PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon ExceDt Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAOING EDITOR LOCAL ADVERTISING Transient, per Inch Contract, per Inch Readers, per line Black Face Readers, per line The Red Cross . . . Kta; 'IV, $1.00 50c 25C 40c Business and Professional Cards Inserted daily, per month, per Inch $2.50 MEMBER OF TIIE CANADIAN PRESS , The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. ' M.llfl& DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Saturday, March 20, 1943 The Canadian Red Cross Society has been engaged for the past three weeks in a drive for $10,000,000. Can-ada, as a "whole, has so far failed to reach the national objective although Prince Rupert is well over the $12,000 which was set for it. ; Possibly the Prince Rupert quota was a little on the low side. In any case, further subscriptions are urgently needed to assist the valuable work that the Red Cross is carrying out, the importance of which we have attempted to urge on many occasions heretofore. To those who may not have been called upon and those who feel thev might have given more we would 5Ug,c-est they send their gifts in as soon as possible, regardless of the last day. And we would repeat be as generous as possible! The Liquor Situation . . . " . i " ' Once they are adjusted to it, Canadians should be able U) get along very nicely with less liquor. Meanwhile, the restrictions, having been iniposed so suddenly, are regarded by not a few as working a hardship. i It should be remembered that the reason the restric ts Tt's intprpptino- to know when rpadinp- the Dailv Notf lhot thp noonlo of th wViole rlictrift nrp doino1 thp saw Junior Soccer Game Is Keen Kin; Edward School Wins 7 to Over Borden Street A keen game of football was played by teams from King Edward and Borden Street public school at King Edward School zrounds Frldav afternoon. The left back, Jack Sharpe; right back, M. Kenneth; left half, George ,IIau-gan; centre half, Andrew .Owens; right half, Billy Davidson; right wing, Sidney Scherk; inside right, Donald Scherk; centre forward, Bob Anderson; inside left, Harold Pierce; right wing, Donald Bou- ve(te. Jimmy Flaten, Wil-f ' fred Prince. t Scoring players were Haugen, Scherk, Pierce and Owens. Teams were in charge of S. A. Cheeseman and Brice Mickleburgh respectively, the latter acting as referee. PLAY-OFFS UNDERWAY Stanley Cup Contests to Start Tomorrow Night at Detroit and Boston NEW YORK, March 20. W The V Balaski A Balaski Scharff: left back. Micky Webster: ILykegard right back, Alan Hartwig; left Woods half, Billy McChesney; centre half, Reggie Ronald; right half, Marvin Brew; left wing, Billy Mutch; inside left, Roy Clifford; centre forward, Bob Gill (captain); inside right, Norman Hill, right wing, Gardiner Paul. Zelisko - Handicap. Totals Gomez Dickens Elliott King Edward Ooal, Hal Rogers;. Bond Reaugh Stanley Cup final play-offs willValpy Valpy f(ijiiHi r pome Ten or t.m'?jvg montns aro to appreciatejl - y .- rjnoripop-jnp- roflflv nllt the tact remains thnt Prinrp T?n.:thP tifii-f ic nvoo flo-pfn, a miief, and onjerlv town, especially hv mVhf. That is satifaptorv and if is to bp honed that Ahnriifionc ".;n remain that way and that nothing is done in riJefnvh them. Possihlv snmp imnrovpmpnts ran he made in th reans of fUcfvJhnfinfr pniyv fVip vprhicpd amount of Ji'nnor hvp'IsWo, Mn WnV.f fhe pnf.Vinvitips avp pc nnyioua o5 onvhorlv fo nerfpf this distrihiifion svofpm Thpve a'P hotrlpnpcVs .of nvocpnf ptj vrUnpe the flnilv line-un pnpVi ovnino- pr the liminf cfnvo hut. thp nupstion is wViqf, fn f'o QHont H PoeciMv tUp Qnh'Mnn will hp a svtjfpmatio vp-tinnino' nlan 'hiVV mmII f1onVt1ocs. rnpan less than fovtv nunooa p month whiVh,is the Jirnit, todav. Attpntion Vipe hepi dvpu-n to thp resorti'no- hv enrno vpfVlpec, pnrl flpnvpvprl npvsnns to thp use of snrh suhti-tntec for aVnholif intoxicants as lemon extvari and jpetVivl hvdratp. T1-.p-o rnnv haw hppn somewhat of a vim rip thpep rommnrliHoa hnt rlouhtlpes. it. rp.n hp snpedih' and effect ivpj,r lopH iritVi TVipv nf ooiivcp run out noon hnt it is to hp Wed that thi m-M not he caused hv rpp fmpf ot inwriiPinMR inebriates. "Wo onlir lipfi enft flrinVs and avP had a wnnrlerful timp "'as thp remark wp heard from a sophisticated socialite the other f1av describing a nartv where, un to thp pflvpnt of vpotnetions. there vonM have heen an abundance of cocKtaiis anrl other .sorts of honor. Already, many neonle who avp not fnoed to srend the time and effort nou- needed to obtain linuor are bpcomino- nnite naprl n tV.p situation. Soon drv parties mav he the stvle and that will be all to the n-ood, particularly as far lis the yountx people are concerned. In snite of o0 much we heav about the honest, work-n m,n fUp avprpnrp fmnA r'hV.en beinfr used and ntit'1 to his fr)aSS 0f hep who knows we may even h ahlp to nret. alone nicely too very with a good deal less of that? t-.:m nrM dic!ht?on nlan mav not. he ai' that if mio-ht be. Still vp thinV, in a (rpnpn wpir th niithovitjos pvp nn thp nVht t-afl pnf1 it i tn be boner1 that, tlww wil not bp fliverfpd by fulsome and vociferoiv nrototptinnc nnd hpvv'no-s from no?sv nennlp uVw n,, movn .Vfpvoetpri ;n thpir om satisfaction than th- rrprn"oJ trnnr) or patut fViQ ii'ar pffort . Mon.-.V.;i Pvinw Pi'i-oj-t. is ojbtfpv town frnm tli--onfl,-.oiV of lot- oivl flov an1 fhp nnWi. pnr.paranr- rf nxr.AAfnV.Ut'fir Hion U i.-no n fpt.r nrro Ajrhp" fHU Vovo u'on oil flip Hrninf anrl Koni. mmi'lntO Hockey League schedule Thursday night, the games that night leaving the final standing as follows: Detroit Boston Toronto National League Final W. D. L. F. A. Pts. Chicago Canadiens Rangers 25 11 14 169 124 24 9 17 195 176 22 9 19 198 159 17 15 18 179 180 19 12 19 181 191 11 8 31 161 253 WATERWORKS IN TROPICS FREETOWN, West Africa, March 20 0" This capital of the Brltlth colony of Sierra Leone, 450 miles north of the equator, has set aside the equivalent of $75,000 for the improvement of .the municipality's water system. 4 Alexander Bond Handicap Totals THE DAILY NEW3 SATURDAY, MARTtt Individual Scoring In Ladies' Bowls week. Selig final score was 7-0 in favor of the j Erkkson more experienced King Edward Macphee team. The game was not as one- A'vpn sided as the score would indicate . Rf?ef,tsoili;ii-with the. Borden Street te'ani show- j ,I.1dJ?apJL. ine lots of fieht rieht to the clos- 'Totals W ing whistle. Teams were as follows: Borden Street Goal. Wallace Annettes 173 203 194 122 191 7 890' Knox Hotel 145 122 133 152 87 170 809 Big Sisters 143 154 143 137 118 64 819 154 171 225 150 162 ; -.7 130 131 149 133 , 125 170 838 208 133 107 174 148 64 834 Savoy Swingers 189 272 McLeod Wesch Basso-Bert-? Kellett j, 'Handicap Totals 139 105 173 128 9 743 Rangers 91 146 187 ,107 " 9 812 Peterson 222 151 Montgomery 171 122 Reid 113 107 Collins v 97 153 Ballinger . 187 263 Handicap 35 35 Totals 825 831 Rluebirds Davison 148 185 Boulter " 169 217 Pierce 145 147 Harris 157 149 Keron 198 182 Totals - 817. 880 ., Optimists Borlahd 219 190 93 188 Yelland in 200 Thomas 13G 117 l ow Score 120 142 r-.HJPvt3r,-;8?:; 9 -Totals 768 926 Lucky Strikes 1 Menzies 139 "' 219 Smith; ,i20; -.66 Warren 195 201 Nelson 189 160 Rushworth 157 142 Handicaps 2 2 Totals 802 890 Amateurs Arm?trons 113 131 Mclntyre 126 168 Krause 79 195 Wick 127 278 M. McMeekin 182 142 Handicap 62 62 Totals .' 739 976 Nursing Sisters Bloomquist 67 219 Dowie 1 88 75 Koester 130 158 Orahaii 104 118 Robinson 167 81 j Handicaps 221 221 Totals 776 872 141 1C3 137 175 134 215 9 853 191 157 100 153 183 35 824 233 205 " 149 174 937 137 244 117 150 234 161 2 119 178 174 118 120 62 780 1 ' 71 124' 19! : 132 Sport Chat Time was when Dave Pickaid bounced the hockey lads around plenty bk in Canada and It's one of his greatest sorrows that he Following, were Individual scores (.n't step on the ice over here. A-. in Ladies League bowling thlsFit. u. Pickard of the Canadian i Demon Squadron of shlpwreckerr location and nature of duties Juf dont permit him to get back in the iso game. For one thing theres no rinr 223 166 191 7 931 117 128 nearby. Now Dave is on the lookou; for a spot on an English tugby team. He played that game while a student at University 6f New Brunswick. Pick's last hockey activity was In 1940-41 when he performed for Flyers in the Ottawa City League when duties at Uplands al- 117 lowed. Back around 1913 he played 164 with Frcdericton Millionaires and 114 Saint John Beavers in the New 170 Brunswick Senior League. 810 I 135 A couple of former Big Four foot-133 bailers In new surroundings are 173 . "Touchdown Tony' Oolab and Norm Dcruana, uyin oi uiiawa ana oom Bertrand's brother, Doug, a hockey arid football stalwart around the Capital, has been in the R. C. A. F. some time. He has flown both Beaufighter night-fighters and Blenheim Bombers and has recovered from serious injuries suffered in a flying mishap. It's a long Jump from the hockey lanes of Canada and the United States to Canadian service police work with the air force in England. There's no doubt Harold (Happyi Hoar of Truro, US., misses hockey. That's because of lack of ice near his squadron, but he doesn't fee: nut nf Vit alamiint In CVwrlteV f f Happy, who played hockey with iruro uearcats during uie mid-30 s. also was quite a hand at 'English rugby in the Maritlmes. So he didn't need any introduction to rugger when he stepped out with ths R-A.K. boys on his station. Anothc athlete in the same nlghtflghter 'unit, Fit. Lt. Massey Beaverldge of Westmount, Quebec, qualified himself at the game. It didn't require a srea't deal of conversion fo: In prewar days he was flying win-? with 148 MGili University intercollegiate I 221 football team and a darn, good 837 one. NEW FAMILY PORTRAIT INTEREST LOCALLY They Flew Alon$ijif tures Career Of Amy andijini Mollison sj-r v - A picture with a decided angle f local interest comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here next Monday and Tuesday in "They "ilew Alone," a thrilling aviation! irama which chronicles the car-: ers of Amy Johnson'and Jim Mollison from their earliest days to he time of "Johnny's" tragic death while engaged in war aviation. The local angle is, of course, the fnrt that Amv Johnson was the niece ot T. II. Johnson, for years general manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. here and now residing In Victoria. Anna( Neagle. celebrated English actress, plays the part of Amy Johnson while Robert Newton appears asl Jim Mollison. 1 Emulating fiction is the graphic : 140 Pilot officers. It really suDerfluou3 i story of the two great filers whose 152 to say that Tony Is the guy who temperaments and courage spurred 64 used to pile up such big yardage I them on to great aviation feats 803 gains for Ottawa Rough Riders be- ' but who failed to find happiness fore Joining the R.C.AJ. Bertrand j under the searching spotlight of i Jumped from Ottawa high school ! fame. The mystery which sur-ranks to Montreal of the Big Four rounded "Johnny's" death and' in 1940. St. Patrick's and Ottawa the work of herself and her hus-Technical cradled lils rugby nreer. ' band in their country's interest are stimplating Incidents In a drama that is real and. authentic. The picture was made with the co-operation and approval of the heroine's parents and Jim Mollison himself. Canada at War 25 Years Ago but LAC. Bing Anderson of Parry ' 1 Om.H 3 I .I11 r : . . 1' .1 1 m . i . . ouuuu, win.., sun mi us jime lor nis By The Canadian Press favorite sport. This season he play- j March 20, 1918-Sir Robert Bor ed with the R.CJV.F. Headquarters , den in Canadian House of Com team. Bing stepped up from Sud bury juniors in 1938 to Join Detroit Holzbauch of thp' . Mirhltrnn-nfi- W tarib League. At that thnet Goalie 1 Jce Turner and Defenceman Doug 33 McCuaig, now the property of De- I 111 trolt Red Wings cf tji.c lltipna ' "1 League, were' a coup'le of Ring's 53 ieammates. mons introduced a bill to enfranchise all women on equal basis with men, except those married to enemy aliens. Order Only What You Sent BUY ROBINTEX QUALITY FABRICS FOR ECONOMY Urll.Knoirn At C.talhi Of Distinction Intl I)u nihility asic rout 111011 ro First family group photograph to include the new Netherlands princess Is this one. recently made In Ottawa by Karsh. From left to right are Princess Beatrix, Crown Princess Juliana, Princess Irene and Prince Bernhaid, On the lap of Princess' Juliana is Princess Margriet Franclsca, first royal child to be born on Canadian soil, WOMEN OF REVEAL "KEEP 'EH tm - 7 J IIOmftnT.1 Ascirin for UoJ..t. . . Tlf t, . iiomen "riome fij&tot, wnrkiiiir I1V tniir... i-- ' w l n l i"""uaiin;f . are not let tine anvtV . ... . with their work... note; ache . . . arording to i This questionnairg i-, women reveIl Uiutthcvtm; drug items, formaintj in..v., Naturally, Aspirin laW IIUUOKIIUIU nulC .,X 1 jjcuuuuie, c un-K . . . ei:...iji;j millions of headaches, nar t neuralgic pain, without u: after-effects. In fact Afp:.: as one of the safest atsi-j known. It costs less ti u tablet, in the economy lottlii. it nanuy, yourscir. "Apirin." made in Ci-' ny, Limited. If yon dc't tno 1 layer cross on each LiW isn't Aspirin. '" ror Income Tai Returns tee . R. E. Mortimer I' hour UK 124 tnd A H !. I. I . -I l J Pasteurized .MILK I VALENTIN DAIRT g PHONE 657 FOR MB SPECIAL PRICES New hand-made RAO EUfli Artistic designs. 18x38 Special i RADIOS In first daa U innrtitlnn. 7 to 10 Real Bareains. dltlon, Remington, Uri?- wood, L. C Smith K bargains, One 3-piece CHESTERFIHI SET. High grade U?: covering Regular $2" for ?lf Odd Lines, Pot: Paw. r B.C. Furniture PHONE KLACK 321 THIItn AVENUE KWONG SANG HIN0 HOP KF.E CHOP SUE! 111 House Next to Kins Tl 612 7th AVE. Vt!" All your palronaje welc 3 Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. un orders from 2 p.m. to z Phone Kfd SERVICES TO a""1 W Vancouver, Victoria ......... nnd Sr JHMIHS, aici'" - Queen Charloltc Island Full Informaiion, Tickc'5 and Reservation' FRANK J. SKINNER ...i i. .,( Aecnl Third Ave.