PAGE FOUR Li Expert OPTICAL SERVICE FRANK MO Popular screen and radio star FIRST A Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant ADMIRE MY ADAM HAT! HEAR FRANK MOKGAI M.G.M. 1 -r on V Mojvtll H: , Cc.Ttt Tii TT i lilf 'iCSaS"Jl 9 5ll J selects this Jaunty, rakish snap brim for Spring. Its lightweight graceful lines make it a favorite with discerning dressers. ADA Sold in Trince Rupert Exclusively by KT Kirst aid may save a life possibly your own. Every home and car should have a complete .first aid kit to cope with any emergency. This is a wise-precaution while we are, at peace but an obvious necessity in wartime. See our complete line-of First Aid Kits and stocks of hospital-fresh dressings, antiseptic and other supplies. Get yours today and be prepared. Ormes ltd, TrfiA Pioneer Druqgiats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 ajn. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Rnnprt Men's & Rnvs' Store THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD J. 217 SIXTH ST Across From Hclgerson Real Estate BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUI'ERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Home Should Have a Complete CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE 10:30 Silent Friday r.M. 4:00 Folk-Music Old and New 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Blue Shadows 5:30 Sextette from Hunger 5:45 Lee Sweetland 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Fiedler conducts 6:30 Aldrich Family 7:00 Personal Album 7:15 Artie Shaw's Orchestra 7:30 Badge of Honor 7:45 Melody Round-up 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Kate Smith 9:00 Drama from Vancouver 9:30 Sophisticated Strings 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Earl Hatch Saturday A.M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC New, 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Saturday Strings 9:00 Operatic Gems 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Hits of Today 10:00 Music for. the Kiddies 10:30 Wilf Carter 11:45 Lud Gluskin's Orchestra U :00 Old -Time Hoe-Down 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Hoosier Hot Shots 11:30 Let's Go Modern p.M 12:00 Music in Waltz Time 12:30 Varieties in Wax 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 Invitation from the Maestro 1:30 Concert Time 2:00 Silent Local Tides Saturday, February 13 High 8:14 17.9 fee,t 21:24 15.2 feet Low 1:21 9.8 feet 14:56 7.4 feet Sunday, February 11 High 9:21 17.9 feet 22:31 15.9 feet Low 2:35 10:5 feet 16:10 7.0 feet Monday, February 15 High 10:19 18.2 feet 23:24 16.8 feet Low 4:00 10.5 feet 17:09 6.1 feet , Tuesday, February 16 High ...... 11:00 18.9 feet Low 5:09 9.9 feet 17:55 5.1 feet Wednesday, February 10 High 0:05 17.4 feet 11:51 19.6 feet Low 5:59 9.1 feet 18; 34 4.3 feet Thursday, February 18 High "VAO 18.3 feet . .12:29 20.2 feet Low 6:38' 8.1 feet 19:06 3.8 feet ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. Ml r SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. full Information. Ticket and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 t va THE DAILY NEWS J-l FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 I'KECIOUS GAS ItEACHES NEW GUINEA GOAL Australian troops are shown gathering in drums of gasoline dropped by a supply ship, somewhere off the New Guinea coast. This gas supply is vital to the Allied war machine which is slowly crushing the Japanese force in the Buna-Gona area. BIG MAN !N GRAIN Late John I. McFarland Had Long View of Business Under the policy of the late John I. McFarland the Alberta Pacific Elevator Co. prospered. Its elevators increased, storage elevators were added throughout the west and when Mr. McFarland sold his interests in 1926 the company had 301 country elevators scatter ed throughout Manitoba, Saskat chewan and Alberta. He was one of the first grain men of the west to seek volume of trade with nar row profits to establish his bust ness. Mr. McFarland, recognized as one of the leading grain men of the Dominion, watched closely the advance of the farmers' co-opera tlve movements and was sympath etic towards the objectives of the farmers. With the sale of his interest in the grain company, Mr. McFarland turned with increased attention to the Alberta oil and gas industry with which he had been closely associated since discovery of the Turner Valley field in 1914 and its intensified development fol lowing the close of the Great War. In 1927 he bought Imperial Mo tors, Ltd., in Calgary and entered the automobile field. Almost overnight, McFarland was called from virtual retirement to be a leading public figure in the life of the Dominion. It was the chaos In international wheat marketing that brought him back to the grain trade. Searching for a guiding hand, the federal government, the banks and the wheat pool heads remembered Mr. McFarland and on Nov. 25, 1930, he became the head of the central selling agency of the Canadian wheat pools. Virtually he was called to straighten out the wheat marketing tangle that developed for Canadian growers in company with other export'ng countries of the world consequent to depression conditions and huge carryovers of the cereal. Declin'ng any salary, he became a "dollar ,i vear" man. and moved back to I Winnipeg with his family from Central Selling Policy Quickly he established the new policy of the central selling agency. On his appointment he announced the pool was reversing its policy of direct selling overseas. Representatives were withdrawn' and agencies in London, Paris arid cither European centres were closed in favor of "taking advantage of the ordinary, established facilities for marketing pool wheat." Later he started to campa'gn for reduced wheat production and strongly supported reduction of wheat acreage by 10 or 15 percent in all the exporting 6ountries of the world. Warned Farmers He warned Canadian farmers the battle for survival of the fittest among the exporting nations would prove ruinous to all with a great step-down in the manner of living. Control was the only means out of the situation, he declared. He went into the Winnipeg Grain Exchange to do the trading for the pools, and It was through Rebuilding Of Village New Homes are Making Their Ap pearance at Kispiox Near Hazelton The native village of Kispiox, at the confluence of the Kispiox and Skeena Rivers north of Hazelton, has been rebuilding following the flood of several yeans ago that des troyed soma of the older homes and badly damaged or displaced others. Fine new houses, modern and well constructed, have made their appearance on higher ground and housewarmlngs have been the order of the day. Among the builders of excellent new homes have been Stanley Wilson, Albert Johnson, Silas Johnson William Talt, Chris Harris, George Williams and Peter Muldoon. The owners are Justifiably proud of thedr new homes and have ex-Dressed resentment at official photographers who have come to their village and have featured old dilapidated dwellings of the village, some of which have been deserted, Instead of the new structures. The natives are endeavouring to set a hlghei: standard of living as exemplified in the new homes 'they have erected. RESOLUTION IS ENDORSED Canadian Legion Favors Provincial Responsibility for Education S. A. Cheeseman appeared on behalf of the Prince Rupert Teachers' Federation at Wednesday night's meeting of the Canadian Legion ad Presented a resolution for the consideration of the members urging ' provincial financial responsibility' for education. After hearing Mr. Cheeseman the resolution was unanimously adopted. It was the regular monthly meeting of the Legion and was held in the club rooms. The general business was of a routine nature. Having enlisted in the Canadian Army for active service, A. E. Phillips of Prince Rupert, Copple Jack of Winnipeg and Nell Brodie of Telkwa left this morning for Vancouver. these, operations, backed financially by the Dominion government through the banks, that he controlled tremendous quantities of wheat. Throughout his days In Alberta when he first went to the province and later in the federal sphere, Mr. McFarland was closelv asso ciated with Prime Minister R. B. Bennett In business. Their chief joint Interests were wheat and oil development. With Mr. Bennett at the helm of the Canadian govern-? ment in 1930 when the wheat situation became serious, it was an open secret that Mr. McFarland, because of his knowledge of the grain trade and sympathy with the pool farmer, would be called to guide the central pool organization.. The farmers' had faith in his integrity and continued their support of the pools. PRESBYTERY IN SESSION District .Meeting of United Church Held Yesterday The Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada wa3 In session yesterday for the most ot the day with Rev. Peter Kelly, chairman, presiding. Reports were presented covering work of the past year by the church in the presby tery and future plans were laid. Officers were elected as follows: Chairman Rev. P. R. Kelly, Boat Thomas Crosby. Secretary Rev. D. W. More Ocean Falls. Treasurer Rev. J. A. Donnell Prince Rupert. Induction reported were: Rev. T. Moore at Bella Coola on January 31 by Rev. W. P. Bunt, Superintendent of Missions; Rev. T. C. Colwell at Terrace on Octo ber 4 by Rev. J. A. Donnell, and Rev. Andrew Rutherford at Kis piox by Rev. Thomas Colwell from Terrace. Reports were made that mission aries would soon be at Port Sirrm- son. Since the last meeting- Mr. Argue .had been situated at Kltse- gukla. The schools were now staffed. The hospitals at Port Simpson, Bella Coola and Bella Bella were constantly filled. Ernest Dudoward reported hat no missionary had been at Port bimpson since June last. He paid high tribute to the work of Dr. Fiddes. Appreciation was passed by the' Presbytery to native church workers who have carried on in so many villages during the absence of missionaries. In some cases there was even a reported Increased action in local churches. The presbytery noted with great pleasure the very definite Improvement In the situation along the coast and In trains since the restrictions in the sale of alcoholic beverages. The Presbytery has asked the Home Mission Board of the Church to give the widest publicity dossI- jbie for the need for workers In vuidges uiuug me coast. Rev. W. P. Bunt of Vancouver, superintendent of missions for British Columbia, was among those present, the delegates also including Rev. D. W. More of Ocean Falls, secretary; Rev. T. C. Colwell of Terrace, Rev, James A. Donnell of Prince Rupert, Rev. A. Rutherford and Moses Morrison of Kispiox and Dr. Fiddes and Ernest Dudoward of Port Simpson, Transportation diitlculties caused delays and prevented some of the delegates from arriving. Kispiox Child Died Recently Mr. and Mrs. John Green Bereaved By Loss of Their Infant Daughter Frances Mary, six month old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Green of Kispiox, died on Saturday last. The funeral took place on Tuesday from the United Church in Kispiox with Rev. A Rutherford officiating. TYPES OF CORN , There are five main types of corn dent, flint, flour,: sweet and pop. CAP! TODAY AND SATl'RD Complete Shows 1:00. 2:42, 4:47. 7:00 r, MADE ON VANCoiVr, Commandos Strike at Daw Starring PAIX MlM Sli' Cedric Hardwiikt, Lee, Lillian r.ish (At 1:00, 3:05,5:10,7 23.1. ADDED News and Screen Snapsh, SUNDAY MinxiTE JOE E. RKOWX VSIIIJT MV mr. ia.. 'vi.ll: INSURANCE RATES Jl WASHINGTON, F h n tne aay alter the D:..s.;:, u Tokyo, fire insurant pre- structures m ina' ; t t shoot up, says thn Oft! Information and today r probably the higher in c 50 percent higher than frj or London. 'TBI lilll.lJ Fancy Red 1 J ill I UHVI " AlTT-i TJ I Salmon and jj M?sS Jm iva ua atv.tiv ,111 It-: .... m rrn1,'. tif1f tnnn at Hnr dittons permit. KWONG SANG HISG HOP KEE I Ml 111 V I I L I i.imi ,1111,1 House Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST aii your patronage nn. uprnj a p.m. to 2 a.m. um- Orders from 2 p.m. to I Phone Red 247 SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L Fresh every day, 5:00 P First Float West of Impro ' Oil Co. H rt t I I vi I niinte D.C.. B.A. Chiropractor wauarn mocn i nw NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PHOr MA Home Away From HOB' Rates 75c np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Wi" Pflnra I?nnrt. B.C Phone 281 P O- m " iPIANO TUNEf tub' Piano Tuning, Orgai. Piano Accordion Tuning Repairing. GEORGE TAYLOR Phone Green 880