f 0 FAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Saturday Expert OPTICAL SERVICE DRESSES COATS G LOVES SUITS Moth BUY . . . I'URSES LINGERIE SOCKEES GIRDLES i a i Chas. Dodiincad Optonif IrKt in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR UASEMCNT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler diamond Merchant RUPERT PEOPLES STORE GRAND CHALLENGE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS SUNDAY, MAY 10TH MILLINERY SKIRTS RAINCOATS BLOUSES Special Values In Every Department WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ."Mail Orders Promptly Tilled Open Saturday Night "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVi:. Next to Hcilbroncr's Phone RLUK 907 A DATE To Remember ers Day SEND HER A CARD You'll find just the one you are looking for in our Mothers' Day Card rack. RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets PRINCIi RUPIiRT at Your Local Itulcher.s. NO WA5TJJ lim)Y cooj Canadian MOT Storage Co. Lid. IJRH1SII COLUAIBIA ' ' V Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Fishinjj Season Off To Slow Start Had Weather Reason-Salmon Fishing Also Held Up 17.1c. On Friday the first Cana idian fish was sold on the Ex- -'chance. 17.800 rounds havinc born' Having come direct here from ' ers. The bride and Extremely nnfaiuntblewe;tther prevailing at sc;f during the first ten days following the opening of the season has caused a slow start for 1942 halibut fishing out of Prince Rupert. While many vessels of the fleet cleared 1 wan me liiienuon oi oemg on me Danks lor the Jegal opening date on April 15 the majority of them had to . oicii.ti I'm tiic way uui una siay mere for several days. The J. I result Is that the second half of lithe fleet which had held back for Ij I eight days following the departure S Of thl first hoc l!lll(hf im the latter. Therefore, a glut of landings Is expected to ensue with many of the boats comlne In to i i market about the same time. i probably within the coming week. i The first boat to sell halibut at, Ij the Prince Rupert Fish Exchange! s!this season was the Ketchikan! UNITED IN MARRIAGE Miss Patricia Wiggins Itnomn Hrlcle of Corp. James Godfrey llilder A very quiet but beautiful wed- vessel Pearl which disposed of 10,-1 ding was solemnized last evening .000 pounds on Wednesday. receiv-iat 7:30 In the vestry of St. An- ing me nign price or 13.1c and drew's Anglican Cathedral whei. Patricia Gorman Wiggins, young er daughter of Drougn; in Dy mree Doaus, receiv- this city became the bride of . Ing 145c and 12c to 14.7c and 12c. James Godfrey, younger son of .; ' The same day four American boats1 Mr. and Mrs. F. Hlldcr of Van-j landed 55.500 pounds for 15c andouver. Padre Brown officiated. 12c to 155c and 12c. The Whiz The bride, who was given In Fish Co.. which has established a marriage by her mother, looked I; buying branch at Prince Rupert, charming In a heaven blue cn-; purchased Its first halibut j ester- semble with navy accessories and a jday. The first week's halibut land- corsage of sweetheart roses and lnss at Prince Rupert this season white heather. ;I totalled but 80.900 pound This Miss Joan Wiggins, who attend-figure Is negligible when compar- ed her sWer as bridesmaid, wore cd with 1344,400 pounds -which Florida tan Jersey with chestnut had been landed up to a corres- brown accessories and corsage of j; ponding date last year. jpink carnations. ,3 , c- s- Salter- manager of the Ca- Sgt. Andrew Akkerman of the inadian Fishing Co.'s salmon can- Royal Canadian Corps of Sum a Is .iiierj Variisie on wie oKecna niv- was groomsman. er, was nere aDoara me steamer iarncna lasi nigni enrouie io me Diue sheer with corsage of rose river from Vancouver. Carlisle. nlnV like other canneries In this district guests at the home of Mrs. George jiuw ucmg out in reaainees ior oeiur wnerA th nnmt nr- t- - 1 -vv l - . .. . . . me iv-n seasons operations. ; Lardena, Capt. John Boden, reach- , suspended a large white wcddlnr I I, (It, iv.lrf llUh lllgllV ISUUl UVli. the south and, after discharging a larger freight -cargo than usual here, sailed at 4 o'clock this morn- The unfavorable weather has been holding up salmon as well as halibut fishing operations. Trailers have now moved out to the grounds and camps are being established. Landings are, however, light so far. Prices have been nult satisfactory so far. HALIBUT SALES American 31.000 pounds, 15c. and 10c. Canadian1,500. 15c. and 11c American Balder, 16,000, Pacific, 15c. and 10c. Augusta, 15,000, Booth, 15c. and 10c. Canadian Borgund, 1,500, Atlln, 15c. and 11c. Advertise In Trie Dally News. AIR FORCE FESTIVAL Cote Handicap ToteU STAYS W CONCERT Two Seal Cove Teams S1HI Tied, Tor leadership of Inlcrser- servlcw Howling: It Ihotrmdlm a a result of laal nights play which, resulted aa follows; Seal Cove No. 1. 3: Navy. 0. Seal Cove No. 2. 3; Edmonton Carter Handicap Grand Total Navy J. Cymbal J. Regular J. Regular A. Noble .. H. Speed O. MacLean Handicap Seal Cove So. 2 Kltlmaat where she made her the beat whhes of their many Benton monthly call while coming north friends under an arch of pink and'stcwm, from Vancouver. Union steamer whlt The -bride's table whth tiro t)rr Dock ered with ah ecru lace cJoth and Thompson centred with a iivr Kair.t Baeh ing to make her calls In the pale pink carnations and white S"ndahl Skecna River todav bpforo nm. I ta -w f - I r- ovutives, iietu me i ceedlng on her return to Vancou- i beauUful three-tier wedding cake ci. me vcibei was cxpeciea togetjwnicn was .duly cut by the bride. away from the Skeena this after noon. ine toast to the briH mm nrn. posea oy s-rt. " sy w Ma lor Cnwslll in nicn me groom made a suitable response while the toast to the ol"k,;' hrlrtwtmnM . .. - . 'UiaKln . hj jji ujjuitu oy upi. Norman Creighton and responded to by Sgt. A. Akkerman. Mrs. F. R. Hunter, aunt of the bride and Mrs. A. J. Phllllpson poured while the serviteurs were Mrs. E. Brock. MUs B. Eastman and Miss B. Barber. The bride, who was born and educated In Prince Rupert, has been a member of the staff of the local telephone exchanee and th groom is a cornnrnl In tt,. nn...i . ... v..u nu;ai Canadian Corps 0f Signals. The happy couple sailed later in the evenlne honeymoon trip to Vancouver and usewnerc in the south after which mey win return here to take up residence at 1144 Second Ave. iaa 187 si I IM 1M M4 ill m 7 Total jobs Seal Cove No. 1 copp m "andlejr m Learn m Mrs. Wiggins, gowned In navyiCrappw - M I iuny decorated with Dink and ' cbk I ..Wl.. . " WKTHMI i jui sirramcrs ana sunn? flow- rm.i . ... VN 346 . St its 153 307 130 114 113 Total v 371 . ItO . 306 ia stm. Cherrey 139 Handicap ao Toteh 10M Medicals Roblnaon MM TM Weaton m Ollleapy . . 1S7 Buckley 113 Handicap iv m 174 lit its m 119 K S4 301 KM 1M S4 m 97 1090 379 186 ISO 374 Itt St 300 132 300 304 17 113 10W 166 230 193 347 153 69 314 ll Anti-Aircraft No. 2 3alr .. S16 80 an Sutherland, W W, .... 176 Hughe .... 11 ai 14 3M Mrs. L. Wiggle bert Wiggins ol 2?k 330' 311 an itt 149 131 57 9W 103 301 176 3S2 313 56 1110 1013 1003 300 123 153 187 150 113 9C0 31C 160 336 174 183 as 1079 1057 183 153 238 156 166 150 Totol . 907 1088 Engineers Taylor m Redfern kjj RketU .1' 130 Johnston igg J east man 171 Handicap joi 144 140 138 301 149 104 CKMEXT OUTPUT CP It's Your Privilege and Duty to Vote Thera it nothing vsry ,trang. about a Pltbluift. ll U a direct vol. of all th, vof.r. in Canada on an Imperfanl Uiue to find out th. vlsws of the Canadian psopU. All that is required It an aniw.r to h. following qustlioni . ' "Are you in favour of reUathg Iht Cov.rnmenl f,om any obligation aritlng out of any patl commltmenft restrict. Ing the melhodt of raiting mtn for military ttrvlcs?" Tha'p'ollt ara open from 8 a.m. lo p.m., Daylight Saving Tims. tlMiioii 1 iimirr iif.ii 1 Thlt givM ampls, lime , for . ,.., Jfry9nt la vott on 1 n : . ; ''I '"! ", i (. MONDAY, APRIL 27th und ,uth,U, iHtl. of Stc.1,,, of HfU, OtUmt . . rs 174 152 80 113 104 150 863 131 130 280 180 176 104 10MU . 907 m 1013 Cement production in Canada In 1041. amounted to 8,366.711 barrels valued at I13.063.SS6 com-pared with 7.5M.048 barrelj worth Jll.775,345 In 1940. , I-arge ami Appreciative Audience I Hears Second of Itccltal Series The two Air Force team con- The second festival concert tor tinuc to set the pace In the Inter-encouragement of good mulc services Bowline League and are.,n Prlnce nuuert took place In still in a deadlock for flrat place .. PresbvterWn dhureh lal rritht before a alive audience Another Vtoud local talent made a aplendld Im pression, reflecting credit upon vta iiviiiwi uiawii hiiu ftiiv Wl- Fusiliers No. 1. default mllUc ,n chargCi AntlAlrcraft No. 2. 3: AnttAlr- contributing to the program craft No. 1. 0. were the Flrat United Church Engineers. 3; Area Headquarter. Junk)r Cnolr d,retei by n T. deLauU . . 'Loc1; BtpUat Junior Choir, dir- Dry Dock. 1; Edmonton FwUiara by MiM Kay wataon; Var- .A . . . ldM . conducted by Peter -.. Medicals. 3; Edmonton Fusilier fjrtlll, Amirti w.,ih vr.. no. 3, aeiauii. , Antl-Alrcrafl No. 1 Martin 1M Henderson 1W Sobullak 144 Haufh -'. 130 Jackson 171 Handicap M Total Ml Kenile. Heather Drewer. Richard 8kog. John Currte, Herber: Illack-aby. David Ulackhall. C. Dixon. ttarbara Ten I.vdla Vlt. Marv 3SiAdcock. Qlga Zabudney. JeanMur-,,.'vold. Delray Hanklnaon, Bernard I m,' mi DeJong. Ruby Anderson, Jean! 99 9Q!Derry. Joy Oreen, Nancy Owens. 9i3 lMliMorrt l)ntS'l and Frances; ! Moore. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert D VfeN Love Inrt Clement " Charles R. Watt. C Nllson. Mrs L 2"Oarls. 11 W Unnlng. A. C Lums IW1 1M1 10B1;A Matheson. Vew WeaUnlnstet I Mrs Oeoffrey colt. Capt II, O lOrady. A. M Whisker. Charles Prarse. VU-Uirta. Mabel Faust. Kit amaat. C II, Munson. Washington. Mr and Mr Drown NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAllELU. PROP. "A Home Aay I'rom Home" Kate 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, ll.C. Plume SKI P.O. rtn IM u at h a I i Complrti THKAsiifi IU:(iN,,( moT ! I ll ..... "l " 11 1 You IJ,e and la: orram city f ,he fatlly X(1TIX(, fKlo '" fl.l,,,, IXIiIA MW ' III M SV f. '!! -Till. (Jt Ml. i i (arlMn r Vlt KI US 7 Flank V !h.- C-..i, : Asm. fir llir n 1.1 I i n MacMURRAY MABY mi ion 6000ITI t filARilll I "0,mPRtSIOL TO? TAMIROFF OVERMAK ERIC BIORE litem r ciitiit u:t at 1 4n. . , n TIRES' GASOLINE COAL In continuance f our liry i.f mtIhc t iir : -t is Hie trt advantate and helpln lo convene r;md;; toT needed to help win the vr, we will ctcept ordci afirr .tp for delivery on the day follonlns receipt of nr-f r :'::t oiders lo e delivered .Monday unlcwi it h rconum y. Ji to route them uitli other tlrllverlc. PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. roorilll.I..S AI.UIiRTA - COMOX WIJ.I.IMt.TOX ntLKi.i.v, vali.i;y coals piiom: mi rmst Wanted -Raw Furs MARKET i-Kic is run Kcnrcscnt!iiif.IIITimnM: IIAV l?r).MPAXV When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, lie pr-.dible ! PHONE 13 Zl-llnur Service at Ocular IUle Special Price for I.ADIHS' and (J M NTS'' VfiW spring curnnv. $27.50 and up. B. LAMB, Tailor . . . .... U'. Plione lllack 787 Tlilril Avenue, next to Dally Netts. 302 Third (ircen 1 r "'vva k - - - Ship to J. tl ORMHKI.M, Cow liar. Prince Rupert, ll.C Thane H j Saturday and Monday Special Salt' ALL-WQOL POINT BLANKETS '1-l'olnt dlr'Wol'iJhtrtKr-U Jarjr alac."wxoo. fOO (C WclBht 12 lbs. Bale Price, pair Elio's Furniture Store