PAGE FOUR m?3 " af vourGROCZR'S m W A 'n A TEA IhHcuHcementJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Invitation dance, Hall, February 26. Card party, Catholic Hall, March 17. Contract and Whist; good prizes. Admission 50c. Entries Queen Mary Bridge Tour-"nament close March 17. . Registered Nurses' Association ' Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 18. St. Peter's Spring Sale, March 25. SEKVICES TO wii.ouvrr, Victoria nd Wy-tHiiiiU. Stewart and North, )utii Charlotte Island. fill) information. Ticket and Reservations HUNK J. SKINNCH frinie Kuncri Agent Ihlrrl fist. Phone 56K CANADA'S NUTRITION PROGRAM 10N. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-19 P.O. Box 575 For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. Military Orders -by-Lieut.-Col Q. C. Oswell, E.D. Parades A Company, - 20:00 hrs.; - Repostlngs The undermention ed perronnel of D Company are herewith reposted to C Company: Ptes. C. Fanshaw, N. Webb, W. A. J. Turner, R. Weick and W. R. Smith. The undermentioned pcr-'nne'. of B Company are here with reposted A Company: Ptes. D. J. Mason and R. Mason. Personnel connected with A.R.P. The following policy will be adopted by all reserve force personnel who are connected with local A.R.P. organizations: Until such time as the reserve force is called out for aclve duty, reserve force personnel will be available rnr duty with the civilian A.R.P c-ganlzations. In the event of an emergency and the active force are called out it is the duty of all reserve force personnel to report for duty with this reserve battalion. Muster Parades A muster parade will be held for all rank3 on the following days: HQ, A and B Companies, 19:30 hrs., March 8: C and D Companies, 19:30 hrs. March 9: night shift workers, 14:00 hrs., March 8. These parades are compulsory and it is necessary for all ranks to be present at the times stated, HOW TO OPEN UnQE? THAT CLOSES HUaL UP AT NIGHT Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol each up nostra ... ii) it shrinks swollen membranes; (2) Soothes irritation; (3) Helps flush nasal passages, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VECKS VA-TRO-NOL WS'IS'STI I GOLD SEA! B 'si i nil TILLIE THE TOILER I VJOlOGK VnjBERE BILL. U Jtf& IS-M3U WAIT HERWH;!J3 I LOOK FQSt HIM 3 .yf Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring in Tomato Sauce g are both on active service I but will be back on your i grocer's shelf soon as condi-b ditions permit. iinxniBiaKs C. O. Robinson. Ann Donaldson and A. Jopson are leaving tonight ior Vancouver. Rev. C. D. Clarke will leave to night for Victoria. While in the south he will celebrate his twenty- tnira wedding anniversary. A Royal Canadian Navy Band in Concert, Capitol Theatre, Sunday. SOlVPrt thnf at tVio nov) u...( . .... u " v. iitAi uurtuicr B company, Thursday, 19:30 hrs.: mppt.incr 0n NOVJf MAC.MJU STILL. HAVE A CHAWCG TO VMIN TILLIE "TDO-RS MOT HANDSOME 1 BUT r TfOU'RE VEKX ATTRACTIVi E n txmm-i Naval Dance Will be held in THE EMPRESS HALL, 9 to 1 o'clock, on Friday Evening, February 26. The Naval Band from Esquimau will be in attendance and will furnish the music for the gala occasion. This is one of the outstanding Dance Bands on the West Coast, and have proved' themselves popular wherever they have played. Admission is by Ticket Only, procurable in advance from the Navy Barracks. Price of Tickets: 50 cents for GentlemenLadies Admitted Free. Supper will be served during the evening. Dress optional. THE DAILY NEWS FRIDAY m TeSruary Speca i LOCALS THE EXPERTS SAY . . . ft fclR STAMPS-25t Feb. 28, 9 p.m.. for Red Cross. General admission 50c. Loees (re served) 75c. Tickets now at Capitol Theatre. (43) The meeting of the Dubiieitv committee. Prince Rupert ChanW No. 211, Women of the Moose, was held in the home of the senior re gent, Mrs. W. H. Tolin. It was re- OTTAWA lph 9(! tt) Hinfs fnrllpc thp -nlm- ! fnet. rtrA wih housewives blazing a trail oh the 1 in lukewarm water, hanging out to A. I . . . iriwu: 1 arv as soon as Dossime alter wa.:n. GLOVES Everyone is glove- conscious these cold days and the C Company, Wednesday. 19:30 hrs UhnnM v,Q i i . .... i n, j - , by company commanders in excess 9 n.m m mUnht ah.i of the above so that the necessary on presentation of red or yellow arrangements for instruction and pass. Ladies free. 50) training equipment can be made. Grand CONCERT BY Royal Canadian Navy Band OF ESQUIMALT, B.C. (Kind Permission of Commander D. C. Wallace, R.C.N.R, Prince Rupert) Capitol Theatre SUNDAY, FEU. 2S, at 9 p.m. (Doors Open 8:30) Proceeds for Canadian Red Cross CITIZENS! A Musical Treat Support a worthy effort for a good cause! Loges (Reserved)) 75c General Admission SOc Tickets on Sale Friday at Capitol Theatre stir until thickened. Add caramel. i cook" 30 minutes. Add one egg well-beaten and cook three minutes longer, stirring constantly. Remove from fire, add V2 teaspoon vanilla. Chill well before serving. I M CANNING; Summer -and pre serving are still a good piece over he horizon but Miss Pepper says it's time to think about it. Wiser, you get 'your new ration book remember you have to fill out the application form in Jt to obtain sugar for canning, she cautions, and "shefasks you to plan to make less janf and jelly this year as preserving fruit is. the most economical way to use sugar. MEALS This note is dedicated to those who cat most of their meals in restaurants, but applies to anybody when they eat a meal out. Marion Harlow of nutrition services suggests you order raw foods frequently. Why? she says vegetables often stand for some time before being served In restaurants and so lose Some of their JEWELRY Think twice oefore you give away or donate to a salvage organization, triat massive piece of costume Jewelry or smart "fake" pin that you have been wearing on your simple black dress, for Herman H. Levy, admin- iauawr 01 v 4 icweiry, v. w i j , nas iioo u dwelt vy r u a a Fresh Local Raw and S Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY 1 rilONE 657 ' C305H. THETiE'S T ir- THAT COOKIE L.OOKIM6 1 -T'.V FOR ME ASAIM1'L.L. , BET ( YES, I I AMD TV J5STT SETTINS lng. Bluing is sometimes used on white cottons, particularly when dried indoors, but follow instruc- consumer section of the Prices ( tions carefully. Thorough rinsing Board asks you to take care of is Important. Some experts advise them as new styles are prohibited and the number of gloves manufactured has been reduced. They suggest you take extra care in putting them on. Turn your ring settings toward the palm. Insert the fingers, working the glove on gently and never pressing down between the fingers. Keep the seams straight and smooth the back over the hand and wrist and adjust carefully before fastening. DESSERT For those special oc casions when your daughter or son at least three rinses, using hot water except for the last rinse (Classified advertising: Is pay-able cash in advance. No charges. FOR SALE . . ' 5'cii a tuuiuugll un- Uliuru 1UII.CS CUIIIC Home FDR 3AT V TPlirnlfnra D Company. Tuesday. 19:30 hrs.: 'H.rCfoninn , , , i u. ;tUK aALfc Furniture FrJdav. 19:30 hrs. Nipht shift, nor. r ,.,i ,. . . ... lugntn Ave. west parade at 13:30 hrs. Mondays and A n,n.. n . Thursday" r. "t""5' upeib uy uock The orderly room will be notified .-ZZZ , X L-".V.4,?"."?: --.wvji, 414 uiuu uimiis ami, nays . . , ,, . , , in advance of all parades ordered rihW o, .,..,.. r.i uaj iicic is ;i fiirumei puamng , at 735 0) from Laura Pepper, chief of the FOR SALE 1937 Ford, 5 passenger. consumer section, Department of excellent condition, good tires. , Agriculture, that will fill the bill I Apply Box 443 Daily News. (49)' without tislne too much of vour 'tSli ' .T rumble seat; good running con MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS HI 1 farown ration: sugar 6.tub ustd mtH ,fl cup sugar in a rJavis, Staff House No. 3. Room NeW Work Of heavy saucepan, stirring constantly ,em UUlIYVSl 11. i .... . . . uum ib turns a ncn caramej snaae. Carefully add 1 1 1 cup j water. Simmer and stir three min utes. Scald 1M cups milk in top of double boiler. Mix four tablespoons boiling IFOR SALE-Pontiac coupe, wlthi MoOSC WofflCn dition: 6 good tires. 678 8th Ave. . ." cornstarch, '8 teaspoon salt and -!-. i Cold milk. Add to hot milk and R n SAL&-Four-room house at new floats at Dargam price. Ap- LOST (49) WANTED Launch Diesel Engineer. Apply District Forester, Court House. Phone 540. (49) WANTED Steamer or small trunk. Box 441 Daily News. ' (49) WANTED Room, light housekeeping preferred, close in. Box 439 Daily News. (49) vitamins. So the next meal - J you 51U.00 sinnfi i).,,H Reward f for uu bachelor 1 - . . . . . room or order r,, try to Include tomato or ,it ir , nnnir. (t ... " " anisic Smic '""6t juice, uraii Biapeiiuib, mill or raw vegetable salads. FOR SALE Electric Stove. Phone Black 187. (49) WANTED WANTED, urgntly. one or two light housekeeping rooms. Phone Mrs. Carr, Green 996. (50) SLEEPING quarters urgently needed by lady stenographer tn essential position. Phone Black 510, Misc Fullerton. (53) WANTED Room and board in family home for woman with 4 months' old baby. Urgent. Phone Blue 419 (Mrs. Martin). (58) man. Box 442 Dally News. (50 HEU' WANTED WANTED Youth 'for meter read-in? by Light and Power Company in Prince Rupert. Good prospect for good worker. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 25. tsi 1 1 ' , crippling blow to its manufacture WANTED Experienced stenogra- U.. wl . .. . VlOI f f.lllft flmA .-1 2 . by cutting designs down 25 ner cent. Remember most of this Jewelry has been made almost entirely individually and requires a disproportionate amount of skilled labor. HOUSEDRESSES The house-dress will be coming into its own with housewives seeking to save their better clothes for street wear. Here are a few tips from the experts to watch when washing yours. Always test colored cottons for color fastness, never soak them un- ,ui tun- nine cmpiuyTicnr. Provincial Field Service, Court House, Prince Rupert. Phone 531. (tf) LOST Square Bulova wrist watch, pink and gold face and leather strap, between Third Avenuo and C.N.R. depot. Finder please! return to Daily News. Generous reward. (4 LOST One brown leather pocket-book containing valuable papers Owner Is G. L. Burman, c-o Lindsay's Cartage. Reward. (tf) SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. By WESTOVER AM ATTRACTIVE THAT'S VMHY I'M OUT OF HERE J Home or airs. t. I.unilstroHi at The loint mpptlna nt tho tt'ir. ply 1528 Overlook Street. House work and Hospital Guild commit- uas bu dc movea. (48) mm PAINT UP! At the tign of the 'KINCf ISHER' Dependable pjinti and miteriils. MjJ, Tested in Cimdi. Kintfiiher Marine or Household Mnt, , Enimeli. Varnishes and tniiing mjterljls ( tnj outside or inside finishing EttahlhUed SO 'rart tees Pn, -e Ri:pr r Women of .,ie m j the home of Mi r The evening 'ways and me.; v member should contribute t:w..: u Wool was di . .bribers for garmc forces. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR CUST0ME Owinjj to increased store work, shortage oh shorter terms recently announced by wholeJ and freneral war conditions: ' WE HAVE DECIDED TO OPERATE OX A CASH RASIS ON AND AFTER MARCH 1st, 1913 This move has been made after long and cr thought, and we hope it meets the approval r our customers. We will deliver as long a? v. able and we intend to maintain the same.' as in the past. Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vcpotablp Linzey & Ingram Ltd. NOTICE TO TENANTS As chairman of the petition to Ottawa rpjardlr.g l in Prince Rupert I have been asked by a Mcmbo ci P--for information regarding the exact situation previ"'! Prince Rupert. Will all tenants of houses and rocminj wine me ab once as to rents and services rurnisnea after the hearing of the Rentals Committee. November 1' G. WOODERY Room 3, westhclme R Discover The Variety Store! You don't need to shop from store to store for household a card of buttons, or a polo shirt for Junior! You'll fl things and hundreds of others all in the VARIED So why not save steps by shopping for notions and otW items at big savings at THE VARIETY STORE, whce J everything in one convenient spot? THE VARIETY STOK "Where yur dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 518 3rd