I PAQE TWO THE DAILY NEW3 SATURDAY, APRIL THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR Vote and Vote "Yes" ... We have been doing what we can to urge a ' Yes" vote in the manpower plebiscite on the coming Monday. At the risk of appearing repititious we make this final appeal to the people of Prince Rupert to give then-answer in an overwhelming affirmative. The ballot paper asks 'are you in favor of releasing the government from any obligation arising out of any imsr pnmmitmpnts restricting the methods of raising men Plebiscite Rally In Stanley Park Is Ruled Out By Civic Authorities In Vancouver As Contravening Regulations VANCOUVER. Anrll 23: nivi authorities have ruled out an af firmative manpower plebiscite rally which was to have been held by the United Plebiscite Committee In Stanley Park on Runriiv Such would be in. contravention of park regulations. It nas I ruled. MILDER ALASKA The southeast coast of AlasW enjoys mild temperatures even In winter but has a heavy annual rainiau, Letter Box "fiOTT UNO V01.K" Editor, Daily News: j - A certain dook under tne above , ADVERTISING RATES (title is published and distributed arnen the people of Qermany In Local Readers, per line, per insertion ioifi,t i,tPiim.nio . ro- inrtinn m irarge and repeated editions. Tne ijiumi it n nu luhiiiliiu. in a n ua u. a iiuikivimi ..... . a Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 33r SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1912. EDITORIAL purpose of trie book Is to make ' clear to the people the new relation between Nasiism and Christ-1 lanity. It is not known if the book , is published by the Nasi leaders! as such. It is plain, however, that! the publication and large distribution of the book have the support of the Nasi leaders. The undersigned has made translation of a few very striking and telling statements found in the book. The statements are1 cislon and deflnlteness of the New Order: "We Germans are the first to be called by fate to break with Chris- tianity. The churth has had time! to begin the amalgamation of mankind into one higher and; purer and constantly rising race. A thousand ties bind us to the for military service?" In discussion of the referendum christian church. But. however, tne question 01 me pieuicue nas assmut-u mum broader implications. While the ballot paper does not say as much, the question implied in the plebiscite has come to be accepted as whether or not Canada is in favor of a total war effort. We may or may not admire the action of the government in putting the question before the people when it might have taken the necessary action itself but, now it is being asked, there appears to us to be only one way for all loyal Canadians to answer and that answer, we say, is "Yes." There is reason to believe that there has been strong, if under cover, campaigning for a "No" vote. Possibly' many people have been unwittingly led away from the we fight both issue by red herrings and subtle propaganda, borne, 01 course, may welcome an excuse to vote against a total war effort. Certainly, those who feel critical of the government and its war effort can by no stretch of the imagination feel that they will be hurting the government by voting "No." Such a vote would only be asking for a continua tion of the lethargy and inefficiency with which some one stroke ! shall set us free.-To make the Germans strong and rjpe for this i stroke is now our most holy aim. ' "Wherever there is fighting for the German soul, there also are 1 two lines of battle. These battle' lines are clear: One is called "The Christian Church'' the other is' called "Germany". There is no third line. And there is no compromise. "We are those who rtftack. The front of the Cross has one strong wing and one -weak wing. The. strong wing is Roman Cathollslsm. ' The weak wing is Protestantism. I We do not intend to tear down the cathedrals. We will fill them with a new spirit. The suffering, agony-twisted Immage of the Crucified shall disappear. Our heroes shall tarry the sword in hand, instead of the cross on the back. "Regarding baptism and confirmation, we declare: We will adoot (me newDorn children Into the Na accuse the government of so far pursuing the war effort, jtionai communion not as catho- Those wno are critical of the government should be the Jlcs not as Protestants, but as Ger-most keen to put the government "on the spot" by voting tmf"t, affirmative RTrdlng marriae: In the fu- dllirmaile. u ture there will be only one Ger- There are some who fear that many who would vote J man marriage rite. That whj not "Yes" may be pathetic and just fail to turn out and vote, take place in the name of the Those who have not sufficient sense of responsibility tojch"cn- see that they vote on this very important matter are cer- OMR!Sfbe .Bte: e e J tJoii Tesment and burn it in i i i. ii xi i. r the tamly not very estimable citizens in this time of crisis. Itinoiy Places. (The church would be difficult to understand such crass disinterest- jThank ood for the Fuehrer. edness or indifference such lack of responsibility of citi-! "Regarding civilisation; The age zenship r Christian civilization is at Again let us urge everybody to turn out and vote M fcXSZZS? 'on for obvious reasons, vote les. Let us in Prince Rupert' "We are Germans therefnrp ran who feel that we are doing so much in the war effort, not e christians. The Germans! snow emphatically by our votes where we stand. '"c a lW0 "wauie. one earthly and one heavenly. As long as a rr. j v . I, in . j German has two masters, he can I he Horticultural Society... iZZnC'ZZ It is very gratifying to see the Prince Rupert Horti-'the not the savior, cultural Society, in spite of activities and distractions of Pn'iiRfgardlIJ.tfducat,on 01 the these busy war days, deciding to carry on-even though.Jig its functions may be on a curtailed basis. churth are lost, uv w. ... , Even if the Horticultural Society does nothing moreialm to instruct the young how to in the meantime than to maintain the community of in-' e Cnrltian faith out of terest among gardeners, it is well worthwhile for it to keep going. With much community development and transformation, it is all the more imnortant that thp their hearts. Only Germany room mere. "How do we intend to instruct our children? Only as If they had gardens should keep pace and in thi3 connection theinever heard of Christianity." IHCa? J. H. MYRWAXJ. has Horticultural Society can earn' out a very imnortant i. ?ommentary the state-function m nt 18 neceuary What Naziism The Horticultural Society has already played a lead- proves conclusiveithat The w2 ing part in civic improvement through encouraging acti- ololM enunciated in the book vity and interest in gardening. There is even more im- m'ntloned ar definitely and bru- nortant work for t. tn Hn n tho fitful F.Ma,,tl il""' "uo Practice members appreciate this deciding to carry on. MRS. EVE IS PRESIDENT Named Head of Ladles' Music Club At Annual Meeting: This Week The annual meeting of the Ladies Music Club was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, Cliffsyde, Fourth Avenue West, when officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. It. L. Mcintosh. Honorary Vice - President, Mrs. Shelford Daiton. President, Mrs. W. F. Eve. First Vice-President, Mrs. E. J Smith. Second Vice-President, Mrs. T A. McWaters. Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. W, Martin. Librarian, Mrs. R. G. Large, . Pianist, Mrs. Thomas Dixon. LF.OIO.V AND l'IJ:iiISCITK Editor, Daily News: The Canadian Legion does not asree that the forthcoming plebiscite is necessary but the government of Canada has decided there i snail be one and the Legion Is j working for and voting "yes" 100 percent. So far as the Legion Is concerned In the Dleblsclte. Wf H mnt (Interested In party politics but are profoundly concerned about win. jnlng this war. I In October 194J the Dominion j Command of the Legion got out , mi ioiaj war and lurgecLAhe government to accept It Some.jfCnts features hav been an. ted up3Hbut the whole program cannot become operative unless a "yes" vote prevails. Contrary to what some people thing, voting "yes" Is neither an endorsatlon nor condemnation of Mr. XfnrWnfL tr( . t .mig uuk u means or saving ourselves from destruction, If we are to win this war, we do not mean winning the war for Winston Churchill or Mackenzie King, but for ourselves. To preserve our own lives, the lives and freedom of our children, then we must have "Total War". Total war means every man and woman must contribute to the maximum of their capacity In such positions as they are best qualified to fill. It means co-operation beJ tween the workers and manage ment in the production of munitions and other war necessities. It means compulsory loans without Interest. It means profit must be taken out of our war effort It means our fighting forces must be sent anywhere to fight the enemy where they can be fought to our best advantage and that an Intelligent form of enllstment'must be by selection and not as at present ifor forces outside Canada by the haphazard method of volunteer enlistments. Why not? Australia has declared for and Is working towards "Total War". Oreat Britain is moving In the same direction. China Is second only to the Soviet Union war program and Russia has had a 100 per cent total war policy In effect since the first day Hitler's hordes invaded that country. The Canadian Legion believes we can win this war only by all the Allies adopting the principle of total war. Our special Interest is in Canada's program and at present Canada is not pulling her full weight If It were Just another war where the victors change national boundaries and set huge indemnities for the defeated to pay. the Legion would not be taking any part In It but this Is a war with only two possible endings. We either end up as free peoples or fas cist slaves. If we have any doubt about the fate that awaits us if we do not win then let us look at the plight of the peoples in the conquered countries. Let us remember Hong Kong where defenceless men were bayoneted to death and women w-vishd. Let us not be led astray by smoke screens or rumors of confusion emanating from Ignorance or fifth columnists, but rather let us do our duty by voting "yes", then demanding Total War and Vic-try. CANADIAN LEOION. -WORKERS VOTK "YES". Editor. Dally News: Last night's headlines which raised the possibility of an Allied invasion of Europe were very welcome and it Is hoped they will become reality In the near future. The way to victory In 1942, not i or m, as Donald Nelson would say. is to open the second front in Europe, to crush Hitler between . the Red Army ... and that of r i i villain ana me united states. Gen. McNaughton has indicated that Canadian troops overseas arc "a dagger coin ted nt th nri r Berlin". Before this dagger can be plunged home It must be assured of replacements. Canada must go on a wai war oasis if we are to play our part In safeguarding our homes, trade unions, education, our hopes for the future, none of which would survive a Fascist victory. That Is why the Youth Committee Is calling on the young workers In Prince Rupert to go to me pons on Monday and vote "YES" for the kind 0f Canada they believe In, a Canada they will never see if Hitler triumphs. As usual, the Quislings and Fifth Columnists have sown th confusion. They would have some "i ua Deneve mat mis is a nolltl- issue ana mat tne way to protest against what we don't like Is to vote "NO". Nothing could be further from the truth. It is the "YES" vote, the vote for action that exposes Inefficiency and Mirt(A 1 . . . . cor- .uuuu wnere it exists. A "NO" vote Is a vote for Hitler and his friends, the Quislings and Fifth Columnists, who d0 not want total war against the Axis but prefer to ve us wait for invasion in our own countries so that they may pick us off one by one. A "YES" vote is a t . peace, for freedom and for secur- PHONE 775 Steamers leaTe Prince Itupert for Vancouver: Catala every Tuesday 1:33 pjn. Due Vancouver Thursday pjn. Cardena every Friday 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver Menday ajn. Queen Charlotte lland Leaving April 7. 21 midnight midnight. Full Information, Ticket and Reservation FRANK J. SKINNKIt Prince Itupert Aent Third Ave. Phone 568 Lome Cornell PAINTER AND " INTERIOR DECORATOR 5 Phone Itlue 112 t C.et Your I MOTHERS DAY CARDS X AND CUTS t al the ? VARIETY STORE 4 J.H.BULGER Optometrist (Opposite Post Office) TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE. Large Public Hall For Rent. CENTRAL HOTEL Announcement We are glad to announce that we are now adding a SHOE REPAIRING DEPT. at our shop, with Mr. Charlie W. Yatt In full charge. As Charlie has many years' experience In the trade he knows how to rebuild your shoe right. Let him do It for you. We also carry DRES3 SHOES AND WORKINO BOOTS. LING, the Tailor Sixth Street Phone (III) Suits Pressed by 8team While You Walt. A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOI)! PLACE TO BUY ' ! 10 Chesterfield Sets All In different covering, and desljns. Im $125.00 327 THIRD AVENUE THE PLEBISCITE POLLS WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY While you iave a full Iwtlvo hourj to vote you may find It more tonventinl lo vole durtng theVtatk hour mid- forenoon and mid-afttrnoon. Houtewlvet can help by voting al that lime. Employees are legally entitled lo two hours off for voting. Take your neighbor lo the polls. Above everything tlit, however, make ture you catl your ballot. GO TO THE POLLS ON APRIL 27th ... 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Daylight Saving Time Ity, none of which are possible 1 r 'without the deter uf Fascism, if jwlthout k.:i:r.i; Fasmts B, MiniLEBTOGH "GIANELLE" STY LB CREATIONS HY (iACINON & LACIIAIMCLLE Snappiest linos, styled by Nev Show in triage, In-own, Who and H.-n Pumps in crushed kill, gabardine and u- , Flntft lino in its price field in ( stylos, priced $5.8; j. . . .. j;, 19 ri POLAROID GLASSE Polaroid is not ordinary colored glass, it is something entirely new and different in the sunglass field. It will stop all glare whether on land or sea without strain or injury to the eyes. It also allows normal vision Sec the display in our window and convince yourself. $2.00 PER PAIR Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druriffist THE REX ALL STORE PIIO.MIS 1 AXU V Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 Vm-Sundayi and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and t 9 P- OUR COUNTRY AND HOMES DEMAND Family shoe store ltD. ii The Home of Good Shoes" GOOD SERVICE We ask your co-operation. Our country request u-i r.ixnllno VU nr. .i.. -j. i i t, thall r.- De ' . . ,c ulao UUVUK.U Hia "V .0j,'T replace tires for our trucks. In order to nialnt"1" our flX( prompt service we ajkl you' to place atl foal orclm DAY lUiFORE DELIVERY IS EXPECTED. Uy OOf- wwi cnawe us to route our deliveries in me manner, thereby conserving both gasoline and llTCX Albert & McCaffery W PHONES 118 OR 1"