ST all 05. I i 5 P ' Miss Muriel Vance returned home this mornlnlg from a trip to Vancouver. .1 t ST. f PAGE rOUK SEPTEMBER 2ND A RED LETTER DAY Tltanki to AUwi amwiM on Uad, em ami air and alto to our ship-builder. 'SALADA' Tea-lovers will be able to enjoy a third more of their favourite Lever&ire stArtioir SutMaber 2nd. Tkla no.M Mill, nf ll tnt1 I every ix wetks instead of every tiqhi. Ottawa, September 1st, 1943 Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Daalel Helmer ! wish to thank all friends for : kind assistance and expressions of sympathy during their recent i bereavement, also for beautiful floral tributes. Mrs. H. S. Parker returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. MacSween and family, who have been LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Organization meeting, Women's Auxiliaty, Navy League, Legion Rooms at 8 o'clock this evening. NOTICE A The Public Library will be open Morning and Afternoon of Tuesday and Friday as from September 7th. The hours on those days will be 'from 10 ajn. spending a month's vacation atjto 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 Chllliwack, returned home this p.m. All other days will retain morning. old schedule. (206) THE DAILY NEWS Mrs. Jack Durran and family returned to the city this morning from a holiday visit to Victoria. Allan M. Davies returned to the city this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Miss E. A. Mercer and Miss Mdry D. Hartln returned to the city this morning after spending the summer vacation in Van couver and Victoria. EFFECTIVE TOMORROW SEPTEMBER 2nd PRESERVES and SWEET SPREADS ARE RATIONED BY COUPON The products affected include: Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, Extracted Honey, Comb Honey in .Squares, Honey Butter, Maple Syrup, Maple Butter, Maple Sugar, Molasses, Corn Syrup, Cane Syrup, or any blended Table Syrup, Apple Butter, or Canned Fruit. On and after Thursday September 2nd, 1943, it is unlawful for a consumer to purchase any of the ab ove-listed products, except on the surrender of a valid ration coupon. Coupons "D" In Ration Book 3 are to be used for this purpose. Coupon D-l" becomes good September 2nd. Starting September 16th, two coupons become good every four weeks. These products are being rationed so that there will be an equal sharing of the available supplies. Persons who do not use the coupons for these products may use them to acquire more sugar in addition to their regular sugar ration and canning sugar allowance. i ONE "D" COUPON IS GOOD FOR Not More Than lams, Jellies, Marmalades, Extracted Honey, Apple Butter, Maple Butter or Honey Butter 6 fluid ozs. or Maple Sugar or Comb Honey in Squares .. Ms IB. "MET or Molasses or Maple Syrup 10 FLUID ozs. or Corn Syrup, Cane Syrup, or any blended Table Syrup .- 12 fluid ozs. or Canned Fruit ................. 10 FLUID ozs. or Sugar cat "I m W 1 When purchasing goods in containers, it will not always be possible for the consumer to get the exact coupon value. , . . EXAMPLE : If you are buying jam in containers ' ' One "D" Coupon ( one 4, 5 or 6 oz. container or two is good for ( 3 oz. containers. Two "D" Coupons j ?n.e 7' 8'9' J.0' 11 !2C02' con" two 5 two 6 tamer, or oz. or oz. con-are good for ulneiS or lhree 4 oz conlainers. or any combination adding up to not more than the total value of the coupons permitted. SUPPLIERS Separate instructions which are similar to the regulations ot applying on sugar rationing aro available irom any branch oi the Ration Administration, for quota users, industrial users and suppliers. RATION ADMINISTRATION J' n Mrs. C. Swnfon oi Stewart left yesterday on a trip to Dr. Jens Munthe returned to the city this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver. E. S. Smith, representative of the Canada packers, left yesterday for Vancouver on a business trip. A IMPORTANT Women of the Moose Executive Meeting 7:00 p.m.; Executive Committee Meeting 7:30 p.m.; Regular Chapter Meeting 8:00 p.m. Tonight, Odd fellows' Hall. Mrs. George Peters and little daughter returned to the city this morning from, a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeJong and son returned to the city this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver, Mr. and Ms. Reg Kelsey, who have been on a trip, to Van couver, returned home this morning from the south. S. A. Cheeseman, principal of Borden Street School, and Mrs. Cheeseman returned to the city this morning after spending the summer vacation in Vancouver and Victoria. FOR SALE Four room house. Phone Blue 739. (206) FOR SALE Bed and crib, com plete. 1211 7th Ave. East. (207) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Saanen Buck Goat, 6 months old. P. O. Box 273 Prince Rupert, ... (206) FOR SALE Male Pekinese dog, two years; old. 1031 Ninth Ave. East; (205) FOR SALE Baby carriage nearly new. Apply 411 Green Street. (205) FOR QUICK SALE Small piano, chesterfield, bed, dresser, etc. 445 -5th Avenue West. Phone Black 408. (206) FOR SALE McClary range, coal and wood; will trade for oil burner heater. 851 Ninth Ave. West. (205) ! FOR SALE Karn reed organ, nnwpr blower, two manuals. In c - ' j tflrst, .class condition. Apply Catholic Church. (tl) FPR;SALE-rFuliy,in1proved 20- acre irmt ana poultry larm. $2,500 cash. Sub Station B, Box 1278. (208) FOR SALE Duplex house, two five-room suites, choice location, harbor view. Occupancy Oct. 1st. McClymont Agencies, 307 Third Ave. (206) FOR SALE One white enamel coal and wood range in good condition. $96, W.P.T.B. ceiling price. Phone 423. 708, Fraser St. . (tf) FOR SALE Five roomed house and bathroom; furnished or unfurnished. Glassed in porches; call evenings, 1233 Water Street. (208) FOR SALE Tent, 12 by 14 and 10 oz; Kitchen Kook, 3 burner gas stove; Oil Heater stove; Sport Light Alladin. $100 cash. Apply J. R. Gingtest Miller Bay. (215) HOUSE FOR SALE Six rooms and bath, vith or without furniture; hot air furnace; two lots fenced. Phone Red 509 or call at 1042 9th Ave. East, Prince Rupert. (207) FOR SALE Four female goats, two good Saanen milkers and 2 Toggenburgs, iy2 years old; will sell for 45 dollars. Write or see personally Mrs. E. Miettinen JPort "Essington. B.C. (207) FOR j3ALE Rough and sized lumber. Civls Centre Carnival has large quantities of this type of lumbeir for sale. Arrangements can be made by 'phoning T. Norton Youngs at 60 or 747 (200) FOR SALE Acreage at Woodcock, Skeena River, 10 acres cleared, log cabin and barn. Suitable for chicken farm. $000 cash. Apply Official Administrator, Court House. Prince Rupert. (209) SARDIS NURSERIES R.R. No, 2 Sardls, B.C. Order your requirements In fruif trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from us. Last year's catalogue and prices still prevail, Catalogue on request. J. J. Payne returned to the city this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boulter returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. A. O. Franks has arrived in the city from Fraser Lake to spend a couple of weeks. W. Marlborough; Lloyds representative at the local dry dock, returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Alalr Lips, who teaches school in this district, returned to the city this morning after spending summer vacation in the, south. Norman and Richard Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver and will be here until tomorrow nighl on company business. They are accompanied by their sons. Card of Thanks I wish to extend to everyone my sincere appreciation and thanks for the help and support given to me during the Carnival Queen Campaign. OLOA SATHER. Candidate for Sons of Norway. r i ' u. mK.' M. "S4tf hwf Classified Ads FOR SALE HELP WANTED WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework. Apply Box 550 Daliy News. (tf) WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 71, (tf) WANTED Janitor for part-time work In city bank. Apply Box 563 Daily News. j (tf) SALESWOMEN WANTED -t Retail Store Two . fullitime saleswomen and one' part-time saleswoman for afternoons only required by retail store. Only permanent residents will be considered. Excellent oppo-tunlty. Reasonable hours including Thursday closing. Apply National Selective Service 1 Office, AF 79. (208) WANTED Furnished house or self-contained portion of house for naval officer, wife and baby. Indefinite period. Apply Box 562 Daily News. (206) WANTED Woman or girl for coffee shop, full time or part time. Also woman or girl for general handywoman. Good wages. Apply Selective Service AF 73. (tf) WANTED Wardmalds for local hospital. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 75. (205) WANTED WANTED Wardrobe' trunk Phone Black 145. (210) WANTED Three room suite or small house. Apply Box 559 Dally News. (205) FOUND FOUND Yale key In black leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this PERSONAL DAY NURSERY Best of care assured your children. Reasonable rates. 441 7th East. (210) LOST LOST Rhinestone brooch, Tound. Finder please return to Viola Bolvin, C.N. Telegraphs. (205) Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Orange Ladlss' Meeting, Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. 9, 8 p.m. W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Empress "Y" Club, September 20. Mr. and Mrs. B. Thorstclnssen have returned to the cltv after spending the summer vacation m Vancouver ond Victoria. Mr. Thorstelnssen visited the Prince George district on his way back to Prince Rupert while Mrs. Thorstelnssen and child came direct from Vancouver. 4 it . . . that a recent survey indicates that t using their eyes in the home 20 per cent 6 lavs than a year or so aio? Kcstrirt,. facilities are keeping folks more at home, T suggestions below will help you to U.v ur in.your home with a minimum of trouble o- ,6 WARTIME LIGHII SUGGESTIONS fTs 1. CLEAN LAMP I); and lamp bulbs fre, get 25', to 30' m the lamps you hjvt 2. USE WHITE SHADES or shades with white linings. Repaint them-or rcline them if necessary, Dark shades waste light. 'S3 li the ljmn tn cm- less light. 4. AVOID DIRECT GLARE from lamp bulbs or bol, by using shades that are deep enough and big enough. 5. ARRANGE LU'S serve two or iportpto? sible. B;; PLACE EACH LAMP so it puts no glare in the eyes of persons using it. There's V -7 - V KtUDY SMS: lin" i 7 ficates you possibly fQ- & good dividends. n. . II r i ii i- - ut nAAl ly f Trllnil i r MVVU I V VI V ' J ' 75c for a Month V i IimiVEOJ. Jji THE EMPTY WORLD THE MOVING FINOER uti.i.ncxi inu xuct uaLji p EXPERIMENT PERILOUS r the hafe muuut; ss SMOULDER I NO FIRES itunmnu TU fAKAUlBL J)J' VALLEY OF DECISION MEDITERRANEAN NIGHTS DINA CASHMAN- THE FOREST AND THE FORT ,t HUNGRY HILL 0!J UATTLE DRESS Anfl a Hundred Oilier Recent roPubr w -1 ..Mr Join Uur Rental im Single subscription, per month Double (2 books at a time), per month Change your book as often M Hm ' r