Miss ."I Ml t III t'll 141 I MM HI. :!! .in mi jiii nil IV.l ' i lis: ! III AV: HUifUHi Marriage of Local Couple Cdith May Cromp and Donald Fitch United A! well known and popular local; jfouple were united in marriage last night at the rectory. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean ofjs't. Andrew's Cathedral, offi-ciipg, when Miss Edith May Crwhp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.; A. C. Cromp, Seventh Av-ennse East, became the bride of Donald Fitch, son of arid Mrs. Frank ' Fitch of Second Avenue. The ceremony wabjperformed quietly with only th$;attendants and parents of tKe j couple in attendance. Miss Olvb Kyle was bridesmaid and Rlfhard W. Long, groomsman, liiter a reception was held at , the home of the bride's parents where many friends gathered to oifer their felicitation to the couple. Delicto'.! refreshment, featuring a handsome wedding cake which was duly cut by the bride, were served. Toast to the bride was proposed by W. W. O. O'Neill and to the bridesmaid by Robert Gordon. Later in the evening the couple left for Vancouver for a honeymoon trip after which they will return here to take up residence. U O. II. Bell, Wartime Prices and Mr. ! Trade Board regional superin tendent of rationing . for the province, and Norman Howard of the Wartime Prices and Trade Services office of i Vancouver, who have been injhe city for the past few days left last night to return to Vancouver. X To our regular customers: Please notify the dairy of the tnrp trt U'hieh vnn Ufini n n j take your milk. Valentin Dairy. Planes and Schools axe Ready to Train You Quickly You will be in Air Force uniform right away. No more delay getting into aircrew. Basic training begins at once. Skilled instructors are waiting. Fast planes are waiting. If you are physically fit, mentally alert, over ITA and not yet 33, you are eligible. You do not require a High School Education. (190) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray left last night fpr a trip to Among those leaving night for Vancouver was Lilian Hill. last Miss A Tune in on CFPR tonight at 8:30 and listen to "LETTERS FROM CHUNGKINd." Mail your 1 contribution to Chinese War ttenei tuna, care oi uanic oi Montreal. 'It' W. E. Marlborough, representative of the Lloyd's insurance group at the local dry dock, left last night on a trip to Judge E. D. Woodburn, County Court Judge of the Cariboo, arrived last night from Prince 1 George to preside at a local j sitting pf the county court in the absence of Judge W. E. Fisher who is away on Try a Ciassined A3 In the Daly News for Quick Results, P0RTANT MESS Among those leaving last night for Vancouver were Miss Marjorie and Miss Nellie Ktlday. fJf Four well known local men Vrho left last night for Vancouver were J. J. Payne, jack Judge, Nell Cameron and Jack McNulty Mrs. AC. cross, trie former Mickey Skattebol, whose husband has been transferred to a military post in the east, left last night for Vancouver. II With Minora Blades I for reol shaving comfort, you can'! beat Minora at itj price. It's the quality bode In its field. AGE TO ALL MEN I8Y2 YEARS OLD and ALL MARRIED MEN 27 TO 30YEARS OLD . Under the new Military Service Regulations, all men in the above age groups and categories are now.subject to immediate call for military service. Don't wait for your call. Get into the R.C. A.F. - the Service you've always wanted to join! ON'T PUT IT OFF Tfll ITS TOO LATH AIR CREW Headed Now for Immediate Training as PILOTS navigators' BOMBERS AIR GUNNERS WIRELESS OPERATORS Air Gunners) r W8E& E3TO ME. ' RECRUITING CENTRES ARE LOCATED AT: Royal Rank Illdg., 075 West Hastings, VANCOUVER, and other principal cities of Canada. Mobile recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly. .1 Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Invitation Dance, day, Aug. 20. Get tickets members. Valhalla August 27. FOR SALE Chesterfield Phone Red 519. found A SEA ".MYSTERY" Invitation Dance, Local Girl and Toronto Soldier Are Wedded Here Cpl. James William Jeffrey and .Edith Evangeline Dieter were married in the rectory Wednesday evening Very Rev. J. B. Gibson. Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Henry Lattery, sister and brother-in-law of the bride, were the attendants. ' The bride has lived here for a number of years while the groom's home l in Toronto. FOR SALE Four Phone Blue 739. room house 195 FOR SALE One large ice coll- erator, 54"x69"x24"; one milk shake mixer, one large Coca Cola cabinet, one electric clock for window display, one Mills ice cream machine with cabinet, 40 sate. size. Phone Blue 981. J. W. Taylor. Call after 5 p-m. (199) FOR SALE Man's C.C.M. bicycle, practically new. Apply 1322 Piggot Ave. (195) r FOR SALE Five? room house; Phone Red. 433'or apply. 1233 Water Street .evening. "(19911 FOR SALE Twenty foot cabin cruiser, retdy to go. 1120 6th ' Ave. East. , (202) FOR SALE Karn reed organ, power blower, two manuals. In first class condition. Apply .Catholic Church. (tf) FOR SALE Double bed and dresser. Call Red 248 after 3:30 p.m. (198) suite. (It) FOUND Women's wrist watch on McBride Street. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this LOST IjOST Black billfold containing money, Identification card, and personal papers. Finder please leave at Daily News. Reward. (197) LOST Man's watch between Royal Hotel and II. M. C. S. Chatham, Wednesday after noon. Finder please return to Dally News. (195) LOST Umbrella, dark blue with white stripe at or near Post Office. Finder notify Mrs. Benson, c-o Co-op office. Cow Bay. Lieut. B. Berner left last night BEALFAST, Ireland, Aug. 20 W; Here's another one of those war-time sea mysteries. A Coastal Command aircraft sweeping the Atlantic for sub marines came across an Invasion barge with an aircraft on board. The Admiralty probably knows how they came there, but it's not telling. In tlie Supreme Court of ItrilMi Columbia In I'roliale In t lip Matter of t tie "Ailmlnl'trnllnn Act" anil In the M.i Iter of the IMatr of fins Selvln (otherwise known an (Just Selvln) Drrraseit TAKE NOTICE that by order of II U Honor W. E. Firiher, made on Uve 6 Ml day of August. AX). 1943. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Qua Selvln fotherwlfw known m Oust Selvln) deoeawd, and ill parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me oil or about the 7th day of September A. D. 1843, and all par ties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their IndWiedners to me jonnwitn. DATED at Prince Rirpert, B.C. this 11th day of August AX). 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmtnlHtrator, Prince import, B.C. IS WEDDED IN LONDON Gunner Donald Norton, One of First Six Who Left Here For Overseas, Married Interesting announcement has been received in the city tay cable of the marriage in London, England, on August 17 of Gunner Donald Eugene Norton, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E Norton of this city, to Miss Ruby Crane of London, England. Gunner David Houston, also of Prince Rupert, was groomsman. Following the wedding, the couple are spending a honeymoon in Scotland. Gunner Norton was born and raised In Prince Rupert and Is a very popular local boy. A member of the old 102nd Battery here, he left for overseas at th'e end of 1939, being one of the initial party of six local men who left for Britain. He has been overseas ever since that time. Classified Ad FOR SALE s HELP WANTED WANTED Truck driver Immediately. Apply National Selective Service AM 75. (197) WANTED Secretary for local doctor's office. Apply Selective Service Office AF 72. (198 WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework. Apply Box 550 Dally News. (U WANTED Janitor for office in city. Apply National Selective Service No. A.M. 74. (tf) WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, AAI. 71. (tf) WANTED URGENTLY NEEDED Small furnished suite. P.O. Box 874. City. WANTED Piano, In good con ditlon. Telephone 223 Local 78. (195) WANTED Two or three roomed furnished house, suite or rooms. Two well behaved children. Write Joe Feller, General Delivery. (199) WANTED Electric rangettc or double plate burner. Phone Black 716. (195) WANTED Furnished or partly furrilshed room suitable for light housekeeping by couple and baby. Reward $15. Phone Black 715. (201) WANTED By office worker, board and room or light housekeeping accommodation. Box 556 Daily News. (196) WANTED Two rooms for married couple and .1 baby. Any place In town, write J. Renlak, General Delivery, Prince Rup ert. (195) WANTED 16 foot sailboat, complete. Box 552 Daily News. (197) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms, furnished. Box 555 Dally News. (199) FOR RENT on her return to Nanalmo after i ROOM TO RENT- a visit to her home here. For two br couple. 517 Herman Street. (199) FOR RENT Room for two, ladies preferred. 513 Herman Street. (197) ROOM AND Bo'aRLV" ROOM AND BOARD for woman In exchange for housework Box 553 Dally News. In answering give phone number or address. d?7) BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. Miscellaneous- laundry taken. 1336 Overlook Street. . (195) INTERIOR and Exterior decorator, Paper Hanger. Phone Black 810. (196) PAINTING and DECORATINO Phone Blue 142. (197) PERSONAL DAY NURSERY OPEN NOW- The best care assured your children while you work, Reasonable rates by day or week, Mothers Interested call at 441 East 7th Ave, (106) PAOE rOTJR THE DALLY HEWS hese days, when tea must yield j the utmost in flavour, quality I is of supreme importance. Ask for . . LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. H. S. Parker night for Vancouver. left last use Mum's sheets are, always snowy white While other people's look a fright Our mother knows a thing or two She always, always uses BLUE Evtryor lovti inowy white bed labU Cnn and towels. A twiih of U,,,.. an iru ana yog u never tee o !), J renew, owe teepi an white' -wtj. LADIES' 'Gionella7 Dress Sho In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brorl Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede ink spike and cuban heels. High styled lines- suit any taste and priced to suit any pocl-l book. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8" ' Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Lt "The Home of Good Shoes" Bigger and Better Every Year PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC CENTK CARNIVAL WEEK Fun and Frolic for Everybody i Come one come -all. Enjoy the fun. Don't miss it d ; your bit and like it to promote Your Civic Centre. In The Supreme Court of British loliimlilii In Proliate In thr Mailer of. the ".VliiilnWratlon .tt" and In Uie Mailer of the KMale of John Inorph oXelll, fieceaKed-lnleslate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hla Honor W E, FUher. made on Ui 3rd day of Augiwt, AD, 1B43, I wna Fpolntod AdaUnlsU-aitcr of the Estate of John Joseph O'Neill, deceased, and oil parties having claims against the said esUte arc nejmby required y furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 4th day of September, AX). 1943 and, all parties lndo1)(td to the etfate are required to pay tile amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 4Ux day of August AX). 1943. NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, rrlnco RmpqrJ, D.O. lie) fvrllfleale of T f ,i to Lot II, It"'"!!1 1 of Sc. I Ion I, City "w'iSas low of the above Ctrt Issued in the ' V beth Blaelc office, notice 's.JV shall, at the fZ 0 of w from the date tlon hereof, hf fciA l ',r( tlflcaite of TitUs certificate. unleM il , valid objection i : writing. tjiad K DATED nt ! JJ jf flee, Prince BufT,jrf dar W D"pu'VjJ5 Advertised tWp,l:'