i t fAOE MX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE rf Chas. Dodimcad s -l hi Jff"V Optometrist in Charee 1 I I p J Watch, Clock, Jewelry J Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUK BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Uiimerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER" Jeweler Diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE GRAND CHALLENGE SALE AW IN PROGRESS DRESSES COATS CLOVES SUITS PURSES LINGERIE SOCKEES GIRDLES MILLINERY SKIRTS RAINCOATS BLOUSES Special Values In Every Department WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" TII1KI) AVE. Next to Hcilbroner's Phone BLUE 007 A DATE To Remember Mothers' Day SUNDAY, MAY 10TH SEND HER A CARD You'll find just the one you are looking for in our Moth' ers' Day Card rack. eMatSres.Jjd BUY . . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... at Your Local RutchcrW I ..... Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'KINCE KUPEKT Co. Ltd. BUITISII COLUMBIA TIIE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY i im mil 13 IT C IV . t i immf n Iim ft lll.s I VUV" A 1)11 ur iiii-jU.o. ii a 1,11 iiifi dii ur niiaujn Soldiers of the American Expeditionary Force in Northcn. Irend arc shown -AiaitiK along over the cobblestones of an unnamed village on the way to a r.new by Majur -General Ruvsell T Harllr. commander of all U. S. forces in Great Britain. In foreground a typical Irish donkey-cart a mode of transportation in use in .various parts of the emerald Isle and as popular as If Henry Ford had never been born. The Plebiscite GUARDING SECRECY IN VOTING Returning Officers, Aides. Also oters Are Asked To Keep Silent with adequate safeguards provided in the regulations. The instructions tf Jules Cas-tonjruay. chief plebiscite officer. to the various plebiscite officials nave been based on regulatings rrom the Dominion Elections Act. The basic instruction is that the plebiscite ofricer. clerk, voter acting as agent or any other person in attendance at a Dollinz station or at the counting of the votes must maintain and Hid In the maintaining" of the secrecy of the voting TARZAN IS HEREAGAIN -Secret Trrasure" at Capitol Theatre With Johnny Wcismuller and Maureen O'SuIliran In Leading Koles Laid in the Jungle world peopled by wild animals and the perilous traps and devices of nature with OTTAWA. ADril 24: f- Th Johnny WeUmuller In the title democratic right of the secret bal-i"56 presenting his feats of under - 'ot will be fully observed in, the w1' swimming, diving off cliffs manpower plebiscite vote Anril n and swinging through the trees while Maureen O'Sullivan asatn plays the part of his wife. "Tar- zans Secret Theasure" comes as the feature picture to the screen of the Capitol Theatre this week end. The tale revolves around Tar fere with or attemnt in. inUff.l'rui'wei1' However with a voter when he is marking his ballot paper or "otherwise at tempt to obtain Information as to the manner in which any voter -is about to vote or has voted." The various officials are forbidden, at he counting of the ballots, to at tempt to ascertain the numbers on the counterfoils of any ballot paper. They must never communicate my Information as to the man ner In which any ballot pauer has XT:" been marked In their nresence in I 'wuen ",CKma" the polling station. There must be no attempt to induce a voter to show his ballot paper after he has marked it, -so as to make known to any person the manner in which he has cast his vote. Any information obtained at the poll ing station as to the way In which my Derson is about td vote or has voted must not he communicated to anyone. Silence Itcquested Observance of secrecy regula tions is also required of the voter himself. Unless he is unable to read, is blind or has other physi cal incapacity, the voter is for bidden to openly declare, on en- .crins the polling station and before receiving a ballot paper, how he Intends to vole. He must not show his ballot paper, when marked, so as to allow the manner in which he has voted to be known. Even after he has marked his ballot, the voter is not permitted to openly declare how his has vot marked by the deputy It is plated in the ballot box. The deputy may deal" with blind voters in the same fashion, or he may permit a friend of the voter to accompany him Into the voting compartment and mark the voter's ballot paper for him. In meh case the poll clerk Is required to! enter the name or the voter's friend in the noil book. No rwrftnn I will be permitted to act as "trie friend" of more than one blind! voter. When Interpreter Needed Wherever the deputy returning, officer does not understand thel language spoken by any voter he "shall appoint' and swear an in terpreter, who shall be the means and the voter with reference to all matters required to enable such voter to vote, and In case no Interpreter is found such voter shall not bo allowed to vote," No loitering in the polling sta- ed before leaving the polling sta- 4ion permitted1 , I "Evy voter shall vole without When u dewuty returnlnr: officer nnrw -.n , - - - v.wj uiiu ouaii uuil me ' CANADIAN LANDINGS First Halibut of Season Home Heel (Joe on Exchange Day' Total 73.300 Pounds First Canadian halibut of the i season was sold on the Prince I Rupert Fish Exchange today when (three boats brought In catches i totalling 17.800 pounds tor which 14Sr and iv tn 14 7.. n . US. SJ HSL t the flclet to moving up foreeattlora. Bayon retK. r ttMr a i- i. ' 11 w conndenuy expected during drill p. selling KM0 pounds at 15c and 12c and 15 4c and 13c. I The sale today were as tollOMs: ! Canadian j Bug, too pounds. Atlin rialsertti. 1 14.6c and 12c. zan's association with members of1 Fredella. III. 13.000 pounds. Cold a sdentlfie expedition who come ' 8torae- and 1. upon hts jungle paradise and. find- u- c Clipper. 4A00 pounds. Cold Ing gold, seek to perm pate the 'Storage. IjSc and 12c. ugliness of civilization upon his! American untouched haven. After one of! Lumen. 9,000 pounds, Wbis. them attempts to murder Tarsan, l5Jc and 12c they abduct his wife and son. then ' Arcade. 1SJ0Q pounda. Royal. f1"5 lainnc; mi' into in the hands of savage l$.4c and 12c. No official or acent mav inter-' Cheeta th Bttv. 16.560. Whbk 16c and 13e. faithful ar r nds Tanan and the Lorelei. IbJSQQ. Cold. Storage, IS lungle, monarch, together with his and IS. a'rmv of elephants, saves the day. I unuiant photography enliven such sequences as an underwater! ewimming exhibition, a battle with ! a crocodile, the escape from a rhl-noceros and savage native rites, i Johnny Sheffield plavf the part' of Taraan s son and others in the ! cart Includa Reginald Owen. Barry Fitagerald. Tom Conwav PhitirJ Dorn and n a a n new invpniu in mti TODAYS 5TOCK5 (CoUrtwjr 8. D .lPmiBll On.) Vancouver Orandvlew. J4V. Bralorne, 7.00. Cariboo Quarts, IM, Hedley Maacot, .21. Fend Oreille. Hit. Pioneer, nil. f , Premier. .40. Privateer, .2i. " Reno. M. Sheep Creek. .. Oils Calmont. .11. P. & E., XX) Home. 2.41 Royal Canadian, J38Vi Toronto BeatUe, M. Central Pat., .81. Cons. Smelters, 38.00. Hardrork, . Kerr Addison. 3.30. Little Long Lac, M. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.10. Madsen Red Lake. .40. MrKeniie Red Lake. M. Moneta, 53. Pickle Crow, 1.48. Preston Hast Dome, 1.70. San Antonio. 1.41. ShcrrlU Oordon, .07. Canada at War 25 Years Ago V..V..V, .Ht,..v-.. ..,. . poiun station as soon as his bal- Anrll24 ion voter who Is unable to mad or is lot natwr ha. n, !n. ., .Lw.. ni -B'tteh tirin.i, defeat- incapacitated by any physical I box." the reciilation. tirnVir forces at Shatt-el-Ad- cause other than blindness, he will If at the hour ot ',h " u",n .lM y. tf retreat require him to take an oath of his poll them are voters in th riiin . . "amni1 nlll incapacity incapacity to to vote vote without without assist- asUt-, IS statlorifbr S!!S In.flWiiil the 5L5 dooV 1.7. .7' French .1 "on headed ncaaca . ance Aftej1 t this oath has been n.T7iinrMik i.w ,;.' "i r.ul"'" vivianl and taken, the deputy will xssist the ben abalnte S SSK" j c , , - nai hi wie poning station, the manner directed by the voter In ; poll must be kept open a sufficient the presence of the poll clerk and j time to enable them to vote In the presence of sworn voters! "But no one not actually pres-actlng as agents in the polling FA ST Kit AND FASTF.It LONDON, Anrll 24 Ol The nmp. tlce of changing direction1 byform- leiosin, .ha.. k ,w. v.:".. "l$ "? marcning and turning in No other person may be present ? Z.?. abolUhcd even If the noil is still nccn wn n been! ieen'h he arrives, .u. ""' unii. unanges Of dl- and when the ballot ha.s .c .cBmaiKms, . rection now are maic wheeling. TIIE MOST Tl.RRIFIC TARZAN PlCTUltF tvr Two yiurs to capture IU thousand thundt , ! it storm from the screen . . . M untamed Tar. , and Boj . their amazing son. bring you myrh.j ' ' 1 ' venture in a peril-filled, romance-laden th-. ti- wcinui'i REDS HAVE INITIATIVE man army, it is stated In Mos-I Army On Kastcrn front But So- Viet Is RraCy to Meet 1 Threat MOSCOW. April 14 The Ned .Army has again taken the initiative in the Crimea and an tmpor- From . Unt but unnamed point la report s Comp.' 1 00. 3 04 Will be ult; threat. Ihe Russians ... iher through ti.i key city of Bra . CHUTISTS "IKON J LONDON, A.i f U -hour enters i. d for British , includes tight IX ounces of p; ounces of clw of raisins, t. one ounce ol -;. eet of cocoa, u . ed today to have been taken after i T muriart. - - i. IVUI U7 HNIWk I Nw Witiari irmlM or manlna 1 Special Price CAPITOL A fAMOUl tUATIII VHMtM Today and Sat. KAT10X In the Kharkov and Kerch arena! IMtOP -FIX s s itwi Miv while the NaxU are evidently sUrt-. LONDON. A) ing a strong counter -offensive the moat dlffi ; Nine-tenths of the whole Oer-' drtll movemn man afrmy. it is stated In Mot- fixing and un: cow. w. is w now now on on the vnc eastern cmMcrn front ironi been oeen aroppr drooord for LADIKS' and (il-ATS tW SPIUN'C CI.OTIIIM, 527.50 and uf B. LAMB, Tailor Phone Black "87 30S Third Art I. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, DeprndibU PHONE 13 Zl-llnur Service st Kecular Kates A. MacKenzie Furniture Lid "4 A (iOOl) PLACK TO BUY 10 Chesterfield Sets All In different coverinc and dcslfns. Irrr. $125.00 PIONF. 775 3J7 1 lllltll . HIM t OUK COUiNTKY AM) IIOMKS DKMAND .. GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country rr ' ' (I Basollnc. Wc arc alj advised that wc shall viulv um nr uur irucmi. in oruer lo mjiwi ' -prompt service we ask you lo place all coal ordrr l lfa,t -DAY BITOIlF. OKI.lVlvKY IS ILXPIXniiO. !1 ' 'J will enable us to, route our deliveries In the r. . t t --- manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and ' ' Albert & McCaffery Ltd. PIIONF.S 116 OR 117 h Saturday andkI(HHlanWiiI Hlc' a1WMIl,Ankets 4-Polnt all wool Blankets, lart'c size, 72x00. (tO? flfl Weight 12 lbs. Sale Price, pair flUUM" Elio's Furniture Store Third Avenue, next t0 Dally News. firff