A y APRIL 25, m ffr MinoraBlarJesspeetsfiovngl rS?fcreok aU iir5t yeof 1 Abudcs Y retords lor economy hkdts.i Oy fit DOUMI-IOOHAZO$ V ,r.,v...v.v.v.v.'.v.v.v.v ". po. Hoi 575 Phone 18-19 Lad MM t 10 ss Ie i a !L ... ..'i' itki I t v Kin itir f . v. Hl.r.l - ... . in - . - - . I'nih i trrv rru i - i r r 1 1 1 i t . . - j ------ . Winn our up-river Try it once and we vqu will want ik jt., freshness and i ts unsurpassed. :,: frature un-rtrer . TABLES whenever pos- ' MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store W;:r-e Dollars Have les: CenU" More CLKAKASCi: SALK In Sllvrr loxrs, I'ur Neckpieces and fur Coats. Come In and look k over Dig dts- GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" THE SEAL OF QUALITY Sockeyc Salmon Fancy Red Herring in Tomato Sauce Sandwich Spreads Spiced Salmon Smoked Salmon Hloater HllllltllllMIMIIIIHHI Furniture KAWOS HARDWOOD CHAIRS l. - fecial in wood S15.95 S2.25 CHKSTERFIELDS $65,00 USED CARPETS C Dd lapc, qq nr t -i.Tc spec MANTLE CLOCK rrwdfhape S8.95 B. C. Furniture Co. I'lIONE RLACK 321 Third Avenue TIUIK THE TOILER Are Married At Cathedral MIm Joy June Of AUIarik He-rome IJrUle of Sergeant Par-tons of Royal Canadian Air Force Last evening the marrla(? tx It place In St. Andrew Anglican Cathedral. Very Rev James B. Gibson D. D.. the dean, officiating, of Mls Joy Jones, daughter of Mrs. Jones of Aklavik und the I late David 8. Jones of Athabasca : 'I MORi; ItASE METAL i to Sergeant Norman Eri- Parens of the Royal Canadian Air force son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parsons of Winnipeg. The bride was given in marriage by R. a. Hopkins and Mrs. O. H Arnold was matron of honor Ser-; geant J. Weatley RCA.P. was' groomsnan. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mrs. Arnold on Fourth Avenue West, the occasion being suitably celebrated The toast to the bride was proposed by Dean Olbson and responded to by the groom. The bridal couple are taking up residence on Seventh Avenue West. Notice The City of Prtnee Rupert offering for sale Lots 11 and Is 12. Block 2, Section 8. The highest or ; i any lender not necessarily accep ted Apply City Clerk. Prince Rupert. B.C. Canada's production of copper. nickel, lead and zinc reached a value of $206,040,026 In 1911 as com Dared with $204,479.03 In 1940 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Itox 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT MAKE YOUR OWN SPRING ACCESSORIES Gloves, lists, llacs Belts, Muttons, Etc. We have in stock doeskins, suedes. Glovinn kid. plgtcx, pec- c;irv and all fancy leathers. One doeskin at $2.75 will make 2 pair of gloves. Wc can supply pattern and Instruction. Write for Particular Hedford Fine Leathers" 321 Water St. Vancouver. B.C. J. M. S. Loubser D.C, ILA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 HE WANTS ME 0 ) 1-V "T tin d .ii :n T t If YOU WANT A SUIT THAT WILL MAKCUP WtLL-WCAR WCLL- AND KEEP ITS SHAPC gw.fca Tlie tonic effect in ucartng thete aultingt creates a feel- ln of confidence. M'M.".',..MI...,l'!rH-lJ..,!T Tonight s train, due to arrivs from the Eait at 11 o'clock was reported this morning to be one hour late. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Coleman, from Ketchikan, left on last night's train for Chicago. Father Anthony Meulenberg, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Fa ther Meulenberg Is parish priest of the Roman CathoHe Church at Stewart. Rt Rev. E. M. Btinoz OMJ., Ro man Catholic Bishop of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver on ec clesiastical duties Time Now! House Spring Cleaning! For Year you have "been throwing everythfng Into the basement: articles for which you have no use. We know hundreds of people who will buy what you dispose of. Stoves, beds, table, chairs, doors, windows, tools and hundreds of articles to numerous to I mention. We give you our best cash offers, or In trade for home requirements. It is Important to you. It is to us. Our phone number Green 916. Elio Furniture Store rhlrd Avenue. lm j I tfhhcunceineHtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Whist drive, Saturday, Hotel. Dance, Seal Cove Hall, May 1. W. A. Can. Legion Spring Sale, May 6. Jim Prcabjrterlan' Choir Tea. May 20. 1 22. I. O. O. F. Victoria Day Ball. May Little Norway Tea May 21. Red Cross Tea. June 3. Parent Teachers' Tea. lows' Hall. June 5. Hill 60 Tea June 17. I CAM'T DO VJORK THAT MAKES THEM LOOK LIKE l itr: Oddfel- Daily NEw'o LOCAL NEWS NOTES for old gold, Bulger's. ADreismalcer. Phone Red 900. Mrs. Johnson. (100) J. J. Payne returned to the city, on-'the Princes Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. t Ernet Unwtn returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a brief trip to Vancouver . Sergeant Spiro Ourvich returned to the city on the. Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver Ray Allen of Watts & Nirkerson. who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver, returned to the -city from the south yesterday. Mrs. Oladys filrevogr : and two children, from Ketchikan, were passengers leaving on last night's train enroutc to Kansas City. Miss Roma More was a passenger on last night's train going through from Ketchikan to Sioux City. Iowa. Wilson McDuffee' arrived In the city on the Cardena last night from Vancouver, being here to become supervisor of the Y.M.OA. war services for the Royal Canadian Air Force at Seal Cove and I Allford Bay. He takes the place of i Al Shipp who becomes hut super-I visor in place of Wesley Nixon who i is taking over other duties in the area. Mr. McDuffee, who has been a department manager for the Hudson s Bay Co. in its Vancouver store, is a graduate of the Uni- Jverslty of British Columbia and lor three years was president of the Varsity Rowing Club. NOTICE SEALED TENDERS will be re-delved by the undersigned until noon. Thursday, 30th Instant, for the purchase of Lot 20, Block 16, I Section 5, together with improve' ments and contents, being situate off Fulton Street between 7th and 8th Avenues. Terms strictly cash. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. NORMAN A. WATT. Administrator of the Oliver Peloquin Estate, Court House, Prince Rupert. AMALGAMATED BUILDING WORKERS OP CANADA Prince Rupert, B.C. METROPOLE HALL Meetings every fourth Sunday In the month at 2 pan. Unit No. 1 : Shipwrights. Joiners, Boat Builders and Caulkers. Unit No. 2: Painters, Paper-hangers and Decorators. Secretary: Phone Blue 113, P.O. Box 1115 ANTELOPE INCREASE The number of antelooe in New Mexico has increased from 1.700 in 1916 to 25.000. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled MEN'S SUITS Ladles' and Gents' JsOnon Spring Suits J and up M. T. LEE, Tailor P.O. Box 975 Phone Gr. 960 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 AN APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM! 1 VMOMT WASH 'EM -I'LL SHOVO 'EH TO BILL -HE'LL fefeb QjSfll CHURCH NOTICES FOR SALE 1931 Model A Car for sale. $150. Apply Box 237 Daily News. 1011 BEAUTIFUL Nylon Hair Brushes of the finest Fuller quality. Mrs. Pat Galloway. Red S32. FOR SALE Confectionery busl- ness, as going concern. Phone 76 for particulars. itf)' FOR SALE Hot Point Electric j Range, dining table with six. chairs. Phone Blue 169. (97)1 RESTAURANT for sale. Doing! good business at Terrace. A. Beaudln, Terrace, B.C. (99) FOR SALE Large stock of doors, windows. Mirrors In all sizes. Kitchen Chairs, Chesterfields, Cabin Stoves. Phone Black 324. FOR RENT ROOM For Rent, suitable for 2 or 3 men. Phone Green 491. (98) WANTED i I FOR SALE-CUnker built rowboat.1 Apply Chris Mill Bakery. tl WANTED Small house or apart-j ment, at least four rooms; fur-j nished or unfurnished. Phone; 235. (97) WANTED Small bedroom close i In. Apply Box 256, Daily News. (97) ! WANTED TO RENT Three or four room house or Apt. unfurnished j ' or part furnished. By responsible couple. Apply Box 254, Daily' News. (97) WANTED Small furnished apart ment for army officer. Apply Box 253. Dally News. Y. W. C. A. ROOMS 'REGISTRY "Accomodation urgently wanted for Service Men and Families. Mrs. Garbutt. 231. HELP WANTED HELP wanted:: man or woman. Apply Central Hotel. (99) MALE HELP WANTED First Aid man with industrial certificate. Apply Box 255 Dally News. (98) HELP WANTED Labourers and mill workers wanted at Ocean Falls. Apply office M. T. Lee. Tailor, 303Mt Third Avenue. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KLNDER-garten with our help. Canadian I'lnftarrrnrrAn Trcf I ( tit A AQPa f Rev. J, Mrs. 4V4ilVt;Ai Vtii liWVtUlV, WSM VI j u. v. scnoois, Winnipeg, wan IX THE SITREME TOi nT OF nRI- 111 rou Min i IN THE MATTER OP WILLIAM CRINGLE BAIRD WOOD. Deceased, tnd IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by crtkr of His Honour Judge Pisher, I v& ftppointnf Administrator of th Estate of ttw late WJUam CrtnW .&UalWgQdLJX-oraaed. formerly of he City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, Marine' Fitter, who died n or about the ISth day of January 1942. AU persons having claims against the said Esttuie. are required to forward them to me on or before May )lst 1042, property verified, and al persons Indebted to the eaV Estate are required to pay to me the amount of thlr Indebtedness forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. Wilt 16th day of April. AX). 1942. NOItMAN A. WATT, : Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Eighth and Ninth Avenues East II. Myrwanr, Mi, Pastor. Res.: 1077, 1st Ave. W, Phone Blk. 888 I. Penesa, Organist Miss Beatrice Mostad, S. B. -Bupt. Mlas Alma Dybhavn, S. S. Pianist SUNDAY, APRIL 26 10: a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Divine Services In Norwegian. 7:38 p m. Services in English All are Invited to these services MONDAY, APRIL 27 7:00 pjn. "The Lutheran Hour," broadcast CFPR. The pastor will continue discussing the theme: "Our Most Vital Need." Please tune In. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Kev. C. A. Wrieht SERVICES FOR SUNDAY, APRIL 26 11:00 am Morning Service. Subject: "The Book of Flint." 12:15 a m Sunday School. 7;30 pjnEvening Service. Subject: "Youth in a Changing Worte." The Evening Service will be under the direction of our Young People's Society. "Come, let us go up to the House of God." ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Organist, Peter Lien Choir Leader A. J, Lancaster Sunday School Sup't, Frank Skinner 8 a.m.- Holy Communion. 10 ajn. Sunday School. 11 ajn. Confirmation Service. Preacher Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx D. D., Bishop of Caledonia 7:30 p.m. Evening prayer and service. Preacher The Dean. BEATTY WASHERS Electric and Engine Drive 100 MADE IN CANADA There's noplace like home for doing the family wash. Due to government restrictions we have only a limited number that we can place to Prince Rupert. If your present washer needs repairs let utknow. We can fix it or make you an allowance on a new one. If yon have any friends that have been thinking of getting a washer tell them to Phone Black 125 and ask for Mark Ru?cll A: parkin Electric. 527 Third Avenue West fEsm ii mm I RAILWAY I UNES Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific TO VANCOUVER VIA OCEAN PALLS AND WAY PORTS: SS "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" every Friday, 10 pjn. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT: April 6th, 16th, 28th, May 8th, 19th, June 2nd. TO KETCHIKAN. WRANGELL. JUNEAU AND SKAQWAY:- April 2nd, 12th, 23rd, May 3rd, 14th, 28th. ;JJ & JJlrect connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservatlonr from W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, K.C. (KHwatraoooottoooorKmaaooooc 00000000 Q .... P 2 For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE I PHONE 235 g DAY AND NIGHT rXKKHMHl OOaOOrKJOMWJOOO&OOorKKHJOCJWHKHSOOOt " BY WESTOVER SOINS IMToWl CAN'T LET I I I I " v BUT VMHAT A SlSSyH THPTAMl IfTUAT CTOD AaJELL.TAC I Tk BP IP T I CT A I ITT1 v J er 1 1 -vi l I v-rNr-o I iic wintN I I I 1 NU 1 (, iniro i-irvc arsnT .1 1 1 ifiAUWiWR 1 1 ni ami 111 1 1 1 ,1 1 m-n ki u 11 11 n 1 1 -m r 1 1 1 kaaBW 1 IS THE SITKEME C'OI UT OF BRITISH COIXMMA IX ritOllATE In the .Mat If r of the AdniliiMrallon Art And In the Matter of the Estate of Carl Mrbuhr, otherwise known a Carl Nelbuhr. decal. TAKE NOTICE that by Ordr of Ilia Honor Judge Flaher dated the 7th day of April IB43 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of the late Cferl Nketouhr otherwise known aa Carl Nel-buhr. formerly of Prtnee Rupert, BrMdnli Columbia, who died on or about the 6th day of July 1941. All persons tiATlng claims against the sold Estate are required to forward them to me on or before May 15iUi 1943 properly verified and all persons Indebted to the said Extote axe required to pay to me Uit amount of their Indebtedness forth wlttti. DATED at Prince Rupert, BX3, this 8th day of April A. D. 1943. NORMAN 'aTv ATT Official Adrntaistraior, lYlnce Rupert, D C. DAILY NEWS WANT ADS BRINQ RESULTS. PHONE 88.