FRIDAY APRIL 24, 1M2 vANCOOvrn. bC " ,","nr " , a. TV; c.-M :. not published or displayed by the Liquor Control t? :r J or by the Government of British Columbia. Wanted -Raw Furs 5L Representing HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY Ship U J. K. OKMIIKIM. Cuw I lay. I'rlnce Uuprrt. II.C I'hone 811 "HARTT" SHOES FOR MEN jfartt Shoes have the quality and style that has made them the most outstanding line in Canada. Latest styles and fittings, from narrow to wide widths in hoots and oxfords, in , brown and black. Hartt's Army, Navy and Air Force Shoes carried in stock. Fam ILY SHOE STORE LlD. "The Home of Good Shoes" ! i , , smsnmniiirtttT-t t- -r t - . : .:. g j POLAROID - GLASSES! . i " n 'I Polaroid is not ordinary colored glass, it is something entirely new ami different in the sunglass field. It will stop all glare whether on land or sea without strain or injury to the eyes. H also allows normal vision Sec the display in our window and convince yourself. $2.00 ; PERPAIU Ormes Ltd. Ztfi Pioneer Drut&fats T"K UEXALL STOKE HIONES 81 AND 8J Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sunday, and Holidays from 12 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. - - - - . S3 una-., i "MJO to W citUr Ah jcwellty . Hurt lean BttJke- he on I n i" 1(7. '!! TT BARE LEGS ' IN LONDON SlHntOrr aiM ?nn-!Ur Tmt-tntn on 't Relies Willi Wartime Kratrietfcm By ALLAN NICKLESON Canadian Press 8Uf f Writer LONDON. April M: have plenty of customers The vogue really came about through neeesslty since few wo-ntft, it Is admitted, feel at ease unless their limbs are adorned with some form of camouflage. Some Argument The Doard of Trade and the cosmetic trade have been at odds; over the whole business since an' unprecedented rush for "stock -1 inf creams followed the clothes rational cut.. Meanwhile, beauty and a b:ti! of such crc?m Is as at aea. t . . "rn h. iimii.t in p. wn JEWELLERS PRESENT R.C.A.F. WITH SlOn.OOO a u;. preset,-.-! a ..rqi, - i- $109,-l- Huilrv. ! l .:)'n'' 1 Fior-k-"'! wa r;i:sd from pr.. h .'rom : across Canada, and Is known as tho Jewellers' fund. Wim Commander Hurley later pres'-nted the H'n .t L TImpv. minister of finance. ect'TW as a .MX-course dinner. J The co:T!ft!c prci) believes tSr.1 faslr.y. of regu!ai nns to as-' Mate a sufficient rapply of 'leg to" would help bolster feminine morale, as doss sate of the tjiree num beauty aids powder, Hp-stlck and face cream. Wartime Clamor 1 hf Trade Hoard has rejected the una-nl pUas on the ground it is allowing the maximum possible ? Milady "-P for wartbne glaiaor If 5ut sflk stockings or limb cosmeuc inwwfy Lu-uuur. will show PnUn ' lc " up golden legs as moUa cul dewn iacMU vogue this summer. 8UJT nestrtcttons on eosneUcs and use 8om 01 the ingredl" reeeat slashing of coupons have towards leg paint . eomMned to rath femininity to 1 cosmetic trade claims this beauty salons to have winter-' te HnPMe unless nwtric-whlte legs Unned to a kolden tions we raised- There jatt tsn t 1 PPy to mee the de-" brown through sun-ray truaent. London west end shops and mas- ma1, 11 ' Now. wttn me iirsi rouna !the cosmetic industry has passed the torch to the women. They i should take up the hue and cry.) U believes, while the Mushes for! I their naked limbs match the color I of their lip rouge. MEDAL FOlt STOKEK LIVERPOOL, April 4, a-James O'Kane, a ship's fireman who' ihops with Unning facl'.iUes nave swam ashore through heavy seas t ptured me leg trade. ' ''w,c' - 1 Slnee stockings now will be ror- and then ran bare-footed over er than ever, the cosm?t c indus- rock-studded ground to set help, Lrv rialm: women must nave nms oeen wrireu Mlc make- uo for those nuds limbs- day for Oal'.antry in Saving Life CANADIAN NAVY SAVES 38 LIVES 5 I Battered by mounting seas, the grounded nfter secUon of an Allied merchant freighter lies grounding on the reefs off Sable Island, near Canada's coast. In a daring exploit of seamanship and at the cost df one navy man's life, 33 seamen were rescued from the wreck. Defore these photographs were taken by a patrol plane of the R.C.A.F. the forward part or the ship had broken away carrying 10 men to their death In the Icy waters. The upper photo was taken before the rescue. Below the abandoned ship isrshown butely visible above the surging waters. WAR HARDENS This tnrine. as a war hundreds of thousands p3 0i , EasY I i) not too green, net too mature. Third They should not be: picked until just before cooking or serving. Tender Vegetable Now "to grow veaetablewiulcfe j ly , 'their' ration. ecmomy, Catering wjlere, neemrjJIgSd. If of or Cana Cana- possible,' an ' applicatlfe of good dians are planning their first veg-' fertilizer. All ct 4hls,plus pro.jer etable garden. Much grief, sore thinning of closely seeded stuff backs ana time will be saved with ,lie carrots, seed onions, etc., a little preliminary planning, in huld push growth along which the war gardens of 25 years ago, means vegetables crisp and ten ; there were miles of lettuce, radish der. It is only when best, carrot. jand spinach grown, of which radish, etc. get a chick in growth I marauding sparrows got the only or become. over-maturs that they , benefit. , iurta wcoay. ' The bfglnner should bear In In order that the supplv if vep- jtnlnd that about six to ten feet etables be just right at pl:kln?, of row will supply the average that is not too immature rnd not uamlly with all the radishes and too old, the wise gardener sarcash lettuce needed for a good many his sowings alori.T all the tiTne. meals and that the i-cst of the Thu. s especiallv necessary with i space should be utilized for some- tender things like baby carrots, . thing else. The beginner should peas, beans, young beets and gar-also realize that the main pur- den corn. i ooe of an amateur garden is to Labor Savers supply vegetables fresher than The greatest sin tie chore In any can ever be purchased. To get the garden is the keeping down f ur- maxlmum freshness, vegetables plus growth, whether th growth must be: ,be weeds or unwanted other First Orown quickly. plants. The greatest single factor Second Picked when Just right. In cutting down this chore is first to have flowers and vegetables properly spaced, and to have rows or intervals between flowers and shrub; wide enough to permit of quick and easy cultivation. Fee keeping -down vjds and unwanjyl oajf Ptonl. gardeners . Hre st to keep tierr hoes, tides'' aailultlvators shtrt .A, sharp hoe w8 cover the giaund twice as fast and with less backache than a dull one. Also, the experienced advise some little variety in garden implements, twe or three sites of cultivator-, so that one can get in cloze tc small plants, will cover the ground qufekly between rows. Flawers Thsre are flawers to fit any situation. Pot those people who have neither the time nor inclln-atiin trure are such things as alyjsujr, dwarf mrrisclds, portu-tasa and California poppies that thrive alm&Ji on neglect. Once started they will look after CLOSE-UP OF SUN Seen through a big telescope the sun presents a mottled appearance on a darkish CONGOLEUM t Value t- 7. jux Bor 3. " . BeauW isvess , VJear 10 CVC1" Beautify Kcquircmcnts . ; AND SAVE AT THE SAME TIME You have many calls on your budget these days. Yet you can put first things first and still buy what you actually need by choosing wisely. Take floors. Where can you get the beauty and enduring wear of Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs for anything like their modest price? They will brighten any room and make it more livable; yet never give even a hint of unpatriotic extravagance. Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs hug the floor without fastening and need only light mopping to keep them clean and smart as new. GORDON'S HARDWARE C0NG0LEUMS Can Supply You with Your CONGOLEUM For your Home Kequircments at Elio's Furniture Store TJiird Avenue' ; A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. CONGOLEUM RUGS, ALL SIZES-CONGOLEUM BY THE YAKD alkM