PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE fj Your New f FALL DRESS A combination of chic and re- fined good taste A selection 5 . of both crepes and wools in all sizes both large and smalL i Only one of a kind. No dupli-5 cates. ? PLEASINGLY PRICED ' Rupert Peoples ' Store WiViVWW.'W.V.V.V. Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engrarlng; VISIT OUK BA5E51EXT w.OKE for line China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant FAVOR THE SWAMPS 18TH CENTURY COTTON I ecches breed In swampy Cotton was grown as far t places in the tropics. ' ....... ? t . .. . back as 1770 in Charleston, S.C. W.' iff U3 1 I IP" lA.MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Dinette Suites, Bedroom Suites, Floor- Cover-- ings, all kinds Bed Springs, Bed Mattresses, all kinds Cedar Hope Chests Store Hours 9:30 ajn. to 12:00; 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 Closed all day Thursday Phone 775. 337 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert PRESCRIPTIONS Through the years, the physicians of this community and theirpatients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes TTh Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. try our NATURAL CURL WAVE We are certainly getting compliments these days on the lovely permancnts we are giving. If you haven't tried us yet, be sure and drop in. Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 iTERRACE WEDDING Daughter of -Mrs. Sea ton Becomes Bride of John Gordon of Winnipeg A pretty wedding was solemnized yesterday morning at the Church of the Sacred Heart at Terrace when Katherine Ann, 17 year old daughter of the late Captain E. Seaton, and Mrs. Seaton. was united in marriago to John Oregor Gordon of Winnipeg. Rev. Father Fabre, officiating. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brother-in-law, William Christy, wore a gown of white satin, with lace insertions, cut on princess lines-and had a sho t train. Her veil was of white net with a satin and orange blossom tudor headdress. She. carried a bouquet of colored gladioli. Bridesmaid was Miss Marian Head, whe wore a gown of pink and blue net, and a matching headdress, and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. Groomsman was Sergeant Maxwell of the Signal Corps. The bride's mother wore a black, redingote ensemble, with matching straw hat, and carried a corsage of salmon pink single dahlias. During the mass Mrs. W. Christy, sister of the bride, sang two beautiful solos. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast and reception was held at the home of the bride's mother. The happy couple left for the east on a honeymoon trip. TAKES UP PRACTICE Dr. W. S. Kergin Joins His Uncle, Dr. L. W.. Kergin Dr. William S. Kergin, north ern born, recently practising at Premier and Ocean Falls, has now Joined his uncle. Dr. L. W. Kergin, in the practice o! med lclne in Prince Rupert. They will maintain joint offices on Second Avenue in th same prcm ises where the younger Dr. Ker- gln's father. Dr. W. T. Kergin, practised for so many years. Dr. L. W. Kergin left last night for a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. Dr. W. S. Kergin (assumes charge of his practice during his absence. RATION BOOK 3 Will, be issued next week From Wednesday, August 25, to Saturday, August 28 "VAATCH for official announcement that will appear in this paper next Monday, August 23, giving full details of the addresses of Local Distributing Centres and the dates and hours they will be open. 1 sf;ris.t5?s i v v The application card for your newr Ration, Book is the first postcard in your present Ration Book 2. Be sure that you PRINT clearly all information required on the, card and sign with your usual signature. Cards for children under 16 years of age must be signed by parents or guardians. 1 Do not detach the card from the book. This must be done by an official at the Local Distributing Centre. RATION ADMINISTRATION LAST TWO WEEKS OF THE STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Price?. Come and Be Convinced. COATS DRESSES WAISTS SKIRTS HOUSECOATS HATS SHOES HOSE LINGERIE WE CLOSE OUR DOOR ON THE 28th DAY OP AUGUST THIS IS FINAL GIRLS AND WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 45! You are needed for real full time service in the C.W.A.C. The smartest uniform ever designed awaits you. Visit your nearest Army Recruiting Office without delay. THE STYLE SHOPPE Next Door Bulkley Market. THIRD AVENUE iCARNlVAL BASEBALL Blif Double-header Feature Ar-ranged for Sunday at Acrop-olis Grounds As a free prelude to the Civic Centre Carnival to be held next week, a double-header baseball feature will be staged at the Acropolis Hill grounds on Sunday afternoon. It will be the first big hard ball feature to be staged in Prince Rupert for some time and will bring together a team of smart American players and an all-star aggregation to uphold the honors of the city of Prince Rupert. The talent Is said to be first class. A few of the well known local players will be seen In action augmented by some new comers. Much Interest Is being taken in the games and, no doubt, a big crowd will be on hand. The public is being -ad-1 mitted to the grounds on tills occasion through the courtesy of the military authorities. Prior to the game the carnival queen candidates will be presented to the crowd. The teams will be as follows: Yanks Fernandez ss. Lancas ter If, Franco 2b, Anderson 3b, Ofsanka cf," Dernier lb, Rosen rf, Verkovltch p. Prince Rupert Lewis 3b, Si- mundsen cf, McNab or Arney 2b, Wendle ss, Hooper ib, Gurvltfh; c, Bury of, Randall, Larnble andj Lindsay pitchers. ( Local Tides Saturday, August 2t High s:i 17:4,. Low 11:1S .Sunday, August 22 High o:2U 18:40 'Low 0:07 12:0? Monday, August 2.1 fHlgh 7:3C i 10:49 Low 1:11 1 13:10 Tt'dav, August 2t High P:01 21.00 Low 2:25 14:20 Wednesday, August High 10:09 22:01 Low 3:40 15:42 25 '8.2 feet 49 1 fet 6.0 feet "V8 feet u.l feet j.U feet 7.9 feet 15.8 feet 17 7 feet C.7 feet 9.0 feet 15.5 feet 17.6 feet 0.9 feet 9.9 feet 15.9 feet 17.9 feet 0.8 feet 10.0 feet B.C. Furniture Company 4 Doors with Locks and Hinges at a low price. 9 Sets of Al Windows. 2 Hot Water Tanks. I Water Tank, GO gallons. 20 Wash Itosins al $5.50 each. Phone IJIack 321 Third Avenue "Largest Organization of its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WEIGHT Resident Representative 1G7 3rd Ave. P.O. Box D52 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call Manual ;:a a i:b rm im im kuxbis I GEORGE DUCHAK? " and his PRAIRIE RAMRLERS g 7piccc Modern and Old- m time Dance Band cpen for engagements. "No dance too blft jj no dance too small." Write to George Duchak, c-o Dally New 1 1 n : h rn n mw rm R.UIR r ri n A A A A A A A m7! Another triumph from the producers of "mrs. miniver". C0LMAN GARS0N Inm.t Hiltnn't BgndomJIanm omens nooucio h If ROY ",M,' FRANKUN PHILIP DORN '"SUSAN PETERS HENRY TRAYERS - REGINALD OWEN BRAMWEll FIETCHER and Mattressei (Size l'G" and 4'0") IJEAUTYKEST SLEEP UNIT, DEEI'SLEEI' SLUMBL'KKIVl CAPlTOi; Complete Shows at 12 30, 2.35, 4 ? j jl Feature at 12.30, 2 48. 5:00, I 24, 8 4i DELIVERY SCHEDULE TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SATIKDAIJ are Delivery Days. Orders taken for dd with us not later than 4:00 p.m. on day bef' rr lion will assist us greatly in giving txter c!c,.,n throughout the city. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY SI "Where dollars have more :c i Phones 18-19. T.O.ll JUST itECKIVKI)-a Shipment ol SIMMONS Bed Springs ELI0 FURNITURE STOi jj Third Avenue (Next to Dally News) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Wishes to announce that it will be CLOSED FOR BUSINESS until Aug. 20. THE ARMY NEEDS. Men and Women Don't wait for a call BE A VOLUNTEER! Dally News Advertising Brings Results. The Gyro Club Knows J How to Pick Them . . . Priactl I KWO.NO SANG I nor KEI CHOP SI HOUSE Next to Kin fi!2 llli AVE. All your patronip Open 5 p m. to 1 Tuesday 11 Ml 1 iJO m Outside Orders lr 1:30 I- phone M 1 DO YOU KNOW HOW TO V0TE1 Thelda McEwen Gyro Club's Candidate for Queen of Carniv Your Vofo niul Simnorl is Invited For This Charming Young Lad This space donated by I THE VARIETY STO