Iv k 4. PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS FRIXCE RUPERT, BRITISD COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue Q. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR Transient, per Inch Contract, per Inch Readers, per line LOCAL ADVERTISING Black Face Readers, per Un Business and Professional Cards Inserted dally, per month, per inch MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS How to Write a Letter . . . LONDON, May 29 W With taking on more and more Jobs u war lac-ones me La.or Ministry 1 29 ) TRICOLOIt IN ULSTER $1.00 503 25C 40c The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights ol republication of special despatches therein are also reserve'd. DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Saturday, May 29, 1943 --IilClllUCl U1C LUU 1CH.C1 -V lll-iJif, uuuiikj unv. .-,. run across? The olies which gave stilted phrases to cover any imaginable contretemps from a letter to the Presi- oi. jonn oi Jerusalem, Lommandery of Canada and . branch of Prince Rupert, of a resolution, signed personally by the Governor General, expressing appreciation of- Mr. Macdonald's services as first aid instructor for this community, j Having been one of hundreds who have come under) Mr. Macdonald's able tutelage we can conscientiously1 u.iu jjcifuimiij dun uur Liiuuie iu me spienniu ana unselfish work, often giving generously of his own time and ple:ires, which he has carried out in first aid instruction. A busy man in his own trade and in demand for pther activities, he has, we know spent evening after evening year after year, conducting first aid rlassps for the people of Prince Rupert. We have often marvelled i ai nis patience and perseverence in this regard. There is no question that this community generally owes Mr. Macdonald a debt of gratitude for what he has done. A mere resolution does not commence to be adequate acknowledgement. We have come to be impressed, especially under pres-' ent circumstances, of the importance of having trained r l l l l lll ia-.r-ru -"km m n rt n aaj.. . J - 1 mm nr- ii vii iiuim uuu iciiuji .v xuutLiUll snouilli V"",v.jv-"V mis is une urancn oi our civilian defence , which there is reason to believe is in a good state of preparedness from the standpoint of good train- Sg ran5zatio- There is no ne who can deny that, this being the case, the bulk of the credit must go to Angus Macdonald for the splendid work he has done to this end. We are fortunate to have a man like AngUs Macdon-a d in Prince Rupert and it is too bad there are not many like him. There would be much less to morry about in regard to our civilian defences in these hazardous times if there were. STRABANE, County Byrone, May A " tricolor uiwiui riag, - which wuicn Is is pro- pro- is i-.-.i. considering production . . or appll- i hibited in Northern Ireland, flew n imp lacioiy eiriS WRO rrom t.ho rnnrlhmK. V.- r--.. have to lift heavy weights. In some ractorles physical training Instructors try out each Job before women are asked to take them on. Morway morning. Put un durinsr the night to commemorate the 1910H HsThg, it flew ror hours before It was discovered and lowered. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess or the Order of the Eastern Star who served so ralthfully as chaper- all had a good time. In June the j Order of the Women of the Moose j i takes over. , j There will be the usual Sunday evening concert for the troops this Sunday. No tickets will be given out from the "Y" Hut as all tickets have been given out by the units. Mrs. S. A. Keilback has had another letter from "Lofty" Lawson, one df the British tars who were here last autumn. It contained some very sad news and I am sure all his friends in Prince Rupert will feel like dropping him a line to cheer hm up. I shall quote from the letter as soon as Mrs. Keilback wordy, diction s something that the aspiring job- 8lve""5 f e 1l,er' seeker or the bashful swain might ha found useful, bt as letters as a message to a loved one, they had as much' lan kltten ,eplace -Dutch', i personality and life as the quarterly report oi an insur- was sorry to have to refuse but, as ance company. I am going on my holidays In a Letter-writing is not an art, and the more "arty" it month or two, i don't like to take becomes the less readable it is. To write an interesting Jhnen LJe u ! sSouia " the" SS letter to a soldier or a sailor the first thing to do is to to waIt untn my return when i can foriret about such things as grammar or the correct for-1 devote several consecutive months mal etiquette of letter-writing. ttr i. i-ii-.. l ii.- ;ti: write yuur letter just as u me recipient was siuing across the table and you were conversing with him. Ke-member that the trivial things are apt to be most interesting. Read your home-town newspaper and see what the editor features, to get a line on what is interesting subject matter, Mention the little things the everyday scenes and occurences that are so obvious and usual that you don't really think he will be interested . . . Don't worry, he will ! For a homesick boy overseas, every new ' springing blade of grass on his own street is a matter of poignant interest. Tell him all the gossip you can think of . . . who mar ried whom, and who didn't. Tell him about Mrs. Blank's, explosion of aristocrat rage when her new bonnet blew off outside the church on Easter Sunday. Tell him anything you can think of, and write as if you Were actually talking to him face to face. Only then will your real personality shine out between the" lines. Anyone can write a correct letter but only you can write as you talk. To Angus Macdonald ... A very timely ceremony which took place in the mayor's office last evening prompts us to write a few lines in tribute and acknowledgement of a citizen who we believe over the years has been doing as valuable a job in defence of his home town as any other person who lives here. We refer to Angus Macdonald and the ceremonv was the presentation to him by Mayor V. M. Watts, acting on behalf of the venerable . Order of the Hospital . of P" i T 1 T ! fa specified. Humphkey MrrCHELl, Minister of Labour THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY, MAY 90 ,nn Baseball Standings National League I w. L. Pet. I Brooklyn 22 11 .667 St. Louis 19 11 .633 j Boston 15 12 .55- Philadelphia 15 15 00 Cincinnatl 15 16 .484 Pittsburg 12 16 .429 New York 14 18 .433 Chicago. , 9 22 290 American League W. L. Pet. Washington It 13 .567 Cleveland 17 13 -67 New York 15 12 .556 Detroit 14 13 .519 Philadelphia 16 15 .516 Chicago 10 14 .417 Boston 13 18 .419 Bt. Louis y 10 14 .417 Owing to an error in shipment, a consignment of candy bearing Red Cross markings and intended for-prisoners of War was placed recently on the commercial market in Prince Rupert. The Red Cross states that local wholesale houses have been asked to Withdraw the bars from the market. to it. In the meantime, you can al! be thinking or a suitable name. By that time I hope we'll be able to call It "Victory" or Victoria as the case may be. Well I won at Bingo again last night, the second time in two years I IT 17 BIS- iliVtin: WINNIPEG crx:jirB?-i rarsarava can. ss In preparation tor the .... rIDt n inr W. H. (Buster Bolton, who en-1 listed in the Royal Canadian Air j m 1 Tunnirv 1Q9 h-c urrivpH i ?ieven 1 VH.C J , I overseas, according to a cade received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bolton, 149 Berry Stieet Day weekend, Winnipeg liquor purchasers estblished a record. It was not a record o! quantity purchase but one of time. Within twelve minutes after the time of opening, every bottle or beer In the store or the Government Liquor Control Commission hrfd been sold. Since beer was the only beverage available. It was the target of every purchaser. "It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, said one or the liquor store employees in commenting on the twelve-minute record. Gordon A. May, Swan River, Is with the American Army in North Africa, His father U a roadmaster on the Canadian National Railways and is a veteran or the Boer War. Douglas McMahon, telegraphist with the R. C. N. V. R., and son o! Mr. and Mrs. A. McMahon, 1149 Ingersoll Street is spending his leave at home. Serving on a cor I always make a point or sitting at ' vette, he has seen plenty or action the same table with Ronald Mason . In his two years service In the Roy' who protests that I am unlucky. By ! al Canadian Navy. that I guess he means that I win and he doesn't. The Air Ministry in London rre Kegulanons, who are presently employed i . . . j i D. EMPLOYMENTS COVEHED BY THIS ORDER: Men, of the specified categories, re covered if now employed in any of the following: (1) Any occupation in or associated yllh retail Mores; (2) any occupation In or associated with the manufacturing of feathers, plnmr and artificial flowers; chewing jrum; wine; lace goods; greeting cards; jewelry; () any occupation in or associated with distilling almbol for beverage; (4) any occupation in or associated With the factory production of Mataary and art goods; (S) any occupation tn the operation of ice cream parlours and soda fountains; (T) any oi the following occupations: bus boys; char-men and cleaners; custom furriers; dancing teachers; dish washers; doormen and starters; greens keepers; grounds keepers; porters (other than in railway train service); private chauffeurs. C AGE AAD MAMTAL CLASSES OP MEN COVERED BY 11HS ORDER: (a)y Every man born fn ny year from 197 to 1924 (biclnt.lv) J,tt has reached age 19. (fc) Every man born from 1X)2 to 1916 (inclusive) wbo, at Jnly 15th, 1910, was: ) unmarried; r 1(H) divorced or judicially separated; or (in) a widower without rnibl or children. (c) Every man bom from 1902 m 1916 (inclusive) who has, since July 15, 1910, become a widower without child or children now living. W) Every man born from 1902 V 1916 (inclusive) who, fcinct July 5, 1910, has been divorced or judicially separated. is D. Procedure to be Followed: All men as defined above must report to tn Employment and Selective Service Office not later than June 15th, 1943. Men resident outside a dry or town having an Employment and Selective Service Office, who - are - too ii far i-iijijveu removed to nj can call 5X0,0 ""P10?"1""5 now personally may write to the nearest office in the first instance, and await further directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYEES: When directed to accept employment, subsequent to the interview referred to, men described in Para- grapns ll anil C above are required by ..c jicumiioiiB in iiiunw We. lj given. F. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS: It will Ire illegal for an employer to retain in his employ afler June Lv'ih, 1913, any men referred in in Paragraph C above, at any of liic employ, ment? set forth in Paragraph It above, unless a special permit has been obtained from a National Selective Ser-lce Officer, permitting such action. G. Transportation: Special provisions will be made for the transportation of men moved to work at a new place of residence. W. Appeals: tt directed to transfer to employment a . Sweethearts'' Comlnr Capitol Theatre at First of Next Week A combination qf young romance Victoria hd beauty a&ahist a pastoral loscKgrouna manes reiresning en-Itertalnment in "Seven Sweet" hearts.'Mfeature picture ror Monday and Tuesday next at the Capitol Theatre. The locale or the picture Is a quaint Dutch village and a tulip festival. Seven pretty girls run a hotel owned by their eccentric Dutch ra ther. Marsha Hunt is the spoiled stage-struck eldest daughter who traps Van Heflin, breezy young newspaperman who comes to town to cover the tulip festival, into an elopement Kathryn appears as the real love or. Van Hefiln. Cecilia Parker, Frances Raeburn, Dorothy Morris, Frances Rall.'erty and Peggy Moran are the remaining slstere. Supporting roles are handled by Isobel Elsom, Diana Lewis, Lewis Howard, Carl Esmond and Louis.' Beavers. Two new song hits are hlghllted in the picture "little Tingle Tangle Toes" and "You and the Waltz and I," having been Written especially lor the picture, f ently announced the award or the Distinguished Flying Crass to Pilot Officer J. II. Symons or Winnipeg. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE Second Coiiipulsoii-y Kiniiloyiuciit Transfer Order Atotice to. Certain ZmplxupM aul CmpltUfeel Nolire is hereby pivrn that mm e,,,ly, j certain xoifieI lines of civilian employment, who at e in a-e and marital rlaes already designated under National Selective Service Mobilization Hopiila-tious, uiu..t report for interview not later than June 15th, 1U13, to an hmployment and Selective Service Office. A. Objective: This Second Order makes vHalle for essential employments the services' of men in age and marital classes designated as callable for Military Training under National S; tive Service Alobiliwrion and in addition to other pen-tries, refusal to comply renders a man liable to compulsory labour service in an Alternative Service Work Camp. K. Special Request to Employers: Each employer with three or more men covered by this Order in his employ is requested to co-operare by getting in touch with the Employment and Selective Service Office, to arrange a rime for the interviews of his employees. I Authority: This Order is issued under authority rertion "(""d on the Minister of Labour by National Selective Strvice Civilian Recu-. lations (P.C 24- of January I9th,' 194J, and amending Orders in Council). M. This Second Order Is Additional to First Order: Employments listed in Paragraph B above, declared non-essential 'in this Second Order, are additional to the nonessential employments contained in the First Order. The First Order, issued May 4t1i, 1945, required compliance by May 19th on the part of employees designated under Mobilization Regulations and also of their employers, in the following lines of work: (1) taverns or Manor, vsine end beer stores; (2) retail sale of eitndy, confer mbsequent ro inrerview, a man may, if he tiorrery, tobacco, books, stationery, nevr, objects, enrer appeal with a Court of Referees within 7 days of receiving such t. Penalties in Case of Employers! Penalties are provided for any employer who retains in, or takes into, his employ after June 15th, 1943, any man corned by the Order, except under siecial permit. J. Penalties In Case of Employees: Penalties are provided for failure on the part of any employed man affected, to register under this Order, or to follow a subsequent direction to employment. (J) barber shops and beauty parlours; (4) rcT;7 and wholesale florists; (S) ser- Vtcv stations (gasolini-fillitig stations); (6) retail sale of motor vehicles or accessories; (7) retail sale of sporting goods or tmtsical instruments; (S) waiter, taxi driver, elevator operator, hotel bell boy, domestic servant; (J) any occupation in, or directly associated with entertainment includbfg but not restricted to theatres, film agencies, nidtion picture companies, clubs, bowling alleys, pool rooms; (iO) any occupation in or directly associated -with dyeing, chairing, and pressing (not mcludhig laundry work); baths; guide service; shoe sh'ming. Men referred to above mutt preient documenli at the employment office, Indicating compliance uith Mobilisation Regulation A, MacNamaha, Director National Selective Sendee D-3 palWi-BOT rresn i.ocai Kaw and" rastcurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY ii onni'n BTBTBraa ararjc: k: r:ra Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned and serviced Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SEUYICE For Income Tax RKTUHNS SEE It. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ate. Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Fairvlew Cemetery phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 pm. week days. FOR SALE 10 Cotton Mattresses, . at $13.50 9 Used Boils and Springs, at . . $9.50 2 Electric Ranges at a very low price. ssaHMaa B.C. furniture Phone Rlack .121 TlllltlJ AVENUE 'f Era 3 mr utaz itir mi GOIFSEAL! M (31J -10L I Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon Herring In Tomato au si, wi ; mib.imo U Sanct are both on actlre lerrite Lot will be back on roar trocer'i shelf soon as condl-dltions permit. OPPORTUNITY WILL HUV, TRADE, or SELL What Have Vou? IMione Black 823 KWONG SANG IUNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Nest to Klnr Tal 12 7th AVE. WEST All your palronare welcome Opens 5 p.m. to - a.m. OntM Orders from 2 p.m. to I Phone Bed I J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westhoime Rooms i i 1