1 I PAGE SIX rzr. Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Chart Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, land Engraving VISrr OUR BASEMENT ..ORE lor Fine China, Dlnnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant The Perfect Gift . . . HOUSE SUPPERS for Mom, Pop and the Kids! Cut Rate Shoe Store CHRISTMAS GIFTS Suggestions Mirrors, lovely gifts that will last a lifetime; Tables; End Tables. Coffee Tables, Pull-up Chairs, Dinette Suite, Spring-filled Mattress, Chenille Bedspreads, Wool Com forters. Carpets. Toys Wagons. Kiddle Kars. Kindergarten Sets, Todteler Kars, for fine gilts. See them at . - Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next to the Dally News) Prince Rupert A t GRACIA" Arch Corrector Shoes IN g PUMPS AND OXFoitDS 1 Widths to EE wide. For comfprt and wear here is no better shoes in Canada at their 35nce. ... From $6.50 up Family Shoe Store Ltd. The Home of Good Shoes" -MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three times weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion CFPR (1240 Kilocycle) Schedule MONDAY IM. 4:00 Sound Off 4:15-0. I. Jive 4:30 Hits ol Yesterday 5:00 Lone Ranger 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Melody Round-up a.uo CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Are You a Genius? d:3i Serenade In Rhythm ti 45 Ann Watt 7:00 Music from America i 30--Music from Pacific a oo Ted Warm 3 15 Front Line Family 8 30 One Night SUnd 9,00 Down neat 9 30 Novetasque J: 00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10 15 Yarns for Yanks .0 30 Great Music 10:45 Band Wgaon il:00 Closing announcement TUESDAY A-M. 730 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8 45 singing strings 9:00 Morning Visit 9 15 Nelson Eddy 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties J 00 Melody Time i 10:30 Bud and Joe Billings .3:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian. Melodlea a : 15 Broadcast of Messages U : 17 Recorded Interlude .1:45 Novelties on Parade P-M. 1 2:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands . 45- -CBC News i2 50 Recorded Interlude 55- Program Resume 1 00 One Night Stand 30- -Music lor the Junior School 2:00- -Closing announcement COUGHS, 1 MAP eo4 CHtST com A KWONG SANG U1NO OP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next la King-rial 612 7th AVE. WEST All yonr patronage wtkome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1Z p.m. Outside Orders from I pan. 12 p.m. Phone Red 217 For Income Tay RETURNS SEE K. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 224 2nd Ave. ANNOUNCEMENT I The Norwegian Vice- Consulate has nnw bren t lit m, nwm t.w tn 1FVC .MUNTHE, Room 15-16,1 Besner Block. MTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTfVVTT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi (he Huprrmc Court of ItrltUli Columbia In Probata In the Mattrf of thr -ArtmlnMrallon Ait" and in the Matter of the ttate of t nariri Merman, Hereiihed TAKE NOTICE that fav Order of Hl Honor Judge Fihr. Local Judce we ouprenve uoun. ce Hru.uh uoiununa, i wu on the 22nd. day of November, AD. 1943, appointed Administrator of the Ewtate of unaries Merman, former It of TVr race. Brltlfth Columbia, deontwl,who ajoa on or Jnjut the BUi da; of June. A D. 1943. All enorw Indebted to the wKU EdUlte are required to pay the amount of their Indebted ww to me forthwith And all per-Hons having claims urelrwt the ham Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 31st. day of December, A D. 1943, laning which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been nauiiea. DATED at Prince Rupert, B O, this "Jia. aay oi novernrjer, 1943. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prluca Rupert, B.C. to thank the "Washouts- and grand evening. This next nlng there is THE DAILY KTW8 MONDAY d Ik ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY QARBUTT The R.C.A.F. snow "Washouts of 1943," which made such a hit locally, went over to one of the Forts one night last week and really gave the boys a treat. Although duties interfered with some mnb?rs of thr cast. The Army Service Corps took the tioupe over and after the show, refreshments were surplled by the Y.M.C.A. Can- m embers of ChMliT for a t to Lance Bombardier and Mrs. Slriani on December 1st. The baby weighed 6 pounds eight and one half ounces when born. Congratulations everybody. in? and th xprvlr lvw" d'nrt . girls would like to get in a real , honest to goodness home part of Christmas day So, how's , about it everyone SERVICES TO Vancouver, Waypolnti, Victoria and Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aijent Third Ave. Phone 5SS J.M.S.Loubser DC, H.A. Chiropractor Wallace Rlock Phone 6(1 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red MSockeye oalmon and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on acth't service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon a: conditions permit. llir.HWAY CONSTRUCTION. Continued on Page Six) sary to make the city Important from the standpoint of seaborne trade, the memorandum stated, ind, to solidify this Importance, the dry dock arid shipbuilding yard must be maintained In first class condition. Some consideration should be also given for facilities for the efficient construction of wooden ships required locally. Having in mind the city's position In relation to the Orient, any rehabilitation scheme should Include the establishment of an airport at Prince Rupert Fishing The need for better docking float facilities for the fishing fleet, recognized by the Domln- 'u"' ttk M4- "M ",vl-- V,m,M t U I. nr.t itltflr1 before the end of the war. be Included In the post-war plan. The petition suggests that the .(fisheries experimental station A name for our blessed ; tQ Vancouver a year a(?0 eventing column is little Myia)be returnw, to prtnce R t at Clair Slriani who was born,,. . A ,vQ. should concentrate on the utll- lzatlon of fish by-products In order to help stabilize the price of fish. The brief also included recommendations for Improved railway rolling stock and the Wednesday eve- construction of a public ref rig-to be a sporting jerated warehouse. event of great interest when a challenge basketball game will be held In the Navy Drill Hall, the proceeds to go in aid cf the Ail Services Children's Party on December 20. The game Is between the Yanks and All Stars and as a curtain raiser at 7 p.m. Promptly, thV Booth Memorial High School Olrls basketball team is challenging the team of the Women's Division, R.C.AF. So sport Fans, come out and enjoy yourselves. The tickets may b bought at the door. I would like to thank our Highway Regiment for getting me the handsome Christmas New Baste Industries Timber is the keynote sounded by the petition with regard to the establishment of new Industries along the northern coast and it stressed the "unlimited" supply suitable for the manu facture of pulp, paper, fibre board, and allied products. It advocated that surveys should be undertaken Immediately to determine the suitability of existing timber for such projects and the most logical program of development should then begin of the basis of the survey. Municipal Projects A one and a half million dollar rehabilitation program for the ine oner. On top of this it advocates the development of park areas and children's playgrounds, the extension of the telephone system, and the erection of a new municipal building which would house the city administration The memorandum, read by Mayor W. M. Watts, was presented by a committee consisting of Aldermen Norah E. Arnold, H. M. Daggett, Oeorge Hills and T. II. Sorenson. OLD CLKANSF.lt The Mediterranean island of Llparl supplies nearly all Europe with pumice, a substance of volcanic origin. Miseries tflfll nfP of HeadUULUO RELIEVED FAST Put 3-purpoie Va-tro-nol up each nostril.., (1) It shrinks iwollen membranes; (2) Soothes trrttatloni (3) Helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus. VICKSVAYAONOL FOR CHRISTMAS MIDLANDS Something of a record In speed for administrating Justice was set In Cobourg recently when a Toronto man was arrested, tried, and fined for driving in excess of the forty mile an hour speed limit on No. 2 highway, all within half an hour. J. M, Earl or Cobourg way among the survivors of a ship which went down in the Medi terranean while carrying Can adlan nurses and soldiers to the Italian theatre of war. A tor pedo finished off the vessel from which 99 nurses were rescued as well as all but one of the W. II. Morford left Cobourg recently for Toronto to begin air crew training with the Royal Canadian Air Force. miri!i!iiiiciii!iFii.iii Timely Recipes niiirtiiri:iriTiiii'iiiiil DANISH FANCIES 4 tablespoons mild-flavoured fat V cup brown sugar 1 egg yolk lb teaspoon vanilla , IVx tablespoons finely chopped mixed peel U cups sifted pastry flour or 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 4 teaspoon salt V cup chopped raisins 1 slightly beaten egg white ti cup crushed corn or wheat flakes Jelly Cream fat. gradually blend In brown sugar, then egg yolk, vanilla and mixed peel. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and add raisins and combine well Roll small pieces of dough Into balls, dip in slightly beaten egg white and roll In crushed com or wheat flakes. Place on a greased baking sheet and. using tree which is now up in the 1 uriprovemeni or me cuy iiseir, ia thimble or fingertip, make a Ladies' Lounge and also thanks which would Include the Instah- 'deep depression in the centre of to Corporal Lillian Wright laUon of new 'atr mains and 'each ball. Bake in a slow oven. WD. and "Chuck" Monck of inc "P'' oi old ones, me con- 325 deg. F 20 to 25 minute. Fill i the navy and LAC Charlie Holt section of additional reservoir depressions with Jelly or Jam j for helping with the decorating capacity, the repair and resur- Makes 15 to 18 small cakes. . and clearing up afterwards. facln oI sileets U "P" ' It's Just a still and very small ana "nsion oi sewers, u a voice, but Christmas Is com- Part ot the recommendatlona of Fpur Years Ago In This War By The Canadian Preas Dec. 6, 1939 British reports 1om of Doric Star, staff, the public library, the tire un In North Atlantic, as record department, and the police ot shipping tossee for first force. , three months of the war shows Not having been Included In average of 1.9 ships sunk a earlier federal housing projects, day. King George begin visit to arid with a wide field here for British troops In France. such a program, the brief urged that the federal government fos ter the building of homes here on a scale In line with the needs of the community. Try a Results. Want-Ad for Quick SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. I'hone 17 P.O. Boi St I FUASER STREET PRINCK RUPERT ENTERPRISE FRUIT MARKET We carry a complete line of DKLNOIl FROZEN FRUITS AND VEOLTABLKS tskaBBBSBBsflst. bbbbWsm PSBBV4 VBBBBaL ejL9l Perfumes and Coloicnev-Tollet Waters, Creams and Powders for Milady packaged In many combinations. Coty Hudnut Tweed Adrlenne, Gardenia Chanel Luclen Le-long Dorel, Yardley. Also some for the Man In Pinaud's. Christmas Stationery and Crackers. Oh, yes, and Dorothy Grayand Mollnard. Ormes Ltd. "Jit Pioneer Druqgists TIMJ REXALL STORE WI0NES g, and Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m, ind 7.9 1 GIVE THEM FOR XM,si Hooks of Theatre Ticket. ... for Adi.. ... ?.! Women In the Seivitri ..' vn,ln, Ju. NOW ON S.Li: " Jhe SONS OF HEAVEN EXPOSED Sensational Drama thai rips veil from Jap terror secreftl DISTRUSTS SHORTCUTS Winston ChuichUl in prepar ing a ttpeech. dictate to a typ lt lwr:ii he rllstrtuta shnrt WHEN CATHERINE RULED The Russian Black Sea naval base of Kherson was founded MARCO TOM HEAL JOHOl NAttH Gapilal during the reign of Catherine i the Great. I7T1I CENTURY FREEDOM Freedom of the press was -established in England In 165. SB TODAY AMI TUESDAY Complete Shos at 1 00, 3 oj, , Feature av 1 A, 3 34, 5 3S. 7 3 ORDER 3 SporttifM Mbical, p't Smith VTTTYYTTTTVir... zna Atcriue t.Ktt r i THE REX fin ow Open for BliMl CHOI' Sl EY CHOW MKLV ODtnlnr IIai... 3 pjn. to 2 u rrlnce Room D Thon ni r r I i k i i I Jrw I lrrric inn IfNwU.. .L. w w m m Kill m -vajwh-eiu innn ' ' iy Hit Its unuat line of attractive and 'radical GUtifc L,I)IS AND CHIIJIIIEN'S WEAK Children's Wear a Specialty Visit Our Store when Xntas Shopping s i "T" ir i ri r s l si a siiiiiiii llKA Jh A I KKhl NOW FOR XMAS A full line of Swift's I'rcmium Mcati at nil times. A complete and fresh stock of Fruit and Vegetables. .Make this your Community Shopping Centrt Prices Riuht! SEVENTH AVE. MARKET ' VTVTVTVtTTVVTTYVV VVVVYVt VVVV VY TTV v v vi ' ' Dont be a Slow Joe . . . and always wait until Christmas Eve to bu7 . RlfU, never finding what you want, and be - v tlcally black and blue from the crowds! This year do your Christmas shopping early , a better selection at your favorite store, TllG VAw STOREI ThelVariety Store sssv .111 AAAAAAAAA A AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It Pays to Advertise in The Daily Ncivs