SEPTEMBER 20, 1013. DAT; THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE THESE COAL TIPS ri ! Reathcr-ainppiHK. (it:. . - windows ana tin soon auu " """v" her - stripping Luu n t'. inexpensive to d you can Install It - Pnn -r mr.s or cotton l,an be used if regular l-:tr;;r.w? not avail- NOTICE jcitUen& of Greenville meet at their vll- iot later than Octo- F next, as agreed by juuncu and endorsed m Dubiir v '"V-VUUg, ! HENRY McKAY, retarv rt r m nr UICCHVUIO punsil, p. FURNITURE COMPANY fabin Cook fes, at r '"-'vo fed Seal M 9x12 28.50 11.50 12.00 l0ne Black 321 lhirfHvenue LOCAL NEWS NOTES Prince Rupert Boilerworks open lor business under new management (222) Archibald Hedstrom, for driving to the common danger, was fined $50, with optfon of one month's imprisonment, in city police court Saturday. A Notice Lillian Alexander (Davies) formerly . of Helen & Milady Beauty Shop is now with the Style Beauty Parlor, 607 3rd Ave. W., Phone Blue 84. (221) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy are expected back this week from a three week's vacation trip to Vancouver. John Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson, returned home at the week-end from a trip to Vancouver. While In the south he had the misfortune to break an ankle and is now on crutches. Lieut. Commander T. E. Leigh. t M(C3Ti6rv who 13 ln the naval service nere- U If VVUMVI I treturned tQ tne cjty thJs mornr PHONE 116 Gruhum. Inspector of tft thu morning for a iiie Atlin district on of- of Glzeh Shrine ct Ser'Je were here to-lhe:r way to Ketchikan creaiciiul is to be held. Notice rju;i deliveries oi j.u Mr shoe repairing, ;f help, unsatis- ty .ncuuons tor me t . . . trie, cl snoes ana ciii",lons - until sr .me li win De for us to accepl f.t t orders for shoe n band and ln the BT..i De renaiK'd ana 'd tj you soon, mk:.:3 you far your TORY SHOE RENEW K1CHARD STKEET, AXCOIVER, B.C. . L. Curry Plate of Yukon) iiropractor Mstholme Rooms ing from a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Crawford were in the city this morning on their way from Vancouver to their home in Stewart following a trip south. Mr. Justice H. L Bird arrived In the city this morning from Vancouver to preside over the session of Supreme Court As-dzes opening here today. On conclusion of the local session which is expected, to take up the better, part ci a week the Judge will proceed to Prince George foi the session there. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Halverson arrived In. the city this morning from Trail to pay a visit with Mr. Halverson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Halverson, Eighth Avenue East. Mr. Halverson is a locally-born boy but it is years since he paid a visit here. D ance Wednesday, Sept. 22 Eagles' Hall GEORGE DUCMAK and his Prairie Ramblers Dancing D.30 pjn. to 1 a.m. Ladies Free Everybody welcome services to Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Neill of Bmlthers will leave tomorrow afternoon for a trip to Vancou ver. William Munro of Union Steamship Co. head office staff in Vancouver arrived ln the city this morning from the south to relieve on the ftaff of the com pany's local office. Col. Currie, deputy minister of national defence; Lieut. General Kenneth Stuart, chief of Staff of the Canadian Army; Major-General G. R, Pearkes, general officer commanding. Pacific Command; Major General H. N. Ganong, officer commanding, Eighth Division, and Col. Parker, general staff officer, Pacific Command, were here yesterday, in the course of an official tour. They had been at Prince George and PR. RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on Active Service The following names have al ready been submitted: Navy Peter D. Alten. Don Arney. W. G. Barker. Hugh Burbank. Robert H. Capstick. Robert Duggan. Robert Elklns. Donald Eastman . William P. Elkins. Mitchell Gay. Efner R. Green. Bill Hunter. Ian Grimsson John Grimsson Foster Husoy. Peter Husoy. James G. Laurie. John R. Laurie. Tilly R. Lloyd. David McMeekln. David McNab. Roobeit McNab. Douglas Payne. "Bud" Ponder Harry Robb. Robert Roy. Robert Whiting. Arm) William Brass. Donald Clark. Edward Clark. Thomas Dennis. Burton Green. Splro Gurvich. L. J. R. Haynes. K. C..W. Haynes. R. H. A. Haynes. Davjd Henderson. Harold Hodgson. William Hutson. Robert Johnson. Walter "Johnson. Clarence Lovin. Danny Magnet. Steve Mentenko. Bob Shrubsall Rodney Valpy. Martin van Cooten. Clarence Vaughan. Air Force Ronald Allen. Peter Brass. Alan Burbank. Jean R. Cameron (WD.) Hugh L. Forrest. Thomas Forrest. Robert Henderson. Robert Kelsey. Harold Leverett. Ralph Morin. William Shrubsall. John A. Walker. Made supreme sacrifice. DELIVERY SCHEDULE TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SATURDAYS are Delivery Days. Orders taken for delivery must be left with us not later than 4:00 p.m. on day before. Co-operation will assist us greatly ln giving better delivery service throughout the city. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" p0' Box 575 Phones 18-19. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATER MAN'S FOUNTAIN I'LNS Besncr Block, 3rd Street Phono 234 Massett Girl's Funeral Held Final Rites For Bernice Mat thews, Aged Nineteen Year, Held Yesterday The funeral of Bernice Mat thews, 19-year-oid daughter of Adams presided at the organ to accompany the hymns. Interment followed in Falrvlew Cemetery with Thomas Simeon, Alfred Adams, Clemnnt White and Lome . Adams ac.tine as pall bearers. There were manv floral , officer. ing against various contagious regularly at Prince Rupert and Terrace and there is gratifying response from the public, Dr. Sea Cadets Prime Rupert Corps Tuesday, September 21 TRAINING SYLLABUS Parade falls in at 7 pjn. Nelson Division 7:15 to 8:10 pjn., boat rigging. Sub-Lieutenant Breen, Instructor; 8:40 to Chief and Mrs. William Matthews 9:10 pjn.. field training, C. G-M of Massett, was held in the city j Ciccone, instructor. yesterday. Rev. E. W. Scott, pas- Hood Division 7:15 to B:10 tor of St. Peter's Anglican pjn., field training, C-M. Cic-Church, officiated at the chapel cone instructor; 8:40 to 9:10 of B.C. Undertakers and Alfred 1 pjn., boat rigging, Sub-Lieut enant Breen, instructor. Drake Division 7:15 to 8:10 p-rn., compass, Sub-Lieutenant Christensen, instructor; 8;40 p. m., lectuie, Chaplain Scott; 8:40 to 9:10 pjn., lecture, training tributes. ' Howe Division 7:15 to 7:40 p. The young woman died last m- lecture, training officer; 7:40 kweek at Inverness cannery. 10 010 P-m-. lecture, unapiain ecou; a:w to :iu pm., com w , (pass, Sub-Lieutenant Christen- immunization -sen. eana umsion 7:10 to :iu p. I linirc KAinrr m., practice, Chief Petty Officer v"vs wwuc Johnson, Instructor. u.ij n "1 i neiu IVcPUiariV i ' grouse moors cheap - E J Immunization clinics for the purpose of testing and inoculat LONDON, Sept. 20 0) The grouse moors of Britain, once rented for thousands of pounds diseases are now being conducted j aKseatson' are s ng iot f ahinr nna-nnn,(ii. thai. value and where once members ' a and R. G. Knlpe, director of the Partlhefi; fld,l"a S ' village VlllaiTB shots Khnt.o will will be ho. tho the nn only v public health unit, told the Prince Rupert District Union Board of Health Friday night. There have also been special clinlos at the local dry dock and at Skeena River canneries. There was also a part which might' be played by the private family physicians In connection with public health service, particularly immunization against contagious diseases. There was no intention on the part of public health service to interfere where the fam ily physicians desired to carry out this function Announcements AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Church W. A. Rummage Sale Sept. 24 and 25, in Annette's Style Shop. Orange Ladlss' Meeting, Oddfellows Hall, Sept. 23. 1 W. A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Empress "Y" Club, SeptembPr 20. Presbyterian Tea ln the Manse September 22. Valhalla Invitation Dance. Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. 24, 9:30 to 2. Orange Dance I. O. O. F. Hall. Monday Sept. nth. Catholic Bazaar, School Hall, Oct. 6 and 7. Cathedral Fall Bazaar Nov. 18. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 25 United Church Bazaar Decem ber 2nd. 1 " " ' '' "a Fresh Local Raw and " Pasteurized MILK 1 VALENTIN DAIRY ! PHONE G57 IBWmiMIBI El "GOVKHNMENT I.IQl'OK NOTICE or APPLICATION CONSENT TO TKANKI Kit OF ymm ACT" I of the peeage held their shoot- FOK LICENCE Notice Is hereiby etvea ithait on the ,11th. day at October, A. D. 1943. the :undCTSiened intends to iDly to thr Uqxior Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Uoenoe Np. 6173, Issued In respect of premises being part or tine premises Known ns the New Royal Hotel slUuvte a t the corn er of Third Avervue and. Sixth Street. in the CUty at Prince Rupert. Prov Ince of British Columbia, upon the lanes described as Lots Eleven fll) and twelve (12), Block Thirty -two (32), wwUou One (1) Mup 023. Prince Rupea Land Registration District, irom NorMiera Hotel Comp any Limited of Prince Rupert Brit' Jail Ooluimbl, to Allied Hotel Comp any unrated, the Transferee. DATED nit Prince Rupert, B. C this 81t day of August. A. D. 1043. Allied Hotel Osnpany Limited TrausXeree ones on the grounds. FOR SALE FOR SALE Five room modern house, hardwood floors, electric fireplace, excellent location. Immediate occupancy. Apply G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE 5 room house cen-traly. located, fully modern. concrete basement, hot air furnace. $2,200.00 cash or $2,500.00 on terms Collart ii McCaffery Ltd. 331 3rd Ave West. Phone 11. (tf) FOR SALE Large size trunk. New. Phone Green 880. (225) FOR SALE Cook stove. Phone Red 78. (225) ' , FOR SALE Bicycle, men's. Ap ply 529 Eighth. Avenue East. (221) FOR SALE Brltanica Encyclo pedia, 30 vols. Bargain for cash. Phone Green 59 or call at 728 Fraser Street or Apply Box 577 Daily News. (225) FOR SALE Round dining-room table and coal heater. Apply 445 5th Ave. West after 5 o'clock. (231) FOR SALE Small four-roomed house, 10 minutes from Dry Dock on bus line. 1365-6th Ave. East. Call or phone Green 78. (220) FOR SALE 5-room house, Mes-sett, B.C. Fpr full particulars see Mr. Sorensen, Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op Assn. (220) FOR SALE Studio lounge and chair, bed, spring-filled mattress, chest of drawers, linoleum, table and chairs. 870 6th Ave'. East. (220) FOR QUICK SALE New house, 3 rooms, bath, 1 unfinished room extra, sunporch, 2 lots, water view, full modern, warm construction and fine interior finish. Immediate possession. Ambrose Ave. $2,500 with $1,-500 cash, balance monthly. Apply H. G, Helgerson Ltd. (tf) FOR RENT TO RENT Nice bright front bedroom. Please Phone Green 830. 646 Taylor Street. FOR RENT Three rooms partly furnished. Apply Box 575 Dally News. (221) PERSONAL L. C. OYER, Interior. Decorating paper hanging, Phone Brack .810 (239) ROOMAND BOARD" BOARD and Room for men shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. BOARD and ROOM 718 Fraser ' Street. (225) LOT OF READING There are more than 4,000,000 books In the public libraries of New York City. Port Simpson Breaking Case Before Assize Charles McKay is Taking Trial On Breaking and Entering Charge The case of Charles McKay. Port Simpson Indian, charged with breaking and entering the home of Heniy Helin at Port Simpson with intent to commit an assault Is proceeding at the Supreme Court Assizes today before Mr. Justice H. I. Bird This is the only criminal case to be proceeded with today, remaining members of the Jury panel being excused until tomorrow. Meantime, His Lordship ordeied that fifteen additional jurors be summoned for service. The jury ln the McKay case consists of H. M. Daggett, foreman, David Watson, Fred Stanley, John Slmundsen, John Group, George Eckerman, Ole P. Rorvik, Robert Reid, J. H. Bulger, A. D. Ritchie, L. F. Breweiton and A. H. McLean. FARM COTTAGES OPENED . LONDON, Sept 20 The first two. of the Ministry of Health's 3,000 farm cottages will be ready for occupancy at the end of September The cottages will be rented to workers for $3.50 a week which includes water and light rates Classified Ads HELP WANTED CLERK WANTED For book stationery store. Previous ex perlence not necessary. Apply Unemployment 'isurance Office A.F. 82. (tf) WANTED Janitor for part time work Apply Catholic Rectory. (tf) WANTED" Warehouseman for grocery wholesale, good wages. permanent position. Apply Selective Service Office AM 82. (tf) WANTED 2 railway yard clerks male. Apply Selective Seivice No. AM 83; and one experienced stenographic clerk, female, apply Selective Service No. AF 84. Scheduled rates of i pay and -working conditions, all positions. (221) .WANTED Girls for laundry work. Apply National Selective Service A.F. 81. (tf) WANTED Lady or girl to. care for child. Goood pay; Apply room 5, Commercial Hotel. (211) WANTED MAN wants part time work, 8 in morning to 3 in afternoon. Apply Box 575 Dally News. (221) WANTE D To buy garage Phone Green 973. (222) REWARD OFFERED for Information leading to securing furnished apartment for young couple. Name your own reward. Box 557 Dally News (222) WANTED Typewriters and Adding Machines. Any condition. Servicing and repairing. P. O. Box 967. (225) i WANTED For service men's room: used cnestenieia, over stuffed chairs. Phone Red 501. (224) WANTED TO BUY Gilchrest. Jack, Apply Box 576 Dally News. (222) WANTED OLD UMBRELLAS. Regardless of condition we will pay you cash for your old umbrellas. Conserve Canada's metals for war industry. Help us supply the manufacturers with umbrella frames. Annette Ladles Wear Co. (tf) WANTED-rCash register, small she. Phone 855, (225) WANTED TO BUY 40 ft. troll" lng hull, must be nearly new Apply Box 571 Dally News. (225) LOST LOST Wallet containing Identification card, American service pass, night of September 15. Small rewatd offered. Finder phone American Signals (220) LOST-Ration Book and Insurance Book, D. Jolnvllle. Finder please leave at Dally News. (225) Mirth Login, Swift's famed Home Econo-mijt, whose weekly cookiag column is t regular feature of this page. Look for these valuable hints every Monday A new and tasty way of making a main dish out of meat and vegetable left-overs. Now that we all must make our meats go further and yet serve properly, balanced meals in accordance with Canada's Nutrition Program new, interesting ways of using left-over meat and vegetables are much in demand. Try dus baked meat roll next time you have one or two cupfuls of meat left over. Make biscuit dough: 2 cups sifted flour, 4 tsp. baking powder, 'l tsp. salt, 4 tbsp. Jewel Shortening, Vi cup milk. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Cut in Jewel finely. Add milk gradually. Put the meat through the grinder and combine with any left-over vegetables or some CONSERVE FUEL When you ate baking pies, plan to economize by using your hot oven for main meal dishes like the meat roll described above. hy Martha Logan Economical Baked Meat Roll; raw chopped cabbage or grated car-rots. Add finely chopped onion, soft, . bread crumbs and an egg to bind Season to taste. Moisten with a lit tit, meat stock ot tomato juice and a dash of Worcester Sauce. Enclosa in the dough, wet and seal ends and' bake in a hot oven 30 minutes or until paste is done. Served with a. green salad or leafy green vegetable.' your family will love it. Don't forget to serve milk, tomato or citrus fruit and Canada Approved bread as well as meat and vegetables each day. Economical planning of dietetically correct wartime meals is easy if you have , MatjliaJ-Ogaru famaas mew cookbook mi "Meat Complete. " For this Hrgf. " baok, send 101 to Swift Canadian. Co. 1 d. Depi NE36 New Westminster SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LIMITED . . a Dominion-; wide organization devoted to the conservation and efficient distribution of Canada's food resources.. DEFERRED HARVEST STRETCHING RUBBER It takes from 20 to 25 years Natural rubber had been ad-" for a cork tree to reach mark- apted to more than 35,000 uses- etable age. before the war. A. MacKENZlE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE 0 BUY" We have received a shipment of Baby Carriages They will be- on display Sept. 20th, Monday. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue West Colourful Canada CALENDAR for 1944 Size 11 x 12 Spiral binding;, attractively set up. A beauti-fut Canadian Scene for each month of the year boxed ready to mail. price $1.50 i : ' ! MI 9 ....... . -?! . ,.- 3JL