4 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE U - Chas. Dodimcad flT VlX Optometrist In Charge I 1V ' "atch. clock Jewelry V Repairing v y Hand EnjraTln VISIT OUR BASEMENT ORE for Fine China, DInnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant AV.V.W.WSW.V.,.W.VAWW.VVWAW, I k I 1 Cut Rate THE REXALL STORE yours For a Smarter Fall ssuming, of course, your Fall Shoes come from The Cut Rate Shoe Store THEY'RE HERE! The largest selection of new shoe arrivals you've ever had the pleasure of seeing in Rupert. Fancy pumps, stylish step-ins, comfortable walking shoes that still look dressy and those ever popular. . , A complete range of sizes and widths, too. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. Shoe Store MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED J. 506 THIRD AVENUE W. (across from Oriue's Drug) THE REX CAFE Will Re open for Business Wednesday, Sept. 15th Opening: Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 I OUR TURN NOW A year ago we were wondering what HITLER was going to do. Today he is wondering what WEare going to do next. J Yes, the tide Is turning but the war is far from won. This is no time to let down, It is time to accelerate our efforts. Young physically fit men and women should be in the Army. Those who are not fit for active duty should, if possible, be $ in the Reserve the Rangers the A.R.P. Red Cross R'llvarre Horns, nr tho lllrn VunruVwfi, cVir.nU Un t thi. t , " " w. UIV.MUUJT ouuuiu ug ill tula war, young and old, men and women, in order to assure victory. Apply to your nearest Recruiting Office. rmes Ltd. Z7fi Pioneer. Druqjpists PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7' 9 p.m. Simmons Mattresses BEAUTYREST SLEEP UNIT, size 4-6, 4-0 $71.00 DEEPSLEEP SLEEP UNIT, size 4-6, 4-0 ... $61.50 SLUMBER KING SLEEP UNIT, all sizes $52.50 Felt Mattresses WHITE KNIGHT, size 4-6 $37 75 OSTERMOOU, size 4-6 2!50 SLUMBEI. UING, all sizes $29 50 4-piece BEDROOM SUITE, consists of Bed Ends. Chiffonier, Vanity and Bench $83.00 ELI0 FURNITURE STORE Third Avenue (Next to Daily News) prince Rupert For Income Tax RETURNS SEE I U. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women Don't wait for a call BE A VOLUNTEER! CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule MONDAY IM. 00 Sextette from Hunger 15 Henry King's Orchestra :30 Two Kings and a Queen 45 Dr. seagewicK 00 Tea Dansant Time :30 Sound off ;45 G. I. Jive ;00 CBC News ; 05 Aid. N. E. Arnold :15 Are You a Genius? :30 Accordlana 45 Ann Watt 00 Music from America 30 Music from Pacific 00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family - 30 Personal Album 45 Melody Round-up 00 Down Beat 30 Novelesque 00 CBC News 05 Fish Arrivals 10 Recorded Interlude 15 Yarns for Yanks 30 Great Music 45 Blind Alleys 00 Closing announcement TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Andre Musette 9:00 Hoosier Hot Shots 9:15 Singing Strings 9 : 35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Melody Time 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Melodv Round-up 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One O'clock Musical 1:30 Andre Kostelanetz 2:00 Closing announcement Dry Dock Dance Enjoyable Event Large Crowd Turns out Saturday night at Staff House pining Hall, The regular bimonthly dance sponsored by the Prince Rupert Dry Dock Employees' Associa tion on Saturday night in the main dining hall of the Staff Houses attracted a large crowd. Dancing was in progress from 9 pjm. until midnight to the Strains of Bill Stewart's orchestra. Appealing with the orchestra was Miss Lenora Raabe who handled the vocals In a capable manner. Miss Raabe is a local girl and Saturday night was her debut before the microphone. Tha dance was well organized and conducted by the committee of the association whose main idea Is to provide entertainment for the men and women employees of the dry dock. It is the intention of the committee to hold these dances regularly. Local Tides Tuesday, September 21 High , 7:06 15.8 feet 19:04 16.9 feet Low 0:30 6.5 feet 12:34 10.0 feet Wednesday, September 22 High 8:34 15.6 feet 20:26 16.6 feet Low 1:40 7.1 feet 13:52 10.7 feet Thursday, September 23 High 9:43 16.0 feet 21:36 16.9 feet Low - 2:58 7.2 feet 15:24 10.4 feet Friday, September 24 High 10:34 16.9 feet 22:30 17.7 feet Low 4:06 6.9 feet 16:34 9.7 feet NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away" From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, n.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT This will be a big dance week. Hostesses are Invited to the Women's Auxiliary Coast Battery dance at the Empress tonight. Wednesday Is the regular "Y" dance and girls are asked to come early. Thursday is the fortnightly dance at the Ontario Regiment, our oldest friends. The ship's company of HMCS Chatham is holding its bi-monthly dance at the navy drill hall on Friday. I no longer make a special effort to get hostesses for these dances as they are so popular that the girls go anyhow and they are well regulated and nicely run by the navy personnel on duty that night. Doug Badger read us a letter from one of the "Y"supervlsors stationed in the Old Country. They are certainly busy boys over mere ana get an sorts oi co-operation in their work. Parts of his letter are most Interesting. It's from Jack Glrvan he says: "We are in the midst of an other very strenuous summer sports program . . . track and field, tug-of-war, softball, volleyball and horseshoes are the official summer sports. Last week in our own formation we had four track and field meets involving whole service groups... a few weeks ago we had golf championships . . . many of the tournaments were like "old home week" with golfers from all over Canada meeting one another again ... we have had some very interesting games of soft- ball with the Americans here in England. One game was held for a Wings for Victory Campaign in an English town. We arranged certain compromises on rules -to allow for the difference between ours and the Americans. I think we received quite a shock when the American boys came on the field with black trousers or knickers with yellow socks up to the ankles, gaudy yellow shirts and powder blue peak caps. The shock didn't affect our game and we won handily. The local people presented each member t)f both teams with ap original horseshoe won by an English Derby winner. In addition we were presented with a cup. In a later game we were privileged to enjoy American hospitality . there were huge crowds at both games. "Mr. Mayor" and "Mrs. Mayor" were the guests of honor and the former made a little speech on each occasion. The Mayor and his wife hold DEATH-SCENE IN SICILY ' fit front with the Easterners talking about the salmonbellles from B.d. and the broncoes from the prairies and being chided in re turn by Westerners as Herring Chokers and Blue Noses. I might say the girls didn't let anything pass either. There was a social get-together after and all was forgotten Jack writes pages more, and all in the same vivid vein. It's good to know they are having fun over there as well. Ceylon Has Air Alarm Single Enemy Reconnaissance Plane Appeared Over Port of Colombo yesterday COLOMBO, Ceylon, Sept. 20 W) The appearance of a Japan ese reconnaissance plane caused air raid alarms to sound here this morning. Who Will Win The $6,000 KEY? A drawing will soon be held by the New Westminster Gyro Club for a beautiful brand new home. The Key may be yours for one dollar. Get your tickets from GROTTO CIGAR STORE BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillet ... At Your Local Butchers d NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE KUPEKT Co. Ltd. BIUTISU COLUMBIA This photo shows a dead Nazi lying where he fell In the street as the remains of the fleeing Nazi troops retreated. A U.S mobile unit rolls Into the town, their eyes turned skyward on the alert for enemy planes. quite a place in the life of the' English town or borough. On such occasions Mr. Mayor wears the chain of office which has quite a background of tradition connected with it. ... We had another very interesting session lately when the local ball team challenged a CWAC team from London . . . the w 1 s e cracking back and forth was interesting. I am afraid the English people probably felt that the Canadians couldn't present a very united Seven Killed In Illinois Crash JOHNSON CITY, Illinois. Sept, 20 Seven persons were killed and fifty Injured when a bu3 crashed into a train at a level crossing here yesterday. MIKItltlS SAM: Under Writs erf Fieri Facias In the aoUm of Edith Amelia araut vs. Fritz Qunmr O rant, In the Sup rone Court of British Columtaa, I ttntn after lor sale at the office of Ohe Sheriff, Court House. Prince Rupert, B.C. at auction. at the hour of 2 :00 o'clock In the afternoon at Monday, . September 27th, 1943 nr oah the following, -which . have seized: Shares in Prince Rupert Fisher men's Oo-operaitilve Asaoctatfcni Ncs. 3521-3552, Certificate No. 130 Nos. 3894-3397, Certificate No. 033 Nos. 4630-4636, Certificate No. 884. a total cf 43 shares, par value 430.00. Terms of Pile Cash. The hljheat or any bid not necessarily accepted. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff In the Supreme Court nt YV.-illi Columbia In I'roliutr In Hie Mailer of Hie "Administration Act" anil In t lie Matter of (hp IMalr of John J.1111M Held M( KenIf, t Itemise known at John lr MrKrnxic, Ieieuel. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ilia Honor Judge Flsh?r, local Judge of the Supreme Csurt cf Brltl'lj Columbia, I wrs on the 17th day of Sopffmbtr. A.D. 1043, appointed Administrator of he Ectalte of JoSm Jam's Reld MrKenzle. otherwise known a John Reid McKcnalc. De-ceard, formerly of Prince Rupert, ErjMsh Calumib'n. who died on or t'vrvA the ntih day of Dooember. AX). 1042. All person Indebted to the KH Esfwte are required to pay ttt amcurHt of their Indeibuednewi to me fontihwitih and all persona having claims aguVnst the said KMatc are required to fUc them wUtih me nr-ipsrly verkflod on or before the 15th da? of October. AX). 1043. filling whldh distribution will be made having regard only to such elatms of whtoh I shall have been rottf'ed. DATED at Prince Rupert B.C. this 17Ui day- of Scptemiber, irp3. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. Tl.MBru .hai.i; 3:t(l!)5 Seal-d tender will-be received by the MlnWe r cf tanda pt. VW irU, BC. not lalter ,Urn 11 o'clock In the fsrewon en the Iflt-h day of October, 1043. for the .purohaeo of Lleeneo X33605, to cut 2.330,000 feet of Sprure cn an area adjoining Lot 1331 Timber Licence 2330P. South shore eif Mcs-Ukto Ittrc. Queen Charlotte Island Land DlMrlot. ' Two (2) yr wBl be allowed for removal of timber. I Pur'hcr pant'oulars of the Olilef ' roretcr, victoria, B.C., or District Forcetcr, Prince Rupert, B.C. In t lie Supreme Court of UrtflsU 'in...i.t.. i.. n...i...i ' In t.itji . 41.- tt t . t i 'ic "mi ii i ill in- ,iu in ill 11 rill HIM Aft" TAKE NOTICE thit by order of iris Honor W. E. Flstier, nuule on the 10th day of September. A.D. 1043, I wa appointed Administrator of the Entaito of ELnar Tatley, otherwise known as Elnar TctiM, deceened. and all parties having claims asalnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish aaime, properly verified, to me on or about the lOtih day of October, A.D. ' 1043, and aJl partler tndeibt-d to the estate are required to pay the aimounit of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 13th day of Seiptemibcr, A.D. 1043. GEORGE H. HAIjLETT Official AdmlnUtraitor Atlln. B.C. In Hie Supreme Court of Hrl(Mi Columbia In rrolmte In t lie Mailer of I lie "AdmlnMrnlltin Act" In the Mutter i.r the folate of Henri fleorRe Miirsluill, pefriiKiil. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the lOUh day of September, A.D. 1943, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of George Honry Marshall, cleceBfwl, and all parses having cliulms against the said, estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 10th da? of Ootnber. A.D. 1043. and all parties endefoted to the es-tMe arc required to pay the amount cf tihclr endobtedjiiess to mo forthwith. DATED at Prince Ttupert. B.O. this llth clay of September, A.D. 1043. GEORGE H. HAIXETT Official Administrator Atlln, B.C. CAPITOL A FAMOUI riAYIII f MATH MONDAY, TUESDAY Complete Shows 1:00, 2:50, 5:00, 7:10, j-jo Feature at 1:00. 3:10, 5:20, 7:30. 9;4o Joseph Cotton Teresa WrigKt! in Alfred Hitchcock's "SHADOW OF A DOUBT" with MacDONALD CAREY Coming Wednesday-Thursday UOHT. YOUNG LAKAINE DAY "JOURNEY FOR MARGAREJ Miss Peacock Is Honored Shower Held on Friday Night For Popular Ilricle-Elect With .Mcsdames Henriksen and Richvoldsen as Hostesses. Miss Mae Doreen Peacock, whose marriage is to take place shortly, was guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Alfred Henriksen. The rooms were tastefully decorated In pink and white with a profusion of flowers and other adornments. On her arrival, the bride-elect was presented with a prettily decorated basket of gifts. Dingo was n'aved evening after which a te Chcon was served bv tti hostesses Mrs. Henrikst Mrs. Hans Richvoldsen. The guests were Miss ft Mrs. M. Norgaard, Mrj.H.'t Mrs. Burton Mostad, Mr Dlrtch, Mrs. John Car Mrs. Ed. Sorheim, Mri Petersen, Mrs. Jamei ft Mrs. Richard Giske ai Misses Astrl Petersen, Dot tad, Islay Ramsay, Shells say, and Cathie McMecfc. RAPID FIRE A light antl-airc-ilt uses up enough ammaa. one minute of inteiufr to fill a three-ton tr. Atit LADIES' . 'Gionella' Dress Shoi In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brw Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in Io spike and cuban heels. High styled lines : suit any taste and priced to suit any pockt book. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived. i Family Shoe Store Lt "The Home of Good Shoes DAILY NEWS HONOR ROLL Your Assistance Invited The Dally News Is compiling a Roll of Honor t Is hoped may contain the name of every man and of this city to serve with the armed forces at sea, or. and In the air. To make this list complete, It is esse" obtain the co-operation of the public as a whole u mlttlng the names. It Is Impossible fpr the Dally News or any one i to compile the list complete so we are asking YO responsible for the submission of the name of uu YOUR girl or YOUR friend. The following Is the Information we would u fill In and send to ROLL OF HONOR EDITOR Dally News, Prince Rupert Name J ... . Service (Army, Navy, Air Force) .... ank r..r... Next of Kin .i.-.u...... Relation .. Address ..... Date, of Enlistment " Date of Discharge If Casualty, Nature and Date Remember, If YOU do not submit a certain name, no one else may. You are responsible- wn wmiimmmnMmmmmmmmmmmmm