AM i, it W!1 M P1GZF0CB o o o o o o Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimead OpUmetrist in Chart e Witch, Heck, Jewelry Eoairinx. Hand Enmriar VISIT OCK BASEMENT STORE fir Fine China, Dinner-ware, Glasses, Ba;cae and .Vortltics. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond 3Ierchant l Accessories Make the Woman . . . AND PEOPLES STORE Have the ACCESSORIES Just Arrived! FINE IMPORTED I KID GLOVES We were fortunate in securing a substantial stock of imported Gloves. Don't miss this opportunity . . . stjles and sues for alL Youll Find What You Want Here: PURSES HANDKERCHIEFS FLOWERS HOSIERY JEWELRY SCARVES MAIL ORDERS PR03IPTLY FILLED I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I J "In the Heart of Prince Ropert" THIRD AVENUE (Next to Heilbroner'sj Phone BLUE 97 HAVE URGE ORDER FOR FURS AND I AM PAYING HIGHEST PRICES Bring your Furs op town and yonll get 3 more. Don't sell your Fnrs at the waterfront because they are making 3I5J commission on you. W. G0LDBL00M 'I (The Old Reliable) For Quick, Safe and Comfortable TAXI SERVICE PHONE 235 DAY AND NIGHT PRESCRIPTIONS Must Be Filled With Professional Skill . . . The precious script your doctor writes may be your passport back to health. Translated by our registered pharmacist and compounded with skill and accuracy, the result is an effective remedy. You can bring prescriptions to us with confidence they will be filled from fresh stocks of highest quality drugs with professional care. You get exactly what the doctor orders. Ormes Lid, TTiif. Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 9 p.m. If you lose anything, advertise for it CFPR (141 KBocrdo) SCHEDULE (Affiliated with CBO Monday 1 P.M. TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS 7:60 P-m. Teiephooe Haw The first of a new- series of fine musical programs: this evening f fa taring Lawrence Tibbeti. hart-tone, and the Concert Orchestra, directed by Donald Yorbeec 7:30 p.m. "Yosr Broad i ay and Cne One-half boar of variety frith Frank Morgan, Lee Tracy. P j s Irwin and the Mills Brothers. chestra." This popular American band will be presented Mondays through Fridays at this boar. 9S9 "Downbeat" featuring each -reek one of the leading dance bands of today. On this cc ieasaon. the smooth styling of Freddy Martins Orchestra will be beard. 4:00 Afternoon concert 4 36 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Bhie Shadows 5:30 Barbara Norman i 45 Accordiania 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Jimmy Cash, tenor 6:30 Salon Music 6:45 Lutheran Hoar 7:00 Telephone Hoar 7:30 Your Broadway and Mine 8:00 Fred Waring 3:15 Front Ltoe Family :30 To be announced 9:30 "Dotst! beat." 9:45 Vagabond's Road 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Masic a la Carter 10:15 Song Sheet 10:30-Siient TUESDAY A-M. 7 30 Strictly Informal 7 :45 CBC News 7 50-SirieUy informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Miming Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner 9:00 Dinah Shore 9:15 Studies in Black and White 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Boston "Pops" Orchestra 10:30 Swing and Sway 10:45 They Ten Me 11:00 Will Carter 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 1117 Marek Webster's Orchestra 11:30 Let's Go Modern 12:C0 Mid-day Melodies PJL 12:30 On the Bandstand 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One O'clock Masicale 1:30 To be announced 2:00-Silent TH3 DAILY MONDAY, JANUARY If, 1843 BOY STARS FEATURED jucsey ionej ana I maw w i thotomev in "A Yank at Eton" Next Week Starring Mickey Rooney and Freddie Barthotasew. "A Yank at Eton" eosMS tonight and Tuesday to the Capitol Theatre. Mickey Is the centre o the story, as a typical American boy whose hopes cf going to Notre Dame are nattered when bis widowed mother marries an Fngiisbman and be i enrolled in exclusive Eton. Contemptuous of bis new surroundings, be gets into one predicament after another, and finally ets "sacked." after taking the Ma me for smashing the housemaster's ear. When be learns that Freddie, as his stepbrother, wasnl the guflty party, as be suspected, be sets oat to clear himself. Helped by twehre MtUe Eton boys, be kidnaps the proprietor of a roadside inn, after as wild a slapstick fight as has erer been filmed. The proprietor's testimony clears Mickey and he is reinstated by Ed-mand Gienn. who is the bouse-master, in time to ran in the annual steeplechase. After a tbrilMn? race he edge oat the Eton bully, played by Peter Lawford. Then be dietdes that Eton isnt so bad after alL and neither is his stepbrother, with whom be has been battling throughout. Most of their misunderstandings arise over the flirtatioosness of newcomer Tina Thayer. Mickey's newest sweetheart on the screen. Qaanita Qaigley. Alan Mowbray. Ian Hunter. Marta linden and Raymond SeTern also are included in the cast. GATHERING MORE STORJEMEHIND-THE-STORY FOR YOU EVERY DAY I SAT1 'jP ! CLAIRE WALLACE BOfCtHISt CFPR 10:45 a.m. SHRIMPS BOAT WX. Fresh every day, 50 pjn. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. IBII.SBXSrBXjXi.XXXt!X B F. y Fresh Local Raw and i Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY p i PHONE S57 trB3V.xx;;x7Xxvrm.X3arB7BiB.iJ ANNOUNCEMENT New Subscription Rates Effective from February 1, 1913 Changing conditions due to the war and its effects are forcing newspapers throughout the country to increase their subscription rates. Under prevailing conditions advertising revenues are falling off while costs of production and service are mounting. In order for the newspapers to remain in business and maintain service to their readers, there is no choice but to ask readers to pay a higher percentage of the cost of the newspaper than they have been doing. The Dally News has carefully considered the matter and finds reluctantly that it, too, must increase its subscription rates. The Increase will be as small as possible. We shall continue our policy of rendering the utmost possible service In proportion to the public support received. In making the increase we are satisfied that the public, generally speaking, will understand our position. We believe the Increased cost is far less than the measure of value and service given by our paper. The new schedule of subscription rates will be as follows: By City Carrier, effective as from February 1, 15c per week 65c per month $7 per year Mail Subscription Rates 10c per month, $4 for twelve months Jailg tows imimiB::m::imx2imimimiiBiBF B i UclTCWSM wt kit w&sia' etch ctfwrsifc THESE BKmSH "Watrre: Traiwft nirr VTH? WOLF 1M MP I v Former Residents Now at Prince Rupert Make Entertainment Possible STEWART. Jan. 11 Thanks to the kindness and generosity of a number of formtr Stewart residents now Bring in Prince Rupert. the children of Stewart and Hyder bad a real bang-up Christmas party and Christmas tree recently. Santa Class armed loaded with bags of good things for the young guests, there being apples, oranges, nuts and candy present in profu sion. Dae to unfortunate weather conditions Santa was unable to get his icecream to the party but the icecream arrived the next day and was distributed free to all children of the community through the co-operation of the Stewart Book Store. Music was provided aplenty and games and dancing filled up the evening. The young children know there is a Santa Claus, and the older people know that there are many former Stewartites in Prince Rupert who have retained a soft spot in their hearts for their former home town. Masonic Funeral Service Sunday Final Rites Under Ansnices of Tsimpsean Lodce for Late James MaeMillan of Stewart A Masonic funeral service was accorded James Lachlan MacMlHan of Stewart here on Sunday afternoon. Deceased died in the Prince Rupert General Hospital last week as a result of injuries sustained near Premier when engaged in snow plowing operations for the provincial department of public works. Mr. MaeMillan was a member of Enoch Lodge at Stewart and the Masonic service here was conducted by Tsimpsean Lodge with A. S. Nkkerson, the worshipful master, in charge, assisted by T. W. Boulter as director of ceremonies. There were ritualistic rites both at the I Grenville Court Chapel of the B. C. Undertakers and at the Masoni: plot in Falrrtew Cemertery where interment was made. Deceased having been a veteran i of the last war. members of the Canadian Legion were also in attendance. Per lies were dropped on the cr fleet and "The Last Post" was sounded by Bugler William Ranee. Pallbearers were J. Coswain, J Campbell, S. McDonald, H. Kemp-ton, D. McVicar and J. P. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and VTaj-polnts, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNEK Prince Rupert Aicent Third Ave. Phone 561 iR00NEY tUIII 111 rittDK GWENN HUNTER BARTHOLOMEW vttUNDEN hmn QUIGUY u. M0 WHAT -160C DAYS" -CHIPS OF THE OLD BLOCK" E - i X 3 X 5 JO 7 09 9 CO. Fc 1 ?1 2 3.' r 31 7 31 9 21 "CAPITOL iX3ximiiixim.iijujExiauxixi:jrsi;B:Brmrm3HiB7T' Stewart Has Xmas Tree Universality Of iGods People Rer. A. F. MacSween Describes Restoration of Christian Spirit For SetUement of Disputes In fixing responsibility for war milt, while admitting that an Iniquitous system bad been set ud by Lthe enemy, it should also be re- memoerea uiai conomons naa been forced upon Germany which had caused her people to turn in desperation to Hitler and bis pro- nises, declared Rev. A. F. Mac-Sween, pastor of first Presbyterian Church, in bis morning sermon a First Presbyterian Church yesterday. Mr. Ma cS ween mentioned spirit of supe:iority man over man for such superficial differences as wealth, social position and intellectual attainments as causes of strife. Righteousness, mercy and justice Just Arrived A Gods truth rc . zci r.i, ; permanent peace .-. waa -' , i.- . .. hj meei on uie co.n.T ji. . j ri all people as the chUdre.-. ; a ucl venal God. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Jan. 11. 1918 - Br:1, a Cr ryer Raccoon sank alter 'r.k; r reck off the Irish coast Heavy artlller; actions developed northeast of Ypres and south of t'r.; Scarpt River on the Western Ft ;1 DRAMA IN SHIPMENT OF COTTON FELT MATTRESSES All Sizes WAirtlME LONDON. Jan 1! revived amateur drarr j It is figured there aro : amateur societies. c 3.000 before the war ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue ii with Canadian National Railways TRAINS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE TRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 pjn., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. 10:30 ajn.. stopping at principal points. LOCAL TRAIN for TERRACE DAILY except Sunday, 4:15 pin. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: TUESDAY. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY, 10:30 pjn. THURSDAY and SATURDAY. 7 pjn. LOCAL TRAIN from TERRACE, 11:20 am. Daily except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPING AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full informaUon, etc., call or write R. S. GREIG, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Avenue. Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE - READY TO COOK BUY WAR BONDS OR CERTIFICATES Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA If you lose anything, advertise for it i i mr