men and Families. Mrs. Oarbutt. 231. ' UbTHf?SP H S! you CAM . UB AMD SCRUB AMD THEY'LL STILLJ HELP WANTED HfiLP wanted:: man or woman. Appfr Central Hotel. 99l MALE HELP WANTED First Aid man with Industrial certificate. Apply Box 25 Daily News. 9gi HELP WANTBD Labourers and mill workers wanted at Ocean FaDs. Apply 3034 Third iv the M i-tir.Mr cot t r 11111- IMI (Ol.t Mlltl IN THE MATTER Of WILLIAM OR INCH BADW WOOD. DwMd. nd IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE HOTTCE Utat hy trntrr at Hie Honour JuAc Ptnhr I wm. pfMnva AonunMnt-jr at th EatMv at trtr Ut W-lltam Crtmtl, Biarfl Wood. r-S. fonnwly of tl City of Pnnr RTt. POTlBr mt BrtUHi OatumtMa MATtae Rttrr. who dM cm or stejut 13th ly of January 1B4J AM pf-mt tmtlng etaJm Mlnat Uw Mid E"e i roqulml to forward ttn to ne on ttare mt 3Ut ie2. p- !l '!fW, rd 'l PWii IruMitad to wx aMd U4. are miuirxd to par to tortlyaith PHe ""Pt. BC tMt lUi ,-RAT? day of April. AD IMS. NOfVMAN A WATT. Otbciol AitnUrtn,,, itiik Kiprrt. BC NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI. PROr. "A Home Avay Frost Home" Rates 73c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, H.C. Phone 281 r.o, nnx 190 THE SECRET ISOU? I ' V II P til K l i n t 7 k t i - That's why they're so good! Ofxnin-BW iiilitiR U an extra proa . ! Pwwt Cap .h:i!l Imvr itn pre it r pr. rlatinrniii!ii f tin- ( -k famou Sw't ' .qr;il funinil i. Sweet CAPom Inn mp ;rpng r FOR61VE ME, BUTl-J " IMIC fMBak. ' 1 I II-- tiCARErres BEATTY WASHERS Electric and Engine Drive 100 MADE IX CANADA Tliefe no place like hams for doing the Eovernmant restrtcUotw w bay only a lm .' can ptoct In Prinee RupeH If your presrn: u . let as know. We can fix It or stake you an a . 5 one. If you have any friends that have brr a washer tell them to V . 1 rim Phone Hlack 125 and ask ffr Mark UwA At Parkin Elwtric. 5J7 Th;r-! A' ' VT i - ih" w TTflWl1lraBWEasEBrBBaaaaaf mm tRMl ilvh WAV Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-rcift TO VANCOUVER VIA OCBAN PALLS AND WY K TS SS PR1NCHB8 ADELAIDE" every md- P' TO VAMCOOVRR DIRaXTT: April ith, ISUi, nth. May 8th, lth. In Ju- TO KETCH IKAN. WRANOSLL. JUNEAU AND SKAOWAT' AprD 2nd. lth. rd. May 3rd. 14th. 28 Direct connectlont at Vancouver with Canudk; L. tOATES, General Aent, Prince 'KVf-'N . . . . . AflOO0O"v'l ODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCrOOOOOOOOOOIVJOOlOOOODCBuvv--- , For Quick. Safe and Comfortable TAXI. S?RVICl PHONE 235 DAY AND NIOIIT DOOOOOfl OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00000 " BY WESTOVER of hf lh Mtlrr ,tnd in the ' l nil . ...intorH . . 11 TAKE NOTI' li MJh t1 of April l bWJ Mrrtor -J? Nlemutr oZ'JZt ' KVt!i . iMihr. formriv 4 rwi w qulrrd to fora !" amount of W' l DATED Mjrt"! Mh rtity Of April A, . ...m A. WATT rf l rvlnf