fpAY JANUARY 15. 1MJ. ST: Itivl I Hi The Wise-birds II THERE'S I BETTER BUY THAN... 13-m. J 25-ox, 5 U'n-ly nrlrl. Mr nil Ml W.d AVB THE BOTTLE I ilM have jour toUvao luiiimlttfe collrrt. 40-oz. BRIT SH COLUMBIA OISTILIERY CO. LTD. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia TILLIE THE TOILER THE EXPERTS SAY much pressure. VEGETABLES Preparing veget ables beforehand saves time for the busy housewife but Marian Harlow of the Pensions Department nutri tion services says it destroys vita mlns and dissolves some of the District Agriculturist S. G. Pres ton, of Smithers, In a report on agricultural conditions in Central British Columbia, states that there wa an excellent growing season in 1942 with harvesting of abundant crops of all farm commodities except potatoes, a crop which proved below normal due to excessive cold rains In the spring. The chief cash crop in and around the Bnlkley Valley was! timothy seed, of which there was I an Increase again In tonnage over the previous year. The current rice, however, was substantially lower. Mr. Preston's reports for the past six years indicate that livestock raising is increasing at a rate of 10 per cent each year. This would appear to be a very healthy trend and the additional cash brought into the district through the -sale of livestock and milk should event- I ually bring stability and prosperity 'to the farmers of the area, The war, however, may retard this development as there is a serious shortage of farm labor. District Agriculturist S". G. Preston has been active In organizing and expanding the formation of boys' and girls farm clubs. This chib work is sponsored by the federal and provincial governments as a means of giving the farm youth valuable knowledge of and interest in farm life. THE DAILY NEWS page nvu BUTTESLEHS COOKIES II ounces ol spirits. Shake the mrx-your cookie Jars areempty because ture until a jelly-like solution Is db of butter rationing Laura Pepper, tained. Apply it on a cotton-wool chief of the consumer section in pad and pay particular attention to the Department of Agriculture of- the edges of the shade. fefg this recipe Cream one-third ;up of clarified beef or pork fat or POTTERY Another casualty of lipping or a mixture of the two war is decorated pottery, which with one-half cup tof brown sugar won't be manufactured in-Canada and one-half cup of honey. Ada for the duration. The consumer mt egg and teat well Dissolve section of the Prices Board comes one-hall teaspoon of baking soda out with a couple of pretty obvious in three-quarters of a cup of thick, suggestions: "Don't let careless unsweetened applesauce and add to hands toy with pottery or smaU it the first mixture. Sift two cups children handle it, and don't put it of pastry flour with one-half tea- in a position where it can be easily spoon baking powder, one-half tea knocked to the floor." spoon of cinnamon, one-quarter j teaspoon of nutmeg and one-quar- ! ter teaspoon of salt, and add thU, too, to the first mixture, together with one cup of chopped raisins. Drop on a greased baking sheet and bake about 20 minutes at 375 CU1LERY Take the advice of the Prices Board's consumer section and banish dull and inefficient knives from your drawers. Knives are more easily kept sharp and In good condition if stored properly when not in use. Don't toss knives into a drawer with other kitchen utensils, since edges become blunted from chafing against' each other. Use knives only for the pur- pores for which they are designed. For instance, the edge of a carv ing knife may be blunted by cutting bread. Wash knives immediately after use and sharpen them frequently, without appiyin too j IS NAMED MANAGER Chief of Transportation of Canadian National Takes Over Atlantic Region Control MONCTON, N.B.. Jan. 15 J. F. Prlngle has been appointed general manager of the Atlantic region of the Canadian National Railways, according to an announcement mde here Tuesday by H. W. U. Appleton, vice-president in charge of the region. The increase of traffic throughout the eastern lines "of the system has made necessary an enlargement of the supervisory ad ministration, particularly in the Maritimes, and this appointment will relieve Mr. Appleton- from much of the direct work concern-lg the operation of freight and passenger services within that large and important district, j Hitherto Mr. Pringle has been chief of transportation for the minerals at a time when vitamin- system with headuarters at Mont- rich diets are necessary to neip , reai iIe win now establish his of- maintain the war effoit. Vitamin "C" Is particularly vulnerable to air or soaking In water, she says. LAMP SHADES To clean a parchment shade, the experts advise washing it with a solution of soap in methylated spirits. Prepare the solution by dissolving a quarter of an ounce of soap flakes in four MORE STOCK BEING RAISED Ten Per Cent Increase Per Year in Interior 19 12 Was Good Year fice at Mpncton. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the William Brand Laid At Rest Ilany Friends Attended Funeral Service Yesterday Afternoon From Grenviile Court Chapel Numerous, friends gathered at the Grenviile Court Chapel of the Mr. Pringle, a native of Cornwall. B. C. Undertakers yesterday after-Ontario, began his service with noon for the funeral of the late the Canadian National Railways William Brand, well known fuel in November, 1919, as an assistant .dealer and transferman, whose engineer in the engineering de- death occurred at the first of the paftment at Montreal. In 1936 he week. was appointed general superinten- Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of First dent of southern Ontario district Baptist Church, officiated and Miss and in Sentember. 1941. was aD- M- A. Way presided at the organ to pointed chief of transportaltion for accompany the hymns which wera " ,,.u. .a. iMtiui. tne system Mr. Pringle was one of the Li6ht." Canadian National officers loaned I,nt?rmen.t ln.the ',ly.J.plit ,1.n to the National Railways of Mexico during the winters of 1929-30 and 1930-31 to .assist In modernlz- The earth's surface totals 196,-940,000 square miles, almost four-fifths of It covered by water. WE CAKKY Everything For THE WORKING MAN It will pay ydu to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C. Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue I v airvjew ocmeiery lonowea. ran-bearers were J. A. Lindsay. Victor Menzies, William Miller, Norman McLeod, George Weightman and ing and reorganizing traffic meth- Xert McKay. ods on the Mexican lines. KANSAS PROVINCE ' The lost province of Quivlra, which lured Spanish conquistadors four centuries ago, is believed to have been located In Kansas. COLORED SLATE Natural slate sometimes comes in green, red or even mottled colors. GOLD SEAL I Attn I I KSW E III . A IB II fs Fancy Bed Sockeye Salmon Herring in Tomato Sauce are botn on acuve acince but will be back on your j grocer's shelf soon as condl-g ditions permit. Government ot British loiumDia. n y u u i u i a y H H It bib iiiiti tmtn tmmmmtm,mxn By WESTOVEB ' , , MPS imfluI'MYIAI.I I MAV I SPEAK TO' MR. BOBBS IN 1 VTS NO USE -HE'S TUSTjpjj COULD USE HS IN- JZ&A Jgm ' wJEfflN 0$W W (A FLUEMCE TO HAVE jjU Mfi ' J$Cl? W W J ' kWk Pll WORK BOOTS Out Stock of Working Boots is second to none. Sizes from 6 to 12. Arch-Kin?, Valentine, Greb, Til-sonburg and Sterling makes. Guaranteed solid throughout Priced to fit any pocket. Come in and let us show you. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes" Just Arrived SHIPMENT OF COTTON FELT MATTRESSES All Sizes ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue A Beauty Parade . . . In any beauty parade, well bet on our New Year Wishes for happiness and good health to win the trophy as the most beautiful of all sentiments. SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Violet Mali Cor. Cth and Fulton Phone Blue 943 for Appointments THE ENTERPRISE FRUIT 'CO. wish to announce that their store shall be CLOSED BETWEEN JAN. 18 and FEB. 13 INCLUSIVE FOR COMPLETE ALTERATION For those who wish to obtain Delnor's Frosted Fruits and Vegetables, door shall be open each day from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. only.