- kiXiftiBER 1643 R FORCE CASUALTIES. overseas. 44 In Action 0.. 3,4 George uiacg SIIIJC? Mrs. J v. uay i ijcj E ounenne hi. E wood Awrry. W01 U c G.uuser ifathen '. it-Hilt nf lnluries Sui- ,b Aflvr Service W m Alexander. 8gt. St. jl: John Kerr imoth- xu acc. Toronto, , On Active Service Attn J M Dollard Brunet 5C3 Victoria Ave. Qce It W.lam Parmenas, ' x'burn St . Wlnnl- Ru-sell. PJ8. Rl- F r-tcr fathen 0: C, if ford Wallace. George McFarlane Mrrnil Ave., Tor- R - A '.cr Wilson. F.O. J-A F ter 'father i 713 r ' New Olasgow, NJ3. ; r,u Norman Rals-,' 5. J 'hn Redpath v Coitingwood, Ot- : A btl Vernon. P. O. ti A V Snook wlfe r. ,k 0 -bp Rodney Alex- r R',46393, Mrs O. R fi! r-i, Car Con-C Edmonton, Alta. r izsnas Ivan, SgU Rl-V7 Wi'.s.n 'fathert ir . Hamilton. Ont. jdj Krportrd I'rivmer of Kiitfdom F ank Malcolm, D I'.C. : W A BenlU fa- " . la La California, . ' v de Eante Fe. Ar ,';ath America, ? 'Reported .MiIng tin a :r-. Arhnr Set R-J II M Boyd moth- i Island, Quern SB, ,r II Oi rdi n. F.O. 31-! 'I f ik f.ithen Otey's 10 Bcaeonsfleld Ave.. " F . .rU John, 8t. Rl- T fiit rrtTtT ntifitt "'11 1 Ill'j UUOI1 . . , 16915. E. J. Duffy (father) Gad-lllac Apt.. Winnipeg. Man. MacLean. Ronald Oabriel, F.O J22m, Hector MacLean (father) Archibald Ave., North Sydney. Madge, Roy Gibson. FX), J13-710, Mrs. A. O. Madge (mother) Hedley Ave.. Varsity View P Winnipeg, Man. Moffatt. Curtis Macklnnon lit. R10M83, W. B. Moffatt fa-'hen 11141 03rd St.. Edmonton. Mta. Mucklow. Roy. Sgt. H150882. Mrs. James Mucklow (mother) 1921 6th Bt. East. Canary. Alta. Reld, William John, Sgt. R3 2794, J.O. Reld father 50116th North. Lcthbrldge. Alta. Stover. Rus;ll Robert. Sgt. R 81330, R. H. Stover (father) Markham, Ont. Townscnd. Leslie Robert. P.O. 10397. Arthur TownsenJ (rather) 1709 25th Ave., 8.W., Calgary. Alta. Waters. Norman James. F. S. 1077 08, Mrs. A. J. Waters (mo- then Upton, Cask. fcertoinly III, a a RruH nf In juries on Active Smlee Currcn. Donald Edward. P.O. JI8M9. R. H. Curren (father) Bedford, Halifax Co.. NJ5. CANADA Killed On Active Service Moore. Sidney Murray. L A C 176721. Silas Moore (father) 474 Chlsholm St.. ftew Olasgow. P'ctou. UB. SchaU. Sanford Bruce. P. O. IJ7D79. Mrs. 8, B. SchaU (wife) 111 Broad fit, West. Dunnvllle. Ont. J-rr Whifflets From The Waterfront ., ... r. ; if Travellers and shippers using teamer -ervice between Van-courer. Prince Rupert and other northern ports will welcome wnnouneemeni by passenger and freight officials of the Canadian National Steamshtpt that double weekly sailings will be leiumed In the very near future. TiutiiT M.rnr.n Wastage in the home is estimated to cause a loss of five . per cent of the protein, 24 per ' cent of the fat. and 20 per cent of the carbohydrates of all foods provided. j noon sritKAMNr. Thla year ftSfl.OOO.OOOpounds of peanuts will be made' Into peanut butter. Have your XMAS PKIIMANKNTS Now! at the Style Beauty Parlor C07 3rd Ave, Writ (Next Door to Hnjal Dank) PHONi: IU.UE SI Linh rrinr no & Amnanuit mm m m w For a Brighter Future Buy War Savings Stamps r diock, ara oireex rnonc t "TVVVVVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTWTTTTTTTTT nnrl FiipI I'lease let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We hnve plenty of wood n hand. ' I'lione your order for wood to your pillar fuel dealer. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 and 117 4AAU4AAAAiiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of lAKtl Men and Women on Active Service Are YOU responsible for some one s name not belnir In this, (See entry form elsewhere.) , NAVY Peter D. Allen. Charles Andernon. Harold Anderson. Stanley Anderaon. John Armstrong Jr. Robert Armstrong. Don Arney. W. O, Barker. Em lie ulaln. John Bowman William Bremner. Bernard Brlddin. George J. Brown. Hat old Bunn. John Bunn. Hugh Burbank. Tony Bussanlch. Robert II. Capstick. Douglas Chrlstlson. Sydney Croxford, Vincent Dodd. John Dohl Robert DuRgan. Donald Eastman. Elmer Eburne. Mclvln Eburne. Robert L. Eby. William Earl Eby. Robert Elkins. William P. Elkins. Martin Eriksen. Bernard Fortune. Terry Fortune. Gordon Fraaer Mitchell Gay. Efner R. Green. James Greer. Ian Orlmsson. John Orlmason. Hazen Hankinson. Raymond Hougan. BUI HunUr. Foster Husoy. Peter Husoy. Tom Johnstone. James O. Laurie. Jack R. Laurie. Richard Lelghton. Jantoft Leland. Fred Lewis. Tilly R. Lloyd. Bruce Love. Ted Mills. Harry Monkley. William Murray. William H. Murray. Andrew Macdonald. Jack Macfle. Robert McKay. nobert McLean. Norman McLeod. David McMeekln. David McNab. Robert McNab. John D. McIUe. Charles OrmlJton. Douglas Pavne. Bud Ponder. Magne Rabben. David Ritchie. Jack Ritchie. Robert Ritchie. Harry Robb. Robert Roy. Bud SkatteboL Stanley Scherk. J. D. Schubert (prisoner of war). John Skog. Carl Smith. Malcolm Smith. Raloh. Smith. Walter Smith. Carl Strand. Orme Stuart James Taylor. Inge Valen. ' Stanley Veltch. Sid White. Robert Whltlnc. Oscar Wlngham. Oeorge Yule. Jack Yule. Jack storrle. AHMY John Armstrong Sr. Louis Astoria. Jack Balfour. Eric Barton. Beatrice Berner. William (Sonny) Beynon. Louise Bird. Waller Bird. Norman Blackhall. Donald Blake. Raymond Bracewell. Ronald Bracewell. William Brass. J. W. Brldden. Earl Brochu. Alfred Calderone. Jack Campbell Donald Clark. Edward Clark. Jim Colussl Mike Colussl. Frank Comadlna. Grant Coverdale. Bert Cross. Walter Cross. Charles Dennis. Thomas Dennis. Paul Dvornek. R. C. H. Durnford. Malcolm Elder. Whitfield Elder. Frank Elliott. William Garlick. James Garlick. John Gates. Ralph Gillies. Andrew Glover. William Gomez. Darrow Gomez. Earl Gordon. Edward Oosnell. Thomas W. Graham. Burton Green, Solro Gurvkh. Phylis Hamblln. L. J. R. Haynes. n. H, A. Haynes. K, C. W. Haynes. E. D. Head. David Henderson. Howard IHbbard. Frank E. Hodgklnson. Harold Hodgson. David Houston. Robert Houston. Percy Hudson, William Hutson. Robert Johnson. Walter Johnson. 8. D. Johnston. T D, Johnston. Nick Kurulok. Matilda Larscn. Everett R. Leek. Pierre LeRoss. Clarence Lovln. O. P. Lyons. Danny Magnet. Oeorge Marchlldon. Murill Mathews. Steve Mentenko. Michael P. McCaffery. John C. McCubbln. Norman McGlashan. Arthur Allstalr MacDonald. Ian Macdonald. Jack McEvoy. Alex McFarlane, Victor Miller. Robert Montgomery. Michael D. Montesano. Ford Moran Jack Moran James Moran. John K. Murray. Edith Mutrie. Jaseph Naylor Leonard Ness. Donald Norton Walter Perkins. Emll Perlstroai. Peter Peterson. Arthur Phillips. William A. PUfold Jr. L. C. R. Raabe. Erncjit Ratchford. Robert nudderham. Olav Rysstad. William Scherk. Thomas Scully. Bob Shrubsall. Thomas Sibley. Olenn Smith. W. D. 8mlth. Hugh J. Smith. James Smith. Douglas Stalker. Albert Stiles. James Suden. Irene Sully. L. V. Tattrsal. James Taylor. Arnold Tweed. Jack Unwln. Rodney Valpy. Martin van Cooten. Clarence Vaughan. Stanley Vlckennan. Jack Wearmtnith. William White. T. J. Williams. James Wood. Harry R. Wrathall. Kenneth E. Wrathall. r: A IK FORCE Ronald Allen. Harry Astoria Ax Balllle. Howard Beale. Marcel Blaln. Peter Brass. Alan Burbank. Dents William Bumlp. Jean R. Cameron. Peter Cartwrlght. Iris Corbould. Jack Corbould. Eddie Crosby. Ray Crosby. Lilian Croxford. James Curr'.e. Arthur Davey. John W. Davey. Pat Deane. Victor Dell. Jack Eastwood. Donald Eby. Victor Field. Clarence Fin'ey. Albert Flaten. Hugh L. Forrest. Thomas Forrest. Louis Orlln Olay. Harry Hamilton. Elmore Hankinson. Lawrence Hansen. Arvid Hansen. Harold Helgerson. Robert Henderson. Helge Holkestnd. Mike Hudenia. John P. Johnson. Sam Jurmaln. Robert Kelsey. Francis W. Leask. Kam Y. Lee. Alan Lelghton (missing). Harold Leverett. Donald Llewellyn. John Lindsay. Albert Mah. Cedrlc Mah, Oeorge R. Mayer. Henry Mayer. Hector W. Macdonald. Isabel Mackenzie. Milly Mackenzie. Don Mcdavour. Richard Mills. Herbert Morgan. Ralph Morln. Kay Nlckerson. Ken Schubert. William Shrubsall., Robert Sllversldes. Eddie Smith. James Joseph Thompson. John A. Walker. Henry Worsfold. U.S. ARMY Chester B. Ciapp. Oeorge A. Olay. Richard Moore. Mary McCaffery. Thomas W. Pierce. Ernest Santutbane. U.S. NAVY Howard Frlzzell. Made supreme sacrifice. IM.AN HEALTH CENTRES MANCHESTER, Eng.. Dec. -4 IPi Manchester City Council has appioved a scheme which envisages the setting up of 75 new health centres after the war. J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block THE DAILY NEW3 FAOK KVt Checked ana Canadian National Carbon Con-pany Limited H!f Monuesl TORONIO Wit(nipe3 Vancouver The Markets Sugar White, lb 09 Golden Yellow, lb. 09 Meats Bacon, side, best grade, sliced. Ham. first firade, lb."!.'!.. Cottage Roll, lb. .44 PorR, dry salt, ic Jt, - If t t 1 v. llt' .luiw "-iV";' - -TH IS 7n Beef, pot roast. ID 2S and JO Beef Steak, lb. : 40 and .45 Lamb, leg. lb 25 Lamb Chops, lb. .35 to .40 Lamb Shoulder, lb .27 to .35 Eggs Grade A: Large, cartoned, doz 57 Grade A, memum, aoz Grade A. pulletsdoz 50 Evaporated Milk, 6-oz. tin .. .10 i Fruit Grapefruit. Calif 10 LemSns,4dozr .TjS-iSd 50 Oranges. Navel, doz 35 to .60 Pears, Fancy, lb .12 qrapes, it) Apples, lb 10 Cooking Apples, lb 08 Butter First Grade .43 Lard Pure. lb. - 19 Vesetables Cooking Onions, No. 1 Okanagan, 4 lbs 25 Spanish Onions, lb 10 Spanlch, local, 2 lbs .25 Beets, local, 2 lbs 25 Parsnips, local, 3 lbs .25 B.C. Carrots, per bunch 08 Tomatoes. Hothouse, lb 30 Sweet Potatoes, lb 15 Turnips, yellow, lb. 05 Turnips, white, local, lb 03 Potatoes, 5 lbs. 22 Cauliflower, each ....... .15 to .33 Cabbage, lb 06 Lettuce .each 15 Celery, lb 12 Flour Flour, 49's, No. I hard wheat 1.83 Second Patent 1.80 Flour, 24's 95 Pastry Flour 7 lbs .44 ANT COMPASS The white ants of Australh build "magnetic nests," all pointing north and south like the needle '6f a'tanpass. Funeral of Gus Tycho SMITH ERS, Dec. 4 The funeral of the late Gust Tycho vnxs , held from the United Church 4ihere on Tuesday afternoon. The church was filled to cap 30'acity and there was an abund.-jBOO guns and 70.000, lorries. ance ance of of fiSwers- flSwers' To to testify testify to the i esteem In which the late Mr. Tycho was held In this community. Rev. C. E. Mottee conducted the sen-ice at the clyirch and the Masons of Omlneca Lodge then took charge of the funeral "'and proceeded to Smlthers Cmetery where the last rites were of the Masonic Lodge were conducted. Gus Gottfried, in charge of C.N.R. Telegraph lines r Alberta and BrlUsh Colum- Dla- came trom Edmonton to attend the funeral. TTTYTYYYYTVYTTTYTTTYYTY t T p rannorc Don't be foolish and sell your Furs on the Waterfront to buyers who are getting big commissions. Goldbloom can pay 30 per cent more than anyone else as a re- suit of finding the best markets when In .Montreal and New York. SEE GOLDBLOOM FIRST Reoheck EACH "Evercady" FlashUght Battery must pass the tame rigid tests for quality as in pre-war years. Remember, too, the date-line on the jacket is your guarantee of freshness. j ' l. When you need to re-load your flashlight, choose the batteries which have been preferred by Canadians for mdre'than a quarter century - Eveready" Batteries. "They Last Longer" UNCONDITIONAL VICTORY , MORE THAN THREE Britain's strategy from 1940 1 There are approximately 5,000 onwards led up to total victory British Isles, Including 5C3 Heb-ln Africa, to the redemption of , rides, 190 Shetlands, and a great the first whole continent from number of small Islands off the the enemy. BIG HAUL IN AFRICA British and Allied troops in west coast of Ireland. RECOVERED QUICKLY Three days after art eight- all the African campaigns cap-inInt blltz on the docks cf.Llv-tured or destroyed 2,553 tanks, erpool. England, every shift' was working. 1 . Li- . DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is compiling a Roll of Honor which it is hoped may contain the name of every man and woman of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea. on land and in the air. To make this list complete, U is essential to obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole In submitting the names. It Is Impossible for the Daily News or any one person to compile the list complete so we are asking YOU to be responsible for the submission of the name of YOUR boy, YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the information we would like you to fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert 1 4 Name Service (Army, Navy, Air Rank , ..- ,, .,, J Next of Kin Relation Address . , ' Date of Enlistment Date of Discharge If Casualty, Nature and Remember, If YOU do name, no one else may. Force) , Date . not submit a certain prson' You are responsible.